920 resultados para Inflammatory bowel disease. Caulerpin. Colitis


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In the complete genome sequences of Bacteroides fragilis NCTC9343 and 638R, we have discovered a gene, ubb, the product of which has 63% identity to human ubiquitin and cross-reacts with antibodies raised against bovine ubiquitin. The sequence of ubb is closest in identity (76%) to the ubiquitin gene from a Migratory Grasshopper entomopoxvirus, suggesting acquisition by inter-kingdom horizontal gene transfer. We have screened clinical isolates of B. fragilis from diverse geographical regions and found that ubb is present in some, but not all strains. The gene is transcribed and the mRNA translated in B. fragilis, but deletion of ubb did not have a detrimental effect on growth. BfUbb has a predicted signal sequence; both full length and processed forms were detected in whole cell extracts, while the processed form was found in concentrated culture supernatants. Purified recombinant BfUbb inhibited in vitro ubiquitination and was able to covalently bind the human E1 activating enzyme, suggesting it could act as a suicide substrate in vivo. B. fragilis is one of the predominant members of the normal human resident gastro-intestinal microbiota with estimates up to >1011 cells g-1 of faeces by culture. These data indicate that the gastro-intestinal tract of some individuals could contain a significant amount of aberrant ubiquitin with the potential to inappropriately activate the host immune system and/or interfere with eukaryotic ubiquitin activity. This discovery could have profound implications in relation to our understanding of human diseases such as inflammatory bowel and autoimmune diseases.


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Aim: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of the non-invasive imaging technique, fundus autofluorescence (AF), in the diagnosis of cystoid macular oedema (CMO), using fluorescein angiography as the reference standard. Design: Retrospective, consecutive, observational case series. Methods: Ninety-six consecutive patients with CMO suspected clinically were selected from the AF database of the Retina Unit, Ophthalmology Department, Grampian University Hospitals-NHS Trust, between August 2004 and June 2006. Only patients in whom CMO was secondary to (1) cataract extraction, (2) inherited retinopathies, (3) inflammatory eye disease or (4) idiopathic cases were included in this study. Only patients in whom AF images had been performed within 2 weeks of FFA and, when obtained following FFA, there was a minimum gap of 4 days ("washing out" period), were considered eligible for this study. A total of 34 eyes from 34 patients were eligible and were included in this study. FFA was used as the reference test to confirm the presence of CMO, and, based on fluorescein angiography (FFA), CMO was graded as either mild or florid. AF images were examined in a masked fashion for the presence or absence of CMO. The sensitivity and specificity of AF in detecting CMO were then calculated. Results: CMO was seen on AF imaging as round or oval areas at the fovea with an AF signal similar to that of background levels. At this site (fovea), the AF signal is usually reduced compared with background, due to the blockage caused by luteal pigment. The diagnosis of CMO based on AF imaging had 81% sensitivity and 69% specificity when compared with the reference standard FFA. Based on the FFA, there were 12 cases of florid CMO and eight of mild CMO. Of the former, CMO was detected with AF imaging in 100% (12/12 eyes), and of the latter, in 50% (4/8 eyes). Conclusions: AF imaging can be used as a rapid, non-invasive technique in the diagnosis of CMO.


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Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of glaucoma and elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with inflammatory eye disease. Methods: Retrospective review of medical records of 391 consecutive patients with uveitis attending a uveitis clinic of an academic Department of Ophthalmology from January 1999 to August 2002. Demographic, ocular and systemic variables were recorded. The diagnosis and treatment of uveitis were recorded. Uveitis was classified according to standard anatomic, etiological and clinical criteria. "Glaucoma" was defined as elevated IOP (>21 mm Hg) or glaucomatous optic nerve damage requiring medical and/or surgical anti-glaucoma treatment. Kaplan-Maier analysis and log-rank tests were used to evaluate and compare the incidence of glaucoma. Results: The incidence of glaucoma as defined above at 3 and 12 months after acute uveitis was 7.6%. In patients with chronic uveitis (n = 337), the incidence of glaucoma at 1 and 5 years was 6.5% and 11.1%, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of glaucoma between different types of uveitis, idiopathic versus non-idiopathic, and among anterior, intermediate, posterior and panuveitis. Visual loss occurred more frequently in patients with glaucoma than in patients without glaucoma. Conclusion: In patients with chronic inflammatory eye disease, the presence of glaucoma was associated with an increasing risk of visual loss. The incidence of glaucoma increased with time and was similar among the different types of uveitis.


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Myocarditis, often initiated by viral infection, may progress to autoimmune inflammatory heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Although cardiac myosin is a dominant autoantigen in animal models of myocarditis and is released from the heart during viral myocarditis, the characterization, role and significance of anti-cardiac myosin autoantibodies is poorly defined. In our study, we define the human cardiac myosin epitopes in human myocarditis and cardiomyopathies and establish a mechanism to explain how anti-cardiac myosin autoantibodies may contribute to heart disease. We show that autoantibodies to cardiac myosin in sera from myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathies in humans targeted primarily epitopes in the S2 hinge region of cardiac myosin. In addition, anti-cardiac myosin antibodies in sera or purified IgG from myocarditis and cardiomyopathy targeted the beta-adrenergic receptor and induced antibody-mediated cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) cell signaling activity in heart cells. Antibody-mediated PKA activity in sera was abrogated by absorption with anti-human IgG. Antibody-mediated cell signaling of PKA was blocked by antigen-specific inhibition by human cardiac myosin or the beta-adrenergic receptor but not the alpha adrenergic receptor or bovine serum albumin. Propranolol, a beta blocker and inhibitor of the beta-adrenergic receptor pathway also blocked the antibody-mediated signaling of the beta-adrenergic receptor and PKA. The data suggest that IgG antibody against human cardiac myosin reacts with the beta-adrenergic receptor and triggers PKA signaling in heart cells. In summary, we have identified a new class of crossreactive autoantibodies against human cardiac myosin and the beta-adrenergic receptor in the heart. In addition, we have defined disease specific peptide epitopes in the human cardiac myosin rod S2 region in human myocarditis and cardiomyopathy as well as a mechanistic role of autoantibody in the pathogenesis of disease.


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Converging evidence implicates immune abnormalities in schizophrenia (SCZ), and recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified immune-related single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with SCZ. Using the conditional false discovery rate (FDR) approach, we evaluated pleiotropy in SNPs associated with SCZ (n=21 856) and multiple sclerosis (MS) (n=43 879), an inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Because SCZ and bipolar disorder (BD) show substantial clinical and genetic overlap, we also investigated pleiotropy between BD (n=16 731) and MS. We found significant genetic overlap between SCZ and MS and identified 21 independent loci associated with SCZ, conditioned on association with MS. This enrichment was driven by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Importantly, we detected the involvement of the same human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles in both SCZ and MS, but with an opposite directionality of effect of associated HLA alleles (that is, MS risk alleles were associated with decreased SCZ risk). In contrast, we found no genetic overlap between BD and MS. Considered together, our findings demonstrate genetic pleiotropy between SCZ and MS and suggest that the MHC signals may differentiate SCZ from BD susceptibility.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 28 January 2014; doi:10.1038/mp.2013.195.


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Epidermal keratinocytes produce and secrete antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that subsequently form a chemical shield on the skin surface. Cathelicidins are one family of AMPs in skin with various further immune functions. Consequently, dysfunction of these peptides has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin disease. In particular, the cathelicidin LL-37 is overexpressed in inflamed skin in psoriasis, binds to extracellular self-DNA released from dying cells and converts self-DNA in a potent stimulus for plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs). Subsequently, pDCs secrete type I interferons and trigger an auto-inflammatory cascade. Paradoxically, therapies targeting the vitamin D pathway such as vitamin D analogues or UVB phototherapy ameliorate cutaneous inflammation in psoriasis but strongly induce cathelicidin expression in skin at the same time. Current evidence now suggests that self-DNA present in the cytosol of keratinocytes is also pro-inflammatory active and triggers IL-1β secretion in psoriatic lesions through the AIM2 inflammasome. This time, however, binding of LL-37 to self-DNA neutralizes DNA-mediated inflammation. Hence, cathelicidin LL-37 shows contrasting roles in skin inflammation in psoriasis and might serve as a target for novel therapies for this chronic skin disease.


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The human microbiome plays a significant role in maintaining normal physiology. Changes in its composition have been associated with bowel disease, metabolic disorders and atherosclerosis. Sequences of microbial origin have been observed within small RNA sequencing data obtained from blood samples. The aim of this study was to characterise the microbiome from which these sequences are derived.


Abundant non-human small RNA sequences were identified in plasma and plasma exosomal samples. Assembly of these short sequences into longer contigs was the pivotal novel step in ascertaining their origin by BLAST searches. Most reads mapped to rRNA sequences. The taxonomic profiles of the microbes detected were very consistent between individuals but distinct from microbiomes reported at other sites. The majority of bacterial reads were from the phylum Proteobacteria, whilst for 5 of 6 individuals over 90% of the more abundant fungal reads were from the phylum Ascomycota; of these over 90% were from the order Hypocreales. Many contigs were from plants, presumably of dietary origin.  In addition, extremely abundant small RNAs derived from human Y RNAs were detected.


A characteristic profile of a subset of the human microbiome can be obtained by sequencing small RNAs present in the blood. The source and functions of these molecules remain to be determined, but the specific profiles are likely to reflect health status. The potential to provide biomarkers of diet and for the diagnosis and prognosis of human disease is immense.


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Gingival fibroblasts constitutively express pattern recognition molecules including the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and produce various cytokines following interaction with bacterial ligands including LPS. Hence gingival fibroblasts are thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the regulation of expression of TLRs and CD-14 mRNA by gingival fibroblasts, and subsequently the responsiveness of these cells to bacterial stimulation Methods: Gingival fibroblasts were stimulated with IL-1ß (10ng/ml), IFN-g (1000IU/ml), P. gingivalis LPS (1µg/ml), E. coli LPS (1µg/ml) or P. gingivalis sonicate (10µg/ml) for 6 and 24 hr. TLR2, TLR4 and CD14 mRNA expression was subsequently determined by Q-PCR utilising Taqman chemistry. The effects of each factor on mRNA expression was analysed by ANOVA. Cells were pre-incubated with IFN-g (1000IU/ml) for 48hr followed by stimulation with E. coli LPS over the concentration range 0 - 10.0 µg/ml for a further 48 hr. IL-8 production by fibroblasts was subsequently determined by ELISA. Results: After 24 hr IFN-g induced a statistically significant increase in TLR2, TLR4 and CD14 mRNA expression. In contrast, IL-1ß, P. gingivalis LPS, E. coli LPS and P. gingivalis sonicate had no significant effect on mRNA expression at either timepoint. Following pre-stimulation with IFN-g, E. coli LPS increased IL-8 production by gingival fibroblasts in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusion: IFN-g stimulates mRNA expression levels of TLR2, TLR4 and CD14 in gingival fibroblasts, which may subsequently lead to an increased responsiveness of fibroblasts to bacterial stimulation.


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BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking is one of the most significant risk factors in the development and further advancement of inflammatory periodontal disease, however, the role of either nicotine or its primary metabolite cotinine in the progression of periodontitis is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of nicotine and cotinine on the attachment and growth of fibroblasts derived from human periodontal ligament (PDL).

METHODS: Primary cultures were prepared from the roots of extracted premolar teeth. Cells were used at both low (P3 to P5) and high (P11 to P13) passage. Cell numbers were determined over 14 days using either the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay or with a Coulter counter. Cultures were exposed to culture medium supplemented with 1) 15% fetal calf serum (FCS) only; 2) 1% FCS only; 3) 1% FCS and nicotine (concentration range 5 ng/ml to 10 mg/ml); or 4) 1% FCS and cotinine (concentration range 0.5 ng/ml to 10 microg/ml).

RESULTS: Nicotine significantly (P <0.05, by ANOVA) inhibits attachment and growth of low passage cells at concentrations >1 mg/ml and high passage PDL fibroblasts at concentrations >0.5 mg/ml. Cotinine, at the highest concentration used (10 microg/ml), appeared to inhibit attachment and growth of both low and high passage fibroblasts but this was not statistically significant (P >0.05, by ANOVA).

CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco products inhibit attachment and growth of human PDL fibroblasts. This may partly explain the role of these substances in the progression of periodontitis.


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Les maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin (MII) sont caractérisées par des réponses immunitaires incontrôlées dans l'intestin. Des études génétiques ont associé un polymorphisme dans le gène de l'IL23R à la résistance aux MII. IL23R code pour la protéine de l’IL-23r, une sous-unité du récepteur à l’IL-23 (IL-23R). Ce récepteur appartient à la famille de l’IL-12R, contenant plusieurs récepteurs hétérodimériques. D’ailleurs, IL-12R et IL-23R partagent la sous-unité IL12Rb1. Néanmoins, ces deux récepteurs favorisent des réponses immunitaires distinctes (Th1 vs Th17). Ce mémoire caractérise les dynamiques d’expression cellulaires de l’IL-23R et l’IL-12R, afin d’élucider leurs rôles dans l’inflammation. Nous avons établi qu’IL-23R et IL-12R ne sont jamais co-exprimés, malgré qu’ils partagent la sous-unité IL-12Rβ1. Parmi les cellules de rates de souris, la protéine IL-23r est trouvée dans certaines cellules T TCRγδ ou T CD4+, quelques cellules B et des cellules Lti-like. La protéine IL-12Rβ2 est exprimée par quelques cellules B. L’analyse de l’expression de l’IL-23R et l’IL-12R dans différents organes révéla que la plus grande proportion de cellules exprimant l’IL-23R se retrouve dans la lamina propria de l'intestin grêle, alors que les cellules exprimant l’IL-12Rβ2 ont été retrouvées en proportion équivalente dans tous les organes lymphoïdes. Ces observations appuient les études génétiques suggérant un rôle prédominant de l’IL23R dans les intestins. Finalement, des cultures in vitro suggèrent que l’IL-23R ou l’IL-12R avaient des réactions croisées à l’IL-12 ou l’IL-23. L’étude de l’IL-23R dans les MII devrait donc être complémentée par l’étude de l’IL-12R, car les deux récepteurs pourraient avoir des rôles complémentaires.


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La Sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie auto-immune inflammatoire démyélinisante du système nerveux central (SNC), lors de laquelle des cellules inflammatoires du sang périphérique infiltrent le SNC pour y causer des dommages cellulaires. Dans ces réactions neuroinflammatoires, les cellules immunitaires traversent le système vasculaire du SNC, la barrière hémo-encéphalique (BHE), pour avoir accès au SNC et s’y accumuler. La BHE est donc la première entité que rencontrent les cellules inflammatoires du sang lors de leur migration au cerveau. Ceci lui confère un potentiel thérapeutique important pour influencer l’infiltration de cellules du sang vers le cerveau, et ainsi limiter les réactions neuroinflammatoires. En effet, les interactions entre les cellules immunitaires et les parois vasculaires sont encore mal comprises, car elles sont nombreuses et complexes. Différents mécanismes pouvant influencer la perméabilité de la BHE aux cellules immunitaires ont été décrits, et représentent aujourd’hui des cibles potentielles pour le contrôle des réactions neuro-immunes. Cette thèse a pour objectif de décrire de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires opérant au niveau de la BHE qui interviennent dans les réactions neuroinflammatoires et qui ont un potentiel thérapeutique pour influencer les interactions neuro-immunologiques. Ce travail de doctorat est séparé en trois sections. La première section décrit la caractérisation du rôle de l’angiotensine II dans la régulation de la perméabilité de la BHE. La seconde section identifie et caractérise la fonction d’une nouvelle molécule d’adhérence de la BHE, ALCAM, dans la transmigration de cellules inflammatoires du sang vers le SNC. La troisième section traite des propriétés sécrétoires de la BHE et du rôle de la chimiokine MCP-1 dans les interactions entre la BHE et les cellules souches. Dans un premier temps, nous démontrons l’importance de l’angiotensinogène (AGT) dans la régulation de la perméabilité de la BHE. L’AGT est sécrété par les astrocytes et métabolisé en angiotensine II pour pouvoir agir au niveau des CE de la BHE à travers le récepteur à l’angiotensine II, AT1 et AT2. Au niveau de la BHE, l’angiotensine II entraîne la phosphorylation et l’enrichissement de l’occludine au sein de radeaux lipidiques, un phénomène associé à l’augmentation de l’étanchéité de la BHE. De plus, dans les lésions de SEP, on retrouve une diminution de l’expression de l’AGT et de l’occludine. Ceci est relié à nos observations in vitro, qui démontrent que des cytokines pro-inflammatoires limitent la sécrétion de l’AGT. Cette étude élucide un nouveau mécanisme par lequel les astrocytes influencent et augmentent l’étanchéité de la BHE, et implique une dysfonction de ce mécanisme dans les lésions de la SEP où s’accumulent les cellules inflammatoires. Dans un deuxième temps, les techniques établies dans la première section ont été utilisées afin d’identifier les protéines de la BHE qui s’accumulent dans les radeaux lipidiques. En utilisant une technique de protéomique nous avons identifié ALCAM (Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule) comme une protéine membranaire exprimée par les CE de la BHE. ALCAM se comporte comme une molécule d’adhérence typique. En effet, ALCAM permet la liaison entre les cellules du sang et la paroi vasculaire, via des interactions homotypiques (ALCAM-ALCAM pour les monocytes) ou hétérotypiques (ALCAM-CD6 pour les lymphocytes). Les cytokines inflammatoires augmentent le niveau d’expression d’ALCAM par la BHE, ce qui permet un recrutement local de cellules inflammatoires. Enfin, l’inhibition des interactions ALCAM-ALCAM et ALCAM-CD6 limite la transmigration des cellules inflammatoires (monocytes et cellules T CD4+) à travers la BHE in vitro et in vivo dans un modèle murin de la SEP. Cette deuxième partie identifie ALCAM comme une cible potentielle pour influencer la transmigration de cellules inflammatoires vers le cerveau. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons pu démontrer l’importance des propriétés sécrétoires spécifiques à la BHE dans les interactions avec les cellules souches neurales (CSN). Les CSN représentent un potentiel thérapeutique unique pour les maladies du SNC dans lesquelles la régénération cellulaire est limitée, comme dans la SEP. Des facteurs qui limitent l’utilisation thérapeutique des CSN sont le mode d’administration et leur maturation en cellules neurales ou gliales. Bien que la route d’administration préférée pour les CSN soit la voie intrathécale, l’injection intraveineuse représente la voie d’administration la plus facile et la moins invasive. Dans ce contexte, il est important de comprendre les interactions possibles entre les cellules souches et la paroi vasculaire du SNC qui sera responsable de leur recrutement dans le parenchyme cérébral. En collaborant avec des chercheurs de la Belgique spécialisés en CSN, nos travaux nous ont permis de confirmer, in vitro, que les cellules souches neurales humaines migrent à travers les CE humaines de la BHE avant d’entamer leur différenciation en cellules du SNC. Suite à la migration à travers les cellules de la BHE les CSN se différencient spontanément en neurones, en astrocytes et en oligodendrocytes. Ces effets sont notés préférentiellement avec les cellules de la BHE par rapport aux CE non cérébrales. Ces propriétés spécifiques aux cellules de la BHE dépendent de la chimiokine MCP-1/CCL2 sécrétée par ces dernières. Ainsi, cette dernière partie suggère que la BHE n’est pas un obstacle à la migration de CSN vers le SNC. De plus, la chimiokine MCP-1 est identifiée comme un facteur sécrété par la BHE qui permet l’accumulation et la différentiation préférentielle de cellules souches neurales dans l’espace sous-endothélial. Ces trois études démontrent l’importance de la BHE dans la migration des cellules inflammatoires et des CSN vers le SNC et indiquent que de multiples mécanismes moléculaires contribuent au dérèglement de l’homéostasie du SNC dans les réactions neuro-immunes. En utilisant des modèles in vitro, in situ et in vivo, nous avons identifié trois nouveaux mécanismes qui permettent d’influencer les interactions entre les cellules du sang et la BHE. L’identification de ces mécanismes permet non seulement une meilleure compréhension de la pathophysiologie des réactions neuroinflammatoires du SNC et des maladies qui y sont associées, mais suggère également des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour influencer l’infiltration des cellules du sang vers le cerveau


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A dermatite atópica (DA) é um tema importante na dermatologia clínica. Na verdade, a patogénese dessa doença inflamatória crónica da pele, caracterizada principalmente por pele seca e prurido, ainda está longe de ser totalmente compreendida. A fim de saber mais acerca desta complexa doença, ratos Wistar machos e adultos (n = 10) foram utilizados como modelo animal, nos quais o tratamento com acetona (AA) foi comparado com o tratamento com água por 3 dias (AW). No dia 3, uma hora após o último tratamento, a AA mostrou maior perda transepidérmica de água (TEWL), fluxo sanguíneo capilar e reduzida hidratação quando comparada com AW. A análise comportamental mostrou que a acção de coçar foi marcadamente mais frequente no grupo AA (n = 5) quando comparado ao grupo AW (n = 5). Estes resultados justificam a implementação deste modelo animal como uma ferramenta experimental para investigação da AD.


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A asma é uma doença inflamatória crónica das vias aéreas que, em indivíduos susceptíveis, origina sintomas característicos. Dada a prevalência, características da doença, utilização segura e correcta dos medicamentos e adesão à terapêutica, é de extrema importância incentivar os profissionais de saúde, doentes e suas famílias a tomarem medidas que permitam um melhor controlo da doença, de forma a obter ganhos em saúde. Assim, foi realizado um estudo descritivo envolvendo os doentes asmáticos da farmácia Santo António, tendo por base um questionário que avaliou o grau de controlo da asma, bem como o conhecimento sobre a doença e cuidados a ter. Após tratamento dos dados, foi possível determinar que 35% dos asmáticos em questão apresentam asma não controlada ou parcialmente controlada, 43% não conhece medidas não farmacológicas relativas a esta patologia e 12% não usa correctamente a medicação prescrita. Os resultados do estudo indicam que é necessário que o farmacêutico intervenha junto da população asmática, nomeadamente através de acções de formação sobre a utilização correcta dispositivos de inalação (no que diz respeito à importância da utilização de medicação SOS apenas nas situações adequadas e não como medicação diária), informação sobre medidas não farmacológicas (que em alguns doentes podem ser um factor decisivo no controlo da doença) e importância da monitorização do controlo da patologia pelo próprio doente.


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The increasing awareness of the role that the colonic microflora plays in maintaining host health within the gastrointestinal tract and systemically through the absorption of metabolites, has attracted a lot of interest, within the nutritional sciences, in developing dietary tools for controlling the colonic microflora. Among those dietary tools, prebiotics aim to improve health by stimulating numbers and/or activities of the beneficial bacteria in the gut, mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The ability of incorporating prebiotics in various food processes together with recent developments in understanding how prebiotics are metabolised by health promoting bacteria, allow us to specifically aim such dietary interventions towards selected population groups, such as infants and elderly, and disease states, such as colon cancer and irritable bowel disease.


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Aims and objectives: To assess the level of confidence that rheumatology patients would have in nurse prescribing, the effects on likely adherence and particular concerns that these patients have. In addition, given that information provision has been cited as a potential benefit of nurse prescribing, the present study assessed the extent to which these patients would want an explanation for the selected medicine, as well as which types of information should be included in such an explanation. Background: Nurse prescribing has been successfully implemented in the UK in several healthcare settings. Existing research has not addressed the effects on patients' confidence and likely adherence, nor have patients' information needs been established. However, we know that inadequate medicines information provision by health professionals is one of the largest causes of patient dissatisfaction. Methods: Fifty-four patients taking disease-modifying drugs for inflammatory joint disease attending a specialist rheumatology clinic self-completed a written questionnaire. Results: Patients indicated a relatively high level of confidence in nurse prescribing and stated that they would be very likely to take the selected medication. The level of concern was relatively low and the majority of concerns raised did not relate to the nurse's status. Strong support was expressed for the nurse providing an explanation for medicine choice. Conclusion: This research provides support for the prescription of medicines by nurses working in the area of rheumatology, the importance of nurses providing a full explanation about the selected medicines they prescribe for these patients and some indication as to which categories of information should be included. Relevance to clinical practice: Rheumatology patients who have not yet experienced nurse prescribing are, in general, positive about nurses adopting this role. It is important that nurses provide appropriate information about the prescribed medicines, in a form that can be understood.