991 resultados para Java programming language
In this thesis, I study the notion of program equivalences, i.e. proving that two programs can be used interchangeably without altering the overall observable behaviour. This definition is highly dependent on the contexts in which these programs can be used; does the context have exceptions, parallelism, etc... So proofs also need to be adapted according to the expressiveness of those contexts. This thesis presents on the pi-calculus – a concurrent programming language – under various typing constraints. Types allows us to impose different disciplines like forcing a sequential execution, or ensuring linearity, meaning an object can be used once. In each case, the bisimulation, a standard proof technique for the pi-calculus, needs to be adapted accordingly to obtain a suitable equivalence. We then test how using the modified bisimulations can be used to reason about a language with higher-order functions and references, which once translated into the pi-calculus satisfies the typing constraints.
This dissertation investigates the relations between logic and TCS in the probabilistic setting. It is motivated by two main considerations. On the one hand, since their appearance in the 1960s-1970s, probabilistic models have become increasingly pervasive in several fast-growing areas of CS. On the other, the study and development of (deterministic) computational models has considerably benefitted from the mutual interchanges between logic and CS. Nevertheless, probabilistic computation was only marginally touched by such fruitful interactions. The goal of this thesis is precisely to (start) bring(ing) this gap, by developing logical systems corresponding to specific aspects of randomized computation and, therefore, by generalizing standard achievements to the probabilistic realm. To do so, our key ingredient is the introduction of new, measure-sensitive quantifiers associated with quantitative interpretations. The dissertation is tripartite. In the first part, we focus on the relation between logic and counting complexity classes. We show that, due to our classical counting propositional logic, it is possible to generalize to counting classes, the standard results by Cook and Meyer and Stockmeyer linking propositional logic and the polynomial hierarchy. Indeed, we show that the validity problem for counting-quantified formulae captures the corresponding level in Wagner's hierarchy. In the second part, we consider programming language theory. Type systems for randomized \lambda-calculi, also guaranteeing various forms of termination properties, were introduced in the last decades, but these are not "logically oriented" and no Curry-Howard correspondence is known for them. Following intuitions coming from counting logics, we define the first probabilistic version of the correspondence. Finally, we consider the relationship between arithmetic and computation. We present a quantitative extension of the language of arithmetic able to formalize basic results from probability theory. This language is also our starting point to define randomized bounded theories and, so, to generalize canonical results by Buss.
Formal methods should be used to specify and verify on-card software in Java Card applications. Furthermore, Java Card programming style requires runtime verification of all input conditions for all on-card methods, where the main goal is to preserve the data in the card. Design by contract, and in particular, the JML language, are an option for this kind of development and verification, as runtime verification is part of the Design by contract method implemented by JML. However, JML and its currently available tools for runtime verification were not designed with Java Card limitations in mind and are not Java Card compliant. In this thesis, we analyze how much of this situation is really intrinsic of Java Card limitations and how much is just a matter of a complete re-design of JML and its tools. We propose the requirements for a new language which is Java Card compliant and indicate the lines on which a compiler for this language should be built. JCML strips from JML non-Java Card aspects such as concurrency and unsupported types. This would not be enough, however, without a great effort in optimization of the verification code generated by its compiler, as this verification code must run on the card. The JCML compiler, although being much more restricted than the one for JML, is able to generate Java Card compliant verification code for some lightweight specifications. As conclusion, we present a Java Card compliant variant of JML, JCML (Java Card Modeling Language), with a preliminary version of its compiler
With today's prevalence of Internet-connected systems storing sensitive data and the omnipresent threat of technically skilled malicious users, computer security remains a critically important field. Because of today's multitude of vulnerable systems and security threats, it is vital that computer science students be taught techniques for programming secure systems, especially since many of them will work on systems with sensitive data after graduation. Teaching computer science students proper design, implementation, and maintenance of secure systems is a challenging task that calls for the use of novel pedagogical tools. This report describes the implementation of a compiler that converts mandatory access control specification Domain-Type Enforcement Language to the Java Security Manager, primarily for pedagogical purposes. The implementation of the Java Security Manager was explored in depth, and various techniques to work around its inherent limitations were explored and partially implemented, although some of these workarounds do not appear in the current version of the compiler because they would have compromised cross-platform compatibility. The current version of the compiler and implementation details of the Java Security Manager are discussed in depth.
Finding the optimal value for a problem is usual in many areas of knowledge where in many cases it is needed to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems. For some of those problems it is not possible to determine the expression for its objective function and/or its constraints, they are the result of experimental procedures, might be non-smooth, among other reasons. To solve such problems it was implemented an API contained methods to solve both constrained and unconstrained problems. This API was developed to be used either locally on the computer where the application is being executed or remotely on a server. To obtain the maximum flexibility both from the programmers’ and users’ points of view, problems can be defined as a Java class (because this API was developed in Java) or as a simple text input that is sent to the API. For this last one to be possible it was also implemented on the API an expression evaluator. One of the drawbacks of this expression evaluator is that it is slower than the Java native code. In this paper it is presented a solution that combines both options: the problem can be expressed at run-time as a string of chars that are converted to Java code, compiled and loaded dynamically. To wide the target audience of the API, this new expression evaluator is also compatible with the AMPL format.
Several standards appeared in recent years to formalize the metadata of learning objects, but they are still insufficient to fully describe a specialized domain. In particular, the programming exercise domain requires interdependent resources (e.g. test cases, solution programs, exercise description) usually processed by different services in the programming exercise life-cycle. Moreover, the manual creation of these resources is time-consuming and error-prone leading to what is an obstacle to the fast development of programming exercises of good quality. This paper focuses on the definition of an XML dialect called PExIL (Programming Exercises Interoperability Language). The aim of PExIL is to consolidate all the data required in the programming exercise life-cycle, from when it is created to when it is graded, covering also the resolution, the evaluation and the feedback. We introduce the XML Schema used to formalize the relevant data of the programming exercise life-cycle. The validation of this approach is made through the evaluation of the usefulness and expressiveness of the PExIL definition. In the former we present the tools that consume the PExIL definition to automatically generate the specialized resources. In the latter we use the PExIL definition to capture all the constraints of a set of programming exercises stored in a learning objects repository.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
L'objectiu del projecte és la realització d'una eina capaç de traduir el pseudocodi al llenguatge de programació Java, utilitzant la programació orientada a objectes. S'obté un programa en Java del qual es podrà comprovar el seu bon funcionament, tot compilant-lo amb qualsevol compilador estàndard de Java com el distribuït per Sun Microsystems. El projecte està basat en teories de llenguatges i creació d'autòmats reconeixedors de gramàtiques, ja que són els fonaments per tal de realitzar un compilador/traductor. En el traductor s'implementa tant l'anàlisi lèxica, com la sintàctica i la semàntica. Les etapes de generació de codi intermedi, optimització i generació de codi final són substituïdes per la generació de codi Java
In this publication, we report on an online survey that was carried out among parallel programmers. More than 250 people worldwide have submitted answers to our questions, and their responses are analyzed here. Although not statistically sound, the data we provide give useful insights about which parallel programming systems and languages are known and in actual use. For instance, the collected data indicate that for our survey group MPI and (to a lesser extent) C are the most widely used parallel programming system and language, respectively.
The JModel suite consists of a number of models of aspects of the Earth System. They can all be run from the JModels website. They are written in the Java language for maximum portability, and are capable of running on most computing platforms including Windows, MacOS and Unix/Linux. The models are controlled via graphical user interfaces (GUI), so no knowledge of computer programming is required to run them. The models currently available from the JModels website are: Ocean phosphorus cycle Ocean nitrogen and phosphorus cycles Ocean silicon and phosphorus cycles Ocean and atmosphere carbon cycle Energy radiation balance model (under development) The main purpose of the models is to investigate how material and energy cycles of the Earth system are regulated and controlled by different feedbacks. While the central focus is on these feedbacks and Earth System stabilisation, the models can also be used in other ways. These resources have been developed by: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton project led by Toby Tyrrell and Andrew Yool, focus on how the Earth system works.
In this lecture we look at key concepts in Java: how to write, compile and run Java programs, define a simple class, create a main method, and use if/else structures to define behaviour.
In this session we look at the different types of loop in the Java language, and see how they can be used to iterate over Arrays.
In this session we point you at the Java Library, and go into some more details on how Strings work. We also introduce the HashMap class (a very useful type of collection).
These are the resources used for the Computer Science course Programming Principles, designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming and object orientation via learning the Java language. We also touch on some software engineering basics, such as patterns, software design and testing. The course assumes no previous knowledge of programming, but there is a fairly steep learning curve, and students are encouraged to practice, practice, practice!