959 resultados para Intermediate temperatures
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Several routes and procedures have been used in these last years as an effort to achieve single-phase mesoscopic-size superconducting samples. In this paper, the effects of using citric acid (CA), tartaric acid (TA) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as chelating agents and ethylene-glycol (EG) as polyhydroxy alcohol were studied in order to establish conditions to avoid the occurrence of BaCO(3) undesirable secondary phase in YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-delta) (YBCO). Thermal evolution of intermediate compounds formed during the calcinations process by the use of different chelating agents was traced using thermogravimetric and spectroscopic methods. The obtained results indicated that the polymer breakdown of samples prepared using EDTA occurs at higher temperatures than others chelating agents and also reduces the occurrence of BaCO(3) secondary phase as studied by X-ray diffraction measurements. Furthermore, the magnetic response of the mesoscopic-size YBCO specimens obtained was verified showing that samples present different superconducting response.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two fish species, one top predator (Imparfinis mirini) and one intermediate detritivorous species (Hisonotus depressicauda), were experimentally manipulated to evaluate their relative importance in structuring the periphytic community, as well as their effects on the other trophic levels. An enclosure experiment was conducted in the Potreirinho creek, a second order tributary of Paranapanema River, SE Brazil. Five treatments were used: enclosure of the predator species. enclosure of the detritivorous species, enclosure of both together, exclusion of all fish species (closed control cage), and cage open to all fish community, (open control). Through direct and indirect effects, I. mirini, when alone gave rise to a trophic cascade that resulted in a positive effect on algal resources. Through direct effects, H. depressicauda. when alone, reduced the amount of organic matter, resulting in a positive indirect effect on algae. In addition, when the two species were enclosed together, only the effects determined by the detritivorous species were present. The results indicate the important role of the intermediate detritivorous species in the maintenance of the composition and trophic structure of the analyzed community by reducing the effects caused by the top predator.
In this study we analysed the theoretical population dynamics of C. megacephala, an exotic blowfly, kept at 25 and 30degreesC, using a density-dependent mathematical model, with parametric estimates of survival and fecundity in the laboratory. No change in terms of oscillation patterns was found for the two temperatures. The populations exhibited a two-point limit cycle, i.e. oscillations between two fixed points, at 25 and 30degreesC. However a quantitative change was observed, indicating that at 25degreesC the number of immatures in equilibrium is 1176 and at 30degreesC, 1944. The implications of this difference in terms of equilibrium for population dynamics of C. megacephala are discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coupled intersubband plasmon-phonon modes are studied in a multisubband parabolic quantum wire at room temperatures. These modes are found by calculating the spectral weight function which is related to the inelastic Raman spectra. We use a 13 subband model. The plasmon-phonon coupling strongly modifies the dispersion relation of the intersubband modes in the vicinity of the optical phonon frequency omega(LO). Extra modes show up as a result of the electron-phonon interaction. We carefully study the density and temperature dependence of these extra modes. We also show that coupled intersubband plasmon-phonon modes should be observed for temperatures as high as 300 K.
We analyze the potentiality of the CERN Large Hadron Collider to probe the Higgs boson couplings to the electroweak gauge bosons. We parametrize the possible deviations of these couplings due to new physics in a model independent way, using the most general dimension-six effective lagrangian where the SU(2)(L) x U(1)(Y) is realized linearly. For intermediate Higgs masses, the decay channel into two photons is the most important one for Higgs searches at the LHC, We study the effects of these new interactions on the Higgs production mechanism and its subsequent decay into two photons. We show that the LHC will be sensitive to new physics scales beyond the present limits extracted from the LEP and Tevatron physics. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B,V, All rights reserved.
The effects of trimer continuum resonances are considered in the three-body recombination rate of a Bose system at finite energies for large and negative two-body scattering lengths (a). The thermal average of the rate allows to apply our formula to Bose gases at ultra-low temperatures. We found a good quantitative description of the experimental three-body recombination length of cesium atoms to deeply bound molecules up to 500 nK. Consistent with the experimental data, the increase of the temperature moves the resonance peak of the three-body recombination rate to lower values of vertical bar a vertical bar exhibiting a saturation behavior. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In a recent paper, we raised a question on the validity of Feynman's prescription of disregarding the Pauli principle in intermediate states of perturbation theory. In the preceding Comment, Cavalcanti correctly pointed out that Feynman's prescription is consistent with the exact solution of the model that we used. This means that the Pauli principle does not necessarily apply to intermediate states. We discuss implications of this puzzling aspect.
We study the behavior of the renormalized sextic coupling at the intermediate and strong coupling regime for the phi(4) theory defined in d = 2 dimensions. We found a good agreement with the results obtained by the field-theoretical renormalization-group in the Ising limit. In this work we use the lattice regularization method.
Regarding the Pauli principle in quantum field theory and in many-body quantum mechanics, Feynman advocated that Pauli's exclusion principle can be completely ignored in intermediate states of perturbation theory. He observed that all virtual processes (of the same order) that violate the Pauli principle cancel out. Feynman accordingly introduced a prescription, which is to disregard the Pauli principle in all intermediate processes. This ingenious trick is of crucial importance in the Feynman diagram technique. We show, however, an example in which Feynman's prescription fails. This casts doubts on the general validity of Feynman's prescription. [S1050-2947(99)04604-1].
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)