935 resultados para Key topics in conservation biology
In the last decades, the building materials and construction industry has been contributing to a great extent to generate a high impact on our environment. As it has been considered one of the key areas in which to operate to significantly reduce our footprint on environment, there has been widespread belief that particular attention now has to be paid and specific measures have to be taken to limit the use of non-renewable resources.The aim of this thesis is therefore to study and evaluate sustainable alternatives to commonly used building materials, mainly based on ordinary Portland Cement, and find a supportable path to reduce CO2 emissions and promote the re-use of waste materials. More specifically, this research explores different solutions for replacing cementitious binders in distinct application fields, particularly where special and more restricting requirements are needed, such as restoration and conservation of architectural heritage. Emphasis was thus placed on aspects and implications more closely related to the concept of non-invasivity and environmental sustainability. A first part of the research was addressed to the study and development of sustainable inorganic matrices, based on lime putty, for the pre-impregnation and on-site binding of continuous carbon fiber fabrics for structural rehabilitation and heritage restoration. Moreover, with the aim to further limit the exploitation of non-renewable resources, the synthesis of chemically activated silico-aluminate materials, as metakaolin, ladle slag or fly ash, was thus successfully achieved. New sustainable binders were hence proposed as novel building materials, suitable to be used as primary component for construction and repair mortars, as bulk materials in high-temperature applications or as matrices for high-toughness fiber reinforced composites.
Neoplastic overgrowth depends on the cooperation of several mutations ultimately leading to major rearrangements in cellular behaviour. The molecular crosstalk occurring between precancerous and normal cells strongly influences the early steps of the tumourigenic process as well as later stages of the disease. Precancerous cells are often removed by cell death from normal tissues but the mechanisms responsible for such fundamental safeguard processes remain in part elusive. To gain insight into these phenomena I took advantage of the clonal analysis methods available in Drosophila for studying the phenotypes due to loss of function of the neoplastic tumour suppressor lethal giant larvae (lgl). I found that lgl mutant cells growing in wild-type imaginal wing discs are subject to the phenomenon of cell competition and are eliminated by JNK-dependent cell death because they express very low levels of dMyc oncoprotein compared to those in the surrounding tissue. Indeed, in non-competitive backgrounds lgl mutant clones are able to overgrow and upregulate dMyc, overwhelming the neighbouring tissue and forming tumourous masses that display several cancer hallmarks. These phenotypes are completely abolished by reducing dMyc abundance within mutant cells while increasing it in lgl clones growing in a competitive context re-establishes their tumourigenic potential. Similarly, the neoplastic growth observed upon the oncogenic cooperation between lgl mutation and activated Ras/Raf/MAPK signalling was found to be characterised by and dependent on the ability of cancerous cells to upregulate dMyc with respect to the adjacent normal tissue, through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, thereby confirming its key role in lgl-induced tumourigenesis. These results provide first evidence that the dMyc oncoprotein is required in lgl mutant tissue to promote invasive overgrowth in developing and adult epithelial tissues and that dMyc abundance inside versus outside lgl mutant clones plays a key role in driving neoplastic overgrowth.
Mesenchymale Stamzellen (MSC) sind Vertreter der adulten Stammzellen. Sie bergen durch ihre große Plastizität ein immenses Potential für die klinische Nutzung in Form von Stammzelltherapien. Zellen dieses Typs kommen vornehmlich im Knochenmark der großen Röhrenknochen vor und können zu Knochen, Knorpel und Fettzellen differenzieren. MSC leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag im Rahmen regenerativer Prozesse, beispielsweise zur Heilung von Frakturen. Breite Studien demonstrieren bereits jetzt auch bei komplexeren Erkrankungen (z.B. Osteoporose) therapeutisch vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Oft kommen hierbei aus MSC gezielt differenzierte Folgelinien aus Zellkulturen zum Einsatz. Dies bedingt eine kontrollierte Steuerung der Differenzierungsprozesse in vitro. Der Differenzierung einer Stammzelle liegt eine komplexe Veränderung ihrer Genexpression zugrunde. Genexpressionsmuster zur Erhaltung und Proliferation der Stammzellen müssen durch solche, die der linienspezifischen Differenzierung dienen, ersetzt werden. Die mit der Differenzierung einhergehende, transkriptomische Neuausrichtung ist für das Verständnis der Prozesse grundlegend und wurde bislang nur unzureichend untersucht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine transkriptomweite und vergleichende Genexpressionsanalyse Mesenchymaler Stammzellen und deren in vitro differenzierten Folgelinien mittels Plasmid - DNA Microarrays und Sequenziertechniken der nächsten Generation (RNA-Seq, Illumina Plattform). In dieser Arbeit diente das Hausrind (Bos taurus) als Modellorganismus, da es genetisch betrachtet eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zum Menschen aufweist und Knochenmark als Quelle von MSC gut verfügbar ist. Primärkulturen Mesenchymaler Stammzellen konnten aus dem Knochenmark von Rindern erfolgreich isoliert werden. Es wurden in vitro Zellkultur - Versuche durchgeführt, um die Zellen zu Osteoblasten, Chondrozyten und Adipozyten zu differenzieren. Zur Genexpressionsanalyse wurde RNA aus jungen MSC und einer MSC Langzeitkultur („alte MSC“), sowie aus den differenzierten Zelllinien isoliert und für nachfolgende Experimente wo nötig amplifiziert. Der Erfolg der Differenzierungen konnte anhand der Genexpression von spezifischen Markergenen und mittels histologischer Färbungen belegt werden. Hierbei zeigte sich die Differenzierung zu Osteoblasten und Adipozyten erfolgreich, während die Differenzierung zu Chondrozyten trotz diverser Modifikationen am Protokoll nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden konnte. Eine vergleichende Hybridisierung zur Bestimmung differentieller Genexpression (MSC vs. Differenzierung) mittels selbst hergestellter Plasmid - DNA Microarrays ergab für die Osteogenese mit Genen wie destrin und enpp1, für die undifferenzierten MSC mit dem Gen sema3c neue Kandidatengene, deren biologische Funktion aufzuklären in zukünftigen Experimenten vielversprechende Ergebnisse liefern sollte. Die Analyse der transkriptomweiten Genexpression mittels NGS lieferte einen noch umfangreicheren Einblick ins Differenzierungsgeschehen. Es zeigte sich eine hohe Ähnlichkeit im Expressionsprofil von jungen MSC und Adipozyten, sowie zwischen den Profilen der alten MSC (eine Langzeitkultur) und Osteoblasten. Die alten MSC wiesen deutliche Anzeichen für eine spontane Differenzierung in die osteogene Richtung auf. Durch Analyse der 100 am stärksten exprimierten Gene jeder Zelllinie ließen sich für junge MSC und Adipozyten besonders Gene der extrazellulären Matrix (z.B col1a1,6 ; fn1 uvm.) auffinden. Sowohl Osteoblasten, als auch die alten MSC exprimieren hingegen verstärkt Gene mit Bezug zur oxidativen Phosphorylierung, sowie ribosomale Proteine. Eine Betrachtung der differentiellen Genexpression (junge MSC vs. Differenzierung) mit anschließender Pathway Analyse und Genontologie Anreicherungsstatistik unterstützt diese Ergebnisse vor allem bei Osteoblasten, wo nun jedoch zusätzlich auch Gene zur Regulation der Knochenentwicklung und Mineralisierung in den Vordergrund treten. Für Adipozyten konnte mit Genen des „Jak-STAT signaling pathway“, der Fokalen Adhäsion, sowie Genen des „Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction pathway“ sehr spannende Einsichten in die Biologie dieses Zelltyps erlangt werden, die sicher weiterer Untersuchungen bedürfen. In undifferenzierten MSC konnte durch differentielle Genexpressionsanalyse die Rolle des nicht kanonischen Teils des WNT Signalweges als für die Aufrechterhaltung des Stammzellstatus potentiell äußerst einflussreich ermittelt werden. Die hier diskutierten Ergebnisse zeigen beispielhaft, dass besonders mittels Genexpressionsanalyse im Hochdurchsatzverfahren wertvolle Einblicke in die komplexe Biologie der Stammzelldifferenzierung möglich sind. Als Grundlage für nachfolgende Arbeiten konnten interessante Gene ermittelt und Hypothesen zu deren Einfluss auf Stammzelleigenschaften und Differenzierungsprozesse aufgestellt werden. Um einen besseren Einblick in den Differenzierungsverlauf zu ermöglichen, könnten künftig NGS Analysen zu unterschiedlichen Differenzierungszeitpunkten durchgeführt werden. Zudem wären weitere Anstrengungen zur erfolgreichen Etablierung der chondrogenen Differenzierung zur vollständigen Analyse der Genexpression des trilinearen Differenzierungspotentials von MSC wünschenswert.
Correspondence establishment is a key step in statistical shape model building. There are several automated methods for solving this problem in 3D, but they usually can only handle objects with simple topology, like that of a sphere or a disc. We propose an extension to correspondence establishment over a population based on the optimization of the minimal description length function, allowing considering objects with arbitrary topology. Instead of using a fixed structure of kernel placement on a sphere for the systematic manipulation of point landmark positions, we rely on an adaptive, hierarchical organization of surface patches. This hierarchy can be built on surfaces of arbitrary topology and the resulting patches are used as a basis for a consistent, multi-scale modification of the surfaces' parameterization, based on point distribution models. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated on synthetic models with different topologies.
Effects of self-compatibility on the distribution range of invasive European plants in North America
A considerable fraction of the world's biodiversity is of recent evolutionary origin and has evolved as a by-product of, and is maintained by, divergent adaptation in heterogeneous environments. Conservationists have paid attention to genetic homogenization caused by human-induced translocations (e.g. biological invasions and stocking), and to the importance of environmental heterogeneity for the ecological coexistence of species. However, far less attention has been paid to the consequences of loss of environmental heterogeneity to the genetic coexistence of sympatric species. Our review of empirical observations and our theoretical considerations on the causes and consequences of interspecific hybridization suggest that a loss of environmental heterogeneity causes a loss of biodiversity through increased genetic admixture, effectively reversing speciation. Loss of heterogeneity relaxes divergent selection and removes ecological barriers to gene flow between divergently adapted species, promoting interspecific introgressive hybridization. Since heterogeneity of natural environments is rapidly deteriorating in most biomes, the evolutionary ecology of speciation reversal ought to be fully integrated into conservation biology.
There is constant pressure to improve evaluation of animal genetic resources in order to prevent their erosion. Maintaining the integrity of livestock species as well as their genetic diversity is of paramount interest for long-term agricultural policies. One major use of DNA techniques in conservation is to reveal genetic diversity within and between populations. Forty-one microsatellites were analysed to assess genetic diversity in nine Swiss sheep breeds and to measure the loss of the overall diversity when one breed would become extinct. The expected heterozygosities varied from 0.65 to 0.74 and 10.8% of the total genetic diversity can be explained by the variation among breeds. Based on the proportion of shared alleles, each of the nine breeds were clearly defined in their own cluster in the neighbour-joining tree describing the relationships among the breeds. Bayesian clustering methods assign individuals to groups based on their genetic similarity and infer the number of populations. In STRUCTURE, this approach pooled the Valais Blacknose and the Valais Red. With BAPS method the two Valais sheep breeds could be separated. Caballero & Toro approach (2002) was used to calculate the loss or gain of genetic diversity when each of the breeds would be removed from the set. The changes in diversity based on between-breed variation ranged from -12.2% (Valais Blacknose) to 0% (Swiss Black Brown Mountain and Mirror Sheep); based on within-breed diversity the removal of a breed could also produce an increase in diversity (-0.6% to + 0.6%). Allelic richness ranged from 4.9 (Valais Red) to 6.7 (Brown Headed Meat sheep and Red Engadine Sheep). Breed conservation decisions cannot be limited to genetic diversity alone. In Switzerland, conservation goals are embedded in the desire to carry the cultural legacy over to future generations.
The intention of the present volume is to unite the research of a range of scholars who have been working on features of non-standard, vernacular English which show an areal distribution, i.e. which cluster geographically across the world. Features common to an area can be due to (i) shared dialect input, (ii) common but separate innovations after settlement, or (iii) area-internal diffusion from one variety to another and/or others. The relative weighting of these factors is an important topic in the book and is a key focus in the 17 chapters. The book is divided into two large blocks, the first one consisting of case studies (8 chapters) and the second with features complexes (9 chapters). The former look at major anglophone locations from an areal perspective while the latter examine linguistic categories and features with a view to determine whether these could be areally based or not.
Lipid metabolism is of crucial importance for pathogens. Lipids serve as cellular building blocks, signalling molecules, energy stores, posttranslational modifiers, and pathogenesis factors. Parasites rely on a complex system of uptake and synthesis mechanisms to satisfy their lipid needs. The parameters of this system change dramatically as the parasite transits through the various stages of its life cycle. Here we discuss the tremendous recent advances that have been made in the understanding of the synthesis and uptake pathways for fatty acids and phospholipids in apicomplexan and kinetoplastid parasites, including Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Lipid synthesis differs in significant ways between parasites from both phyla and the human host. Parasites have acquired novel pathways through endosymbiosis, as in the case of the apicoplast, have dramatically reshaped substrate and product profiles, and have evolved specialized lipids to interact with or manipulate the host. These differences potentially provide opportunities for drug development. We outline the lipid pathways for key species in detail as they progress through the developmental cycle and highlight those that are of particular importance to the biology of the pathogens and/or are the most promising targets for parasite-specific treatment.
Prostate cancer is a major health concern as it has the second highest incidence rate among cancers in men. Despite progress in tumor diagnostics and therapeutic approaches, prognosis for men with advanced disease remains poor. In this review we provide insight into the changes of the intermediary metabolism in normal prostate and prostate cancer. In contrast to normal cells, prostate cancer cells are reprogrammed for optimal energy-efficiency with a functional Krebs cycle and minimal apoptosis rates. A key element in this relationship is the uniquely high zinc level of normal prostate epithelial cells. Zinc is transported by the SLC30 and SLC39 families of zinc transporters. However, in prostate cancer the intracellular zinc content is remarkably reduced and expression levels of certain zinc transporters are altered. Here, we summarize the role of different zinc transporters in the development of prostate cancer.
Human heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs) play key roles in renal and intestinal re-absorption, cell redox balance and tumor growth. These transporters are composed of a heavy and a light subunit, which are connected by a disulphide bridge. Heavy subunits are the two type II membrane N-glycoproteins rBAT and 4F2hc, while L-type amino acid transporters (LATs) are the light and catalytic subunits of HATs. We tested the expression of human 4F2hc and rBAT as well as seven light subunits in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. 4F2hc and the light subunit LAT2 showed the highest expression levels and yields after detergent solubilization. Co-transformation of both subunits in Pichia cells resulted in overexpression of the disulphide bridge-linked 4F2hc/LAT2 heterodimer. Two sequential affinity chromatography steps were applied to purify detergent-solubilized heterodimers yielding ~1mg of HAT from 2l of cell culture. Our results indicate that P. pastoris is a convenient system for the expression and purification of human 4F2hc/LAT2 for structural studies.
Cryptic species, i.e. species that are morphologically hard to distinguish, have been detected repeatedly in various taxa and ecosystems. In order to evaluate the importance of this finding, we have to know in how far cryptic species differ in various aspects of their biology. The amphipod Gammarus fossarum is a key invertebrate in freshwater streams and contains several cryptic species. We examined the population genetic structure, genetic diversity and demographic history of two of them (type A and type B) using microsatellite markers and asked whether they show significant differences. We present results of population genetic analyses based on a total of 37 populations from the headwaters of two major European drainages, Rhine and Rhone. We found that, in both species, genetic diversity was geographically structured among and within drainages. For type A in the Rhine and type B in the Rhone, we detected significant patterns of isolation by distance. The increase of genetic differentiation with geographical distance, however, was much higher in type A than in type B. This result indicates substantial interspecific differences in population history and/or the extent of current gene flow between populations. In the Rhine, type B does not show evidence of isolation by distance, and population differentiation is relatively low across hundreds of kilometres. The majority of these populations also show signatures of recent bottlenecks. These patterns are consistent with a recent expansion of type B into the Rhine drainage. In summary, our results suggest considerable and previously unrecognized interspecific differences in the genetic structure of these cryptic keystone species.
Building resilience to climate change in agricultural production can ensure the functioning of agricultural-based livelihoods and reduce their vulnerability to climate change impacts. This paper thus explores how buffer capacity, a characteristic feature of resilience, can be conceptualised and used for assessing the resilience of smallholder agriculture to climate change. It uses the case of conservation agriculture farmers in a Kenyan region and examines how their practices contribute to buffer capacity. Surveys were used to collect data from 41 purposely selected conservation agriculture farmers in the Laikipia region of Kenya. Besides descriptive statistics, factor analysis was used to identify the key dimensions that characterise buffer capacity in the study context. The cluster of practices characterising buffer capacity in conservation agriculture include soil protection, adapted crops, intensification/irrigation, mechanisation and livelihood diversification. Various conservation practices increase buffer capacity, evaluated by farmers in economic, social, ecological and other dimensions. Through conservation agriculture, most farmers improved their productivity and incomes despite drought, improved their environment and social relations. Better-off farmers also reduced their need for labour, but this resulted in lesser income-earning opportunities for the poorer farmers, thus reducing the buffer capacity and resilience of the latter.