864 resultados para Insectivorous bat
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Human rabies transmitted by vampire bats reached new heights in Latin America in 2005. A total of 55 human cases were reported in several outbreaks, 41 of them in the Amazon region of Brazil. Peru and Brazil had the highest number of reported cases from 1975 to 2006. In Peru, outbreaks involving more than 20 cases of bat-transmitted human rabies were reported during the 1980s and 1990s. During this period, a smaller number of cases were reported from outbreaks in Brazil. A comparison of data from field studies conducted in Brazil in 2005 with those from the previous decade suggests similar bat-bite situations at the local level. The objective of this study was to review the epidemiological situation and, on the basis of this information, discuss possible factors associated with the outbreaks. Prevention and control measures already recommended for dealing with this problem are also reviewed, and some further suggestions are provided.
Complete albinism is a rare phenomenon that occurs in all vertebrate groups. In bats, albinism has been recorded in several species but this information has not previously been reviewed in detail nor has there been an analysis of its importance. In this study, cases of albinism from the literature are checked and new cases are presented. Complete albinism in bats is documented in eight families, 38 species, and at least 64 individuals (47.4% female female and 52.6% males; n = 38). of these, 39 individuals were observed and/or captured in sheltered roosts, such as caves (51.3%), mines and galleries (20.5%), buildings (17.9%), and hollow-trees and bird boxes (7.7%). Only one albino bat (2.6%) was captured in an external roost (foliage). This individual is the fruit bat, Artibeus planirostris, which is recorded here for the first time. Information on four additional cases of albino individuals of the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, is also presented. It is suggested that sheltered roosts favour survival of albino bars, offering protection against sunlight, water loss, and visually hunting predators.
Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram estudar a fidelidade ao abrigo diurno por indivíduos de ambos os sexos da espécie Desmodus rotundus e verificar a eficácia da ação da pasta vampiricida 2% na redução do tamanho de suas colônias no estado de São Paulo, por meio de estudo experimental de campo. Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, 626 morcegos distribuídos em 12 abrigos foram capturados com redes-de-espera (armadas durante a noite) e marcados. em seguida, 10% da população previamente estimada recebeu a pasta vampiricida. No Experimento I foram tratados apenas machos, no Experimento II apenas fêmeas e no Experimento III, 5% dos machos e 5% das fêmeas foram tratados. Após 5 e 10 dias, foram feitas contagens dos morcegos que sobreviveram e morreram. As fêmeas mostraram-se mais fiéis aos abrigos (p<0,01) e melhores disseminadoras de pasta vampiricida (p<0,01).
Previous tests with essential oils from ripe chiropterochoric fruits suggested they can be used to attract and capture fruit-eating bats inside forest remnants. Here we evaluated the efficiency of these oils to attract frugivorous bats to open areas. We performed field tests with artificial fruits impregnated with essential oils of the genera Piper or Ficus that were attached to two groups of mist-nets set 50 m outside the border of a forest remnant. One group of artificial fruits received the corresponding oil isolated through hydrodistillation and the other received water only. Fruits with oils attracted significantly more fruit-eating bats, especially Artibeus lituratus that regularly crosses open habitats to reach other forest remnants. The highly significant attraction of A. lituratus by the oil of Piper was unexpected, since this bat is a specialist on Ficus fruits. We hypothesize that in habitats with no fruit available it is possible to attract frugivorous bats with the odor of several ripe fruit species. Furthermore, we verified that almost half of the individuals captured defecated seeds, indicating that the oils also attract recently fed bats, even when their preferred food is available nearby. This technique potentially may increase seed rain at specific locations, being particularly promising to restoration projects.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The predation on vertebrates by birds, including bats, is very common in some families (Accipitridae, Falconidae, Tytonidae, Strigidae), constituting their main diet. For other families (except those that feed strictly on fish), it is occasional and sometimes a matter of opportunity. Here we recorded the predation on a bat (Platyrrhinus lineatus) by the neotropical bird plush-crested jay (Cyanocorax chrysops). on July 26, 2009, around 11:00 am, we recorded an individual of C. chrysops taking part of a P. lineatus on its beak. This record occurred on Jacarezinho Farm (Valparaiso [long dash] SP). The prey species identification was done by visual observation, considering the bat size and its external morphology, especially by the presence of the white dorsal bright stripe. Probably, Platyrrhinus lineatus behavior, which involves living together or in couples on tree canopies, made the capture by the plush-crested jay easier. This is a new record for the diet of C. chrysops and highlights the necessity of additional studies related to birds diet in the Neotropics, even the more conspicuous ones.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ability of certain species of bats to store viable spermatozoa in the cauda epididymis, for periods of many months beyond the end of spermatogenesis was first recognized over a century ago. However, information about the bat epididymis is still scarce or absent. Thus, this study aimed to characterize and to compare morphologically and morphometrically the regional histology of the epididymis of Eumops glaucinus and Molossus molossus (Chiroptera: Molossidae). Histologically, the epididymis of both species was subdivided into 4 segments: initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda. In comparing the two species, it was observed that the tubular and luminal diameters and percentage of interstitial tissue showed significant differences in all segments. The epithelial height, in both, is greater in the initial segment with a decrease until the cauda epididymis. In relation to the luminal diameter, both species showed a gradual increase from the initial segment to the cauda. The percentage of epithelium, lumen and interstitial tissue varied between both, sometimes M. molossus showing a significantly higher percentage, and other times, E. glaucinus. In both species, the principal cell was the most abundant (> 77%), followed by basal cells at approximately 13% and apical cells at 4% in all segments. Spermatozoa were observed in greater amounts in corpus and cauda epididymis segments. In summary, ours results show that, despite that the species analyzed belong to different genera and have different breeding cycles, the epididymis exhibits similarities in the two species and morphometric and composition differences compared to the majority of mammals.