1000 resultados para Lesões traqueobrônquicas


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Tuberculosis infection among humans transmitted by products of animal origin can be caused by Mycobacterium bovis, a concern in developing countries, because the number of human cases is relatively high compared with countries that have implemented programs to eradicate bovine tuberculosis for many years. Because it is a chronic disease with subclinical evolution, it is transmitted to other animals in the herd livestock resulting in high loss losses resulting high (10 to 25%), as well as the zoonotic nature of the disease on public health. This work aimed to study the histomorphology of granulomas in samples of lymph nodes and lungs of animals with suggestive lesions of tuberculosis, as well as those similar to the sanitary inspection. The animals clinically healthy ante-mortem, were slaughtered in a slaughterhouse in the northwestern state of Sao Paulo between April 2008 and April 2009, considering that carcasses had lymph nodes with lesions typical of tuberculosis, exhibiting nodular and hemorrhagic appearance. The caseous or calcified lesions, purulent or not, of various sizes and shapes, were also evaluated. Of the 307,661 animals slaughtered in the mentioned period, 494 gross suggestive lesions of tuberculosis and from 29 cities in the state of Sao Paulo, 16 from Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias 15, one from Mato Grosso and Paraná. Among these, 200 samples (40,5%) were processed for histopathological evaluation by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and 90 (45%) were subjected to Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) and examined by light microscopy. In HE staining, histopathological changes of tuberculosis were found in 197 (98,5%), classified according to the stage of development adopted by Wango et al.(31), where 29 samples were included in stage I (14,5%), 53 in stage II (26,5%), 87 in stage III (43,5%), 28 in stage IV (14%). In the ZN staining Mycobacterium sp was found in 89 (99%) of the specimens. The rate of tuberculosis in the herd studied was 0,16%. We conclude that the identification of the disease in slaughterhouses and meat companies from significant gross lesions, enables the implementation of effective measures, specifically the origin of the disease in cattle herds, providing control measures to prevent its spread.


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In order to evaluate the quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer, this study analyzed data of 24 patients with squamous cell carcinoma, which indicated therapy was radiotherapy or not be combined with chemotherapy and surgery. The study was conducted in the Unit of Radiotherapy of Megavoltage located in the São José de Rio Preto-SP, in the period August 2007 to January 2008. Then, it was used the questionnaire of quality of life from University of Washington which enabled the identification of different quality of life patterns associated with the different stages of radiotherapy, indicating to be viable the prospect of recognition of prognostic factors of reduction in multiple domains of quality of life. From the data collected and analyzed, it was identified that the areas with the worst score in the begin of radiotherapy were appearance, speech and anxiety; during the treatment were taste, saliva and anxiety; and in the end were taste, saliva and swallowing. Throughout the treatment, it was observed the deterioration of patients' mood. In this regard, emphasizes the importance of dental and psychological follow-up, within the framework of a multidisciplinary care for patients with head and neck cancer during radiotherapy treatment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Accidents caused by thermal, chemical, electrical or radioactive agents cause skin lesions causing burns of varying degrees. The therapeutic approach aims to restore damaged tissues and involves a wide range of products on the market. This study aims to evaluate the use of biological dressing, biotech product developed at the Blood Center of Botucatu / UNESP obtained from fresh frozen plasma or platelet concentrate with in vitro addition of thrombin and calcium gluconate. This addition in the platelet concentrate, intended to release the active growth factors of the platelets granules on the healing process. The study of the effectiveness of Platelet Gel home made in Wistar rats was established, in agreement with scald burns, comparing efficacy and cost of Platelet Gel with usual hospital -based treatment collagenase + chloramphenicol plus cost analysis through pharmacoeconomics. We used 25 Wistar rats were divided into 3 treatment groups: Group A, Collagenase + Chloramphenicol; Group B, Platelet Gel and C, control. The products were applied every other day for 30 days in animals. In group A, there was the presence of erythema and crust in all animals. The exudates was indentified 2/10 animals. For the Group B, we observed the presence of erythema and crust at all and no presence of exudates. In group C all the animals showed erythema with no presence of exudates and scab occurred in 1/10. Statistical analysis showed significant difference ( p < 0.0 ) for crust formation between Groups B and C. In the histological analysis, group A showed a slight amount of blood vessels and collagen fibers, moderate amounts of macrophages and fibroblasts was observed while B and C groups showed moderate amounts of blood vessels, macrophages and fibroblasts and discreet presence of collagen fibers. The re-epithelialization occurred in most animals of all groups without significant statistical differences. For the aspects of pharmacoeconomics, the platelet gel presented a better cost - effectiveness in relation to treatment based on collagenase / chloramphenicol. In light of the ethical aspects of the raw material is the result of spontaneous blood donation, the proposal should have biological dressings productions the responsibility of public blood transfusion centers for free distribution. This may point to the production chain of Brazilian blood banks like special blood components for use no intravenous.


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Female athletes are more susceptible to injury when compared with males. This increased risk of injury, may be caused by fertile-menstrual cycle. The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence in the occurrence of muscle-tendon and ligament injuries in different phases of the menstrual cycle over a period of high performance sports training and identify possible differences of occurrences between the phases. Fifteen female athletes, members of a women's basketball team, with ages between 15 and 22 years (average 17.5 ± 2.6 years), with regular menstrual cycles and daily practitioners of training, received follow-up during the menstrual cycle for 5 months. During the period were noted occurrences of injury in relation to the menstrual period of each athlete. The results showed 13 injuries, all of anterior cruciate ligament. The distribution of percentage values indicated a significantly higher risk of athletes suffer injuries in the follicular phase. The result makes us believe that significant elevations in the concentrations of estrogen in this fertile menstrual cycle phase, more open women to a higher risk of performing different injuries.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It has been evaluated clinically and radiographically the effect of the extrusion of calcium hydroxide paste in teeth with periapical lesions. Twenty-five patients with teeth showing pulp necrosis and periapical lesions were submitted to endodontic treatment. Dressing calcium hydroxide paste, iodoform and propylene glycol were used. Clinically, the symptoms were evaluated after treatment and, radiographically, the reabsorption of extravasated paste and repair process of the periapical lesion. Only three patients had symptoms severe in the first 24 hours, the paste was completely reabsorbed within 15 days and no interference in the repair process.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar entre os motociclistas envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito fatores associados ao risco de lesões. No ano de 2004, foram identificados, em Maringá-PR, um total de 2.362 motociclistas envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito com registro nos boletins da Polícia Militar. Para identificar os fatores associados à presença de lesão, foi utilizada a análise multivariada. Uma probabilidade, significantemente mais elevada de motociclistas se ferirem, foi observada entre aqueles envolvidos em colisão (Odds Ratio = 11,19) e quedas (Odds Ratio = 3,81); para o sexo feminino, a razão de chance estimada foi em torno de 4, e aqueles que estiveram envolvidos em ocorrências com até dois veículos, mostraram 2,63 vezes mais chances de apresentar lesões que os demais. Mulheres, envolvidas em ocorrências com motocicleta do tipo quedas e colisões com até dois veículos destacaram-se como grupo de risco para apresentar lesões.


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Esse estudo objetivou identificar a prevalência de lesões por fricção (LF) em pacientes hospitalizados com câncer e avaliar os fatores demográficos e clínicos associados ao seu desenvolvimento. Estudo epidemiológico, de corte transversal, realizado no Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo Octavio Frias de Oliveira. Todos os pacientes adultos, internados entre 10 e 18 de abril de 2010, foram avaliados por meio de entrevista e exame físico. Utilizou-se o teste Qui-Quadrado para comparação das variáveis demográficas e clínicas entre pacientes com e sem LF. Foram avaliados 157 pacientes: cinco apresentaram nove LF, acarretando prevalência de 3,3%. Quanto às variáveis demográficas, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa somente para o número de filhos (p=0,027). Clinicamente, pacientes com LF apresentaram menores escores na escala de Karnofsky (p=0,031) e na Escala de Braden (p=0,026), além de comportamento pouco colaborativo (p=0,042). Esse estudo contribui para um melhor conhecimento acerca das LF em pacientes com câncer.


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O tratamento das lesões condrais e osteocondrais do joelho em pacientes jovens ainda permanece um desafio para os ortopedistas. As técnicas de reparo atualmente disponíveis no Brasil, como o desbridamento, microfraturas e transplante osteocondral autólogo são insuficientes nos tratamentos de lesões condrais e osteocondrais grandes. O transplante osteocondral homólogo a fresco (TOF) na articulação do joelho vem sendo usado nos Estados Unidos com excelentes resultados. Este artigo tem o intuito de revisar a ciência básica, indicações, técnicas cirúrgicas, possíveis complicações e descrever a técnica de transplante osteocondral homólogo a fresco na articulação do joelho realizada no Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo.