750 resultados para Intrasubject repeatability


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Primary stability of stems in cementless total hip replacements is recognized to play a critical role for long-term survival and thus for the success of the overall surgical procedure. In Literature, several studies addressed this important issue. Different approaches have been explored aiming to evaluate the extent of stability achieved during surgery. Some of these are in-vitro protocols while other tools are coinceived for the post-operative assessment of prosthesis migration relative to the host bone. In vitro protocols reported in the literature are not exportable to the operating room. Anyway most of them show a good overall accuracy. The RSA, EBRA and the radiographic analysis are currently used to check the healing process of the implanted femur at different follow-ups, evaluating implant migration, occurance of bone resorption or osteolysis at the interface. These methods are important for follow up and clinical study but do not assist the surgeon during implantation. At the time I started my Ph.D Study in Bioengineering, only one study had been undertaken to measure stability intra-operatively. No follow-up was presented to describe further results obtained with that device. In this scenario, it was believed that an instrument that could measure intra-operatively the stability achieved by an implanted stem would consistently improve the rate of success. This instrument should be accurate and should give to the surgeon during implantation a quick answer concerning the stability of the implanted stem. With this aim, an intra-operative device was designed, developed and validated. The device is meant to help the surgeon to decide how much to press-fit the implant. It is essentially made of a torsional load cell, able to measure the extent of torque applied by the surgeon to test primary stability, an angular sensor that measure the relative angular displacement between stem and femur, a rigid connector that enable connecting the device to the stem, and all the electronics for signals conditioning. The device was successfully validated in-vitro, showing a good overall accuracy in discriminating stable from unstable implants. Repeatability tests showed that the device was reliable. A calibration procedure was then performed in order to convert the angular readout into a linear displacement measurement, which is an information clinically relevant and simple to read in real-time by the surgeon. The second study reported in my thesis, concerns the evaluation of the possibility to have predictive information regarding the primary stability of a cementless stem, by measuring the micromotion of the last rasp used by the surgeon to prepare the femoral canal. This information would be really useful to the surgeon, who could check prior to the implantation process if the planned stem size can achieve a sufficient degree of primary stability, under optimal press fitting conditions. An intra-operative tool was developed to this aim. It was derived from a previously validated device, which was adapted for the specific purpose. The device is able to measure the relative micromotion between the femur and the rasp, when a torsional load is applied. An in-vitro protocol was developed and validated on both composite and cadaveric specimens. High correlation was observed between one of the parameters extracted form the acquisitions made on the rasp and the stability of the corresponding stem, when optimally press-fitted by the surgeon. After tuning in-vitro the protocol as in a closed loop, verification was made on two hip patients, confirming the results obtained in-vitro and highlighting the independence of the rasp indicator from the bone quality, anatomy and preserving conditions of the tested specimens, and from the sharpening of the rasp blades. The third study is related to an approach that have been recently explored in the orthopaedic community, but that was already in use in other scientific fields. It is based on the vibration analysis technique. This method has been successfully used to investigate the mechanical properties of the bone and its application to evaluate the extent of fixation of dental implants has been explored, even if its validity in this field is still under discussion. Several studies have been published recently on the stability assessment of hip implants by vibration analysis. The aim of the reported study was to develop and validate a prototype device based on the vibration analysis technique to measure intra-operatively the extent of implant stability. The expected advantages of a vibration-based device are easier clinical use, smaller dimensions and minor overall cost with respect to other devices based on direct micromotion measurement. The prototype developed consists of a piezoelectric exciter connected to the stem and an accelerometer attached to the femur. Preliminary tests were performed on four composite femurs implanted with a conventional stem. The results showed that the input signal was repeatable and the output could be recorded accurately. The fourth study concerns the application of the device based on the vibration analysis technique to several cases, considering both composite and cadaveric specimens. Different degrees of bone quality were tested, as well as different femur anatomies and several levels of press-fitting were considered. The aim of the study was to verify if it is possible to discriminate between stable and quasi-stable implants, because this is the most challenging detection for the surgeon in the operation room. Moreover, it was possible to validate the measurement protocol by comparing the results of the acquisitions made with the vibration-based tool to two reference measurements made by means of a validated technique, and a validated device. The results highlighted that the most sensitive parameter to stability is the shift in resonance frequency of the stem-bone system, showing high correlation with residual micromotion on all the tested specimens. Thus, it seems possible to discriminate between many levels of stability, from the grossly loosened implant, through the quasi-stable implants, to the definitely stable one. Finally, an additional study was performed on a different type of hip prosthesis, which has recently gained great interest thus becoming fairly popular in some countries in the last few years: the hip resurfacing prosthesis. The study was motivated by the following rationale: although bone-prosthesis micromotion is known to influence the stability of total hip replacement, its effect on the outcome of resurfacing implants has not been investigated in-vitro yet, but only clinically. Thus the work was aimed at verifying if it was possible to apply to the resurfacing prosthesis one of the intraoperative devices just validated for the measurement of the micromotion in the resurfacing implants. To do that, a preliminary study was performed in order to evaluate the extent of migration and the typical elastic movement for an epiphyseal prosthesis. An in-vitro procedure was developed to measure micromotions of resurfacing implants. This included a set of in-vitro loading scenarios that covers the range of directions covered by hip resultant forces in the most typical motor-tasks. The applicability of the protocol was assessed on two different commercial designs and on different head sizes. The repeatability and reproducibility were excellent (comparable to the best previously published protocols for standard cemented hip stems). Results showed that the procedure is accurate enough to detect micromotions of the order of few microns. The protocol proposed was thus completely validated. The results of the study demonstrated that the application of an intra-operative device to the resurfacing implants is not necessary, as the typical micromovement associated to this type of prosthesis could be considered negligible and thus not critical for the stabilization process. Concluding, four intra-operative tools have been developed and fully validated during these three years of research activity. The use in the clinical setting was tested for one of the devices, which could be used right now by the surgeon to evaluate the degree of stability achieved through the press-fitting procedure. The tool adapted to be used on the rasp was a good predictor of the stability of the stem. Thus it could be useful for the surgeon while checking if the pre-operative planning was correct. The device based on the vibration technique showed great accuracy, small dimensions, and thus has a great potential to become an instrument appreciated by the surgeon. It still need a clinical evaluation, and must be industrialized as well. The in-vitro tool worked very well, and can be applied for assessing resurfacing implants pre-clinically.


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In case of severe osteoarthritis at the knee causing pain, deformity, and loss of stability and mobility, the clinicians consider that the substitution of these surfaces by means of joint prostheses. The objectives to be pursued by this surgery are: complete pain elimination, restoration of the normal physiological mobility and joint stability, correction of all deformities and, thus, of limping. The knee surgical navigation systems have bee developed in computer-aided surgery in order to improve the surgical final outcome in total knee arthroplasty. These systems provide the surgeon with quantitative and real-time information about each surgical action, like bone cut executions and prosthesis component alignment, by mean of tracking tools rigidly fixed onto the femur and the tibia. Nevertheless, there is still a margin of error due to the incorrect surgical procedures and to the still limited number of kinematic information provided by the current systems. Particularly, patello-femoral joint kinematics is not considered in knee surgical navigation. It is also unclear and, thus, a source of misunderstanding, what the most appropriate methodology is to study the patellar motion. In addition, also the knee ligamentous apparatus is superficially considered in navigated total knee arthroplasty, without taking into account how their physiological behavior is altered by this surgery. The aim of the present research work was to provide new functional and biomechanical assessments for the improvement of the surgical navigation systems for joint replacement in the human lower limb. This was mainly realized by means of the identification and development of new techniques that allow a thorough comprehension of the functioning of the knee joint, with particular attention to the patello-femoral joint and to the main knee soft tissues. A knee surgical navigation system with active markers was used in all research activities presented in this research work. Particularly, preliminary test were performed in order to assess the system accuracy and the robustness of a number of navigation procedures. Four studies were performed in-vivo on patients requiring total knee arthroplasty and randomly implanted by means of traditional and navigated procedures in order to check for the real efficacy of the latter with respect to the former. In order to cope with assessment of patello-femoral joint kinematics in the intact and replaced knees, twenty in-vitro tests were performed by using a prototypal tracking tool also for the patella. In addition to standard anatomical and articular recommendations, original proposals for defining the patellar anatomical-based reference frame and for studying the patello-femoral joint kinematics were reported and used in these tests. These definitions were applied to two further in-vitro tests in which, for the first time, also the implant of patellar component insert was fully navigated. In addition, an original technique to analyze the main knee soft tissues by means of anatomical-based fiber mappings was also reported and used in the same tests. The preliminary instrumental tests revealed a system accuracy within the millimeter and a good inter- and intra-observer repeatability in defining all anatomical reference frames. In in-vivo studies, the general alignments of femoral and tibial prosthesis components and of the lower limb mechanical axis, as measured on radiographs, was more satisfactory, i.e. within ±3°, in those patient in which total knee arthroplasty was performed by navigated procedures. As for in-vitro tests, consistent patello-femoral joint kinematic patterns were observed over specimens throughout the knee flexion arc. Generally, the physiological intact knee patellar motion was not restored after the implant. This restoration was successfully achieved in the two further tests where all component implants, included the patellar insert, were fully navigated, i.e. by means of intra-operative assessment of also patellar component positioning and general tibio-femoral and patello-femoral joint assessment. The tests for assessing the behavior of the main knee ligaments revealed the complexity of the latter and the different functional roles played by the several sub-bundles compounding each ligament. Also in this case, total knee arthroplasty altered the physiological behavior of these knee soft tissues. These results reveal in-vitro the relevance and the feasibility of the applications of new techniques for accurate knee soft tissues monitoring, patellar tracking assessment and navigated patellar resurfacing intra-operatively in the contest of the most modern operative techniques. This present research work gives a contribution to the much controversial knowledge on the normal and replaced of knee kinematics by testing the reported new methodologies. The consistence of these results provides fundamental information for the comprehension and improvements of knee orthopedic treatments. In the future, the reported new techniques can be safely applied in-vivo and also adopted in other joint replacements.


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Researches performed during the PhD course intended to assess innovative applications of near-infrared spectroscopy in reflectance (NIR) in the production chain of beer. The purpose is to measure by NIR the "malting quality" (MQ) parameter of barley, to monitor the malting process and to know if a certain type of barley is suitable for the production of beer and spirits. Moreover, NIR will be applied to monitor the brewing process. First of all, it was possible to check the quality of the raw materials like barley, maize and barley malt using a rapid, non-destructive and reliable method, with a low error of prediction. The more interesting result obtained at this level was that the repeatability of the NIR calibration models developed was comparable with the one of the reference method. Moreover, about malt, new kinds of validation were used in order to estimate the real predictive power of the proposed calibration models and to understand the long-term effects. Furthermore, the precision of all the calibration models developed for malt evaluation was estimated and statistically compared with the reference methods, with good results. Then, new calibration models were developed for monitoring the malting process, measuring the moisture content and other malt quality parameters during germination. Moreover it was possible to obtain by NIR an estimate of the "malting quality" (MQ) of barley and to predict whether if its germination will be rapid and uniform and if a certain type of barley is suitable for the production of beer and spirits. Finally, the NIR technique was applied to monitor the brewing process, using correlations between NIR spectra of beer and analytical parameters, and to assess beer quality. These innovative results are potentially very useful for the actors involved in the beer production chain, especially the calibration models suitable for the control of the malting process and for the assessment of the “malting quality” of barley, which need to be deepened in future studies.


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Die diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) mit dem hyperpolarisierten Edelgas-Isotop 3He ist ein neues Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Erkrankungen der Atem-wege und der Lunge. Die Diffusionsbewegung der 3He-Atome in den Luftwegen der Lunge wird durch deren Wände begrenzt, wobei diese Einschränkung sowohl von den Dimensionen der Atemwege als auch von den Messparametern abhängt. Man misst daher einen scheinbaren Diffusionskoeffizienten (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC) der kleiner ist als der Diffusionskoeffizient bei freier Diffusion. Der ADC gestattet somit eine qualitative Abschät-zung der Größe der Luftwege und deren krankhafte Veränderung, ohne eine direkte Abbil-dung der Luftwege selbst. Eine dreidimensionale Abbildung der räumlichen Verteilung von Lungenschädigungen wird dadurch möglich. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein tieferes physikalisch fundiertes Verständnis der 3He-Diffusionsmessung zu ermöglichen und die Methode der diffusionsgewichteten 3He-MRT hin zur Erfassung des kompletten 3He-Diffusionstensors weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu wurde systematisch im Rahmen von Phantom- und tierexperimentellen Studien sowie Patientenmes-sungen untersucht, inwieweit unterschiedliche Einflussfaktoren das Ergebnis der ADC-Messung beeinflussen. So konnte beispielsweise nachgewiesen werden, dass residuale Luftströmungen am Ende der Einatmung keinen Einfluss auf den ADC-Wert haben. Durch Simulationsrechnungen konnte gezeigt werden, in welchem Maße sich die durch den Anregungspuls hervorgerufene Abnah-me der Polarisation des 3He-Gases auf den gemessenen ADC-Wert auswirkt. In einer Studie an lungengesunden Probanden und Patienten konnte die Wiederholbarkeit der ADC-Messung untersucht werden, aber auch der Einfluss von Gravitationseffekten. Diese Ergebnisse ermöglichen genauere Angaben über systematische und statistische Messfehler, sowie über Grenzwerte zwischen normalem und krankhaft verändertem Lungengewebe. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die bestehende diffusionsgewichtete Bildgebung methodisch zur Erfassung des kompletten Diffusionstensors von 3He in der Lunge weiterentwickelt. Dies war wichtig, da entlang der Luftwege weitestgehend freie Diffusion vorherrscht, während senkrecht zu den Luftwegen die Diffusion eingeschränkt ist. Mit Hilfe von Simulationsrech-nungen wurde der kritische Einfluss von Rauschen in den MRT-Bildern auf die Qualität der Messergebnisse untersucht. Diese neue Methodik wurde zunächst an einem Phantom beste-hend aus einem Bündel aus Glaskapillaren, deren innerer Durchmesser mit dem des mensch-lichen Azinus übereinstimmt, validiert. Es ergab sich eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen theoretischen Berechnungen und experimentellen Ergebnissen. In ersten Messungen am Menschen konnten so unterschiedliche Anisotropiewerte zwischen lungengesunden Proban-den und Patienten gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich eine Tendenz zu isotroper Diffusion bei Patienten mit einem Lungenemphysem. Zusammenfassend tragen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zu einem besseren Ver-ständnis der ADC-Messmethode bei und helfen zukünftige Studien aufgrund des tieferen Verständnisses der die 3He Messung beeinflussenden Faktoren besser zu planen.


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Die chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (engl. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD) ist ein Überbegriff für Erkrankungen, die zu Husten, Auswurf und Dyspnoe (Atemnot) in Ruhe oder Belastung führen - zu diesen werden die chronische Bronchitis und das Lungenemphysem gezählt. Das Fortschreiten der COPD ist eng verknüpft mit der Zunahme des Volumens der Wände kleiner Luftwege (Bronchien). Die hochauflösende Computertomographie (CT) gilt bei der Untersuchung der Morphologie der Lunge als Goldstandard (beste und zuverlässigste Methode in der Diagnostik). Möchte man Bronchien, eine in Annäherung tubuläre Struktur, in CT-Bildern vermessen, so stellt die geringe Größe der Bronchien im Vergleich zum Auflösungsvermögen eines klinischen Computertomographen ein großes Problem dar. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt wie aus konventionellen Röntgenaufnahmen CT-Bilder berechnet werden, wo die mathematischen und physikalischen Fehlerquellen im Bildentstehungsprozess liegen und wie man ein CT-System mittels Interpretation als lineares verschiebungsinvariantes System (engl. linear shift invariant systems, LSI System) mathematisch greifbar macht. Basierend auf der linearen Systemtheorie werden Möglichkeiten zur Beschreibung des Auflösungsvermögens bildgebender Verfahren hergeleitet. Es wird gezeigt wie man den Tracheobronchialbaum aus einem CT-Datensatz stabil segmentiert und mittels eines topologieerhaltenden 3-dimensionalen Skelettierungsalgorithmus in eine Skelettdarstellung und anschließend in einen kreisfreien Graphen überführt. Basierend auf der linearen System Theorie wird eine neue, vielversprechende, integral-basierte Methodik (IBM) zum Vermessen kleiner Strukturen in CT-Bildern vorgestellt. Zum Validieren der IBM-Resultate wurden verschiedene Messungen an einem Phantom, bestehend aus 10 unterschiedlichen Silikon Schläuchen, durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der Skelett- und Graphendarstellung ist ein Vermessen des kompletten segmentierten Tracheobronchialbaums im 3-dimensionalen Raum möglich. Für 8 zweifach gescannte Schweine konnte eine gute Reproduzierbarkeit der IBM-Resultate nachgewiesen werden. In einer weiteren, mit IBM durchgeführten Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durchschnittliche prozentuale Bronchialwandstärke in CT-Datensätzen von 16 Rauchern signifikant höher ist, als in Datensätzen von 15 Nichtrauchern. IBM läßt sich möglicherweise auch für Wanddickenbestimmungen bei Problemstellungen aus anderen Arbeitsgebieten benutzen - kann zumindest als Ideengeber dienen. Ein Artikel mit der Beschreibung der entwickelten Methodik und der damit erzielten Studienergebnisse wurde zur Publikation im Journal IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging angenommen.


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La neuroriabilitazione è un processo attraverso cui individui affetti da patologie neurologiche mirano al conseguimento di un recupero completo o alla realizzazione del loro potenziale ottimale benessere fisico, mentale e sociale. Elementi essenziali per una riabilitazione efficace sono: una valutazione clinica da parte di un team multidisciplinare, un programma riabilitativo mirato e la valutazione dei risultati conseguiti mediante misure scientifiche e clinicamente appropriate. Obiettivo principale di questa tesi è stato sviluppare metodi e strumenti quantitativi per il trattamento e la valutazione motoria di pazienti neurologici. I trattamenti riabilitativi convenzionali richiedono a pazienti neurologici l’esecuzione di esercizi ripetitivi, diminuendo la loro motivazione. La realtà virtuale e i feedback sono in grado di coinvolgerli nel trattamento, permettendo ripetibilità e standardizzazione dei protocolli. È stato sviluppato e valutato uno strumento basato su feedback aumentati per il controllo del tronco. Inoltre, la realtà virtuale permette l’individualizzare il trattamento in base alle esigenze del paziente. Un’applicazione virtuale per la riabilitazione del cammino è stata sviluppata e testata durante un training su pazienti di sclerosi multipla, valutandone fattibilità e accettazione e dimostrando l'efficacia del trattamento. La valutazione quantitativa delle capacità motorie dei pazienti viene effettuata utilizzando sistemi di motion capture. Essendo il loro uso nella pratica clinica limitato, una metodologia per valutare l’oscillazione delle braccia in soggetti parkinsoniani basata su sensori inerziali è stata proposta. Questi sono piccoli, accurati e flessibili ma accumulano errori durante lunghe misurazioni. È stato affrontato questo problema e i risultati suggeriscono che, se il sensore è sul piede e le accelerazioni sono integrate iniziando dalla fase di mid stance, l’errore e le sue conseguenze nella determinazione dei parametri spaziali sono contenuti. Infine, è stata presentata una validazione del Kinect per il tracking del cammino in ambiente virtuale. Risultati preliminari consentono di definire il campo di utilizzo del sensore in riabilitazione.


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This PhD thesis discusses the impact of Cloud Computing infrastructures on Digital Forensics in the twofold role of target of investigations and as a helping hand to investigators. The Cloud offers a cheap and almost limitless computing power and storage space for data which can be leveraged to commit either new or old crimes and host related traces. Conversely, the Cloud can help forensic examiners to find clues better and earlier than traditional analysis applications, thanks to its dramatically improved evidence processing capabilities. In both cases, a new arsenal of software tools needs to be made available. The development of this novel weaponry and its technical and legal implications from the point of view of repeatability of technical assessments is discussed throughout the following pages and constitutes the unprecedented contribution of this work


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Oceans are key sources and sinks in the global budgets of significant atmospheric trace gases, termed Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Despite their low concentrations, these species have an important role in the atmosphere, influencing ozone photochemistry and aerosol physics. Surprisingly, little work has been done on assessing their emissions or transport mechanisms and rates between ocean and atmosphere, all of which are important when modelling the atmosphere accurately.rnA new Needle Trap Device (NTD) - GC-MS method was developed for the effective sampling and analysis of VOCs in seawater. Good repeatability (RSDs <16 %), linearity (R2 = 0.96 - 0.99) and limits of detection in the range of pM were obtained for DMS, isoprene, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, (+)-α-pinene and (-)-α-pinene. Laboratory evaluation and subsequent field application indicated that the proposed method can be used successfully in place of the more usually applied extraction techniques (P&T, SPME) to extend the suite of species typically measured in the ocean and improve detection limits. rnDuring a mesocosm CO2 enrichment study, DMS, isoprene and α-pinene were identified and quantified in seawater samples, using the above mentioned method. Based on correlations with available biological datasets, the effects of ocean acidification as well as possible ocean biological sources were investigated for all examined compounds. Future ocean's acidity was shown to decrease oceanic DMS production, possibly impact isoprene emissions but not affect the production of α-pinene. rnIn a separate activity, ocean - atmosphere interactions were simulated in a large scale wind-wave canal facility, in order to investigate the gas exchange process and its controlling mechanisms. Air-water exchange rates of 14 chemical species (of which 11 VOCs) spanning a wide range of solubility (dimensionless solubility, α = 0:4 to 5470) and diffusivity (Schmidt number in water, Scw = 594 to 1194) were obtained under various turbulent (wind speed at ten meters height, u10 = 0:8 to 15ms-1) and surfactant modulated (two different sized Triton X-100 layers) surface conditions. Reliable and reproducible total gas transfer velocities were obtained and the derived values and trends were comparable to previous investigations. Through this study, a much better and more comprehensive understanding of the gas exchange process was accomplished. The role of friction velocity, uw* and mean square slope, σs2 in defining phenomena such as waves and wave breaking, near surface turbulence, bubbles and surface films was recognized as very significant. uw* was determined as the ideal turbulent parameter while σs2 described best the related surface conditions. A combination of both uw* and σs2 variables, was found to reproduce faithfully the air-water gas exchange process. rnA Total Transfer Velocity (TTV) model provided by a compilation of 14 tracers and a combination of both uw* and σs2 parameters, is proposed for the first time. Through the proposed TTV parameterization, a new physical perspective is presented which provides an accurate TTV for any tracer within the examined solubility range. rnThe development of such a comprehensive air-sea gas exchange parameterization represents a highly useful tool for regional and global models, providing accurate total transfer velocity estimations for any tracer and any sea-surface status, simplifying the calculation process and eliminating inevitable calculation uncertainty connected with the selection or combination of different parameterizations.rnrn


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The revision hip arthroplasty is a surgical procedure, consisting in the reconstruction of the hip joint through the replacement of the damaged hip prosthesis. Several factors may give raise to the failure of the artificial device: aseptic loosening, infection and dislocation represent the principal causes of failure worldwide. The main effect is the raise of bone defects in the region closest to the prosthesis that weaken the bone structure for the biological fixation of the new artificial hip. For this reason bone reconstruction is necessary before the surgical revision operation. This work is born by the necessity to test the effects of bone reconstruction due to particular bone defects in the acetabulum, after the hip prosthesis revision. In order to perform biomechanical in vitro tests on hip prosthesis implanted in human pelvis or hemipelvis a practical definition of a reference frame for these kind of bone specimens is required. The aim of the current study is to create a repeatable protocol to align hemipelvic samples in the testing machine, that relies on a reference system based on anatomical landmarks on the human pelvis. In chapter 1 a general overview of the human pelvic bone is presented: anatomy, bone structure, loads and the principal devices for hip joint replacement. The purpose of chapters 2 is to identify the most common causes of the revision hip arthroplasty, analysing data from the most reliable orthopaedic registries in the world. Chapter 3 presents an overview of the most used classifications for acetabular bone defects and fractures and the most common techniques for acetabular and bone reconstruction. After a critical review of the scientific literature about reference frames for human pelvis, in chapter 4, the definition of a new reference frame is proposed. Based on this reference frame, the alignment protocol for the human hemipelvis is presented as well as the statistical analysis that confirm the good repeatability of the method.


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Osteoarticular allograft is one possible treatment in wide surgical resections with large defects. Performing best osteoarticular allograft selection is of great relevance for optimal exploitation of the bone databank, good surgery outcome and patient’s recovery. Current approaches are, however, very time consuming hindering these points in practice. We present a validation study of a software able to perform automatic bone measurements used to automatically assess the distal femur sizes across a databank. 170 distal femur surfaces were reconstructed from CT data and measured manually using a size measure protocol taking into account the transepicondyler distance (A), anterior-posterior distance in medial condyle (B) and anterior-posterior distance in lateral condyle (C). Intra- and inter-observer studies were conducted and regarded as ground truth measurements. Manual and automatic measures were compared. For the automatic measurements, the correlation coefficients between observer one and automatic method, were of 0.99 for A measure and 0.96 for B and C measures. The average time needed to perform the measurements was of 16 h for both manual measurements, and of 3 min for the automatic method. Results demonstrate the high reliability and, most importantly, high repeatability of the proposed approach, and considerable speed-up on the planning.


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A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) confirmatory method for the simultaneous determination of nine corticosteroids in liver, including the four MRL compounds listed in Council Regulation 37/2010, was developed. After an enzymatic deconjugation and a solvent extraction of the liver tissue, the resulting solution was cleaned up through an SPE Oasis HLB cartridge. The analytes were then detected by liquid chromatography-negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, using deuterium-labelled internal standards. The procedure was validated as a quantitative confirmatory method according to the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC criteria. The results showed that the method was suitable for statutory residue testing regarding the following performance characteristics: instrumental linearity, specificity, precision (repeatability and intra-laboratory reproducibility), recovery, decision limit (CCα), detection capability (CCβ) and ruggedness. All the corticosteroids can be detected at a concentration around 1 μg kg(-1); the recoveries were above 62% for all the analytes. Repeatability and reproducibility (within-laboratory reproducibility) for all the analytes were below 7.65% and 15.5%, respectively.


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Telomere length measurement has been proposed as a promising tool to estimate the age of individuals in natural populations. We used real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to measure relative telomere length in four tissues (brain, kidney, liver and muscle) of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in different groups based upon body length an otolith age estimate. We observed a high level of inter-individual differences in the measurements of relative telomere length in hakes of similar age and body length groups. The results of qPCR analysis showed a great variability in all measures and a lack of repeatability and reproducibility with significant statistical differences in the results of the different assays. The paper discusses the technical reasons for the variability in qPCR obtained in this work and by other authors.


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Background Small airway disease frequently occurs in chronic lung diseases and may cause ventilation inhomogeneity (VI), which can be assessed by washout tests of inert tracer gas. Using two tracer gases with unequal molar mass (MM) and diffusivity increases specificity for VI in different lung zones. Currently washout tests are underutilised due to the time and effort required for measurements. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a simple technique for a new tidal single breath washout test (SBW) of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and helium (He) using an ultrasonic flowmeter (USFM). Methods The tracer gas mixture contained 5% SF6 and 26.3% He, had similar total MM as air, and was applied for a single tidal breath in 13 healthy adults. The USFM measured MM, which was then plotted against expired volume. USFM and mass spectrometer signals were compared in six subjects performing three SBW. Repeatability and reproducibility of SBW, i.e., area under the MM curve (AUC), were determined in seven subjects performing three SBW 24 hours apart. Results USFM reliably measured MM during all SBW tests (n = 60). MM from USFM reflected SF6 and He washout patterns measured by mass spectrometer. USFM signals were highly associated with mass spectrometer signals, e.g., for MM, linear regression r-squared was 0.98. Intra-subject coefficient of variation of AUC was 6.8%, and coefficient of repeatability was 11.8%. Conclusion The USFM accurately measured relative changes in SF6 and He washout. SBW tests were repeatable and reproducible in healthy adults. We have developed a fast, reliable, and straightforward USFM based SBW method, which provides valid information on SF6 and He washout patterns during tidal breathing.


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A novel real-time quantitative PCR assay for detecting the pathogenic and contagious Staphylococcus aureus genotype B (GTB) in bulk tank milk was developed and evaluated. The detection of this pathogen in bulk tank milk would greatly facilitate its control, as it is responsible for great economic loss in Swiss dairy herds. The assay is based on the simultaneous detection of 3 GTB-typical target sequences, including 2 enterotoxin genes and a polymorphism within the leucotoxin E gene. A variety of mastitis-associated bacteria was used to validate the assays, resulting in an analytical specificity of 100% and high repeatability. The analytical sensitivity in milk was 40 cfu/mL. An exponential association between simulated cow prevalence and quantitative PCR result was observed. An initial field study revealed 1 GTB-positive herd among the 33 studied herds. This novel assay for bulk tank milk analysis is suitable for routine purposes and is expected to be an effective tool for minimizing Staph. aureus GTB in Swiss dairy herds.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The horse owner assessed respiratory signs index (HOARSI-1-4, healthy, mildly, moderately and severely affected, respectively) is based on owner-reported clinical history and has been used for the investigation of recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) genetics utilising large sample sizes. Reliable phenotype identification is of paramount importance in genetic studies. Owner reports of respiratory signs have shown good repeatability, but the agreement of HOARSI with an in-depth examination of the lower respiratory tract has not been investigated. OBJECTIVES: To determine the correlation of HOARSI grades 3/4 with the characteristics of RAO and of HOARSI-2 with the characteristics of inflammatory airway disease. Further, to test whether there are phenotypic differences in the manifestation of lung disease between families. METHODS: Seventy-one direct offspring of 2 RAO-affected Warmblood stallions (33 from the first family, 38 from the second) were graded as HOARSI-1-4 and underwent a clinical examination of the respiratory system, arterial blood gas analysis, endoscopic mucus scoring, cytology of tracheobronchial secretion (TBS) and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and clinical assessment of airway reactivity to methacholine chloride. RESULTS: HOARSI-3/4 animals in clinical exacerbation showed signs consistent with RAO: coughing, nasal discharge, abnormal lung sounds and breathing pattern as well as increased numbers of neutrophils in TBS and BALF, excessive mucus accumulation and airway hyper-responsiveness to methacholine. HOARSI-3/4 horses in remission only had increased amounts of tracheal mucus and TBS neutrophil percentages. Clinical phenotypes were not significantly different between the 2 families. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: HOARSI reliably identifies RAO-affected horses in our population.