975 resultados para Internal Financial Guidance
Using a panel of 38 economies, over the period 2001 to 2010, we analyse the link between diversification in equity portfolios and different facets of education. We find that traditionally used measures of education play an important role in reducing equity home bias. After separating countries according to their level of financial development, we find that less developed economies tend to benefit more from an improvement in the level of education compared to their more developed counterparts. We also find that the beneficial effect of education is more pronounced during the most recent financial crisis, especially for economies with less developed financial markets.
Mutations of the Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) can be detected in a significant number of acute myeloid leukemias (AML). Seventy-five cases of acute myeloid leukemia were evaluated for FLT3-internal tandem duplications (ITD) by polymerase chain reaction. Paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed trephine biopsies of these cases were evaluated for expression of phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (pSTAT1), pSTAT3, and pSTAT5. Specific expression of pSTAT5 was proven in leukemic blasts in situ by double staining with a blast-specific marker. Expression of pSTAT5 in > or =1% of blasts was highly predictive of FLT3-ITD. Neither expression of pSTAT1 nor pSTAT3 were associated with FLT3 mutations. Altogether we conclude that pSTAT5 expression can precisely be assessed by immunohistochemistry in routinely processed bone marrow trephines, STAT5 is highly likely the preferred second messenger of FLT3-mediated signaling in AML, and expression of pSTAT5 is predictive of FLT3-ITD.
Using a large panel of unquoted UK over the period 2000-09, we examine the impact of firm-specific uncertainty on corporate failures. In this context we also distinguish between firms which are likely to be more or less dependant on bank finance as well as public and non-public companies. Our results document a significant effect of uncertainty on firm survival. This link is found to be more potent during the recent financial crisis compared with tranquil periods. We also uncover significant firm-level heterogeneity since the survival chance of bank-dependent and non-public firms are most affected by changes in uncertainty, especially during the recent global financial crisis.
In line with global changes, the UK regulatory regime for audit and corporate governance has changed significantly since the Enron scandal, with an increased role for audit committees and independent inspection of audit firms. UK listed company chief financial officers (CFOs), audit committee chairs (ACCs) and audit partners (APs) were surveyed in 2007 to obtain views on the impact of 36 economic and regulatory factors on audit quality. 498 usable responses were received, representing a response rate of 36%. All groups rated various audit committee interactions with auditors among the factors most enhancing audit quality. Exploratory factor analysis reduces the 36 factors to nine uncorrelated dimensions. In order of extraction, these are: economic risk; audit committee activities; risk of regulatory action; audit firm ethics; economic independence of auditor; audit partner rotation; risk of client loss; audit firm size; and, lastly, International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and audit inspection. In addition to the activities of the audit committee, risk factors for the auditor (both economic and certain regulatory risks) are believed to most enhance audit quality. However, ISAs and the audit inspection regime, aspects of the ‘standards-surveillance compliance’ regulatory system, are viewed as less effective. Respondents commented that aspects of the changed regime are largely process and compliance driven, with high costs for limited benefits, supporting psychological bias regulation theory that claims there is overconfidence that a useful regulatory intervention exists.
Different ‘monetary architectures’ are distinguished, as a background to a discussion of the change in developed country monetary policy frameworks from fixed exchange rates under the Bretton Woods international monetary system to, ultimately, formal or informal inflation targeting. The introduction and experience of monetary targets in the 1970s is considered, followed by an analysis of the changes in countries’ monetary architectures, with particular reference to money and bond markets and to France and Italy, in the 1980s. Exchange rate targeting in Europe in the 1980s and 1990s is examined, followed by the changes in central bank independence in the 1990s. This leads to a discussion of the introduction of inflation targeting, and the issues raised for inflation targeting by the financial crisis of the late 2000s.
Summary : Internal ribosome entry sites (IRES) are used by viruses as a strategy to bypass inhibition of cap-dependent translation that commonly results from viral infection. IRES are also used in eukaryotic cells to control mRNA translation under conditions of cellular stress (apoptosis, heat shock) or during the G2 phase of the cell cycle when general protein synthesis is inhibited. Variation in cellular expression levels has been shown to be inherited. Expression is controlled, among others, by transcriptional factors and by the efficiency of cap-mediated translation and ribosome activity. We aimed at identifying genomic determinants of variability in IRES-mediated translation of two representative IRES [Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and X-linked Inhibitor-of-Apoptosis (XIAP) IRES]. We used bicistronic lentiviral constructions expressing two fluorescent reporter transgenes. Lentiviruses were used to transduce seven different laboratory cell lines and B lymphoblastoid cell lines from the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH; 15 pedigrees; n=209); representing an in vitro approach to family structure allowing genome scan analyses. The relative expression of the two markers was assessed by FACS. IRES efficiency varies according to cellular background, but also varies, for a same cell type, among individuals. The control of IRES activity presents an inherited component (h2) of 0.47 and 0.36 for EMCV and XIAP IRES, respectively. A genome scan identified a suggestive Quantitative Trait Loci (LOD 2.35) involved in the control of XIAP IRES activity. Résumé : Les sites internes d'entrée des ribosomes (IRES = internal ribosome entry sites) sont utilisés par les virus comme une stratégie afin d'outrepasser l'inhibition de traduction qui résulte communément d'une infection virale. Les IRES sont également utilisés par les cellules eucaryotes pour contrôler la traduction de l'ARN messager dans des conditions de stress cellulaire (apoptose, choc thermique) ou durant la phase G2 du cycle cellulaire, situations durant lesquelles la synthèse générale des protéines est inhibée. La variation des niveaux d'expression cellulaire de transcription est un caractère héréditaire. L'expression des gènes est contrôlée entre autre par les facteurs de transcription et par l'efficacité de la traduction initiée par la coiffe ainsi que par l'activité des ribosomes. Durant cette étude nous avons eu pour but d'identifier les déterminants génomiques responsables de la variabilité de la traduction contrôlée par l'IRES. Ceci a été effectué en étudiant deux IRES représentatifs : l'IRES du virus de l'encéphalomyocardite (EMCV) et l'IRES de l'inhibiteur de l'apoptose XIAP (X-linked Inhibitor-of-Apoptosis). Nous avons utilisés des lentivirus délivrant un transgène bicistronique codant pour deux gènes rapporteurs fluorescents. Ces lentivirus ont été utilisés pour transduire sept différentes lignées cellulaires de laboratoire et des lignées cellulaires lymphoblastoïdes B du Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH; 15 pedigrees; n=209) qui représentent une approche in vitro de la structure familiale et qui permettent des analyses par balayage du génome. L'expression relative des deux marqueurs fluorescents a été analysée par FACS. Nos résultats montrent que l'efficacité des IRES varie en fonction du type de cellules. Il varie aussi, pour le même type de cellules, selon les individus. Le contrôle de l'activité de l'IRES est un caractère héritable (héritabilité h2) de 0.47 et 0.36 pour les IRES de EMCV et XIAP respectivement. Le balayage du génome a permis l'identification d'un locus à effets quantitatifs [QTL Quantitative Trait Loci (LOD 2.35)] impliqué dans le contôle de l'activité de l'IRES de XIAP.
Three polar types of monetary architecture are identified together with the institutional and market infrastructure required for each type and the kinds of monetary policy feasible in each case: a ‘basic’ architecture where there is little or no financial system as such but an elementary central bank which is able to fix the exchange rate, as a substitute for a proper monetary policy; a ‘modern’ monetary architecture with developed banks, financial markets and central bank where policy choices include types of inflation targeting; and an ‘intermediate’ monetary architecture where less market-based monetary policies involving less discretion are feasible. A range of data is used to locate the various MENA countries with respect to these polar types. Five countries (Iran, Libya, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) are identified as those with the least developed monetary architecture, while Bahrain and Jordan are identified as the group at the other end of the spectrum, reaching beyond the intermediate polar type in some dimensions but not others. The countries in between vary on different dimensions but all lie between basic and intermediate architectures. The key general findings are that the MENA countries are both less differentiated and less ‘developed’ than might have been expected. The paper ends by calling for research on the costs and benefits of different types of monetary architecture.
Using a large panel of unquoted UK firms over the period 2000-09, we examine the impact of firm-specific uncertainty on corporate failures. In this context we also distinguish between firms which are likely to be more or less dependent on bank finance as well as public and non-public companies. Our results document a significant effect of uncertainty on firm survival. This link is found to be more potent during the recent financial crisis compared with tranquil periods. We also uncover significant firm-level heterogeneity since the survival chances of bank-dependent and non-public firms are most affected by changes in uncertainty, especially during the recent global financial crisis.
Purpose: 1. To provide an overview of the different types of internal hernia (IH) occurring after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) performed for morbid obesity. 2. To describe the correspondent MDCT features in relation with the underlying anatomical landmarks in order to differentiate their localisation and to direct the surgeon during following laparoscopic closure of mesenteric defects. Methods and materials: LRYGBP performed for morbid obesity is associated with less perioperative complications, shorter hospital stay and a more rapid recovery compared with the open surgical procedure. However, a relatively high incidence of IH is seen that may be due to the laparoscopic approach, but also caused by rapid weight loss with consecutive loosening of the mesenteric sutures. Results: After briefly reviewing the surgical procedure of LRYGBP (ante- versus retrocolic) we describe the exact anatomical landmarks of the different types of IH occurring at any time after operation: They are caused by surgical defects either at the level of the transverse colon mesentery, at the Petersen's space, which represents an opening between the mesocolon and jejunal mesentery, or at the enteroenterostomy site. Typical MDCT features of each IH type in axial and coronal plane as well as targeted vascular reconstructions are demonstrated. Conclusion: Exact knowledge about underlying pathophysiology and anatomical landmarks is essential for distinguishing the different types of IH occurring after LRYGBP on MDCT, since radiological features are difficult to recognize and may even overlap. The radiologist should be aware of the potential anatomic sites to ensure subsequent straightforward laparoscopic exploration.
Chagas disease transmission can be effetively interrupted by insecticidal control of its triatomine bug vectors. We present here a simple model comparing the costs and benefits of such a programme, designed to eliminate domestic populations of Triatoma infestans throughout its known area of distribution over the seven southernmost countries of Latin America. The model has been simplified to require only four financial estimates relating to the unit cost of housing spraying and benefits due to avoidance of premature death in the acute phase of the disease, avoidance of supportive treatment and care in the chronic phase of the disease, and avoidance of corrective digestive and cardiac surgery. Exceptfor these direct medical costs, al other potential benefits have been ignored. Nevertheless, the model shows that the direct financial benefits of such a programme would far outweigh the costs, and the project would support a remarkably high internal rate of return under the least optimistic estimates.
The article investigates the private governance of financial markets by looking at the evolution of the regulatory debate on hedge funds in the US market. It starts from the premise that the privatization of regulation is always the result of a political decision and analyzes how this decision came about and was implemented in the case of hedge funds. The starting point is the failure of two initiatives on hedge funds that US regulators launched between 1999 an 2004, which the analysis explains by elaborating the concept of self-capture. Facing a trade off between the need to tackle publicly demonized issues and the difficulty of monitoring increasingly sophisticated and powerful private markets, regulators purposefully designed initiatives that were not meant to succeed, that is, they “self-captured” their own activity. By formulating initiatives that were inherently flawed, regulators saved their public role and at the same time paved the way for the privatization of hedge fund regulation. This explanation identifies a link between the failure of public initiatives and the success of private ones. It illustrates a specific case of formation of private authority in financial markets that points to a more general practice emerging in the regulation of finance.
Acetabular cup orientation is a key factor determining hip stability, and standard mechanical guides have shown little help in improving alignment. An in vitro study was carried out to compare the accuracy and precision of a new gravity-assisted guidance system with a standard mechanical guide. Three hundred ten cups were impacted by 5 surgeons, and the final cup orientation was measured. With the new guide, the average error in anteversion was 0.4 degrees , compared with 10.4 degrees with the standard guide and 0.3 degrees and -4.7 degrees , respectively, for abduction angles. The average time required for orienting the cups was similar for both guides. The accuracy and reproducibility obtained with the new guide were better (P < .0001). These good results would require a clinical validation.
Learning Objectives: 1. To provide an overview of the different types of internal hernia (IH) occurring after laparoscopic Roux‑en‑Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) for morbid obesity. 2. To describe correspondent MDCT features in relation with the underlying anatomical landmarks in order to differentiate their localisation and to direct the surgeon during following laparoscopic closure of mesenteric defects. Background: LRYGBP for morbid obesity is associated with less perioperative complications, shorter hospital stay and a more rapid recovery compared with the open surgical procedure. However, a relatively high incidence of IH is seen that may be due to the laparoscopic approach, but also caused by rapid weight loss with consecutive loosening of the mesenteric sutures. Procedure Details: After briefly reviewing the surgical procedure of LRYGBP (ante‑ versus retrocolic), we describe the exact anatomical landmarks of the different types of IH occurring at any time after operation: They are caused by surgical defects at the level of the transverse colon mesentery, at the Petersen's space, which represents an opening between the mesocolon and jejunal mesentery, or at the entero‑enterostomy site. Typical MDCT features of each IH type in axial and coronal planes as well as targeted vascular reconstructions are demonstrated. Conclusion: Exact knowledge about underlying pathophysiology and anatomical landmarks is essential for distinguishing the different types of IH occurring after LRYGBP on MDCT, since radiological features are difficult to recognize and may even overlap. The radiologist should be aware of the potential anatomic sites to ensure subsequent straightforward laparoscopic exploration.