959 resultados para Internet marketing capabilities
Internet banking service quality:an investigation of interrelationships between construct dimensions
Service quality measurement in Internet banking services is an area of growing interest to researchers and managers. This research investigates the interrelationships between the dimensions comprising the Internet banking service quality construct through structural equation modelling. Five Internet service quality dimensions are identified: access, web interface, trust, attention and credibility. Credibility is modelled as an outcome of the causal variables of access, web interface, trust and attention. Trust and attention emerges as key dimensions in explaining the credibility dimension. Access is found to be a common antecedent of trust, attention and Web interface dimensions. Implications from the findings are offered.
An ongoing strong debate within the marketing discipline concerns the role of marketing within the firm. It has been frequently reported that the marketing function is in a deep decline. Marketing executives and academics alike are interested in the antecedents of this decline and potential performance consequences of this decline. Recent academic research have started investigations on this important topic. Using studies in single countries innovativeness and accountability of the marketing department has been reported as major antecedents of the influence of the marketing department within the organization. Academic research, however, does not provide convincing evidence for a direct link between this influence and business performance. Instead it shows that market orientation is a crucial intervening variable, as marketing department influence is positively related market orientation, which subsequently positively related to business performance. As noted prior research, however, studies firms in single countries. In this article we execute a cross-national study on the antecedents and performance consequences of marketing department influence in order to derive initial empirical generalizations. This study is executed in seven Western-oriented countries, including USA, UK, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Israel and Australia. The study heavily builds on the framework developed in the 2009 Journal of Marketing article of Verhoef and Leeflang. This framework is tested per country and subsequently meta-analytic tests are used to derive initial empirical generalizations. An important empirical generalization is that innovativeness, the customer-connecting capabilities, and accountability of the marketing department are positively related to marketing department influence. Interestingly, a second initial generalization is that creativity of the marketing negative induces less influence. Our results also show a third empirical generalization in that firms having a CEO with a marketing background tend to have more influential marketing departments. Confirming prior research a fourth initial empirical generalization is that MD influence measures and market orientation are positively related. Market orientation is subsequently positively related to business performance. Our most important generalization is, however, that MD influence is positively related to business performance. Hence, beyond striving to become market oriented, firms should also aim to have strong marketing departments. These departments can create a stronger focus on the customer and can also coordinate marketing efforts. In order to become more influential marketing departments should: (1) acquire innovative capabilities, (2) be more connected to customers, (3) invest in accountability, and (4) be careful with be careful being too creative.
Both marketing academics and practitioners are debating the diminished role of marketing as a separate function within firms. In this study, which expands on previous research on Dutch companies, the authors focus on how the marketing department’s capabilities relate to business performance across countries. The authors collected data in seven Western countries—the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and Israel. They surveyed top marketing and financial executives, CEOs, and other top employees of profit-based middle-sized and large firms. Their findings show that accountability provides the most consistent predictor of influence, whereas the marketing department’s innovativeness and customer connection show less consistent results. Across the seven countries, the department’s integration with the finance department has a consistent but negative effect on the department’s perceived influence. The influences of marketing departments clearly differ across countries. Perceived influence is substantially higher in the United States and Israel than in other countries, whereas top management respect for the marketing department is substantially higher in Israel than in any other country. The study also found that the marketing department is well represented on the boards of companies in Sweden, Israel, and the United States. In most countries, marketing tends not to be organized as a line function. Some differences among countries emerge in the relationships between the marketing department’s influence and business performance. In Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia, influence relates positively to business performance, whereas in the Netherlands, it has no influence. The results for Sweden suggest a negative influence. The authors conclude that a strong marketing department appears to benefit firms in most of the countries studied. The results imply that the marketing department should have input into boardroom considerations.
As many strategically important aspects of marketing are addressed by other functions in the organization, the decreased influence of the marketing department within companies is a topic of growing debate. In this study, the authors investigate this diminished influence and assess its determinants and consequences. They interviewed 25 marketing and finance executives from leading Dutch firms. They also conducted a large-scale Internet-based survey of several hundred marketing, finance, and general managers. Their results show that accountability and the innovativeness of the marketing department are the major drivers of the marketing department’s influence. They also demonstrate that a firm’s short-term orientation is negatively related to the influence of the marketing department. Marketing influence is positively related to market orientation, which is positively related to firm performance. Their results do not support prior findings of a direct positive link between marketing influence and firm performance, which might suggest that there is no need for a strong marketing department. The study suggests that an influential marketing department is relevant primarily when the firm is not market oriented. When firms are market oriented, a less influential marketing department does not lower their performance. Hence, it appears that they can choose to have an influential or noninfluential marketing department without any repercussions for their performance. Marketing activities could move to other functions. The authors suggest that marketing departments should aim to retain their influence. Dispersing marketing decision making among many functions can cause a lack of coordination; customers also lose their advocate within the firm. How can marketing departments regain their influence? The authors suggest two general solutions. First, marketing departments should become more accountable by linking marketing actions and policies with financial results. Marketers should become capable in analytics and finance. Second, they should become more innovative by increasing their share in new product or service concepts. They can do so by using their knowledge of the market and customers to contribute to new product or service development.
This study explores the institutional logic(s) governing the Corporate Internet Reporting (CIR) by Egyptian listed companies. In doing so, a mixed methods approach was followed. The qualitative part seeks to understand the perceptions, believes, values, norms, that are commonly shared by Egyptian companies which engaged in these practices. Consequently, seven cases of large listed Egyptian companies operating in different industries have been examined. Other stakeholders and stockholders have been interviewed in conjunction with these cases. The quantitative part consists of two studies. The first one is descriptive aiming to specify whether the induced logic(s) from the seven cases are commonly embraced by other Egyptian companies. The second study is explanatory aiming to investigate the impact of several institutional and economic factors on the extent of CIR, types of the online information, quality of the websites as well as the Internet facilities. Drawing on prior CIR literature, four potential types of logics could be inferred: efficiency, legitimacy, technical and marketing based logics. In Egypt, legitimacy logic was initially embraced in the earlier years after the Internet inception. latter, companies confronted radical challenges in their internal and external environments which impelled them to raise their websites potentialities to defend their competitive position; either domestically or internationally. Thus, two new logics emphasizing marketing and technical perspectives have emerged, in response. Strikingly, efficiency based logic is not the most prevalent logic driving CIR practices in Egypt as in the developed countries. The empirical results support this observation and show that almost half of Egyptian listed companies 115 as on December 2010 possessed an active website, half of them 62 disclosed part of their financial and accounting information, during December 2010 to February 2011. Less than half of the websites 52 offered latest annual financial statements. Fewer 33(29%) websites provided shareholders and stock information or included a separate section for corporate governance 25 (22%) compared to 50 (44%) possessing a section for news or press releases. Additionally, the variations in CIR practices, as well as timeliness and credibility were also evident even at industrial level. After controlling for firm size, profitability, leverage, liquidity, competition and growth, it was realized that industrial companies and those facing little competition tend to disclose less. In contrast, management size, foreign investors, foreign listing, dispersion of shareholders and firm size provided significant and positive impact individually or collectively. In contrast, neither audit firm, nor most of performance indicators (i.e. profitability, leverage, and liquidity) did exert an influence on the CIR practices. Thus, it is suggested that CIR practices are loosely institutionalised in Egypt, which necessitates issuing several regulative and processional rules to raise the quality attributes of Egyptian websites, especially, timeliness and credibility. Beside, this study highlights the potency of assessing the impact of institutional logic on CIR practices and suggests paying equal attention to the institutional and economic factors when comparing the CIR practices over time or across different institutional environments in the future.
The dramatic growth in e-business is manifest in phenomena such as the surge in internet retailing, the boom in social media based marketing communications, and the centrality of e-commerce to many organizations’ core strategies. Despite this the precise implications of e-business for marketing strategy remain little-understood. In order to guide theory development and practice in the marketing strategy domain, it is of fundamental importance to take stock of the impact that e-business has had upon strategic marketing. Therefore, this chapter develops a conceptual framework in order to explicate the implications of e-business for strategic marketing theory and practice. We find that the impact of e-business on strategic marketing is far-reaching; influencing not only isolated departments, but the organization as a whole. Finally, we conclude that whilst organizations should be alert to the dynamic opportunities and threats posed by e-business, the guiding principle of value creation should not be forgotten.
Internet usage continues to explode across the world with digital becoming an increasingly important source of competitive advantage in both B2C and B2B marketing. A great deal of attention has been focused on the tremendous opportunities digital marketing presents, with little attention on the real challenges companies are facing going digital. In this study, we present these challenges based on results of a survey among a convenience sample of 777 marketing executives around the globe. The results reveal that filling "talent gaps", adjusting the "organizational design", and implementing "actionable metrics" are the biggest improvement opportunities for companies across sectors. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Advergame is a new marketing concept that has appeared due to the fact that young people are always connected to the Internet, are using mobile services such as SMS and MMS, or are chatting with instant messenger services and they spend too much time just playing in a stand alone way or in a network game. A new revolutionary service is the advergame one; that is a game with advertisment capabilities. Any company can develop an advergame that is, a game with some kind of advertising process of this company. This paper introduces some idea and concepts when developping an advergame.
This study examines the role of capabilities in core marketing-related business processes–product development management (PDM), supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM)–in translating a firm’s market orientation (MO) into firm performance. The study is the first to examine the interplay of all three business process capabilities simultaneously, while investigating how environmental conditions moderate their performance effects. A moderated mediation analysis of 468 product-focused firms finds that PDM and CRM process capabilities play important mediating roles, whereas SCM process capability does not mediate the relationship between MO and performance. However, the relative importance of the capabilities as mediators varies along the degree of environmental turbulence, and under certain conditions, an increase in the level of business process capability may even turn detrimental.
Servitization involves manufacturers developing service offerings to grow revenue and profit. Advanced services, in particular, can facilitate a more service-focused organization and impact customers' business processes significantly. However, approaches to servitization are often discussed solely from the manufacturer's perspective; overlooking the role of other network actors. Adopting a multi-actor perspective, this study investigates manufacturer, intermediary and customer perspectives to identify complementary and competing capabilities within a manufacturer's downstream network, required for advanced services. Interviews were conducted with 24 senior executives in 19 UK-based manufacturers, intermediaries and customers across multiple sectors. The study identified six key business activities, within which advanced services capabilities were grouped. The unique and critical capabilities for advanced services for each actor were identified as follows: manufacturers; the need to balance product and service innovation, developing customer-focused through-life service methodologies and having distinct, yet synergistic product and service cultures; intermediaries, the coordination and integration of third party products/services; customers, co-creating innovation and having processes supporting service outsourcing. The study is unique in highlighting the distinct roles of different actors in the provision of advanced services and shows that they can only be developed and delivered by the combination of complex interconnected capabilities found within a network.
A szerzők tanulmányának célja, hogy bemutassa, milyen célokra alkalmazzák az internetet a hazai vállalatok, milyen várakozásaik vannak az e-kereskedelem versenyben betöltött szerepével kapcsolatban, és hogyan észlelik annak előnyeit. Vizsgálják azt is, hogy az elmúlt öt évben milyen változások tapasztalhatók a vállalatok gyakorlatában e téren. Elemzik továbbá, hogy a piacorientáció és a vállalat külső marketingkörnyezete hogyan befolyásolja az e-kereskedelem megítélését és alkalmazását. Elemzésük a "Versenyben a világgal" kutatási program 2009-ben készült felmérésének eredményeire támaszkodik, amelyben 300 vállalat szakembereit kérdezték meg. Kutatásukban megerősítést nyert, hogy Magyarországon az elektronikus kereskedelem jelentősége nő. A vállalatoknak kedvezőek az elektronikus kereskedelem jövőjével kapcsolatos várakozásaik, és úgy vélik, hogy ez versenyelőny forrása lehet. A vállalat piacorientációja erőteljesen befolyásolja azt, hogy egy vállalat milyen mértékben alkalmazza az internetet, és hogyan viszonyul az elektronikus kereskedelemhez / === / The objective of the authors’ research is to show how internet is used among Hungarian companies, to analyse their expectations with regard of the role e-commerce plays in competition, and the benefits resulting from e-commerce. They also focus on the changes that have taken place the past five years in the practice of Hungarian companies. The authors investigate how market orientation and the external marketing environment of firms influence evaluations of e-commerce and its implementation. Their analysis is based on the results of the research program „Competing with the world” , which includes the answers of 300 companies. Their research results confirm that the importance of e-commerce is growing in Hungary and overall Hungarian firms have positive expectations with regard of the future of e-commerce and consider it a source of competitive advantage. Market orientation of the firm strongly influences the extent of internet applications and attitudes toward ecommerce.
A tanulmány a marketing szerteágazó területei és a vállalatok versenyképessége közötti összefüggéseket kereste és hasonlította össze az öt évvel ezelőtti felmérés eredményeivel. Az elemzés így kitért arra, hogy a vezetők hogyan észlelik a marketing szerepét a vállalati eredményesség szempontjából, hogyan hatnak a teljesítményre a termék- és márkázási döntések, a szolgáltatások menedzselése, valamint a reklámtevékenység. A kutatás érinti a marketing szervezeti megjelenését és a többi vállalati funkciókkal megfigyelhető kapcsolatát, majd az erőforrás-elmélet megközelítését felhasználva elemezte a marketing eszközök és képességek versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását. Az eredmények alapján azt állapíthatjuk meg, hogy a marketing gyakorlata számos ponton kapcsolódik a vállalati teljesítményhez, azonban előtérbe kerülnek azok a marketing jellegű képességek, amely a vállalat marketing rendszerének működtetéséhez, nyomon követéséhez és megújításához szükségesek. ____ The study aimed to reveal the association between the widespread functions of marketing and corporate competitiveness and it compared the results to the ones of the similar survey research conducted five years before. The analysis concerns the perceived role of marketing in the success companies and how product and brand decisions, the management of services or advertising practices can influence the performance of companies. The organisational representation of marketing and the relationship with other corporate functions were also investigated. Finally, the study implemented the approach of resource-based theory to determine the effects of marketing assets and capabilities on competitiveness. Based on the results we can conclude that several connections can be determined between marketing and corporate performance but the role of marketing related capabilities that are necessary for managing, tracing and developing marketing systems is increasing.
Tanulmányunkban a Marketing és Vállalatközi kapcsolatok kutatócsoport 2011-ben készült műhelytanulmányainak legfontosabb eredményeit mutatjuk be. Kutatásaink központi témája a vállalati versenyképesség, illetve annak vizsgálata, hogy a vállalatok tevékenységének egyes területei hogyan járulnak hozzá a vállalatok versenyképességének növeléséhez. Elemzéseink a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézete Versenyképesség Kutató Központja által vezetett „Versenyben a világgal” kutatási program nagyszabású kérdőíves felmérésén alapulnak, amely során 300 vállalat vezetőit kérdeztek meg 2009-ben. Eredményeink közül kiemeljük, hogy a piacorientáció szintje a vizsgált vállalati körben az átlagosnál valamivel jobb, azonban a marketingkoncepció jobb megvalósítása érdekében a vállalatoknak a versenytárs-orientációjukat kellene elsősorban erősíteniük. Fontos következtetése a kutatásnak a vezető vállalatok gyakorlatának feltérképezése, e kategóriát egy összetett teljesítménymutató alapján alakítottunk ki. Eredményeink szerint a vezető vállalatok a piacorientáció mértékében, a márkázásban, a disztribúció kiterjedtségében, valamint változatosságában, a marketing erőforrásokban és képességekben és a vállalati hálózatban betöltött pozíció terén erősebbek az átlagosan teljesítőktől és/vagy a lemaradóktól. ----- Abstract: In this research paper we present the most important results of the research papers prepared by the research group „Marketing and Interfirm Relationship” in 2011. The central theme of our research papers is corporate competitiveness. We investigate the ways the different activities of firms contribute to the increase of their competiveness. Our analyses are based on a large scale survey carried out by the Competitiveness Research Center of Corvinus University Of Budapest, in which 300 company executives were surveyed in 2009. Among our results we highlight that market orientation of Hungarian firms is little above the average in our sample, however a better implementation of the marketing concept would require a stronger emphasis on competitor orientation. An important conclusion of our research is the description of the practice of leading companies, a category created in terms of a complex performance measurement. Our results suggest that leading companies show a higher level of market orientation, a more sophisticated branding practice, a more extended distribution system with a higher degree of variablity, stronger marketing resources and capabilities and a stronger position in the firm’s network than companies with average performance and/or laggards.
The traditional way of understanding television content consumption and viewer reactions may be simply summarised: information about the program, viewing at airing time, and interpersonal discussion after the program. In our digital media environment due to crossmedia consumption and platform shifts, the actual trend in audiovisual, and traditionally television content consumption is changing, the viewer’s journey is different across contents and platforms. Content is becoming independent from the platform and the medium is increasingly in the hands of technologically empowered viewers. Our objective is to uncover how traditional content expressly manufactured for television (series, reality shows, sports) can now be consumed via other platforms, and how and to what extent audiovisual content consumption is complemented or replaced by other forms (text, audio). In our exploratory research we identify the typical patterns of interaction and synergies of consumption across classical media content. In this study we used a multimethodology qualitative research design with three research phases including focus groups, online content analysis, and viewers’ narratives. Overall, the Video Star stays alive, but has to deal with immediate reactions and has to change according to his or her audiences’ wishes
This research examines evolving issues in applied computer science and applies economic and business analyses as well. There are two main areas. The first is internetwork communications as embodied by the Internet. The goal of the research is to devise an efficient pricing, prioritization, and incentivization plan that could be realistically implemented on the existing infrastructure. Criteria include practical and economic efficiency, and proper incentives for both users and providers. Background information on the evolution and functional operation of the Internet is given, and relevant literature is surveyed and analyzed. Economic analysis is performed on the incentive implications of the current pricing structure and organization. The problems are identified, and minimally disruptive solutions are proposed for all levels of implementation to the lowest level protocol. Practical issues are considered and performance analyses are done. The second area of research is mass market software engineering, and how this differs from classical software engineering. Software life-cycle revenues are analyzed and software pricing and timing implications are derived. A profit maximizing methodology is developed to select or defer the development of software features for inclusion in a given release. An iterative model of the stages of the software development process is developed, taking into account new communications capabilities as well as profitability. ^