906 resultados para Laboratory of Education of Mathematics
Spin factors and generalizations are used to revisit positive generation of B(E, F), where E and F are ordered Banach spaces. Interior points of B(E, F)+ are discussed and in many cases it is seen that positive generation of B(E, F) is controlled by spin structure in F when F is a JBW-algebra.
This group, which is concerned with the applications of mathematics to agricultural science, was formed in 1970 and has since met at approximately yearly intervals in London for one-day meetings. The thirty-ninth meeting of the group, chaired by Professor N. Crout of the University of Nottingham, was held in the Kohn Centre at the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London on Friday, 30 March 2007 when the following papers were read.
Teaching mathematics to students in the biological sciences is often fraught with difficulty. Students often discover mathematics to be a very 'dry' subject in which it is difficult to see the motivation of learning it given its often abstract application. In this paper I advocate the use of mathematical modelling as a method for engaging students in understanding the use of mathematics in helping to solve problems in the Biological Sciences. The concept of mathematics as a laboratory tool is introduced and the importance of presenting students with relevant, real-world examples of applying mathematics in the Biological Sciences is discussed.
In a development from material introduced in recent work, we discuss the interconnections between ternary rings of operators (TROs) and right C*-algebras generated by JC*-triples, deducing that every JC*-triple possesses a largest universally reversible ideal, that the universal TRO commutes with appropriate tensor products and establishing a reversibility criterion for type I JW*-triples.
The Fredholm properties of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space A2 have been well-known for continuous symbols since the 1970s. We investigate the case p=1 with continuous symbols under a mild additional condition, namely that of the logarithmic vanishing mean oscillation in the Bergman metric. Most differences are related to boundedness properties of Toeplitz operators acting on Ap that arise when we no longer have 1
of Hankel operators on A1.
Wave solutions to a mechanochemical model for cytoskeletal activity are studied and the results applied to the waves of chemical and mechanical activity that sweep over an egg shortly after fertilization. The model takes into account the calcium-controlled presence of actively contractile units in the cytoplasm, and consists of a viscoelastic force equilibrium equation and a conservation equation for calcium. Using piecewise linear caricatures, we obtain analytic solutions for travelling waves on a strip and demonstrate uiat the full nonlinear system behaves as predicted by the analytic solutions. The equations are solved on a sphere and the numerical results are similar to the analytic solutions. We indicate how the speed of the waves can be used as a diagnostic tool with which the chemical reactivity of the egg surface can be measured.