904 resultados para Lipschitzian bounds
We present a quantum algorithm to simulate general finite dimensional Lindblad master equations without the requirement of engineering the system-environment interactions. The proposed method is able to simulate both Markovian and non-Markovian quantum dynamics. It consists in the quantum computation of the dissipative corrections to the unitary evolution of the system of interest, via the reconstruction of the response functions associated with the Lindblad operators. Our approach is equally applicable to dynamics generated by effectively non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We confirm the quality of our method providing specific error bounds that quantify its accuracy.
O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a singularidade das estratégias terapêuticas introduzidas pelo modelo das Clínicas da Dor, através de um estudo genealógico desse projeto terapêutico e sua contextualização no âmbito da racionalidade científica moderna. Mais especificamente, pretende-se analisar as transformações na racionalidade médica que permitiram, sucessivamente, a apreensão da dor pelo discurso médico, a concepção da dor como uma doença e a construção e a consolidação do modelo terapêutico das Clínicas da Dor. Para tal, inicialmente, analisamos o modelo terapêutico desenvolvido pelo médico anestesista John Bonica, idealizador do modelo das Clínicas da Dor, destacando as ferramentas conceituais que possibilitaram a compreensão da dor crônica como doença e como fenômeno biopsicossocial. Num segundo momento, realizamos uma descrição e análise dos principais eventos que permitiram a consolidação da medicina da dor como uma prática específica e multidisciplinar, dando destaque à inserção deste modelo no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde Brasileiro. Finalmente, a partir de uma experiência clínico-institucional buscamos refletir sobre os limites e possibilidades da aplicação prática deste modelo, lançando luz sobre os impasses da clínica e tensões oriundas da problematização, do dualismo mente e corpo e das práticas terapêuticas interdisciplinares.
Rockfish species are notoriously difficult to sample with multispecies bottom trawl survey methods. Typically, biomass estimates have high coefficients of variation and can fluctuate outside the bounds of biological reality from year to year. This variation may be due in part to their patchy distribution related to very specific habitat preferences. We successfully modeled the distribution of five commercially important and abundant rockf ish species. A two-stage modeling method (modeling both presence-absence and abundance) and a collection of important habitat variables were used to predict bottom trawl survey catch per unit of effort. The resulting models explained between 22% and 66% of the variation in rockfish distribution. The models were largely driven by depth, local slope, bottom temperature, abundance of coral and sponge, and measures of water column productivity (i.e., phytoplankton and zooplankton). A year-effect in the models was back-transformed and used as an index of the time series of abundance. The abundance index trajectories of three of five species were similar to the existing estimates of their biomass. In the majority of cases the habitat-based indices exhibited less interannual variability and similar precision when compared with stratified survey-based biomass estimates. These indices may provide for stock assessment models a more stable alternative to current biomass estimates produced by the multispecies bottom trawl survey in the Gulf of Alaska.
Esta dissertação aplica a regularização por entropia máxima no problema inverso de apreçamento de opções, sugerido pelo trabalho de Neri e Schneider em 2012. Eles observaram que a densidade de probabilidade que resolve este problema, no caso de dados provenientes de opções de compra e opções digitais, pode ser descrito como exponenciais nos diferentes intervalos da semireta positiva. Estes intervalos são limitados pelos preços de exercício. O critério de entropia máxima é uma ferramenta poderosa para regularizar este problema mal posto. A família de exponencial do conjunto solução, é calculado usando o algoritmo de Newton-Raphson, com limites específicos para as opções digitais. Estes limites são resultados do princípio de ausência de arbitragem. A metodologia foi usada em dados do índice de ação da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo com seus preços de opções de compra em diferentes preços de exercício. A análise paramétrica da entropia em função do preços de opções digitais sínteticas (construídas a partir de limites respeitando a ausência de arbitragem) mostraram valores onde as digitais maximizaram a entropia. O exemplo de extração de dados do IBOVESPA de 24 de janeiro de 2013, mostrou um desvio do princípio de ausência de arbitragem para as opções de compra in the money. Este princípio é uma condição necessária para aplicar a regularização por entropia máxima a fim de obter a densidade e os preços. Nossos resultados mostraram que, uma vez preenchida a condição de convexidade na ausência de arbitragem, é possível ter uma forma de smile na curva de volatilidade, com preços calculados a partir da densidade exponencial do modelo. Isto coloca o modelo consistente com os dados do mercado. Do ponto de vista computacional, esta dissertação permitiu de implementar, um modelo de apreçamento que utiliza o princípio de entropia máxima. Três algoritmos clássicos foram usados: primeiramente a bisseção padrão, e depois uma combinação de metodo de bisseção com Newton-Raphson para achar a volatilidade implícita proveniente dos dados de mercado. Depois, o metodo de Newton-Raphson unidimensional para o cálculo dos coeficientes das densidades exponenciais: este é objetivo do estudo. Enfim, o algoritmo de Simpson foi usado para o calculo integral das distribuições cumulativas bem como os preços do modelo obtido através da esperança matemática.
A propriedade de auto-cura, em redes inteligente de distribuição de energia elétrica, consiste em encontrar uma proposta de reconfiguração do sistema de distribuição com o objetivo de recuperar parcial ou totalmente o fornecimento de energia aos clientes da rede, na ocorrência de uma falha na rede que comprometa o fornecimento. A busca por uma solução satisfatória é um problema combinacional cuja complexidade está ligada ao tamanho da rede. Um método de busca exaustiva se torna um processo muito demorado e muitas vezes computacionalmente inviável. Para superar essa dificuldade, pode-se basear nas técnicas de geração de árvores de extensão mínima do grafo, representando a rede de distribuição. Porém, a maioria dos estudos encontrados nesta área são implementações centralizadas, onde proposta de reconfiguração é obtida por um sistema de supervisão central. Nesta dissertação, propõe-se uma implementação distribuída, onde cada chave da rede colabora na elaboração da proposta de reconfiguração. A solução descentralizada busca uma redução no tempo de reconfiguração da rede em caso de falhas simples ou múltiplas, aumentando assim a inteligência da rede. Para isso, o algoritmo distribuído GHS é utilizado como base na elaboração de uma solução de auto-cura a ser embarcada nos elementos processadores que compõem as chaves de comutação das linhas da rede inteligente de distribuição. A solução proposta é implementada utilizando robôs como unidades de processamento que se comunicam via uma mesma rede, constituindo assim um ambiente de processamento distribuído. Os diferentes estudos de casos testados mostram que, para redes inteligentes de distribuição compostas por um único alimentador, a solução proposta obteve sucesso na reconfiguração da rede, indiferentemente do número de falhas simultâneas. Na implementação proposta, o tempo de reconfiguração da rede não depende do número de linhas nela incluídas. A implementação apresentou resultados de custo de comunicação e tempo dentro dos limites teóricos estabelecidos pelo algoritmo GHS.
The wave contouring raft system is the outcome of ideas initiated and developed by Sir Christopher Cockerell from 1972 onwards. His objective was to develop a wave energy device which is within the bounds of current technology. It should consist of simple, relatively small units, amenable to quantity production, which would enable a power generating system to be built up and commissioned in stages according to needs and production capability. This thinking led to the investigation of chains of pontoons, hinged together so that the passage of a wave down the chain causes the pontoons to oscillate relative to one another. Energy is extracted from the sea by applying a torque about the hinges to damp the motion. The work has involved extensive model testing in wave tanks and the building and testing of a 3-unit 1/10 scale power generating installation in the Solent, as well as design studies for a full size installation for Atlantic conditions.
The effect of varying both the aspect ratio and the coefficient of friction of contacts with elliptical geometry on their elastic shakedown performance has been examined theoretically for surfaces with two types of subsurface hardness or strength profiles. In stepwise hardening the hard layer is of uniform strength while in linear hardening its strength reduces from a maximum at the surface to that of the core at the base of the hardened layer. The shakedown load is expressed as the ratio of the maximum Hertzian pressure to the strength of the core material. As the depth of hardening, expressed as a multiple of the elliptical semi-axis, is increased so the potential shakedown load increases from a level that is appropriate to a uniform half-space of unhardened material to a value reflecting the hardness of the surface and near-surface material. In a step-hardened material, the shakedown limit for a surface 'pummelled' by the passage of a sequence of such loads reaches a cut-off or plateau value, which cannot be exceeded by further increases in hardening depth irrespective of the value of the friction coefficient. For a linear-hardened material the corresponding plateau is approached asymptotically. The work confirms earlier results on the upper bounds on shakedown of both point and line contacts and provides numerical values of shakedown loads for intermediate geometries. In general, the case depth required to achieve a given shakedown limit reduces in moving from a transversely moving nominal line load to an axisymmetric point load.
The contribution of the relative volumes of mineral and collagen to the nanomechanical behavior of articular calcified cartilage is explored using nanoindentation, quantitative backscattered electron imaging, and finite element analysis. Elastic modulus generally increases with mineral volume fraction. In highly mineralized tissues, the mineral occupation of water space significantly increases modulus with addition of little mineral. Mineral and organic phases were modeled using Hashin-Shtrikman composite bounds, calculated as a function of mineral volume fraction. Modulus values fall between the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds, indicating some intermediate degree of mineral phase connectivity. Such connectivity in ACC is greater than that achieved in bone and results from uniform collagen orientation and large volume of water space available for mineral occupation.
Previous research into the behaviour of piled foundations in laterally-spreading soil deposits has concentrated on pile groups that carry small or negligible axial loads. This paper presents dynamic centrifuge test results for 2 x 2 pile groups with bending and geometric properties similar to real 0.5 m diameter tubular steel and solid circular reinforced-concrete field piles. Axial loads applied represented upper-bounds on typical working loads. The simultaneous scaling of the relevant properties controlling both lateral and axial behaviour allows comparisons to be drawn regarding the particular mechanisms of failure that would dominate for each type of pile. Flexible reinforced-concrete piles which tend to carry lower loads were found to be dominated by lateral effects, while steel piles, which are much stiffer and usually carry greater loads are dominated by settlement considerations. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.
The flexoelectric conversion of mechanical to electrical energy in nematic liquid crystals is investigated using continuum theory. Since the electrical energy produced cannot exceed the mechanical energy supplied, and vice-versa, upper bounds are imposed on the magnitudes of the flexoelectric coefficients in terms of the elastic and dielectric coefficients. For conventional values of the elastic and dielectric coefficients, it is shown that the flexoelectric coefficients may not be larger than a few tens of pC/m. This has important consequences for the future use of such flexoelectric materials in devices and the related energetics of distorted equilibrium structures. © 2011 Author(s).
Various countries have formulated special integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) strategies which seek to both manage development and conserve natural resources and integrate and coordinate the relevant people sectors and their functions and roles within the bounds of this rich realm. Concerns that may be addressed by ICZM include: 1) Natural resources degradation; 2) Pollution; 3) Land use conflicts; and, 4) Destruction of life and property by natural hazards. Some prevalent sources of environmental impacts (livelihoods) are listed, together with some recommendations to the concerns which they may raise in relation to coastal zone management: agriculture; aquaculture; fisheries; forestry; human settlements; tourism; and, transport industry.
Previous research into the behaviour of piled foundations in laterally-spreading soil deposits has concentrated on pile groups that carry small or negligible axial loads. This paper presents dynamic centrifuge test results for 2×2 pile groups with bending and geometric properties similar to real 0.5m diameter tubular steel and solid circular reinforced-concrete field piles. Axial loads applied represented upper-bounds on typical working loads. The simultaneous scaling of the relevant properties controlling both lateral and axial behaviour allows comparisons to be drawn regarding the particular mechanisms of failure that would dominate for each type of pile. Flexible reinforced-concrete piles which tend to carry lower loads were found to be dominated by lateral effects, while steel piles, which are much stiffer and usually carry greater loads are dominated by settlement considerations. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
The paper presents a new copula based method for measuring dependence between random variables. Our approach extends the Maximum Mean Discrepancy to the copula of the joint distribution. We prove that this approach has several advantageous properties. Similarly to Shannon mutual information, the proposed dependence measure is invariant to any strictly increasing transformation of the marginal variables. This is important in many applications, for example in feature selection. The estimator is consistent, robust to outliers, and uses rank statistics only. We derive upper bounds on the convergence rate and propose independence tests too. We illustrate the theoretical contributions through a series of experiments in feature selection and low-dimensional embedding of distributions.
In this paper, we consider Kalman filtering over a network and construct the optimal sensor data scheduling schemes which minimize the sensor duty cycle and guarantee a bounded error or a bounded average error at the remote estimator. Depending on the computation capability of the sensor, we can either give a closed-form expression of the minimum sensor duty cycle or provide tight lower and upper bounds of it. Examples are provided throughout the paper to demonstrate the results. © 2012 IEEE.
A group of mobile robots can localize cooperatively, using relative position and absolute orientation measurements, fused through an extended Kalman filter (ekf). The topology of the graph of relative measurements is known to affect the steady-state value of the position error covariance matrix. Classes of sensor graphs are identified, for which tight bounds for the trace of the covariance matrix can be obtained based on the algebraic properties of the underlying relative measurement graph. The string and the star graph topologies are considered, and the explicit form of the eigenvalues of error covariance matrix is given. More general sensor graph topologies are considered as combinations of the string and star topologies, when additional edges are added. It is demonstrated how the addition of edges increases the trace of the steady-state value of the position error covariance matrix, and the theoretical predictions are verified through simulation analysis.