966 resultados para Jazz from Finland 2011
We used Little Ice Age (LIA) trimlines and moraines to assess changes in South American glaciers over the last ∼140 years. We determined the extent and length of 640 glaciers during the LIA (∼ AD 1870) and 626 glaciers (the remainder having entirely disappeared) in 1986, 2001 and 2011. The calculated reduction in glacierized area between the LIA and 2011 is 4131 km2 (15.4%), with 660 km2 (14.2%) being lost from the Northern Patagonia Icefield (NPI), 1643 km2 (11.4%) from the Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI) and 306 km2 (14.4%) from Cordillera Darwin. Latitude, size and terminal environment (calving or land-terminating) exert the greatest control on rates of shrinkage. Small, northerly, land-terminating glaciers shrank fastest. Annual rates of area loss increased dramatically after 2001 for mountain glaciers north of 52° S and the large icefields, with the NPI and SPI now shrinking at 9.4 km2 a–1 (0.23% a–1) and 20.5 km2 a–1 (0.15% a–1) respectively. The shrinkage of glaciers between 52° S and 54° S accelerated after 1986, and rates of shrinkage from 1986 to 2011 remained steady. Icefield outlet glaciers, isolated glaciers and ice caps south of 54° S shrank faster from 1986 to 2001 than they did from 2001 to 2011.
A dataset of manufacturers' measurements of acrylamide levels in 40,455 samples of fresh sliced potato crisps from 20 European countries for years 2002 to 2011 was compiled. This dataset is by far the largest ever compiled relating to acrylamide levels in potato crisps. Analysis of variance was applied to the data and showed a clear, significant downward trend for mean levels of acrylamide, from 763 +/- 91.1 ng g(-1) (parts per billion) in 2002 to 358 +/- 2.5 ng g(-1) in 2011; this was a decrease of 53% +/- 13.5%. The yearly 95th quantile values were also subject to a clear downward trend. The effect of seasonality arising from the influence of potato storage on acrylamide levels was evident, with acrylamide in the first 6 months of the year being significantly higher than in the second 6 months. The proportion of samples containing acrylamide at a level above the indicative value of 1000ngg(-1) for potato crisps introduced by the European Commission in 2011 fell from 23.8% in 2002 to 3.2% in 2011. Nevertheless, even in 2011, a small proportion of samples still contained high levels of acrylamide, with 0.2% exceeding 2000ngg(-1).
New in-situ aircraft measurements of Saharan dust originating from Mali, Mauritania and Algeria taken during the Fennec 2011 aircraft campaign over a remote part of the Sahara Desert are presented. Size distributions extending to 300 μm are shown, representing measurements extending further into the coarse mode than previously published for airborne Saharan dust. A significant coarse mode was present in the size distribution measurements with effective diameter (deff) from 2.3 to 19.4 μm and coarse mode volume median diameter (dvc) from 5.8 to 45.3 μm. The mean size distribution had a larger relative proportion of coarse mode particles than previous aircraft measurements. The largest particles (with deff >12 μm, or dvc >25 μm) were only encountered within 1 km of the ground. Number concentration, mass loading and extinction coefficient showed inverse relationships to dust age since uplift. Dust particle size showed a weak exponential relationship to dust age. Two cases of freshly uplifted dust showed quite different characteristics of size distribution and number concentration. Single Scattering Albed (SSA) values at 550 nm calculated from the measured size distributions revealed high absorption ranging from 0.70 to 0.97 depending on the refractive index. SSA was found to be strongly related to deff. New instrumentation revealed that direct measurements, behind Rosemount inlets, overestimate SSA by up to 0.11 when deff is greater than 2 μm. This is caused by aircraft inlet inefficiencies and sampling losses. Previous measurements of SSA from aircraft measurements may also have been overestimates for this reason. Radiative transfer calculations indicate that the range of SSAs during Fennec 2011 can lead to underestimates in shortwave atmospheric heating rates by 2.0 to 3.0 times if the coarse mode is neglected. This will have an impact on Saharan atmospheric dynamics and circulation,which should be taken into account by numerical weather prediction and climate models.
This report describes the outcome of the first visit to Tanzania, within the project "Mini-grids supplied by renewable energy - improving technical and social feasibility". The trip included visits to three different organizations; Ihushi Development Center (IDC) near Mwanza, TIDESO near Bukoba, and Mavuno Project in Karagwe. At IDC, a brief evaluation of the current power system was done and measuring equipment for long term measurements were installed. At all three locations investigations regarding the current and future electricity demand were conducted and connections to people relevant to the study were established. The report is including as well some technical specifications as some observations regarding organization and management of the technical systems. The trip was including only short visits and therefore only brief introductions to the different organizations, based on observations done by the author. The report is hence describing the author’s understanding of the technical system and social structures after only short visits to each of the organizations, and may differ from observations done at another point in time, over a different time period, or by some other person.This report describes the outcome of the first visit to Tanzania, within the project "Mini-grids supplied by renewable energy - improving technical and social feasibility". The trip included visits to three different organizations; Ihushi Development Center (IDC) near Mwanza, TIDESO near Bukoba, and Mavuno Project in Karagwe. At IDC, a brief evaluation of the current power system was done and measuring equipment for long term measurements were installed. At all three locations investigations regarding the current and future electricity demand were conducted and connections to people relevant to the study were established. The report is including as well some technical specifications as some observations regarding organization and management of the technical systems. The trip was including only short visits and therefore only brief introductions to the different organizations, based on observations done by the author. The report is hence describing the author’s understanding of the technical system and social structures after only short visits to each of the organizations, and may differ from observations done at another point in time, over a different time period, or by some other person.
Funding was obtained from a Capes Fellowship to NM, grants CNPq Universal 481351/ 2011-6, CNPq PQ 306604/2012-4, FAPERN/CNPq Pronem 003/2011, Capes SticAmSud, and FAPESP/CEPID/Neuromat to S.R. CNPq Universal 473554/2011-9 and 480053/ 2013-8, CNPq PQ 308558/2011-1, FACEPE/CNPq-PRONEX APQ- 0203-1.05/08, FACEPE/CNPq-PRONEM APQ-1415-1.05/10, and CNAIPS to M.C
The primary health care has been recognized as one of the key components of an effective health system. In its most developed form, the primary health care is the first contact with the health system and the site responsible for the organization of health care over time: individuals, their families and the general population; seeks to provide balance between the two goals of a national health system, which are improving the health of the population and provide equitable distribution of resources. Hospitalizations for primary care sensitive conditions (HPCSC) may be associated with deficiencies of service coverage primary health care or its effectiveness. Hospitalization rates can and should represent a warning sign, triggering mechanisms for analysis and search for explanations for these problems. The use of hospitalization data for HPCSC can serve as indicators of inequality in the health system, contributing to the evaluation of the deployment and implementation of health policies.
The acidity levels present in the juice of sugarcane can cause problems in its processing. This study aimed to compare the values of total, volatile and fixed acidity in the juice of the stem nodes and internodes of sugarcane. The experimental design was a completely randomized, 3x2 factorial arrangement with four replications, using three varieties of sugarcane (IAC91-1099; ISC95 and CTC7-5000) divided into node and internode. The stems were collected and separated in node and internode. After extraction of juice from each part, total, volatile and fix acidities were determined. The results were subjected to variance analysis the by F test and compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The cultivar CTC7 had the lowest levels of total and fixed acidity. Cultivar IAC91-1099 showed high levels of fixed acidity on both parts of the stem, and high volatile acidity at the node. In the stem, the values of volatile acidity showed no definite pattern between cultivars. The node has, in general, a higher fixed acidity, but some cultivars have shown opposite results.
This PhD thesis concerns geochemical constraints on recycling and partial melting of Archean continental crust. A natural example of such processes was found in the Iisalmi area of Central Finland. The rocks from this area are Middle to Late Archean in age and experienced metamorphism and partial melting between 2.7-2.63 Ga. The work is based on extensive field work. It is furthermore founded on bulk rock geochemical data as well as in-situ analyses of minerals. All geochemical data were obtained at the Institute of Geosciences, University of Mainz using X-ray fluorescence, solution ICP-MS and laser ablation-ICP-MS for bulk rock geochemical analyses. Mineral analyses were accomplished by electron microprobe and laser ablation ICP-MS. Fluid inclusions were studied by microscope on a heating-freezing-stage at the Geoscience Center, University Göttingen. Part I focuses on the development of a new analytical method for bulk rock trace element determination by laser ablation-ICP-MS using homogeneous glasses fused from rock powder on an Iridium strip heater. This method is applicable for mafic rock samples whose melts have low viscosities and homogenize quickly at temperatures of ~1200°C. Highly viscous melts of felsic samples prevent melting and homogenization at comparable temperatures. Fusion of felsic samples can be enabled by addition of MgO to the rock powder and adjustment of melting temperature and melting duration to the rock composition. Advantages of the fusion method are low detection limits compared to XRF analyses and avoidance of wet-chemical processing and use of strong acids as in solution ICP-MS as well as smaller sample volumes compared to the other methods. Part II of the thesis uses bulk rock geochemical data and results from fluid inclusion studies for discrimination of melting processes observed in different rock types. Fluid inclusion studies demonstrate a major change in fluid composition from CO2-dominated fluids in granulites to aqueous fluids in TTG gneisses and amphibolites. Partial melts were generated in the dry, CO2-rich environment by dehydration melting reactions of amphibole which in addition to tonalitic melts produced the anhydrous mineral assemblages of granulites (grt + cpx + pl ± amph or opx + cpx + pl + amph). Trace element modeling showed that mafic granulites are residues of 10-30 % melt extraction from amphibolitic precursor rocks. The maximum degree of melting in intermediate granulites was ~10 % as inferred from modal abundances of amphibole, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. Carbonic inclusions are absent in upper-amphibolite facies migmatites whereas aqueous inclusion with up to 20 wt% NaCl are abundant. This suggests that melting within TTG gneisses and amphibolites took place in the presence of an aqueous fluid phase that enabled melting at the wet solidus at temperatures of 700-750°C. The strong disruption of pre-metamorphic structures in some outcrops suggests that the maximum amount of melt in TTG gneisses was ~25 vol%. The presence of leucosomes in all rock types is taken as the principle evidence for melt formation. However, mineralogical appearance as well as major and trace element composition of many leucosomes imply that leucosomes seldom represent frozen in-situ melts. They are better considered as remnants of the melt channel network, e.g. ways on which melts escaped from the system. Part III of the thesis describes how analyses of minerals from a specific rock type (granulite) can be used to determine partition coefficients between different minerals and between minerals and melt suitable for lower crustal conditions. The trace element analyses by laser ablation-ICP-MS show coherent distribution among the principal mineral phases independent of rock composition. REE contents in amphibole are about 3 times higher than REE contents in clinopyroxene from the same sample. This consistency has to be taken into consideration in models of lower crustal melting where amphibole is replaced by clinopyroxene in the course of melting. A lack of equilibrium is observed between matrix clinopyroxene / amphibole and garnet porphyroblasts which suggests a late stage growth of garnet and slow diffusion and equilibration of the REE during metamorphism. The data provide a first set of distribution coefficients of the transition metals (Sc, V, Cr, Ni) in the lower crust. In addition, analyses of ilmenite and apatite demonstrate the strong influence of accessory phases on trace element distribution. Apatite contains high amounts of REE and Sr while ilmenite incorporates about 20-30 times higher amounts of Nb and Ta than amphibole. Furthermore, trace element mineral analyses provide evidence for magmatic processes such as melt depletion, melt segregation, accumulation and fractionation as well as metasomatism having operated in this high-grade anatectic area.
The present work is aimed to the study and the analysis of the defects detected in the civil structure and that are object of civil litigation in order to create an instruments capable of helping the different actor involved in the building process. It is divided in three main sections. The first part is focused on the collection of the data related to the civil proceeding of the 2012 and the development of in depth analysis of the main aspects regarding the defects on existing buildings. The research center “Osservatorio Claudio Ceccoli” developed a system for the collection of the information coming from the civil proceedings of the Court of Bologna. Statistical analysis are been performed and the results are been shown and discussed in the first chapters.The second part analyzes the main issues emerged during the study of the real cases, related to the activities of the technical consultant. The idea is to create documents, called “focus”, addressed to clarify and codify specific problems in order to develop guidelines that help the technician editing of the technical advice.The third part is centered on the estimation of the methods used for the collection of data. The first results show that these are not efficient. The critical analysis of the database, the result and the experience and throughout, allowed the implementation of the collection system for the data.