909 resultados para Lymphocyte T CD8
La Organización Mundial de la Salud declaro que el cáncer es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo, para el 2012 se presentó un total de 8.2 millones de defunciones. A pesar de la gran cantidad de recursos invertidos en investigación, la tasa de mortalidad no ha sido disminuida, por lo tanto es necesario el desarrollo de nuevas terapias efectivas contra el cáncer. Desde sus inicios, en el campo de la inmunoterapia se han realizado numerosos ensayos en humanos con cáncer y en modelos animales, obteniendo algunos casos de regresión tumoral completa. En el presente trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la terapia autóloga en perros inoculados experimentalmente con Tumor Venéreo Transmisible (TVT). Se inoculó12 hembras de raza mixta con TVT (1x108 células) intragenital, una vez que el tumor alcanzo un volumen de 10cm 3 , se colectó una biopsia con la cual se extrajo el antÃgeno tumoral total (300 µg/mL) el cual fue agregado (30µg/mL) en cultivos de células dendrÃticas inmaduras. Linfocitos totales obtenidos del mismo paciente y CPAs (CD80+ 80.3%, CD83+ 76.4%, DLA II 86.5%) cargadas con antÃgeno tumoral fueron co-cultivados en presencia de estÃmulos con IL-21 (50ng/mL) o IL-2 (20ng/mL), posterior a la activación de los linfocitos (746.88 pg/mL IFNÈ–), las células T CD8+ especÃficos de tumor fueron separadas por selección negativa (Dynabeads Untouched) con un 82.6% de pureza para finalmente ser expandidas con OKT3. Se llevó a cabo un ensayo de in vitro de la citotoxicidad de los Linfocitos T CD8+ especÃficos de tumor contra las células de TVT, obteniendo 100% de lisis de la célula tumoral cultivada en presencia de linfocitos CD8+ especÃficos de tumor estimulados con IL-21 y un 90% de citotoxicidad tumoral cuando los CD8+ fueron especÃficos pero estimulados con IL-2, cuando los CD8+ no fueron especÃficos de tumor el porcentaje de citotoxicidad fue muy poco (10%). In vivo el grupo 1 fue tratado con terapia autóloga, linfocitos T CD8+ (5x107 célulaspor ciclo) especÃficos de tumor estimulados con IL-21 y aplicados en 3 ciclos en intervalos de 2 semanas. Como grupos control se utilizaron perros con tumor sin tratamiento (grupo 2), perros con tumor tratados con suero glucosado (grupo 3) y perros con tumor tratados con transfusión sanguÃnea autóloga (grupo 4). Después de la terapia autóloga la inmunidad celular (CD4+ y CD8+ ) e IFNÈ– fue incrementada observando regresión tumoral en los perros del grupo 1. Estos resultados indican que la terapia autóloga es eficaz en la destrucción del TVT.
L’infection au VIH s’accompagne souvent de dérégulations du compartiment des lymphocytes B qui nuisent à la génération de réponses efficaces. En effet, détectées tôt après l’infection, ces dérégulations perdurent, ne sont pas totalement restaurées par la thérapie, et mènent souvent à des manifestations auto-immunes et lymphomes. Une étude longitudinale de notre groupe, effectuée avec des cellules mononucléées du sang circulant provenant de patients VIH+ avec différents types de progression clinique, a démontré qu’un niveau élevé de BLyS chez des individus VIH+ progresseurs était associé à une dérégulation des fréquences de populations de cellules B avec augmentation de cellules innées de la zone marginale (MZ) présentant des caractéristiques d’immaturité et d’activation. Au contraire, chez des individus VIH+ non-progresseurs avirémiques ou contrôleurs d’élite, les niveaux de BLyS étaient dans la normale et ce sont les fréquences de cellules B MZ plus matures qui étaient diminuées. La résistance au VIH pourrait aussi impliquer le contrôle de BLyS et son impact sur les cellules B. De ce fait, nous avons préalablement recruté une cohorte de travailleuses du sexe (TS) à Cotonou (Bénin) dans laquelle nous avons identifié des femmes qui demeurent séronégatives malgré une exposition soutenue au virus. Nous avons mesuré les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et dans les lavages cervico-vaginaux (CVL) de TS VIH- et les avons comparés à ceux mesurés chez des TS VIH+ et un groupe contrôle de non-TS VIH- . Nous avons trouvé que les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et le CVL des TS VIH- étaient inférieurs à ceux des TS VIH+ et des non-TS VIH-. Le niveau d’expression de BLyS à la surface des lymphocytes T, monocytes et cellules dendritiques de TS VIH- était augmenté, mais à un niveau moindre que les TS VIH+. Chez les TS VIH+, les hauts niveaux de BLyS étaient concomitants avec une dérégulation du compartiment B caractérisée par une hyperglobulinémie, une augmentation de la fréquence de populations avec un profil immature/inné et une plus grande proportion de plasmablastes IgG vs IgA. Au contraire, les niveaux inférieurs de BLyS dans le sang des TS VIH- coïncident avec un compartiment B préservé, révélant que les lymphocytes B MZ peuvent être impliqués dans l’immunité naturelle au VIH. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance du contrôle des niveaux de BLyS et du maintien de l’intégrité du compartiment B dans la résistance au VIH.
L’infection au VIH s’accompagne souvent de dérégulations du compartiment des lymphocytes B qui nuisent à la génération de réponses efficaces. En effet, détectées tôt après l’infection, ces dérégulations perdurent, ne sont pas totalement restaurées par la thérapie, et mènent souvent à des manifestations auto-immunes et lymphomes. Une étude longitudinale de notre groupe, effectuée avec des cellules mononucléées du sang circulant provenant de patients VIH+ avec différents types de progression clinique, a démontré qu’un niveau élevé de BLyS chez des individus VIH+ progresseurs était associé à une dérégulation des fréquences de populations de cellules B avec augmentation de cellules innées de la zone marginale (MZ) présentant des caractéristiques d’immaturité et d’activation. Au contraire, chez des individus VIH+ non-progresseurs avirémiques ou contrôleurs d’élite, les niveaux de BLyS étaient dans la normale et ce sont les fréquences de cellules B MZ plus matures qui étaient diminuées. La résistance au VIH pourrait aussi impliquer le contrôle de BLyS et son impact sur les cellules B. De ce fait, nous avons préalablement recruté une cohorte de travailleuses du sexe (TS) à Cotonou (Bénin) dans laquelle nous avons identifié des femmes qui demeurent séronégatives malgré une exposition soutenue au virus. Nous avons mesuré les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et dans les lavages cervico-vaginaux (CVL) de TS VIH- et les avons comparés à ceux mesurés chez des TS VIH+ et un groupe contrôle de non-TS VIH- . Nous avons trouvé que les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et le CVL des TS VIH- étaient inférieurs à ceux des TS VIH+ et des non-TS VIH-. Le niveau d’expression de BLyS à la surface des lymphocytes T, monocytes et cellules dendritiques de TS VIH- était augmenté, mais à un niveau moindre que les TS VIH+. Chez les TS VIH+, les hauts niveaux de BLyS étaient concomitants avec une dérégulation du compartiment B caractérisée par une hyperglobulinémie, une augmentation de la fréquence de populations avec un profil immature/inné et une plus grande proportion de plasmablastes IgG vs IgA. Au contraire, les niveaux inférieurs de BLyS dans le sang des TS VIH- coïncident avec un compartiment B préservé, révélant que les lymphocytes B MZ peuvent être impliqués dans l’immunité naturelle au VIH. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance du contrôle des niveaux de BLyS et du maintien de l’intégrité du compartiment B dans la résistance au VIH.
The protective immune response generated by a commercial monovalent inactivated vaccine against bluetongue virus serotype 1 (BTV1) was studied. Five sheep were vaccinated, boost-vaccinated, and then challenged against BTV1 ALG/2006. RT-PCR did not detect viremia at any time during the experiment. Except a temperature increase observed after the initial and boost vaccinations, no clinical signs or lesions were observed. A specific and protective antibody response checked by ELISA was induced after vaccination and boost vaccination. This specific antibody response was associated with a significant increase in B lymphocytes confirmed by flow cytometry, while significant increases were not observed in T lymphocyte subpopulations (CD4(+), CD8(+), and WC1(+)), CD25(+) regulatory cells, or CD14(+) monocytes. After challenge with BTV1, the antibody response was much higher than during the boost vaccination period, and it was associated with a significant increase in B lymphocytes, CD14(+) monocytes, CD25(+) regulatory cells, and CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
Breast cancer, the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in women, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. Well-established risk factors of breast cancer are mostly related to women’s reproductive history, such as early menarche, late first pregnancy and late menopause. Survival rates have improved due to a combination of factors, including better health education, early detection with large-scale use of screening mammogram, improved surgical techniques, as well as widespread use of adjuvant therapy. At initial presentation, clinicopathological features of breast cancer such as age, nodal status, tumour size, tumour grade, and hormonal receptor status are considered to be the standard prognostic and predictive markers of patient survival, and are used to guide appropriate treatment strategies. Lymphovascular invasion (LBVI), including lymphatic (LVI) and blood (BVI) vessel invasion, has been reported to be prognostic and merit accurate evaluation, particularly in patients with node negative tumours who might benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. There is a lack of standard assessment and agreement on distinguishing LVI from BVI despite the major challenges in the field. A systematic review of the literatures, examining methods of detection and the prognostic significance of LBVI, LVI and BVI, was carried out. The majority of studies used haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and classical histochemistry to identify LVI and BVI. Only few recent studies used immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of the endothelium lining lymphatic and blood vessels, and were able to show clear differences between LVI and BVI. The prognostic significance of LBVI and LVI was well-documented and strongly associated with aggressive features of breast tumours, while the prognostic value and the optimal detection method of BVI were unclear. Assessment and prognostic value of LBVI on H&E sections (LBVIH&E) was examined and compared to that of LVI and BVI detected using IHC with D2-40 for LVI (LVID2–40) and Factor VIII for BVI (BVIFVIII) in patients with breast cancer including node negative and triple negative patients (n=360). LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 102 (28%), 127 (35%) and 59 (16%) patients respectively. In node negative patients (206), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 41 (20%), 53 (26%) and 21 (10%) respectively. In triple negative patients (102), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 35 (29%), 36 (35%) and 14 (14%) respectively. LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were all significantly associated with tumour recurrence in all cohorts. On multivariate survival analysis, only LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were independent predictors of cancer specific survival (CSS) in the whole cohort (P=0.022 and P<0.001 respectively), node negative (P=0.008 and P=0.001 respectively) and triple negative patients (P=0.014 and P<0.001 respectively). Assessment of LVI and BVI by IHC, using D2-40 and Factor VIII, improves prediction of outcome in patients with node negative and triple negative breast cancer and was superior to the conventional detection method. Breast cancer is recognised as a complex molecular disease and histologically identical tumours may have highly variable outcomes, including different responses to therapy. Therefore, there is a compelling need for new prognostic and predictive markers helpful of selecting patients at risk and patients with aggressive diseases who might benefit from adjuvant and targeted therapy. It is increasingly recognised that the development and progression of human breast cancer is not only determined by genetically abnormal cells, but also dependent on complex interactions between malignant cells and the surrounding microenvironment. This has led to reconsider the features of tumour microenvironment as potential predictive and prognostic markers. Among these markers, tumour stroma percentage (TSP) and tumour budding, as well as local tumour inflammatory infiltrate have received recent attention. In particular, the local environment of cytokines, proteases, angiogenic and growth factors secreted by inflammatory cells and stromal fibroblasts has identified crucial roles in facilitating tumour growth, and metastasis of cancer cells through lymphatic and/or blood vessel invasion. This might help understand the underlying process promoting tumour invasion into these vessels. An increase in the proportion of tumour stroma and an increase in the dissociation of tumour cells have been associated with poorer survival in a number of solid tumours, including breast cancer. However, the interrelationship between these variables and other features of the tumour microenvironment in different subgroups of breast cancer are not clear. Also, whether their prognostic values are independent of other components of the tumour microenvironment have yet to be identified. Therefore, the relationship between TSP, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, in particular node negative and triple negative disease was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=361). The TSP was assessed on the haematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections. With a cut-off value of 50% TSP, patients with ≤50% stroma were classified as the low-TSP group and those with >50% stroma were classified as the high-TSP group. A total of 109 (30%) patients had high TSP. Patients with high TSP were old age (P=0.035), had involved lymph node (P=0.049), Her-2 positive tumours (P=0.029), low-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.034), low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P<0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.023) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.017), tumour recurrence (P=0.015) and shorter CSS (P<0.001). In node negative patients (n=207), high TSP was associated with low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P=0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.040) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.016) and shorter CSS (P=0.005). In triple negative patients (n=103), high TSP was associated with increased tumour size (P=0.017) high tumour grade (P=0.014), low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.048) and shorter CSS (P=0.041). The 15-year cancer specific survival rate was 79% vs 21% in the low-TSP group vs high-TSP group. On multivariate survival analysis, a high TSP was associated with reduced CSS in the whole cohort (P=0.007), node negative patients (P=0.005) and those who received systemic adjuvant therapy (P=0.016), independent of other pathological characteristics including local host inflammatory responses. Therefore, a high TSP in invasive ductal breast cancer was associated with recurrence and poorer long-term survival. The inverse relation with the tumour inflammatory infiltrate highlights the importance of the amount of tumour stroma on immunological response in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. Implementing this simple and reproducible parameter in routine pathological examination may help optimise risk stratification in patients with breast cancer. Similarly, the relationship between tumour budding, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=474), using routine pathological sections. Tumour budding was associated with several adverse pathological characteristics, including positive lymph node (P=0.009), presence of LVI (P<0.001), and high TSP (P=0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.002). In node negative patients, a high tumour budding was associated with presence of LVI (P<0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.038). On multivariate survival analysis, tumour budding was associated with reduced CSS (P=0.001), independent of nodal status, tumour necrosis, CD8+ and CD138+ inflammatory cells infiltrate, LVI, BVI and TSP. Furthermore, tumour budding was independently associated with reduced CSS in node negative patients (P=0.004) and in those who have low TSP (P=0.003) and high-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.012). A high tumour budding was significantly associated with shorter CSS in luminal B and triple negative breast cancer subtypes (all P<0.001). Therefore, tumour budding was a significant predictor of poor survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, independent of adverse pathological characteristics and components of tumour microenvironment. These results suggest that tumour budding may promote disease progression through a direct effect on local and distant invasion into lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, detection of tumour buds at the stroma invasive front might therefore represent a morphologic link between tumour progression, lymphatic invasion, spread of tumour cells to regional lymph nodes, and the establishment of metastatic dissemination. Given the potential importance of the tumour microenvironment, the characterisation of intracellular signalling pathways is important in the tumour microenvironment and is of considerable interest. One plausible signalling molecule that links tumour stroma, inflammatory cell infiltrate and tumour budding is the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT). The relationship between total and phosphorylated STAT1 (ph-STAT1), and total and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, components of tumour microenvironment and survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer was examined. IHC of total and ph-STAT1/STAT3 was performed on tissue microarray of 384 breast cancer specimens. Cellular STAT1 and cellular STAT3 expression at both cytoplasmic and nuclear locations were combined and identified as STAT1/STAT3 tumour cell expression. These results were then related to CSS and phenotypic features of the tumour and host. A high ph-STAT1 and a high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was associated with increased ER (P=0.001 and P<0.001 respectively) and PR (all P<0.05), reduced tumour grade (P=0.015 and P<0.001 respectively) and necrosis (all P=0.001). Ph-STAT1 was associated with increased general peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.007) and ph-STAT3 was associated with lower CD4+ T-lymphocyte infiltrate (P=0.024). On multivariate survival analysis, including both ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, only high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was significantly associated with improved CSS (P=0.010) independent of other tumour and host-based factors. In patients with high necrosis grade, high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was independent predictor of improved CSS (P=0.021). Ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 were also significantly associated with improved cancer specific survival in luminal A and B subtypes. STAT1 and STAT3 tumour cell expression appeared to be an important determinant of favourable outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. The present results suggest that STATs may affect disease outcome through direct impact on tumour cells, and the surrounding microenvironment. The above observations of the present thesis point to the importance of the tumour microenvironment in promoting tumour budding, LVI and BVI. The observations from STATs work may suggest that an important driving mechanism for the above associations is the presence of tumour necrosis, probably secondary to hypoxia. Further work is needed to examine the interaction of other molecular pathways involved in the tumour microenvironment, such as HIF and NFkB in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer.
The CDKN2A gene encodes p16 (CDKN2A), a cell-cycle inhibitor protein which prevents inappropriate cell cycling and, hence, proliferation. Germ-line mutations in CDKN2A predispose to the familial atypical multiple-mole melanoma (FAMMM) syndrome but also have been seen in rare families in which only 1 or 2 individuals are affected by cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). We therefore sequenced exons 1alpha and 2 of CDKN2A using lymphocyte DNA isolated from index cases from 67 families with cancers at multiple sites, where the patterns of cancer did not resemble those attributable to known genes such as hMLH1, hMLH2, BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 or other cancer susceptibility genes. We found one mutation, a mis-sense mutation resulting in a methionine to isoleucine change at codon 53 (M531) of exon 2. The individual tested had developed 2 CMMs but had no dysplastic nevi and lacked a family history of dysplastic nevi or CMM. Other family members had been diagnosed with oral cancer (2 persons), bladder cancer (1 person) and possibly gall-bladder cancer. While this mutation has been reported in Australian and North American melanoma kindreds, we did not observe it in 618 chromosomes from Scottish and Canadian controls. Functional studies revealed that the CDKN2A variant carrying the M531 change was unable to bind effectively to CDK4, showing that this mutation is of pathological significance. Our results have confirmed that CDKN2A mutations are not limited to FAMMM kindreds but also demonstrate that multi-site cancer families without melanoma are very unlikely to contain CDKN2A mutations.
Introduction—Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) is necessary for Kaposi sarcoma (KS) to develop, but whether peripheral blood viral load is a marker of KS burden (total number of KS lesions), KS progression (the rate of eruption of new KS lesions), or both is unclear. We investigated these relationships in persons with AIDS. Methods—Newly diagnosed patients with AIDS-related KS attending Mulago Hospital, in Kampala, Uganda, were assessed for KS burden and progression by questionnaire and medical examination. Venous blood samples were taken for HHV8 load measurements by PCR. Associations were examined with odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) from logistic regression models and with t-tests. Results—Among 74 patients (59% men), median age was 34.5 years (interquartile range [IQR], 28.5-41). HHV8 DNA was detected in 93% and quantified in 77% patients. Median virus load was 3.8 logs10/106 peripheral blood cells (IQR 3.4-5.0) and was higher in men than women (4.4 vs. 3.8 logs; p=0.04), in patients with faster (>20 lesions per year) than slower rate of KS lesion eruption (4.5 vs. 3.6 logs; p<0.001), and higher, but not significantly, among patients with more (>median [20] KS lesions) than fewer KS lesions (4.4 vs. 4.0 logs; p=0.16). HHV8 load was unrelated to CD4 lymphocyte count (p=0.23). Conclusions—We show significant association of HHV8 load in peripheral blood with rate of eruption of KS lesions, but not with total lesion count. Our results suggest that viral load increases concurrently with development of new KS lesions.
In persons with HIV/AIDS (PWHAs), Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) risk is increased. However, HL incidence in PWHAs has unexpectedly increased since highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced. We linked nationwide HIV/AIDS and cancer registry data from 1980 through 2002. Immunity was assessed by CD4 T-lymphocyte counts at AIDS onset. Annual HL incidence rates were calculated for 4 through 27 months after AIDS onset. During 477 368 person years (py's) of follow-up in 317 428 persons with AIDS (PWAs), 173 HL cases occurred (36.2 per 105 py's). Incidence was significantly higher in 1996 to 2002 than earlier. Incidence in PWAs with 150 to 199 CD4 cells/μL was 53.7 per 105 py's, whereas in PWAs with fewer than 50 CD4 cells/μL, it was 20.7 per 105 py's (Ptrend = .002). For each HL subtype, incidence decreased with declining CD4 counts, but nodular sclerosing decreased more precipitously than mixed cellularity, thereby increasing the proportion of mixed cellularity HL seen in PWAs. We conclude that HL incidence is lower with severe immunosuppression than with moderate immunosuppression, and HAART-related improvements in CD4 counts likely explain the increasing HL incidence in PWHAS observed since 1996. With more severe immunosuppression, nodular sclerosing HL becomes infrequent, explaining the higher proportion of mixed cellularity HL found in PWAs. Pathogenesis implications are discussed.
The immune system plays an important role in defending the body against tumours and other threats. Currently, mechanisms involved in immune system interactions with tumour cells are not fully understood. Here we develop a mathematical tool that can be used in aiding to address this shortfall in understanding. This paper de- scribes a hybrid cellular automata model of the interaction between a growing tumour and cells of the innate and specific immune system including the effects of chemokines that builds on previous models of tumour-immune system interactions. In particular, the model is focused on the response of immune cells to tumour cells and how the dynamics of the tumour cells change due to the immune system of the host. We present results and predictions of in silico experiments including simulations of Kaplan-Meier survival-like curves.
Interleukin(IL)-18 is a pleiotrophic cytokine with functions in immune modulation, angiogenesis and bone metabolism. In this study, the potential of IL-18 as an immunotherapy for prostate cancer (PCa) was examined using the murine model of prostate carcinoma, RM1 and a bone metastatic variant RM1(BM)/B4H7-luc. RM1 and RM1(BM)/B4H7-luc cells were stably transfected to express bioactive IL-18. These cells were implanted into syngeneic immunocompetent mice, with or without an IL-18-neutralising antibody (αIL-18, SK113AE4). IL-18 significantly inhibited the growth of both subcutaneous and orthotopic RM1 tumors and the IL-18 neutralizing antibody abrogated the tumor growth-inhibition. In vivo neutralization of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) completely eliminated the anti-tumor effects of IL-18 confirming an essential role of IFN-γ as a down-stream mediator of the anti-tumor activity of IL-18. Tumors from mice in which IL-18 and/or IFN-γ was neutralized contained significantly fewer CD4+ and CD8+ T cells than those with functional IL-18. The essential role of adaptive immunity was demonstrated as tumors grew more rapidly in RAG1−/− mice or in mice depleted of CD4+ and/or CD8+ cells than in normal mice. The tumors in RAG1−/− mice were also significantly smaller when IL-18 was present, indicating that innate immune mechanisms are involved. IL-18 also induced an increase in tumor infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils but not NK cells. In other experiments, direct injection of recombinant IL-18 into established tumors also inhibited tumor growth, which was associated with an increase in intratumoral macrophages, but not T cells. These results suggest that local IL-18 in the tumor environment can significantly potentiate anti-tumor immunity in the prostate and clearly demonstrate that this effect is mediated by innate and adaptive immune mechanisms.
Bone defects, especially large bone defects, remain a major challenge in orthopaedic surgery. Autologous bone transplantation is considered the most effective treatment, but insufficient donor tissue, coupled with concerns about donor site morbidity, has hindered this approach in large-scale applications. Alternative approaches include implanting biomaterials such as bioactive glass (BG), which has been widely used for bone defect healing, due to having generally good biocompatibility, and can be gradually biodegraded during the process of new bone formation. Mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG) is a newly developed bioactive glass which has been proven to have enhanced in-vitro bioactivity; however the in-vivo osteogenesis has not been studied. A critical problem in using the bone tissue engineering approach to restore large bone defects is that the nutrient supply and cell viability at the centre of the scaffold is severely hampered since the diffusion distance of nutrients and oxygen for cell survival is limited to 150-200µm. Cobalt ions has been shown to mimic hypoxia, which plays a pivotal role in coupling angiogenesis with osteogenesis in-vivo by activating hypoxia inducing factor-1α (HIF-1α) transcription factor, subsequently initiating the expression of genes associated with tissue regeneration. Therefore, one aim of this study is to investigate the in-vivo osteogenesis of MBG by comparison with BG and β-TCP, which are widely used clinically. The other aim is to explore hypoxia-mimicking biomaterials by incorporating Cobalt into MBG and β-TCP. MBG and β-TCP incorporated with 5% cobalt (5Co-MBG and 5CCP) have also been studied in-vivo to determine whether the hypoxic effect has a beneficial effect on the bone formation. The composition and microstructure of synthesised materials (BG, MBG, 5Co-MBG, 5CCP) were characterised, along with the mesopore properties of the MBG materials. Dissolution and cytotoxicity of the Co-containing materials were also investigated. Femoral samples with defects harvested at 4 and 8 weeks were scanned using micro-CT followed by processing for histology (H&E staining) to determine bone formation. Histology of MBG showed a slower rate of bone formation at 4 weeks than BG, however at 8 weeks it could be clearly seen that MBG had more bone formation. The in-vivo results show that the osteogenesis of MBG reciprocates the enhanced performance shown in-vitro compared to BG. Dissolution study showed that Co ions can be efficiently released from MBG and β-TCP in a controllable way. Low amounts of Co incorporated into the MBG and β-TCP showed no significant cytotoxicity and the Co-MBG powders maintained a mesopore structure although not as highly ordered as pure MBG. Preliminary study has shown that Co incorporated samples showed little to no bone formation, instead incurring high lymphocyte activity. Further studies need to be done on Co incorporated materials to determine the cause for high lymphocyte activity in-vivo, which appear to hinder bone formation. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the osteogenic activity of MBG and provided some valuable information of tissue reaction to Co-incorporated MBG and TCP materials.
Background We have previously demonstrated that human kidney proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTEC) are able to modulate autologous T and B lymphocyte responses. It is well established that dendritic cells (DC) are responsible for the initiation and direction of adaptive immune responses and that these cells occur in the renal interstitium in close apposition to PTEC under inflammatory disease settings. However, there is no information regarding the interaction of PTEC with DC in an autologous human context. Methods Human monocytes were differentiated into monocyte-derived DC (MoDC) in the absence or presence of primary autologous activated PTEC and matured with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], while purified, pre-formed myeloid blood DC (CD1c+ BDC) were cultured with autologous activated PTEC in the absence or presence of poly(I:C) stimulation. DC responses were monitored by surface antigen expression, cytokine secretion, antigen uptake capacity and allogeneic T-cell-stimulatory ability. Results The presence of autologous activated PTEC inhibited the differentiation of monocytes to MoDC. Furthermore, MoDC differentiated in the presence of PTEC displayed an immature surface phenotype, efficient phagocytic capacity and, upon poly(I:C) stimulation, secreted low levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-12p70, high levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and induced weak Th1 responses. Similarly, pre-formed CD1c+ BDC matured in the presence of PTEC exhibited an immature tolerogenic surface phenotype, strong endocytic and phagocytic ability and stimulated significantly attenuated T-cell proliferative responses. Conclusions Our data suggest that activated PTEC regulate human autologous immunity via complex interactions with DC. The ability of PTEC to modulate autologous DC function has important implications for the dampening of pro-inflammatory immune responses within the tubulointerstitium in renal injuries. Further dissection of the mechanisms of PTEC modulation of autologous immune responses may offer targets for therapeutic intervention in renal medicine.
Chlamydial infections represent a major threat to the long-term survival of the koala and a successful vaccine would provide a valuable management tool. Vaccination however has the potential to enhance inflammatory disease in animals exposed to a natural infection prior to vaccination, a finding in early human and primate trials of whole cell vaccines to prevent trachoma. In the present study, we vaccinated both healthy koalas as well as clinically diseased koalas with a multi-subunit vaccine consisting of Chlamydia pecorum MOMP and NrdB mixed with immune stimulating complex as adjuvant. Following vaccination, there was no increase in inflammatory pathological changes in animals previously infected with Chlamydia. Strong antibody (including neutralizing antibodies) and lymphocyte proliferation responses were recorded in all vaccinated koalas, both healthy and clinically diseased. Vaccine induced antibodies specific for both vaccine antigens were observed not only in plasma but also in ocular secretions. Our data shows that an experimental chlamydial vaccine is safe to use in previously infected koalas, in that it does not worsen infection-associated lesions. Furthermore, the prototype vaccine is effective, as demonstrated by strong levels of neutralizing antibody and lymphocyte proliferation responses in both healthy and clinically diseased koalas. Collectively, this work illustrates the feasibility of developing a safe and effective Chlamydia vaccine as a tool for management of disease in wild koalas.
Immunotherapy is a promising new treatment for patients with advanced prostate and ovarian cancer, but its application is limited by the lack of suitable target antigens that are recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Human kallikrein 4 (KLK4) is a member of the kallikrein family of serine proteases that is significantly overexpressed in malignant versus healthy prostate and ovarian tissue, making it an attractive target for immunotherapy. We identified a naturally processed, HLA-A*0201-restricted peptide epitope within the signal sequence region of KLK4 that induced CTL responses in vitro in most healthy donors and prostate cancer patients tested. These CTL lysed HLA-A*0201+ KLK4 + cell lines and KLK4 mRNA-transfected monocyte-derived dendritic cells. CTL specific for the HLA-A*0201-restricted KLK4 peptide were more readily expanded to a higher frequency in vitro compared to the known HLA-A*0201-restricted epitopes from prostate cancer antigens; prostate-specific antigen (PSA), prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). These data demonstrate that KLK4 is an immunogenic molecule capable of inducing CTL responses and identify it as an attractive target for prostate and ovarian cancer immunotherapy.