739 resultados para Internet of Things, Physical Web, Vending Machines, Beacon, Eddystone
With the Internet of Things becoming more and more popular, and a prediction that there will be more than 50 million devices connected to the Internet in 2020, the quantity of IoT platforms on the market is rapidly growing. Facing so many platforms to choose, the object of this thesis is to give some suggestions for reference by performing a quantitative comparison between two platforms: SensibleThings and Kaa. These two platforms have difference architectures so may suitable in different scenes. The comparison includes some measurement and evaluation under two designed scenarios and a general contrast in theory. Two scenarios cover cases of message delivery between two endpoints at different rates and multiple endpoints pushing log data continually. The result of measurement together with the theoretical analysis draw out the following conclusion. SensibleThings platform is more suitable for simple and small-scale message delivery between endpoints, like home environment with few devices. And Kaa platform is more suitable for large-scale and complicated application for data collection and processing, like meteorology field with huge amount of sensors and data.
Food safety has always been a social issue that draws great public attention. With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies and intelligent devices, more and more Internet of Things (IoT) systems are applied in the food safety tracking field. However, connection between things and information system is usually established by pre-storing information of things into RFID Tag, which is inapplicable for on-field food safety detection. Therefore, considering pesticide residue is one of the severe threaten to food safety, a new portable, high-sensitivity, low-power, on-field organophosphorus (OP) compounds detection system is proposed in this thesis to realize the on-field food safety detection. The system is designed based on optical detection method by using a customized photo-detection sensor. A Micro Controller Unit (MCU) and a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module are used to quantize and transmit detection result. An Android Application (APP) is also developed for the system to processing and display detection result as well as control the detection process. Besides, a quartzose sample container and black system box are also designed and made for the system demonstration. Several optimizations are made in wireless communication, circuit layout, Android APP and industrial design to realize the mobility, low power and intelligence.
The wide adaptation of Internet Protocol (IP) as de facto protocol for most communication networks has established a need for developing IP capable data link layer protocol solutions for Machine to machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, the wireless networks used for M2M and IoT applications usually lack the resources commonly associated with modern wireless communication networks. The existing IP capable data link layer solutions for wireless IoT networks provide the necessary overhead minimising and frame optimising features, but are often built to be compatible only with IPv6 and specific radio platforms. The objective of this thesis is to design IPv4 compatible data link layer for Netcontrol Oy's narrow band half-duplex packet data radio system. Based on extensive literature research, system modelling and solution concept testing, this thesis proposes the usage of tunslip protocol as the basis for the system data link layer protocol development. In addition to the functionality of tunslip, this thesis discusses the additional network, routing, compression, security and collision avoidance changes required to be made to the radio platform in order for it to be IP compatible while still being able to maintain the point-to-multipoint and multi-hop network characteristics. The data link layer design consists of the radio application, dynamic Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) optimisation daemon and the tunslip interface. The proposed design uses tunslip for creating an IP capable data link protocol interface. The radio application receives data from tunslip and compresses the packets and uses the IP addressing information for radio network addressing and routing before forwarding the message to radio network. The dynamic MTU size optimisation daemon controls the tunslip interface maximum MTU size according to the link quality assessment calculated from the radio network diagnostic data received from the radio application. For determining the usability of tunslip as the basis for data link layer protocol, testing of the tunslip interface is conducted with both IEEE 802.15.4 radios and packet data radios. The test cases measure the radio network usability for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based applications without applying any header or content compression. The test results for the packet data radios reveal that the typical success rate for packet reception through a single-hop link is above 99% with a round-trip-delay of 0.315s for 63B packets.
Securing e-health applications in the context of Internet of Things (IoT) is challenging. Indeed, resources scarcity in such environment hinders the implementation of existing standard based protocols. Among these protocols, MIKEY (Multimedia Internet KEYing) aims at establishing security credentials between two communicating entities. However, the existing MIKEY modes fail to meet IoT specificities. In particular, the pre-shared key mode is energy efficient, but suffers from severe scalability issues. On the other hand, asymmetric modes such as the public key mode are scalable, but are highly resource consuming. To address this issue, we combine two previously proposed approaches to introduce a new hybrid MIKEY mode. Indeed, relying on a cooperative approach, a set of third parties is used to discharge the constrained nodes from heavy computational operations. Doing so, the pre-shared mode is used in the constrained part of the network, while the public key mode is used in the unconstrained part of the network. Preliminary results show that our proposed mode is energy preserving whereas its security properties are kept safe.
Abstract One of the most important challenges of this decade is the Internet of Things (IoT) that pursues the integration of real-world objects in Internet. One of the key areas of the IoT is the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems, which should be able to react to variable and continuous changes while ensuring their acceptance and adoption by users. This means that AAL systems need to work as self-adaptive systems. The autonomy property inherent to software agents, makes them a suitable choice for developing self-adaptive systems. However, agents lack the mechanisms to deal with the variability present in the IoT domain with regard to devices and network technologies. To overcome this limitation we have already proposed a Software Product Line (SPL) process for the development of self-adaptive agents in the IoT. Here we analyze the challenges that poses the development of self-adaptive AAL systems based on agents. To do so, we focus on the domain and application engineering of the self-adaptation concern of our SPL process. In addition, we provide a validation of our development process for AAL systems.
This talk, which is based on our newest findings and experiences from research and industrial projects, addresses one of the most relevant challenges for a decade to come: How to integrate the Internet of Things with software, people, and processes, considering modern Cloud Computing and Elasticity principles. Elasticity is seen as one of the main characteristics of Cloud Computing today. Is elasticity simply scalability on steroids? This talk addresses the main principles of elasticity, presents a fresh look at this problem, and examines how to integrate people, software services, and things into one composite system, which can be modeled, programmed, and deployed on a large scale in an elastic way. This novel paradigm has major consequences on how we view, build, design, and deploy ultra-large scale distributed systems.
Wireless power transfer (WPT) and radio frequency (RF)-based energy har- vesting arouses a new wireless network paradigm termed as wireless powered com- munication network (WPCN), where some energy-constrained nodes are enabled to harvest energy from the RF signals transferred by other energy-sufficient nodes to support the communication operations in the network, which brings a promising approach for future energy-constrained wireless network design. In this paper, we focus on the optimal WPCN design. We consider a net- work composed of two communication groups, where the first group has sufficient power supply but no available bandwidth, and the second group has licensed band- width but very limited power to perform required information transmission. For such a system, we introduce the power and bandwidth cooperation between the two groups so that both group can accomplish their expected information delivering tasks. Multiple antennas are employed at the hybrid access point (H-AP) to en- hance both energy and information transfer efficiency and the cooperative relaying is employed to help the power-limited group to enhance its information transmission throughput. Compared with existing works, cooperative relaying, time assignment, power allocation, and energy beamforming are jointly designed in a single system. Firstly, we propose a cooperative transmission protocol for the considered system, where group 1 transmits some power to group 2 to help group 2 with information transmission and then group 2 gives some bandwidth to group 1 in return. Sec- ondly, to explore the information transmission performance limit of the system, we formulate two optimization problems to maximize the system weighted sum rate by jointly optimizing the time assignment, power allocation, and energy beamforming under two different power constraints, i.e., the fixed power constraint and the aver- age power constraint, respectively. In order to make the cooperation between the two groups meaningful and guarantee the quality of service (QoS) requirements of both groups, the minimal required data rates of the two groups are considered as constraints for the optimal system design. As both problems are non-convex and have no known solutions, we solve it by using proper variable substitutions and the semi-definite relaxation (SDR). We theoretically prove that our proposed solution method can guarantee to find the global optimal solution. Thirdly, consider that the WPCN has promising application potentials in future energy-constrained net- works, e.g., wireless sensor network (WSN), wireless body area network (WBAN) and Internet of Things (IoT), where the power consumption is very critical. We investigate the minimal power consumption optimal design for the considered co- operation WPCN. For this, we formulate an optimization problem to minimize the total consumed power by jointly optimizing the time assignment, power allocation, and energy beamforming under required data rate constraints. As the problem is also non-convex and has no known solutions, we solve it by using some variable substitutions and the SDR method. We also theoretically prove that our proposed solution method for the minimal power consumption design guarantees the global optimal solution. Extensive experimental results are provided to discuss the system performance behaviors, which provide some useful insights for future WPCN design. It shows that the average power constrained system achieves higher weighted sum rate than the fixed power constrained system. Besides, it also shows that in such a WPCN, relay should be placed closer to the multi-antenna H-AP to achieve higher weighted sum rate and consume lower total power.
Têm-se notado nos últimos anos um crescimento na adoção de tecnologias de computação em nuvem, com uma adesão inicial por parte de particulares e pequenas empresas, e mais recentemente por grandes organizações. Esta tecnologia tem servido de base ao aparecimento de um conjunto de novas tendências, como a Internet das Coisas ligando os nossos equipamentos pessoais e wearables às redes sociais, processos de big data que permitem tipificar comportamentos de clientes ou ainda facilitar a vida ao cidadão com serviços de atendimento integrados. No entanto, tal como em todas as novas tendências disruptivas, que trazem consigo um conjunto de oportunidades, trazem também um conjunto de novos riscos que são necessários de serem equacionados. Embora este caminho praticamente se torne inevitável para uma grande parte de empresas e entidades governamentais, a sua adoção como funcionamento deve ser alvo de uma permanente avaliação e monitorização entre as vantagens e riscos associados. Para tal, é fundamental que as organizações se dotem de uma eficiente gestão do risco, de modo que possam tipificar os riscos (identificar, analisar e quantificar) e orientar-se de uma forma segura e metódica para este novo paradigma. Caso não o façam, os riscos ficam evidenciados, desde uma possível perda de competitividade face às suas congéneres, falta de confiança dos clientes, dos parceiros de negócio e podendo culminar numa total inatividade do negócio. Com esta tese de mestrado desenvolve-se uma análise genérica de risco tendo como base a Norma ISO 31000:2009 e a elaboração de uma proposta de registo de risco, que possa servir de auxiliar em processos de tomada de decisão na contratação e manutenção de serviços de Computação em Nuvem por responsáveis de organizações privadas ou estatais.
69 p.
Nowadays words like Smart City, Internet of Things, Environmental Awareness surround us with the growing interest of Computer Science and Engineering communities. Services supporting these paradigms are definitely based on large amounts of sensed data, which, once obtained and gathered, need to be analyzed in order to build maps, infer patterns, extract useful information. Everything is done in order to achieve a better quality of life. Traditional sensing techniques, like Wired or Wireless Sensor Network, need an intensive usage of distributed sensors to acquire real-world conditions. We propose SenSquare, a Crowdsensing approach based on smartphones and a central coordination server for time-and-space homogeneous data collecting. SenSquare relies on technologies such as CoAP lightweight protocol, Geofencing and the Military Grid Reference System.
I mondi di Smart City e Internet-of-Things si stanno ampliando notevolmente grazie all'evoluzione continua delle tecnologie. Tuttavia risultano escluse dall'ambito di interesse le zone rurali e decentralizzate perché spesso prive di un'infrastruttura di rete ben definita. A fronte di questo problema, i dispositivi che si trovano in queste zone potrebbero auto-organizzarsi per comunicare instaurando collegmenti di tipo peer-to-peer e utilizzando protocolli di disseminazione di informazioni basati su gossip. In questa tesi sono trattate le seguenti questioni e mediante alcune simulazioni al calcolatore sono riprodotti alcuni scenari per valutare le prestazioni degli algoritmi di Gossip with Fixed Probability e Conditional Broadcast e la diffusione delle informazioni tra i nodi all'interno di una rete creata in maniera opportunistica.
Ambient mechanical vibrations offer an attractive solution for powering the wireless sensor nodes of the emerging "Internet-of-Things". However, the wide-ranging variability of the ambient vibration frequencies pose a significant challenge to the efficient transduction of vibration into usable electrical energy. This work reports the development of a MEMS electromagnetic vibration energy harvester where the resonance frequency of the oscillator can be adjusted or tuned to adapt to the ambient vibrational frequency. Micro-fabricated silicon spring and double layer planar micro-coils along with sintered NdFeB micro-magnets are used to construct the electromagnetic transduction mechanism. Furthermore, another NdFeB magnet is adjustably assembled to induce variable magnetic interaction with the transducing magnet, leading to significant change in the spring stiffness and resonance frequency. Finite element analysis and numerical simulations exhibit substantial frequency tuning range (25% of natural resonance frequency) by appropriate adjustment of the repulsive magnetic interaction between the tuning and transducing magnet pair. This demonstrated method of frequency adjustment or tuning have potential applications in other MEMS vibration energy harvesters and micromechanical oscillators.
Los problemas de privacidad están aumentando con el uso masivo de dispositivos IoT (Internet of Things) en el ámbito de la Salud y el Bienestar. Estos dispositivos manejan gran cantidad de datos relativos a la salud del individuo que son almacenados y transferidos a través de diferentes dispositivos y plataformas propiedad de empresas privadas. El tratamiento confidencial de estos datos es, por tanto, fundamental para mantener la privacidad de los usuarios. En este trabajo se ha realizado una extensa revisión de la legislación internacional y trabajos de investigación publicados con respecto a los datos que deben protegerse en el ámbito de la salud. El propósito es garantizar la protección de los datos de las personas que hacen uso de estos servicios. Se ha clasificado y optimizado la colección de atributos obtenida con esta revisión a través de la identificación de duplicados y eliminación de aquellos no utilizados. Posteriormente, el conjunto de datos obtenido se ha sometido al criterio de expertos utilizando diferentes técnicas como entrevistas y cuestionarios con el objetivo de obtener el conjunto de datos que debe ser objeto de estudio en cada caso concreto para su protección en el ámbito de la Salud. Los datos finales obtenidos se presentan en este trabajo.
Web 1.0 referred to the early, read-only internet; Web 2.0 refers to the ‘read-write web’ in which users actively contribute to as well as consume online content; Web 3.0 is now being used to refer to the convergence of mobile and Web 2.0 technologies and applications. One of the most important developments in mobile 3.0 is geography: with many mobile phones now equipped with GPS, mobiles promise to “bring the internet down to earth” through geographically-aware, or locative media. The internet was earlier heralded as “the death of geography” with predictions that with anyone able to access information from anywhere, geography would no longer matter. But mobiles are disproving this. GPS allows the location of the user to be pinpointed, and the mobile internet allows the user to access locally-relevant information, or to upload content which is geotagged to the specific location. It also allows locally-specific content to be sent to the user when the user enters a specific space. Location-based services are one of the fastest-growing segments of the mobile internet market: the 2008 AIMIA report indicates that user access of local maps increased by 347% over the previous 12 months, and restaurant guides/reviews increased by 174%. The central tenet of cultural geography is that places are culturally-constructed, comprised of the physical space itself, culturally-inflected perceptions of that space, and people’s experiences of the space (LeFebvre 1991). This paper takes a cultural geographical approach to locative media, anatomising the various spaces which have emerged through locative media, or “the geoweb” (Lake 2004). The geoweb is such a new concept that to date, critical discourse has treated it as a somewhat homogenous spatial formation. In order to counter this, and in order to demonstrate the dynamic complexity of the emerging spaces of the geoweb, the paper provides a topography of different types of locative media space: including the personal/aesthetic in which individual users geotag specific physical sites with their own content and meanings; the commercial, like the billboards which speak to individuals as they pass in Minority Report; and the social, in which one’s location is defined by the proximity of friends rather than by geography.