926 resultados para Mäkisalo, Jukka: Grammar and experimental evidence in Finnish compounds
Aim: To study the influence on the healing of soft and hard peri-implant tissues when implants of different sizes and configurations were installed into sockets immediately after tooth extraction.Material and methods: Transmucosal cylindrical implants, 3.3 mm in diameter in the control sites, and conical 5 mm in diameter in the test sites, were installed into the distal socket of the fourth mandibular premolars in dogs immediately after tooth extraction. After 4 months, the hard and soft tissue healing was evaluated histologically. Results: All implants were integrated in mineralized mature bone. Both at the test and control sites, the alveolar crest underwent resorption. The buccal bony surface at the implant test sites (conical; 3.8 mm) was more resorbed compared with the control sites (cylindrical; 1.6 mm). The soft tissue dimensions were similar in both groups. However, in relation to the implant shoulder, the peri-implant mucosa was located more apically at the test compared with the control sites.Conclusion: The present study confirmed that the distance between the implant surface and the outer contour of the buccal alveolar bony crest influenced the degree of resorption of the buccal bone plate. Consequently, in relation to the implant shoulder, the peri-implant mucosa will be established at a more apical level, if the distance between the implant surface and the outer contour of the alveolar crest is small.
Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a macromolecule of importance in inflammation that has been implicated in periodontitis. The aims of this study were to investigate VEGF expression during the progression of periodontal disease and to evaluate the effect of a preferential cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor meloxicam on VEGF expression and alveolar bone loss in experimentally induced periodontitis.Methods: A total of 120 Wistar rats were randomly separated into groups 1 (control) and 2 (meloxicam, 3 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneally, for 3, 7, 14, or 30 days). Silk ligatures were placed at the gingival margin level of the lower right first molar of all rats. VEGF expression was assessed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blot (WB), and immunohistochemical (IHC) analyses. The hemiarcades were processed for histopathologic analysis. RT-PCR and WB results were submitted to analysis of variance, the Tukey test, and Pearson correlation analysis (P<0.05).Results: A reduction in alveolar bone resorption was observed in the meloxicam-treated group compared to the control group at all periods studied. There was a positive correlation between COX-2 mRNA and VEGF mRNA in the gingival tissues and periodontal disease (R = 0.80; P = 0.026). Meloxicam significantly reduced the increased mRNA VEGF expression in diseased tissues after 14 days of treatment (P = 0.023). Some alterations in VEGF receptor I mRNA expression were observed, but these were not statistically significant. VEGF protein expression in WB experiments was significantly higher in diseased sites compared to healthy sites (P<0.05). After 14 days of treatment with meloxicam, an important decrease in VEGF protein expression was detected in diseased tissues (P = 0.08). Qualitative IHC analysis revealed that VEGF protein expression was higher in diseased tissues and decreased in tissues from rats treated with meloxicam.Conclusions: The present data suggest an important role for VEGF in the progression of periodontal disease. Systemic therapy with meloxicam can modify the progression of experimentally induced periodontitis in rats by reducing VEGF expression and alveolar bone loss.
The effect of Ketoconazole (KTZ) on the hamster experimental intratesticular paracoccidioidomycosis was studied employing different treatment schedules. KTZ long course treatment beginning at an early stage of the infection was effective in preventing fungal proliferation, dissemination to lymph nodes, spleen and kidneys, and in maintaining low levels of humoral and cellular specific immune responses. KTZ short course treatment starting at an advanced stage of disease resulted in a more severe histopathological picture without significant changes in the immunological profile. The drug prolonged the life span of hamsters infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, but did not prevent mortality. Toxic necrosis of the bone marrow occurred in normal animals receiving 120 mg/kg/day of KTZ but with lower doses no morphologic alterations were observed in heart, lungs, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, liver, intestine or bone marrow. © 1984 Dr W. Junk Publishers.
Venous rethrombosis following thrombectomy is a common event. The aim of the present study was to verify the action of heparin, heparin plus acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) and dipyridamole, and of an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in the prevention of this complication. Thrombosis was induced in 48 male rabbits by the injection of thrombin in a segment of the left jugular vein, in which the blood flow was arrested for 10 minutes. After 48 hours, the animals were randomly allocated into one of 4 groups of treatment: (1) control, (2) subcutaneous heparin (600 S.I. Units/kg - 8/8 hours), (3) heparin, in the same dose, plus ASA (10 mg/kg/once a day), and dipyridamole (0.5 mg/kg thrice a day), (4) an AVF was surgically constructed between the left carotid after and the left maxillar vein. After 30 minutes, thrombectomy was performed. The venous blood flow, the hematocrit, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time tests were performed before, right after the thrombectomy and 48 hours after thrombectomy. Venography was performed after thrombectomy and at the end of the experiment. The animals were killed 48 hours after thrombectomy and the veins were examined macroscopically. Venous rethrombosis was significantly prevented only in the AVF group (9/12), when compared to control group (0/12), heparin group (1/12) and heparin plus antiaggregating agents group (2/12). These results validate further clinical and experimental investigations with the use of AVF to prevent rethrombosis after venous thrombectomy, when a reduction of venous flow is present.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work considers a problem of interest in several technological applications such as the thermal control of electronic equipment. It is also important to study the heat transfer performance of these components under off-normal conditions, such as during failure of cooling fans. The effect of natural convection on the flow and heat transfer in a cavity with two flush mounted heat sources on the left vertical wall, simulating electronic components, is studied numerically and experimentally. The influence of the power distribution, spacing between the heat sources and cavity aspect ratio have been investigated. An analysis of the average Nusselt number of the two heat sources was performed to investigate the behavior of the heat transfer coefficients. The results obtained numerically and experimentally, after an error analysis, showed a good agreement.
Purpose: Tissue reactions to 4 different implant surfaces were evaluated in regard to the development and progression of ligature-induced peri-implantitis. Materials and Methods: In 6 male mongrel dogs, a total of 36 dental implants with different surfaces (9 titanium plasma-sprayed, 9 hydroxyapatite-coated, 9 acid-etched, and 9 commercially pure titanium) were placed 3 months after mandibular premolar extraction. After 3 months with optimal plaque control, abutment connection was performed. Forty-five days later, cotton ligatures were placed around the implants to induce peri-implantitis. At baseline and 20, 40, and 60 days after placement, the presence of plaque, peri-implant mucosal redness, bleeding on probing, probing depth, clinical attachment loss, mobility, vertical bone loss, and horizontal bone loss were assessed. Results: The results did not show significant differences among the surfaces for any parameter during the study (P > .05). All surfaces were equally susceptible to ligature-induced peri-implantitis over time (P < .001). Correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between width of keratinized tissue and vertical bone loss (r 2 = 0.81; P = .014) and between mobility and vertical bone loss (r 2 = 0.66; P = .04), both for the titanium plasma-sprayed surface. Discussion and Conclusions: The present data suggest that all surfaces were equally susceptible to experimental peri-implantitis after a 60-day period.
PURPOSE: To test if a water extract of Coleus barbatus (WEB) has any effect on weight gain, food energy utilization and lipid metabolism in young rats with obstructive cholestasis. METHODS: Forty 21 day old (P21) Wistar rats, in groups of 10, were submitted to one of the following treatments: a sham operation with daily water or WEB administration, double ligature and resection of the bile duct with daily water or WEB administration. At P49 they were submitted for euthanasia when the following were determined: ingested feed (IF), energy utilization (EU) and weight gain (WG) from P29 to P49, together with total serum cholesterol (TC) and triacylglycerol (TG) concentrations, liver wet weight (LWW) and fat content (LFC). Two Way ANOVA and the S.N.K. test for paired comparisons were employed to study the effects of cholestasis and those of WEB and their interactions (p < or = 0.05). RESULTS: Cholestasis, independently of WEB, and WEB, independently of cholestasis both reduced IF, EU, and WG but there was no significant interaction between the two factors. Cholestasis, independently of WEB, increased LWW, LFC, the TC and TG The WEB, independently of cholestasis, reduced these values, and there was a significant interaction between the two factors; such that these effects were more accentuated in animals with cholestasis. CONCLUSION: The WEB reduced IF, WG, and EU, both in the presence and absence of cholestasis in the same proportion. It also partially inhibited the increase in LWW, LFC, TC and TG caused by cholestasis.
Background: Recent clinical studies have described maxillary sinus floor augmentation by simply elevating the maxillary sinus membrane without the use of adjunctive grafting materials. Purpose: This experimental study aimed at comparing the histologic outcomes of sinus membrane elevation and simultaneous placement of implants with and without adjunctive autogenous bone grafts. The purpose was also to investigate the role played by the implant surface in osseointegration under such circumstances. Materials and Methods: Four tufted capuchin primates had all upper premolars and the first molar extracted bilaterally. Four months later, the animals underwent maxillary sinus membrane elevation surgery using a replaceable bone window technique. The schneiderian membrane was kept elevated by insertion of two implants (turned and oxidized, Brånemark System®, Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden) in both sinuses. The right sinus was left with no additional treatment, whereas the left sinus was filled with autogenous bone graft. Implant stability was assessed through resonance frequency analysis (Osstell™, Integration Diagnostics AB, Göteborg, Sweden) at installation and at sacrifice. The pattern of bone formation in the experimental sites and related to the different implant surfaces was investigated using fluorochromes. The animals were sacrificed 6 months after the maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedure for histology and histomorphometry (bone-implant contact, bone area in threads, and bone area in rectangle). Results: The results showed no differences between membrane-elevated and grafted sites regarding implant stability, bone-implant contacts, and bone area within and outside implant threads. The oxidized implants exhibited improved integration compared with turned ones as higher values of bone-implant contact and bone area within threads were observed. Conclusions: The amount of augmented bone tissue in the maxillary sinus after sinus membrane elevation with or without adjunctive autogenous bone grafts does not differ after 6 months of healing. New bone is frequently deposited in contact with the schneiderian membrane in coagulum-alone sites, indicating the osteoinductive potential of the membrane. Oxidized implants show a stronger bone tissue response than turned implants in sinus floor augmentation procedures. © 2006 Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
The influence of soil drill rod length on the N value in the SPT-T test has been studied extensively by Mello (1971), Schmertmann & Palacios (1979), Odebrecht et al. (2002) and Cavalcante (2002). This paper presents an analysis of the Standard Penetration Test supplemented with torque measurement (SPT-T). A theoretical study of the resistance of the rod material to torsion and bending indicated that the shear stress caused by the rod self-weight represents less than 1% of that caused by the torsional moment. An experimental study with electric torquemeters attached to a horizontal rod system, as well as two field tests in the vertical direction, were also carried out to compare and substantiate the results. The purpose of these tests was to analyze changes along the length of the rod in response to successive increments at 1-meter intervals. Torque measurements were taken at each increment of the length to ascertain the accuracy of the theoretical data. The difference between the applied torque and the measured torque at the end of rod system was lower than the minimum scale of mechanical torquemeters used in practice.
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Aim: To evaluate the integration of implants installed at the interface of pristine and grafted tissue augmented with particulate autologous bone or deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM), concomitantly with a collagen membrane. Material and methods: In 6 Labrador dogs, the distal root of 3P3 and 4P4 was endodontically treated and hemi-sected, and the mesial roots extracted concomitantly with the extraction of 2P2. The buccal bony walls were removed, and two box-shaped defects, one larger and one smaller, were created. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, and the defects were filled with particulate autologous bone or DBBM in the right and left side of the mandible, respectively. Collagen membranes were used to cover the grafted areas. Three months later, flaps were elevated, and a customized device was used as surgical guide to prepare the recipient sites at the interface between grafts and pristine bone. One implant was installed in each of the four defects. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested and ground sections prepared for histological evaluation. Results: The augmentation technique was effective at all sites and all the foreseen implants were installed. In the histological analysis, all implants were integrated in mature bone, at both the buccal and lingual aspects. The most coronal bone-to-implant contact and the top of the buccal bony crest were located at a similar distance between test and control implants. However, these distances were higher at the larger compared with the smaller defects. Especially in the large defect, residual particles of DBBM were found embedded into connective tissue and located outside the bony crest. Conclusions: Particulate autologous bone as well as DBBM particles used to augment horizontally the alveolar bony process allowed for the osseointegration of implants installed after 3 months of healing. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Evidence is presented for the associated production of a single top quark and W boson in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb -1. The measurement is performed using events with two leptons and a jet originated from a b quark. A multivariate analysis based on kinematic properties is utilized to separate the tt̄ background from the signal. The observed signal has a significance of 4.0σ and corresponds to a cross section of 16-4+5 pb, in agreement with the standard model expectation of 15.6±0.4-1.2+1.0 pb. © 2013 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.