1000 resultados para Legislação, Portugal.
The palynological study of sediments from lower levels of Lousã basin (Lomba do Alveite Arkoses), is presented. The palynological association includes several species of Appendicisporites and Cicatricosisporites, Costatoperforosporites sp., Ischyosporites teixeirae, Pattelasporites tavaredensis, Echinatisporis sp., Spheripollenites perinatus, Tricolpopollenites sp. and Retitricolpites maximus. The presence of the last two forms; and the absence of Normapolles, suggest an ante-Cenomanian, most probably Albian age for the assemblage. From these results, the begining of the infilling of the Lousã basin, is, at least in part, synchronous with the deposition of the «Grés Grosseiro Inferior» from the Occidental portuguese Basin. The presence of Lower Cretaceous Basin, is shown for the first time.
The presence of the genus Rupicapra in Portugal is shown for the first time, on some dental and skeletal remains from the upper Pleistocene (Solutrean) of Salemas cave. The fossil material may be ascribed to R. rupicapra pyrenaica.
Twelve new species of miocene ostracoda from the Tagus basin (Portugal) are described. Paleoenvironments concerning each of these species are given.
New radiocarbon measurements were obtained from middle and upper Paleolithic sites currently under research by the CEPUNL, in well defined stratigraphical situations. With other dates, they yield an approximative chronological global view. Measurement distribution in function of time does not seem to be an hazardous one. In the actual status of our knowledge, this distribution seems to fit in some assemblages: (a) 14000 to 15000 BP, Solutrean; (b) about 20 000 BP, Solutrean; (c) circa 25 000 BP, already Solutrean, and slightly older than 26 000 BP, still Mousterian; (d) between 29 000 and 31 000 BP, Mousterian. The persistance of Mousterian much later than its acknowledged upper limit at about 34 000 BP (and hence the survival of its neanderthalian authors) is demonstrated. For the first time it has been possible to ascertain the upper time limit of the marine 5-8 metres raised beach (Tyrrhenian III) at Serra da Arrábida, and also the age of archaeological sites without stone artifacts, or with uncharacteristic ones. The obtained measurements allow US to correlate localities and sedimentary units with last glaciation events. There seems to have been a distinct correlation between cave and shelter human occupation and events marked by the worsening of climate.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
O estudo realizado incidiu sobre 260 albufeiras, identificadas em diferentes fontes de informação e localizadas em Portugal continental. De entre as massas de água identificadas procedeu-se à classificação do estado trófico de 92 albufeiras, todas para as quais se dispõe de dados de qualidade da água para o efeito. Destas, de acordo com o critério de classificação adoptado em Portugal, 60 foram classificadas como eutróficas, em resultado principalmente das concentrações de fósforo total. Após a delimitação das bacias drenantes de 194 albufeiras, foram implementadas metodologias de quantificação de fósforo total afluente a essas massas de água. Com recurso a um modelo de balanço de massas foram simuladas as concentrações de fósforo total em 80 albufeiras, tendo sido considerados adequados os resultados obtidos em 42 albufeiras. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que as metodologias de quantificação de fósforo total de origem urbana e de origem difusa são adequadas ao desenvolvimento de estudos de planeamento e de identificação das principais fontes de fósforo total, em águas doces superficiais.
In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).
The objective of the paper is to contribute to the understanding of the knowledge economy in Portugal, presenting data and revealing specific characteristics of the Portuguese business R&D, using a framework of available tools such as international comparisons, technology intensity and sectors of the economy. This study concludes that Portuguese business R&D reveals strong elements of economic terciarization, and an important presence of foreign direct investment in knowledge intensive industries. Furthermore, the study revealed less significant determinants such as the existence of skill labour in pharmaceutical industries and the role of the state in some sectors (wealth and rail transportation).
The foresight and scenario building methods can be an interesting reference for social sciences, especially in terms of innovative methods for labour process analysis. A scenario – as a central concept for the prospective analysis – can be considered as a rich and detailed portrait of a plausible future world. It can be a useful tool for policy-makers to grasp problems clearly and comprehensively, and to better pinpoint challenges as well as opportunities in an overall framework. The features of the foresight methods are being used in some labour policy making experiences. Case studies developed in Portugal will be presented, and some conclusions will be drawn in order to organise a set of principles for foresight analysis applied to the European project WORKS on the work organisation re-structuring in the knowledge society, and on the work design methods for new management structures of virtual organisations.
In this paper we will analyse the usage of FTA to support decision-making in employment policy relate to specific occupational groups. The examples can be better understood if one focus on the nanotechnology and its implications on some sectors (clothing, bio-medical engineering, micro-electronics). When this is done will be clear which occupations will engage a restructuring process (engineers, specialised technicians, qualified machine operators, quality controllers) and what policies are being designed to cope with it. This means toward which extend social partners have driven specific policies on these issues (focused in their sectors).
This report is made for the Work Package 15 of WORKS project and tries to develop more information on the Portuguese situation in the work structures changes in the recent years. It starts with an analysis of socio- economical indicators (Macro economical indicators, Employment indicators, Consumption, Technology at the workplace, Productivity), and then approaches the situation in terms of work flexibility in its dimensions of time use and New forms of work organisation. It traces employment in business functions with a sectoral and occupational approach, and analyses the occupational change in South Europe with particular relevance to Portugal (skill utilisation and job satisfaction, occupational and industrial mobility, quantitative evaluation of the shape of employment in Europe. Finaly are analysed the globalisation indicators.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, na Área de Especialização de Hidráulica
The authoritarian regime of the Portuguese Estado Novo (New State), the longest dictatorship in twentieth-century Western Europe, suffered one of its most serious threats during the late 1950s and the whole of the following decade. An array of events and dynamics of opposition to the regime and condemnation of the political and social situation in Portugal appeared at that time. One of the core groups that displayed their dissidence in the 1960s, with the awakening of their critical conscience, originated in Catholic sectors that rallied the laity and the clergy to express their disagreement or even break with the government of Salazar (and, later, Marcelo Caetano). This article aims to establish the role of print culture and, in particular, publishing in the opposition’s mobilisation of Catholics who criticised the Estado Novo. It will also closely examine the contribution of certain publishers to the formulation of the terms of this mobilisation, in publishing new authors and topics and creating new printed forums (e.g. periodicals) for discussion and reflection. The most detailed case will be that of the publishing house Livraria Moraes Editora, under the command of the publisher António Alçada Baptista.
Fungi on crops produce mycotoxins in the field, during handling, and in storage. Exposure of animals and humans are usually through consumption of contaminated feedstuffs or foods. Molds can grow and mycotoxins can be produced either pre-harvest or post-harvest, during storage, transport, processing, or feeding. Worldwide, approximately 25% of crops are affected by mycotoxins annually. Because of this is possible to concluded that mycotoxins occur frequently in a variety of feedstuffs that are given to animals causing several effects: subclinical losses in performance, increases the incidence of disease and reduced reproductive performance. Aim of study: A study was developed intending to know environmental fungal contamination in a Portuguese feed production unit. Corn, wheat and soybeans were the most common cereals used in the feed production.
One of de EU major concerns is cohesion and cross-border regional development. Usually cross-border regions are less dynamic, acting as bottlenecks mainly in peripheral territories. This paper is focused on the Portuguese-Spanish border using socio-economic and accessibility data. It considers Spatial Econometrics to produce statistical evidence on the relationship between accessibility and development at a local scale. A pilot study is conducted on North and Center region using variables such as population age, graduation characteristics, migrations, unemployment and daily accessibility to main towns in future this evaluation will be applied to the entire cross-border area between Portugal and Spain.