822 resultados para Lazzard, Gilbert: Actancy. Empirical approaches to language typology


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The current infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud systems, allow users to load their own virtual machines. However, most of these systems do not provide users with an automatic mechanism to load a network topology of virtual machines. In order to specify and implement the network topology, we use software switches and routers as network elements. Before running a group of virtual machines, the user needs to set up the system once to specify a network topology of virtual machines. Then, given the user’s request for running a specific topology, our system loads the appropriate virtual machines (VMs) and also runs separated VMs as software switches and routers. Furthermore, we have developed a manager that handles physical hardware failure situations. This system has been designed in order to allow users to use the system without knowing all the internal technical details.


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Conjugated polymers (CPs) are intrinsically fluorescent materials that have been used for various biological applications including imaging, sensing, and delivery of biologically active substances. The synthetic control over flexibility and biodegradability of these materials aids the understanding of the structure-function relationships among the photophysical properties, the self-assembly behaviors of the corresponding conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs), and the cellular behaviors of CPNs, such as toxicity, cellular uptake mechanisms, and sub-cellular localization patterns. ^ Synthetic approaches towards two classes of flexible CPs with well-preserved fluorescent properties are described. The synthesis of flexible poly( p-phenylenebutadiynylene)s (PPBs) uses competing Sonogashira and Glaser coupling reactions and the differences in monomer reactivity to incorporate a small amount (∼10%) of flexible, non-conjugated linkers into the backbone. The reaction conditions provide limited control over the proportion of flexible monomer incorporation. Improved synthetic control was achieved in a series of flexible poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s (PPEs) using modified Sonogashira conditions. In addition to controlling the degree of flexibility, the linker provides disruption of backbone conjugation that offers control of the length of conjugated segments within the polymer chain. Therefore, such control also results in the modulation of the photophysical properties of the materials. ^ CPNs fabricated from flexible PPBs are non-toxic to cells, and exhibit subcellular localization patterns clearly different from those observed with non-flexible PPE CPNs. The subcellular localization patterns of the flexible PPEs have not yet been determined, due to the toxicity of the materials, most likely related to the side-chain structure used in this series. ^ The study of the effect of CP flexibility on self-assembly reorganization upon polyanion complexation is presented. Owing to its high rigidity and hydrophobicity, the PPB backbone undergoes reorganization more readily than PPE. The effects are enhanced in the presence of the flexible linker, which enables more efficient π-π stacking of the aromatic backbone segments. Flexibility has minimal effects on the self-assembly of PPEs. Understanding the role of flexibility on the biophysical behaviors of CPNs is key to the successful development of novel efficient fluorescent therapeutic delivery vehicles.^


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This chapter offers a framework for combining critical language policy with critical discourse studies (CDS) to analyse language policy as a process in the context of minority language policy in Wales. I propose a discursive approach to language policy, which starts from the premise that language policy is constituted, enacted, interpreted and (re)contextualised in and through language. This approach extends the critical language policy framework provided by Shohamy (Language policy: hidden agendas and new approaches. Routledge, London, 2006) and integrates perspectives from the context-sensitive discourse-historical approach in CDS. It incorporates discourse as an essential lens through which policy mechanisms, ideologies and practices are constituted and de facto language policy materialises. This chapter argues that conceptualising and analysing language policy as a discursive phenomenon enables a better understanding of the multi-layered nature of language policy that shapes the management and experience of corporate bilingualism in Wales.


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Grape metabolites can be affected by many extrinsic and intrinsic factors, such as grape variety, ripening stage, growing regions, vineyard management practices, and edaphoclimatic conditions. However, there is still much about the in vivo formation of grape metabolites that need to be investigated. The winemaking process also can create distinct wines. Nowadays, wine fermentations are driven mostly by single-strain inoculations, allowing greater control of fermentation. Pure cultures of selected yeast strains, mostly Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are added to grape must, leading to more predictable outcomes and decreasing the risk of spoilage. Besides yeasts, lactic acid bacteria also play an important role, in the final wine quality. Thus, this chapter attempts to present an overview of grape berry physiology and metabolome to provide a deep understanding of the primary and secondary metabolites accumulated in the grape berries and their potential impact in wine quality. In addition, biotechnological approaches for wine quality practiced during wine alcoholic and malolactic fermentation will also be discussed.


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This PowerPoint presentation goes over the ways in which aquatics pest and weeds can be controlled.


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Kenia liegt in den Äquatorialtropen von Ostafrika und ist als ein weltweiter Hot-Spot für Aflatoxinbelastung insbesondere bei Mais bekannt. Diese toxischen und karzinogenen Verbindungen sind Stoffwechselprodukte von Pilzen und so insbesondere von der Wasseraktivität abhängig. Diese beeinflusst sowohl die Trocknung als auch die Lagerfähigkeit von Nahrungsmitteln und ist somit ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Entwicklung von energieeffizienten und qualitätsorientierten Verarbeitungsprozessen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Veränderung der Wasseraktivität während der konvektiven Trocknung von Mais zu untersuchen. Mittels einer Optimierungssoftware (MS Excel Solver) wurde basierend auf sensorerfassten thermo-hygrometrischen Daten der gravimetrische Feuchteverlust von Maiskolben bei 37°C, 43°C und 53°C vorausberechnet. Dieser Bereich stellt den Übergang zwischen Niedrig- und Hochtemperaturtrocknung dar. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutliche Unterschiede im Verhalten der Körner und der Spindel. Die Trocknung im Bereich von 35°C bis 45°C kombiniert mit hohen Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten (> 1,5 m / s) begünstigte die Trocknung der Körner gegenüber der Spindel und kann daher für eine energieeffiziente Trocknung von Kolben mit hohem Anfangsfeuchtegehalt empfohlen werden. Weitere Untersuchungen wurden zum Verhalten unterschiedlicher Schüttungen bei der bei Mais üblichen Satztrocknung durchgeführt. Entlieschter und gedroschener Mais führte zu einem vergrößerten Luftwiderstand in der Schüttung und sowohl zu einem höheren Energiebedarf als auch zu ungleichmäßigerer Trocknung, was nur durch einen erhöhten technischen Aufwand etwa durch Mischeinrichtungen oder Luftumkehr behoben werden könnte. Aufgrund des geringeren Aufwandes für die Belüftung und die Kontrolle kann für kleine landwirtschaftliche Praxisbetriebe in Kenia daher insbesondere die Trocknung ganzer Kolben in ungestörten Schüttungen empfohlen werden. Weiterhin wurde in der Arbeit die Entfeuchtung mittels eines Trockenmittels (Silikagel) kombiniert mit einer Heizquelle und abgegrenztem Luftvolumen untersucht und der konventionellen Trocknung gegenüber gestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten vergleichbare Entfeuchtungsraten während der ersten 5 Stunden der Trocknung. Der jeweilige Luftzustand bei Verwendung von Silikagel wurde insbesondere durch das eingeschlossene Luftvolumen und die Temperatur beeinflusst. Granulierte Trockenmittel sind bei der Maistrocknung unter hygienischen Gesichtspunkten vorteilhaft und können beispielsweise mit einfachen Öfen regeneriert werden, so dass Qualitätsbeeinträchtigungen wie bei Hochtemperatur- oder auch Freilufttrocknung vermieden werden können. Eine hochwertige Maistrocknungstechnik ist sehr kapitalintensiv. Aus der vorliegenden Arbeit kann aber abgeleitet werden, dass einfache Verbesserungen wie eine sensorgestützte Belüftung von Satztrocknern, der Einsatz von Trockenmitteln und eine angepasste Schüttungshöhe praktikable Lösungen für Kleinbauern in Kenia sein können. Hierzu besteht, ggf. auch zum Aspekt der Verwendung regenerativer Energien, weiterer Forschungsbedarf.


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In Europe, the concerns with the status of marine ecosystems have increased, and the Marine Directive has as main goal the achievement of Good Environmental Status (GES) of EU marine waters by 2020. Molecular tools are seen as promising and emerging approaches to improve ecosystem monitoring, and have led ecology into a new era, representing perhaps the most source of innovation in marine monitoring techniques. Benthic nematodes are considered ideal organisms to be used as biological indicator of natural and anthropogenic disturbances in aquatic ecosystems underpinning monitoring programmes on the ecological quality of marine ecosystems, very useful to assess the GES of the marine environment. dT-RFLP (directed Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) allows to assess the diversity of nematode communities, but also allows studying the functioning of the ecosystem, and combined with relative real-time PCR (qPCR), provides a high-throughput semi-quantitative characterization of nematode communities. These characteristics make the two molecular tools good descriptors for the good environmental status assessment. The main aim of this study is to develop and optimize the dT-RFLP and qPCR in Mira estuary (SW coast, Portugal). A molecular phylogenetic analysis of marine and estuarine nematodes is being performed combining morphological and molecular analysis to evaluate the diversity of free-living marine nematodes in Mira estuary. After morphological identification, barcoding of 18S rDNA and COI genes are being determined for each nematode species morphologically identified. So far we generated 40 new sequences belonging to 32 different genus and 17 families, and the study has shown a good degree of concordance between traditional morphology-based identification and DNA sequences. These results will improve the assessment of marine nematode diversity and contribute to a more robust nematode taxonomy. The DNA sequences are being used to develop the dT-RFLP with the ability to easily process large sample numbers (hundreds and thousands), rather than typical of classical taxonomic or low throughput molecular analyses. A preliminary study showed that the digest enzymes used in dT-RFLP for terrestrial assemblages separated poorly the marine nematodes at taxonomic level for functional group analysis. A new digest combination was designed using the software tool DRAT (Directed Terminal Restriction Analysis Tool) to distinguished marine nematode taxa. Several solutions were provided by DRAT and tested empirically to select the solution that cuts most efficiently. A combination of three enzymes and a single digest showed to be the best solution to separate the different clusters. Parallel to this, another tool is being developed to estimate the population size (qPCR). An improvement in qPCR estimation of gene copy number using an artificial reference is being performed for marine nematodes communities to quantify the abundance. Once developed, it is proposed to validate both methodologies by determining the spatial and temporal variability of benthic nematodes assemblages across different environments. The application of these high-throughput molecular approaches for benthic nematodes will improve sample throughput and their implementation more efficient and faster as indicator of ecological status of marine ecosystems.


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This thesis argues the attitude control problem of nanosatellites, which has been a challenging issue over the years for the scientific community and still constitutes an active area of research. The interest is increasing as more than 70% of future satellite launches are nanosatellites. Therefore, new challenges appear with the miniaturisation of the subsystems and improvements must be reached. In this framework, the aim of this thesis is to develop novel control approaches for three-axis stabilisation of nanosatellites equipped with magnetorquers and reaction wheels, to improve the performance of the existent control strategies and demonstrate the stability of the system. In particular, this thesis is focused on the development of non-linear control techniques to stabilise full-actuated nanosatellites, and in the case of underactuation, in which the number of control variables is less than the degrees of freedom of the system. The main contributions are, for the first control strategy proposed, to demonstrate global asymptotic stability derived from control laws that stabilise the system in a target frame, a fixed direction of the orbit frame. Simulation results show good performance, also in presence of disturbances, and a theoretical selection of the magnetic control gain is given. The second control approach presents instead, a novel stable control methodology for three-axis stabilisation in underactuated conditions. The control scheme consists of the dynamical implementation of an attitude manoeuvre planning by means of a switching control logic. A detailed numerical analysis of the control law gains and the effect on the convergence time, total integrated and maximum torque is presented demonstrating the good performance and robustness also in the presence of disturbances.


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The PhD research project was a striking example of the enhancement of milling by-product and alternative protein sources from house cricket (Acheta domesticus), conceived as sustainable and renewable sources, to produce innovative food products. During milling processing of wheat and rye, several by-products with high technological and functional potential, are produced. The use of selected microbial consortia, allowed to obtain a pre-fermented ingredient for use in the bakery. The pre-ferments obtained were characterized by a high technological, functional and nutritional value, also interesting from a nutraceutical point of view. Bakery products obtained by the addition of pre-fermented ingredients were characterized by a greater quantity of aromatic molecules and an increase in SCFA, antioxidant activity, total amino acids and total phenols resulting in positive effect on the functionality. Moreover, the industrial scaling-up of pre-ferment and innovative bakery goods production, developed in this research, underlined the technological applicability of pre-fermented ingredients on a large scale. Moreover, the identification of innovative protein sources, can address the request of new sustainable ingredients able to less impact on the environment and to satisfy the food global demand. To upscale the insect production and ensure food safety of insect-based products, biotechnological formulations based on Acheta domesticus powder were optimized. The use of Yarrowia lipolytica in the biotechnological transformation of cricket powder led to the achievement of a cricket-based food ingredient characterized by a reduced content of chitin and an increase of antimicrobial and health-promoting molecules. The innovative bakery products containing cricket-based hydrolysates from Y. lipolytica possessed specific sensory, qualitative and functional characteristics to the final product. Moreover, the combination of Y. lipolytica hydrolysis and baking showed promising results regarding a reduced allergenicity in cricket-based baked products. Thus, the hydrolysate of cricket powder may represent a versatile and promising ingredient in the production of innovative foods.


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As the word population continues to grow and global resources are limited, the WHO definition of health is difficult to achieve for a large part of the population. Humanity is facing the need to improve both environmental and human wellbeing. This can be done through careful planning and management of natural resources, ensuring food safety and reducing and converting wastes. This work aims to contribute to the improvement of population and environmental health exploring different research fields: urban park ecosystem services, food chemical risk assessment and agri-food by-product valorization. To highlight the importance of urban parks and their ecosystem services, an ethnobotanical study was carried out in the Ausa urban park in Rimini, using a citizen science approach. The results showed that Ausa Park is an important focal point for plant gatherers in Rimini, as it allows for plant foraging and contributes to preserve the knowledge of the use of plants. Two food safety studies were carried out, looking at the exposure of Poles to bisphenol A through the consumption of soft drinks and to cadmium through the consumption of chocolate bars. The results, compared with EFSA’s scientific opinion, show that the exposure of the Polish population to BPA is of health concern, while cadmium is not. In the agri-food by-product valorization, a green extraction method was optimized to recover valuable phenolic compounds from red-fleshed apple pomace; moreover, the possibility of recovering pectin from the residue was evaluated. Furthermore, valuable compounds in four different types of wheat milling by-products, considered as an alternative source of bioactive compounds with potential human health benefits, were investigated. In conclusion, this work produced usable data in urban green area management and planning, in food chemical risk assessment and in business production decisions, thus contributing to improving environmental and people wellbeing.