979 resultados para Lac Repressor


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: The nuclear receptor REV-ERBα is a potent, constitutive transcriptional repressor critical for the regulation of key circadian and metabolic genes. Recently, REV-ERBα's involvement in learning, neurogenesis, mood, and dopamine turnover was demonstrated suggesting a specific role in central nervous system functioning. We have previously shown that the brain expression of several core clock genes, including Rev-erbα, is modulated by sleep loss. We here test the consequences of a loss of REV-ERBα on the homeostatic regulation of sleep. METHODS: EEG/EMG signals were recorded in Rev-erbα knockout (KO) mice and their wild type (WT) littermates during baseline, sleep deprivation, and recovery. Cortical gene expression measurements after sleep deprivation were contrasted to baseline. RESULTS: Although baseline sleep/wake duration was remarkably similar, KO mice showed an advance of the sleep/wake distribution relative to the light-dark cycle. After sleep onset in baseline and after sleep deprivation, both EEG delta power (1-4 Hz) and sleep consolidation were reduced in KO mice indicating a slower increase of homeostatic sleep need during wakefulness. This slower increase might relate to the smaller increase in theta and gamma power observed in the waking EEG prior to sleep onset under both conditions. Indeed, the increased theta activity during wakefulness predicted delta power in subsequent NREM sleep. Lack of Rev-erbα increased Bmal1, Npas2, Clock, and Fabp7 expression, confirming the direct regulation of these genes by REV-ERBα also in the brain. CONCLUSIONS: Our results add further proof to the notion that clock genes are involved in sleep homeostasis. Because accumulating evidence directly links REV-ERBα to dopamine signaling the altered homeostatic regulation of sleep reported here are discussed in that context.


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Objetivo: Avaliar um protocolo de espectroscopia por ressonância magnética (ERM) do próton de hidrogênio (1H) bidimensional (2D) disponível comercialmente (Siemens Medical Systems; Erlangen, Alemanha), aplicado para nódulos adrenais e diferenciação das massas (adenomas, feocromocitomas, carcinomas e metástases). Materiais e Métodos: Um total de 118 pacientes (36 homens e 82 mulheres), apresentando-se com 138 nódulos/massas adrenais, foi avaliado prospectivamente (média de idade: 57,3 ± 13,3 anos). Uma sequência de ERM-1H-PRESS-CSI (espectroscopia por resolução de ponto-imagem por desvio químico) multivoxel foi utilizada. Análise espectroscópica foi realizada da esquerda-direita, sentido crânio-caudal, usando três sequências sagitais, além de sequências axiais e coronais T2-HASTE. Os seguintes índices foram calculados: colina (Cho)/creatina (Cr), 4,0–4,3 ppm/Cr, lipídio (Lip)/Cr, Cho/Lip e lactato (Lac)/Cr. Resultados: ERM-1H-2D foi bem sucedida em 123 (89,13%) lesões. Os valores de sensibilidade e especificidade encontrados para as proporções e pontos de corte avaliados foram: Cho/Cr ≥ 1,2, sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 98,2% (diferenciação de adenomas e carcinomas de feocromocitomas e metástases); 4,0–4,3 ppm/Cr ≥ 1,5, 92,3% de sensibilidade, especificidade de 96,9% (diferenciação de carcinomas e feocromocitomas de adenomas e metástases); Lac/Cr ≤ –7,449, sensibilidade de 90,9% e especificidade de 77,8% (diferenciação de feocromocitomas contra carcinomas e adenomas). Conclusão: Os dados da ERM-1H-2D foram eficazes e permitiram a diferenciação entre massas adrenais e nódulos na maioria das lesões com diâmetro > 1,0 cm.


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The Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDAC)4 and HDAC5 play a role in neuronal survival and behavioral adaptation in the CNS. Phosphorylation at 2/3 N-terminal sites promote their nuclear export. We investigated whether non-canonical signaling routes to Class IIa HDAC export exist because of their association with the co-repressor Silencing Mediator Of Retinoic And Thyroid Hormone Receptors (SMRT). We found that, while HDAC5 and HDAC4 mutants lacking their N-terminal phosphorylation sites (HDAC4(MUT), HDAC5(MUT)) are constitutively nuclear, co-expression with SMRT renders them exportable by signals that trigger SMRT export, such as synaptic activity, HDAC inhibition, and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) signaling. We found that SMRT's repression domain 3 (RD3) is critical for co-shuttling of HDAC5(MUT), consistent with the role for this domain in Class IIa HDAC association. In the context of BDNF signaling, we found that HDAC5(WT), which was more cytoplasmic than HDAC5(MUT), accumulated in the nucleus after BDNF treatment. However, co-expression of SMRT blocked BDNF-induced HDAC5(WT) import in a RD3-dependent manner. In effect, SMRT-mediated HDAC5(WT) export was opposing the BDNF-induced HDAC5 nuclear accumulation observed in SMRT's absence. Thus, SMRT's presence may render Class IIa HDACs exportable by a wider range of signals than those which simply


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In this dissertation, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their host galaxies are discussed. Together with transitional events, such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, AGN are the most energetic phenomena in the Universe. The dominant fraction of their luminosity originates from the center of a galaxy, where accreting gas falls into a supermassive black hole, converting gravitational energy to radiation. AGN have a wide range of observed properties: e.g. in their emission lines, radio emission, and variability. Most likely, these properties depend significantly on their orientation to our line-of-sight, and to unify AGN into physical classes it is crucial to observe their orientation-independent properties, such as the host galaxies. Furthermore, host galaxy studies are essential to understand the formation and co-evolution of galactic bulges and supermassive black holes. In this thesis, the main focus is on observationally characterizing AGN host galaxies using optical and near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy. BL Lac objects are a class of AGN characterized by rapidly variable and polarized continuum emission across the electromagnetic spectrum, and coredominated radio emission. The near-infrared properties of intermediate redshift BL Lac host galaxies are studied in Paper I. They are found to be large elliptical galaxies that are more luminous than their low redshift counterparts suggesting a strong luminosity evolution, and a contribution from a recent star formation episode. To analyze the stellar content of galaxies in more detail multicolor data, especially observations at blue wavelengths, are essential. In Paper III, optical - near-infrared colors and color gradients are derived for low redshift BL Lac host galaxies. They show bluer colors and steeper color gradients than inactive ellipticals which, most likely, are caused by a relatively young stellar population indicating a different evolutionary stage between AGN hosts and inactive ellipticals. In Paper II, near-infrared imaging of intermediate redshift radio-quiet quasar hosts is used to study their luminosity evolution. The hosts are large elliptical galaxies, but they are systematically fainter than the hosts of radio-loud quasars at similar redshifts, suggesting a link between the luminosity of the host galaxies and the radio properties of AGN. In Paper IV, the characteristics of near-infrared stellar absorption features of low redshift radio galaxies are compared with those of inactive early-type galaxies. The comparison suggests that early-type galaxies with AGN are in a different evolutionary stage than their inactive counterparts. Moreover, radio galaxies are found to contain stellar populations containing both old and intermediate age components.


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Foi estudada a virulência de 681 isolados de Magnaporthe grisea provenientes de oito lavouras de arroz de terras altas, quatro da cv. BRS Bonança e quatro da cv. Primavera, localizadas em cinco municípios no Estado de Goiás. Foram avaliados 321 isolados de M. grisea de folha e de panícula obtidos da cv. BRS Bonança e 360 da cv. Primavera. Para diferenciar a virulência dos isolados foram utilizados nove cultivares diferenciadoras japonesas, seis linhagens quase-isogências (NIL's) da cv. IAC-25, cinco linhagens quase-isogênicas da cv. CO-39, e as cultivares Primavera, BRS Bonança, IAC-25 e CO-39. Os isolados de M. grisea provenientes da cv. BRS Bonança foram mais virulentos nas NIL's de IAC-25 do que isolados da cv. Primavera. A maioria das subpopulações de M. grisea provenientes de folhas e panícula, de ambas as cultivares, foram avirulentos à linhagem quase-isogênica CNA-8212. A virulência, em baixa freqüência, foi observada nos isolados de M. grisea provenientes de BRS Bonança aos genes Pi-z t (Toride-1) e de Primavera aos genes Pi-z (Fukunishiki). Uma baixa freqüência de isolados virulentos foram virulentos nas NIL's C101 LAC (Pi-1) e C101 A 51(Pi-2). Considerando as reações compatíveis e incompatíveis das NIL's de IAC-25 à população de M. grisea de BRS Bonança, o dendrograma mostrou um grupo (90% de similaridade), diferindo do parental recorrente. Por outro lado, a população de 'Primavera', com exceção da CNA-8199, formou um grupo (93% de similaridade), incluindo o parental recorrente. Os genes de resistência Pi-z e Pi-z t das cultivares Fukunishiki e Toride-1, respectivamente, os genes Pi-1 e Pi-2 das NIL's de CO-39 e os genes desconhecidos das NIL's IAC-25, que apresentaram maior espectro de resistência às populações estudadas podem ser utilizados no programa de melhoramento, para desenvolvimento de linhas isogênicas de BRS Bonança e Primavera.


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This dissertation presents studies on the environments of active galaxies. Paper I is a case study of a cluster of galaxies containing BL Lac object RGB 1745+398. We measured the velocity dispersion, mass, and richness of the cluster. This was one of the most thorough studies of the environments of a BL Lac object. Methods used in the paper could be used in the future for studying other clusters as well. In Paper II we studied the environments of nearby quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We found that quasars have less neighboring galaxies than luminous inactive galaxies. In the large-scale structure, quasars are usually located at the edges of superclusters or even in void regions. We concluded that these low-redshift quasars may have become active only recently because the galaxies in low-density environments evolve later to the phase where quasar activity can be triggered. In Paper III we extended the analysis of Paper II to other types of AGN besides quasars. We found that different types of AGN have different large-scale environments. Radio galaxies are more concentrated in superclusters, while quasars and Seyfert galaxies prefer low-density environments. Different environments indicate that AGN have different roles in galaxy evolution. Our results suggest that activity of galaxies may depend on their environment on the large scale. Our results in Paper III raised questions of the cause of the environment-dependency in the evolution of galaxies. Because high-density large-scale environments contain richer groups and clusters than the underdense environments, our results could reflect smaller-scale effects. In Paper IV we addressed this problem by studying the group and supercluster scale environments of galaxies together. We compared the galaxy populations in groups of different richnesses in different large-scale environments. We found that the large-scale environment affects the galaxies independently of the group richness. Galaxies in low-density environments on the large scale are more likely to be star-forming than those in superclusters even if they are in groups with the same richness. Based on these studies, the conclusion of this dissertation is that the large-scale environment affects the evolution of galaxies. This may be caused by different “speed” of galaxy evolution in low and high-density environments: galaxies in dense environments reach certain phases of evolution earlier than galaxies in underdense environments. As a result, the low-density regions at low redshifts are populated by galaxies in earlier phases of evolution than galaxies in high-density regions.


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Salmonella serovars isolated from swine are of particular interest not only because of the pathogenic potential for this animal species, but also due to its relevance with regard to public health. On basis of the profile of resistance to antimicrobials, 13 Salmonella strains were selected which belonged to the serovars Muenster (7), Derby (4), Typhimurium (1), and Braenderup (1). They were isolated from healthy swine as well as from the abattoir environment in the state of Rio de Janeiro. All strains of Salmonella were subjected to bacterial conjugation, and the E. coli K12 Nal r Lac+ F standard strain was used as receptor, with the purpose to verify the ability to transfer the resistance marks. Gene transfer phenomenon was detected in seven strains, and except SalmonellaTyphimurium which transconjugated to Sm, Tc and Su, the remaining ones were characterized by transferring mark Su only. By plasmidial analysis of strains used and their respective transconjugants, 63 Kb plasmid was found, which was probably related to S. Typhimurium resistance.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Online sexual solicitation (solicitation) of youth has received widespread media and research attention during the last decade. The prevalence rates of youth who have experienced solicitation or solicitation attempts vary between studies depending on the methodology used (e.g., whether youth or adults are the target study group). In studies focusing on youth victims, the prevalence of solicitation attempts made by adults during the past year is typically reported to be between 5 and 9%. Adults who solicit youth online have been found to use deception and other manipulative behaviors to gain access to sexual activities with youth. However, previous studies have lacked a control group of adults who solicit other adults online. Without this comparison, one could argue that deceiving others online about one’s identity, and engaging in manipulative behaviors, is an inherent part of most online sexual interactions with strangers. Additionally, little is known about the associations between manipulative behaviors and the solicitation outcomes. In research concerning offline sexual behaviors, it has been noted that situational factors, such as sexual arousal, may alter both sexual interest and behavior. The effects of situational factors on online sexual behaviors have been less extensively studied (especially so with a quantitative approach); no studies have to date focused on adults’ solicitation of youth. Investigating the role of a lowered sexual age preference and the role of situational factors in the soliciting adults could be an important step in order to receive deeper knowledge of the role of traits and states in the context of solicitation. Additionally, there is a lack of knowledge of the effect of the age of the youth. Although previous studies on solicitation has found that older youth, compared with younger youth and children, are more often solicited, the possible reasons for this have not been investigated. Are adults who solicit youth affected by legal deterrence (through the legal age of consent), is it because older youth are more available online, or are the adults’ age preferences merely a product of a normally distributed age preference in the population? The purpose of the present thesis was fivefold: 1) to obtain an estimate of the frequency of adults’ solicitation of youth as self-reported and observed in actual behavior; 2) to explore whether the legal age of consent (LAC) affects solicitation frequency, or whether a normally distributed sexual age preference more accurately describe the proportion of solicited youth of different ages; 3) to investigate the associations of both traits (e.g., lower sexual age preference) and states (immediate situational factors, such as alcohol intoxication), and the solicitation target; 4) to explore whether adults who solicit youth and adults who solicit adults are equally deceitful and manipulative online, and whether the different solicitation outcomes are as common in both groups; and 5) to investigate whether the deceitful and manipulative behaviors engaged in had different associations with the solicitation outcomes depending on the age of the solicited. In the survey study, a convenience sample of 1393 adult participants (aged 18 years or older) self-reported any online communication with strangers during the past year. Of these, 56% (776 respondents) reported that they had solicited or attempted to solicit at least one stranger. Of the respondents, 453 (58.4%) were men, and 323 (41.6%) were women. Participants with only adult contacts (18 years or older) constituted the majority (640 respondents). In contrast, 136 individuals reported a youth contact (a 13 year old or younger, or a 14 to 17-year old). Approximately half of the participants were men in the adult contact group, while 75% of the participants were men in the youth contact group. Approximately 60% of the participants with youth contacts were recruited from two websites associated with a pedophilic sexual interest. In an online quasi-experimental study, with researchers impersonating youth of different ages (10–18 year olds) in chat rooms, 251 online conversations with chat room visitors made up the entire sample. All chat room visitors alleged to be men. The self-reported frequency of having solicited youth (0–17-year olds) during the past year was approximately 10% in our sample of adults who reported communicating with any strangers online. When we observed this behavior in chat rooms, we found that approximately 30% of the chat room visitors who believed they interacted with a 10 to 14 year old attempted to solicit the youth. We found that solicitation attempts increased equally much when increasing the age of the impersonated youth from 14 to 16, as from 16 to 18. Thus, we concluded that a normally distributed age preference in the population was a more plausible explanation to the effect of the age of the solicited, rather than the LAC (here; 15 and 16). If the chat room visitors would have been deterred only by the LAC, we would have expected that the change in amount of solicitation attempts from an illegal age group to a legal age group would have been significantly stronger than changes between age groups within illegal-illegal and legal-legal groups. Our subsample of survey participants from the pedophilia-related websites expectedly reported that they had solicited youth more often in comparison to the sample gathered through general (i.e., not associated with any particular sexual preference) websites. We also found that participants with a youth contact reported higher levels of sexual arousal and shame before the sexual interaction with their online contact, compared with participants with an adult contact. Additionally, the participants with youth contacts who reported consumption of child- and adolescent pornography also reported being more sexually aroused before the interaction, compared to the participants with youth contacts who did not report consumption of these kinds of pornography. We also found clear indications that the online sexual interaction had an alleviatory effect on reported levels of sadness, boredom and stress, independent of the age of the contact. Generally, the participants with youth and adult contacts reported deceiving their contacts as often and suggesting keeping the communication a secret from someone as often. Participants with a youth contact, however, reported using more persuasion techniques for online sexual purposes or for the purpose of an offline meeting, compared to those with an adult contact. In the chat rooms, we found that more indirect ways of future sexual communication (e.g., continuing chatting) was suggested by the chat room visitors that were under the assumption of interacting with youth aged 10 to 14, compared with more direct means (e.g., meeting offline). Survey participants with youth contacts who had used deception, suggested keeping the interactions a secret, and/or persuaded their contact by appealing to the contacts feelings of love and attachment for the participant had also more often engaged in cybersex with the contact. No other manipulative behaviors were associated with the other investigated solicitation outcomes (receiving a sexual picture, meeting offline, and engaging in sexual contact offline) within this group of participants. However, using deception, suggesting secrecy and using persuasion was also positively associated with certain solicitation outcomes within participants with an adult contact. In summary, adults’ solicitation of youth is much more frequent when observed in chat rooms than self-reported. Additionally, an underlying lowered sexual age preference seems to be a motivating factor on a group level in adults who solicit youth. We concluded that directed prevention efforts should be made on pedophiliarelated websites. Additionally, the role of situational factors, especially sexual arousal in persons with a pedo- or hebephilic sexual interest should be investigated further in the context of online sexual solicitation.


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The dependence of sweat composition and acidity on sweating rate (SR) suggests that the lower SR in children compared to adults may be accompanied by a higher level of sweat lactate (Lac-) and ammonia (NH3) and a lower sweat pH. Four groups (15 girls, 18 boys, 8 women, 8 men) cycled in the heat (42ºC, 20% relative humidity) at 50% VO2max for two 20-min bouts with a 10-min rest before bout 1 and between bouts. Sweat was collected into plastic bags attached to the subject's lower back. During bout 1, sweat from girls and boys had higher Lac- concentrations (23.6 ± 1.2 and 21.2 ± 1.7 mM; P < 0.05) than sweat from women and men (18.2 ± 1.9 and 14.8 ± 1.6 mM, respectively), but Lac- was weakly associated with SR (P > 0.05; r = -0.27). Sweat Lac- concentration dropped during exercise bout 2, reaching similar levels among all groups (overall mean = 13.7 ± 0.4 mM). Children had a higher sweat NH3 than adults during bout 1 (girls = 4.2 ± 0.4, boys = 4.6 ± 0.6, women = 2.7 ± 0.2, and men = 3.0 ± 0.2 mM; P < 0.05). This difference persisted through bout 2 only in females. On average, children's sweat pH was lower than that of adults (mean ± SEM, girls = 5.4 ± 0.2, boys = 5.0 ± 0.1, women = 6.2 ± 0.5, and men = 6.2 ± 0.4 for bout 1, and girls = 5.4 ± 0.2, boys = 6.5 ± 0.5, women = 5.2 ± 0.2, and men = 6.9 ± 0.4 for bout 2). This may have favored NH3 transport from plasma to sweat as accounted for by a significant correlation between sweat NH3 and H+ (r = 0.56). Blood pH increased from rest (mean ± SEM; 7.3 ± 0.02) to the end of exercise (7.4 ± 0.01) without differences among groups. These results, however, are representative of sweat induced by moderate exercise in the absence of acidosis.


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Many patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HC) have a poor prognosis. Snail, a transcription factor and E-cadherin repressor, is a novel prognostic factor in many cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between snail and E-cadherin protein expression and the prognostic significance of snail expression in HC. We examined the protein expression of snail and E-cadherin in HC tissues from 47 patients (22 males and 25 females, mean age 61.2 years) using immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Proliferation rate was also evaluated in the same cases by the MIB1 index. High, low and negative snail protein expression was recorded in 18 (38%), 17 (36%), and 12 (26%) cases, respectively, and 40.4% (19/47) cases showed reduced E-cadherin protein expression in HC samples. No significant correlation was found between snail and E-cadherin protein expression levels (P = 0.056). No significant correlation was found between snail protein expression levels and gender, age, tumor grade, vascular or perineural invasion, nodal metastasis and invasion, or proliferative index. Cancer samples with positive snail protein expression were associated with poor survival compared with the negative expresser groups. Kaplan-Meier curves comparing different snail protein expression levels to survival showed highly significant separation (P < 0.0001, log-rank test). With multivariate analysis, only snail protein expression among all parameters was found to influence survival (P = 0.0003). We suggest that snail expression levels can predict poor survival regardless of pathological features and tumor proliferation. Immunohistochemical detection of snail protein expression levels in routine sections may provide the first biological prognostic marker.


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Oculo-facio-cardio-dental (OFCD) syndrome is a rare X-linked disorder mainly manifesting in females. Patients show ocular, facial, cardiac, and dental abnormalities. OFCD syndrome is caused by heterozygous mutations in the BCOR gene, located in Xp11.4, encoding the BCL6 co-repressor. We report a Croatian family with four female members (grandmother, mother and monozygotic female twins) diagnosed with OFCD syndrome who carry the novel BCOR mutation c.4438C>T (p.R1480*). They present high intrafamilial phenotypic variability with special regard to cardiac defect and cataract that showed more severe disease expression in successive generations. Clinical and radiographic examination of the mother of the twins revealed a talon cusp involving the permanent maxillary right central incisor. This is the first known report of a talon cusp in OFCD syndrome with a novel mutation in the BCOR gene.


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Retrograde autologous priming (RAP) has been routinely applied in cardiac pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). However, this technique is performed in pediatric patients weighing more than 20 kg, and research about its application in pediatric patients weighing less than 20 kg is still scarce. This study explored the clinical application of RAP in CPB in pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Sixty pediatric patients scheduled for cardiac surgery were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. The experimental group was treated with CPB using RAP, while the control group was treated with conventional CPB (priming with suspended red blood cells, plasma and albumin). The hematocrit (Hct) and lactate (Lac) levels at different perioperative time-points, mechanical ventilation time, hospitalization duration, and intraoperative and postoperative blood usage were recorded. Results showed that Hct levels at 15 min after CPB beginning (T2) and at CPB end (T3), and number of intraoperative blood transfusions were significantly lower in the experimental group (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in CPB time, aortic blocking time, T2-Lac value or T3-Lac between the two groups (P>0.05). Postoperatively, there were no significant differences in Hct (2 h after surgery), mechanical ventilation time, intensive care unit time, or postoperative blood transfusion between two groups (P>0.05). RAP can effectively reduce the hemodilution when using less or not using any banked blood, while meeting the intraoperative perfusion conditions, and decreasing the perioperative blood transfusion volume in pediatric patients.


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The growing interest in lipase production is related to the potential biotechnological applications that these enzymes present. Current studies on lipase production by submerged fermentation involve the use of agro-industrial residues aiming at increasing economic attractiveness. Based on these aspects, the objective of this work was to investigate lipase production by Penicillium verrucosum in submerged fermentation using a conventional medium based on peptone, yeast extract, NaCl and olive oil, and an industrial medium based on corn steep liquor, Prodex Lac (yeast hydrolysate), NaCl and olive oil, as well as to characterize the crude enzymatic extracts obtained. Kinetics of lipase production was evaluated and the highest enzymatic activities, of 3.15 and 2.22 U.mL-1, were observed when conventional and industrial media were used, respectively. The enzymatic extract showed optimal activity in the range from 30 to 40 °C and at pH 7.0. Although the industrial medium presents economical advantages over the conventional medium, the presence of agro-industrial residues rich in nitrogen and other important nutrients seemed to contribute to a reduction in lipase activity.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de uma membrana cerâmica (0,8 µm de porosidade) na filtração de soro de leite de búfala (SLB) e comparar a qualidade microbiana e nutricional do filtrado com aquela do soro proveniente do processo de pasteurização (65 ºC, 30 minutos). Foram realizadas sete repetições em que as amostras de SLB colhidas, antes e após a filtração (SF) ou pasteurização (SP), foram caracterizadas quanto ao pH, densidade (d), acidez lática (ºD), umidade (U), extrato seco total (EST), teor de gordura (TG), lactose (Lac) e proteínas (Pro), e também quanto ao número de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas. As amostras in natura de SLB apresentaram médias de pH = 6,31, acidez = 10,00, U = 89,60, EST = 10,40, d = 1,027, P = 1,19%, Lac = 5,84%, e G = 1,20%. Os resultados indicaram que houve uma redução de carga microbiana média de 4,04 x log UFC.mL-1 em AS para 1,50 x log UFC.mL-1 nas amostras de SP e para 0,70 x log UFC.mL-1 nas amostras de SF. Portanto, a microfiltração por membrana cerâmica foi mais eficiente que o processo de pasteurização lenta em relação à redução de carga microbiana.