914 resultados para Linear boundary value control problems


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We analyze a fully discrete spectral method for the numerical solution of the initial- and periodic boundary-value problem for two nonlinear, nonlocal, dispersive wave equations, the Benjamin–Ono and the Intermediate Long Wave equations. The equations are discretized in space by the standard Fourier–Galerkin spectral method and in time by the explicit leap-frog scheme. For the resulting fully discrete, conditionally stable scheme we prove an L2-error bound of spectral accuracy in space and of second-order accuracy in time.


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A novel algorithm for solving nonlinear discrete time optimal control problems with model-reality differences is presented. The technique uses dynamic integrated system optimisation and parameter estimation (DISOPE) which achieves the correct optimal solution in spite of deficiencies in the mathematical model employed in the optimisation procedure. A new method for approximating some Jacobian trajectories required by the algorithm is introduced. It is shown that the iterative procedure associated with the algorithm naturally suits applications to batch chemical processes.


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A fundamental principle in data modelling is to incorporate available a priori information regarding the underlying data generating mechanism into the modelling process. We adopt this principle and consider grey-box radial basis function (RBF) modelling capable of incorporating prior knowledge. Specifically, we show how to explicitly incorporate the two types of prior knowledge: (i) the underlying data generating mechanism exhibits known symmetric property, and (ii) the underlying process obeys a set of given boundary value constraints. The class of efficient orthogonal least squares regression algorithms can readily be applied without any modification to construct parsimonious grey-box RBF models with enhanced generalisation capability.


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We analyse the Dirichlet problem for the elliptic sine Gordon equation in the upper half plane. We express the solution $q(x,y)$ in terms of a Riemann-Hilbert problem whose jump matrix is uniquely defined by a certain function $b(\la)$, $\la\in\R$, explicitly expressed in terms of the given Dirichlet data $g_0(x)=q(x,0)$ and the unknown Neumann boundary value $g_1(x)=q_y(x,0)$, where $g_0(x)$ and $g_1(x)$ are related via the global relation $\{b(\la)=0$, $\la\geq 0\}$. Furthermore, we show that the latter relation can be used to characterise the Dirichlet to Neumann map, i.e. to express $g_1(x)$ in terms of $g_0(x)$. It appears that this provides the first case that such a map is explicitly characterised for a nonlinear integrable {\em elliptic} PDE, as opposed to an {\em evolution} PDE.


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A periodic structure of finite extent is embedded within an otherwise uniform two-dimensional system consisting of finite-depth fluid covered by a thin elastic plate. An incident harmonic flexural-gravity wave is scattered by the structure. By using an approximation to the corresponding linearised boundary value problem that is based on a slowly varying structure in conjunction with a transfer matrix formulation, a method is developed that generates the whole solution from that for just one cycle of the structure, providing both computational savings and insight into the scattering process. Numerical results show that variations in the plate produce strong resonances about the ‘Bragg frequencies’ for relatively few periods. We find that certain geometrical variations in the plate generate these resonances above the Bragg value, whereas other geometries produce the resonance below the Bragg value. The familiar resonances due to periodic bed undulations tend to be damped by the plate.


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We investigate Fréchet differentiability of the scattered field with respect to variation in the boundary in the case of time–harmonic acoustic scattering by an unbounded, sound–soft, one–dimensional rough surface. We rigorously prove the differentiability of the scattered field and derive a characterization of the Fréchet derivative as the solution to a Dirichlet boundary value problem. As an application of these results we give rigorous error estimates for first–order perturbation theory, justifying small perturbation methods that have a long history in the engineering literature. As an application of our rigorous estimates we show that a plane acoustic wave incident on a sound–soft rough surface can produce an unbounded scattered field.


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We consider the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane. This problem models time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering by a one-dimensional, infinite, rough, perfectly conducting surface; the same problem arises in acoustic scattering by a sound-soft surface. ChandlerWilde & Zhang have suggested a radiation condition for this problem, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings, and uniqueness of solution has been established. Recently, an integral equation formulation of the problem has also been proposed and, in the special case when the whole boundary is both Lyapunov and a small perturbation of a flat boundary, the unique solvability of this integral equation has been shown by Chandler-Wilde & Ross by operator perturbation arguments. In this paper we study the general case, with no limit on surface amplitudes or slopes, and show that the same integral equation has exactly one solution in the space of bounded and continuous functions for all wavenumbers. As an important corollary we prove that, for a variety of incident fields including the incident plane wave, the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the scattered field has a unique solution.


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A boundary integral equation is described for the prediction of acoustic propagation from a monofrequency coherent line source in a cutting with impedance boundary conditions onto surrounding flat impedance ground. The problem is stated as a boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation and is subsequently reformulated as a system of boundary integral equations via Green's theorem. It is shown that the integral equation formulation has a unique solution at all wavenumbers. The numerical solution of the coupled boundary integral equations by a simple boundary element method is then described. The convergence of the numerical scheme is demonstrated experimentally. Predictions of A-weighted excess attenuation for a traffic noise spectrum are made illustrating the effects of varying the depth of the cutting and the absorbency of the surrounding ground surface.


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Consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane with an unbounded, piecewise Lyapunov boundary. This problem models time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering in transverse magnetic polarization by one-dimensional rough, perfectly conducting surfaces. A radiation condition is introduced for the problem, which is a generalization of the usual one used in the study of diffraction by gratings when the solution is quasi-periodic, and allows a variety of incident fields including an incident plane wave to be included in the results obtained. We show in this paper that the boundary value problem for the scattered field has at most one solution. For the case when the whole boundary is Lyapunov and is a small perturbation of a flat boundary we also prove existence of solution and show a limiting absorption principle.


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We consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane, this problem arising in electromagnetic scattering by one-dimensional rough, perfectly conducting surfaces. We propose a new boundary integral equation formulation for this problem, utilizing the Green's function for an impedance half-plane in place of the standard fundamental solution. We show, at least for surfaces not differing too much from the flat boundary, that the integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space of bounded and continuous functions, and hence that, for a variety of incident fields including an incident plane wave, the boundary value problem for the scattered field has a unique solution satisfying the limiting absorption principle. Finally, a result of continuous dependence of the solution on the boundary shape is obtained.


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The paper considers second kind integral equations of the form $\phi (x) = g(x) + \int_S {k(x,y)} \phi (y)ds(y)$ (abbreviated $\phi = g + K\phi $), in which S is an infinite cylindrical surface of arbitrary smooth cross section. The “truncated equation” (abbreviated $\phi _a = E_a g + K_a \phi _a $), obtained by replacing S by $S_a $, a closed bounded surface of class $C^2 $, the boundary of a section of the interior of S of length $2a$, is also discussed. Conditions on k are obtained (in particular, implying that K commutes with the operation of translation in the direction of the cylinder axis) which ensure that $I - K$ is invertible, that $I - K_a $ is invertible and $(I - K_a )^{ - 1} $ is uniformly bounded for all sufficiently large a, and that $\phi _a $ converges to $\phi $ in an appropriate sense as $a \to \infty $. Uniform stability and convergence results for a piecewise constant boundary element collocation method for the truncated equations are also obtained. A boundary integral equation, which models three-dimensional acoustic scattering from an infinite rigid cylinder, illustrates the application of the above results to prove existence of solution (of the integral equation and the corresponding boundary value problem) and convergence of a particular collocation method.


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We investigate baroclinic instability in flow conditions relevant to hot extrasolar planets. The instability is important for transporting and mixing heat, as well as for influencing large-scale variability on the planets. Both linear normal mode analysis and non-linear initial value cal- culations are carried out – focusing on the freely-evolving, adiabatic situation. Using a high- resolution general circulation model (GCM) which solves the traditional primitive equations, we show that large-scale jets similar to those observed in current GCM simulations of hot ex- trasolar giant planets are likely to be baroclinically unstable on a timescale of few to few tens of planetary rotations, generating cyclones and anticyclones that drive weather systems. The growth rate and scale of the most unstable mode obtained in the linear analysis are in qual- itative, good agreement with the full non-linear calculations. In general, unstable jets evolve differently depending on their signs (eastward or westward), due to the change in sign of the jet curvature. For jets located at or near the equator, instability is strong at the flanks – but not at the core. Crucially, the instability is either poorly or not at all captured in simulations with low resolution and/or high artificial viscosity. Hence, the instability has not been observed or emphasized in past circulation studies of hot extrasolar planets.


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In this paper, we summarise this recent progress to underline the features specific to this nonlinear elliptic case, and we give a new classification of boundary conditions on the semistrip that satisfy a necessary condition for yielding a boundary value problem can be effectively linearised. This classification is based on formulation the equation in terms of an alternative Lax pair.


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