988 resultados para Indian art -- North America -- Influence


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The advent of effective combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) in 1996 resulted in fewer patients experiencing clinical events, so that some prognostic analyses of individual cohort studies of human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals had low statistical power. Because of this, the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration (ART-CC) of HIV cohort studies in Europe and North America was established in 2000, with the aim of studying the prognosis for clinical events in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the mortality of adult patients treated for HIV-1 infection. In 2002, the ART-CC collected data on more than 12,000 patients in 13 cohorts who had begun combination ART between 1995 and 2001. Subsequent updates took place in 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010. The ART-CC data base now includes data on more than 70,000 patients participating in 19 cohorts who began treatment before the end of 2009. Data are collected on patient demographics (e.g. sex, age, assumed transmission group, race/ethnicity, geographical origin), HIV biomarkers (e.g. CD4 cell count, plasma viral load of HIV-1), ART regimen, dates and types of AIDS events, and dates and causes of death. In recent years, additional data on co-infections such as hepatitis C; risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and drug use; non-HIV biomarkers such as haemoglobin and liver enzymes; and adherence to ART have been collected whenever available. The data remain the property of the contributing cohorts, whose representatives manage the ART-CC via the steering committee of the Collaboration. External collaboration is welcomed. Details of contacts are given on the ART-CC website (www.art-cohort-collaboration.org).


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Trilobites ¥tere collected from Ordovician and Devonian formations of Ontario} New York} Ohio} Oklahoma} and Indiana. Diversity was generally low} but 19..?telllS and Ph..~tY>ps ¥tere the most abundant species from the Ordovician and Devonian} respectively. Recent marine arthropods ¥tere collected from the Atlantic shore of the middle Florida Keys} and from the Pacific and lagoonal waters at Cape Beale} B. C. Fresh-water arthropods were collected along the shore of the Severn River in northcentral Ontario. Cuticles ¥tere analyzed for major} minor and trace elements, 180 and 13C isotopes, as ¥tell as examined by scanning electron micr?scope to identify original and diagenetic fabrics. Examination of trilobite cuticles by scanning electron microscope revealed several microstructures consistent with those observed in Recent arthropods. Microstructures} such as setae and tegumental gland duct openings} in like sized Lim/IllS and Isoteline trilobites may indicate common ancestral origins for these organisms, or simply parallel cuticle evolutions. The dendritic microstructure, originally' thought to be a diagenetic indicator, was found in Recent specimens and therefore its presence in trilobites may be suggestive of the delicate nature of diagenesis in trilobites. The absence of other primary microstructures in trilobites may indicate alteration, taxonomic control} or that there is some inherent feature of S EM examination which may' not allow detection of some features} while others are apparently visit·le onl~1 under SH.·1. The region of the cuticle sampled for examination is also a major influence in detecting pristine microstructures, as not all areas of trilobite and Recent arthropod cuticles will have microstructures identifiable in a SEM study. Subtleties in the process of alteration, however} ma~·· leave pristine microstructures in cuticles that are partial~/ silicified or do 10m itized, and degree and type of alteration may vary stratigraphically and longitudinally within a unit. The presence of fused matrices, angular calcite rhombs, and pyrite in the cuticle are thought to be indicative of altered cuticles, although pyritization may not affect the entire cuticle. t-~atural processes in Recent arthropods, such as molting, lead to variations in cuticle chemistries, and are thought to reflect the area of concentration of the elements during calcification. The level of sodium in Recent arthropods was found to be higher than that in trilobites, but highly mobile when sUbjected to the actions of VY'€'athering. Less saline water produced lovy'€'r magnesium and higher calcium values in Recent specimens .. and metal variations in pristine Ordovician trilobite cuticle appears to follow the constraints outlined for Recent arthropods, of regulation due to the chemislry of the surrounding medium. In diagenetic analysis, sodium, strontium and magnesium proved most beneficial in separating altered from least altered trilobites. Using this criterion, specimens from shale show the least amount of geochemical alteration, and have an original mineralogy of 1.7 - 2.4 mole % MgC03 (8000 t(> 9500 ppm magnesium) for both /s>..?/e/11S lJA'i.riff!11S and PseIAit'11J17ites I..itmirpin..itl/~ and 2.8 - 3.3 mole % MgC03 (5000 to 7000 ppm magnesium) for Ph.i{).?PS This is Slightly lower than the mineralogy of Recent marine arthropods (4.43 - 12.1 mole % MgC03), and slightly higher than that of fresh-water crayfish (0.96 - 1.82 mole % MgC03). Geochemically pristine trilobites were also found to possess primary microstructures. Stable isotope values and trends support the assertion that marine-meteoriclburial fluids were responsible for the alteration observed in a number of the trilobite specimens. The results of this stUdy suggest that fossil material has to be evaluated separately along taxonomic and lithological lines to arrive at sensible diagenetic and e nvironmenta I interpretations.


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The Loyal Orange Association of British America is a Protestant fraternal society. The Loyal Orange Association originated in Ulster, Ireland during the late eighteenth century. Its purpose was to promote Protestant rights and privileges. The association was exclusively Protestant, fraternal, democratic, and benevolent. Orange principles were brought to Upper Canada by Protestant Irish settlers after 1815. The first Canadian Orange Lodge was formally established in Brockville, Leeds County, 1830. By the late 19th and early 20th century, the Loyal Orange Association of British North America had gained considerable popularity and political influence. Many prominent politicians, including several prime ministers, were members. Orangemen were particularly concerned with issues such as separate school funding, language rights, immigration, religious freedom and conscription. Further, they demanded the execution of Louis Riel and opposed the Jesuits Estates settlement. Administrative sketch courtesy Archives of Ontario.


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In September 1968, the Indian Affairs Branch of Canada within the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND), ceased to exist as a result of a major reorganization. In its place the Indian and Eskimo Affairs Program emerged including elements from both the former Indian Affairs and Northern Administration branches. This new structure was based on function rather than on geographic location or ethnic origin. The Program included the areas within the Department responsible for adminstration of; education, social, cultural, community and economic development as well as statutory commitments. After 1978 the Program became known as the Indian and Inuit Affairs Program (IIAP).


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Reprint of the 1810 ed. printed by Samuel Wood, New York, Reprinted by Ipswich By J. Bush, Tavern-Street


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (L.L.M.) option Technologies de l'information"


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Les populations du caribou forestier (Rangifer tarandus caribou) sont en déclin sur l’ensemble de leur aire de répartition en Amérique du Nord. Il s’avère que la prédation, amplifiée par l’exploitation forestière, en est la principale cause. Ce projet consiste à mettre en place un outil d'aide à la décision, permettant de modéliser les changements du risque de prédation chez le caribou forestier durant la succession forestière, et ce, selon différents scénarios d'aménagement forestier simulés sur la Côte-Nord du Québec, Canada. Ces scénarios, simulés de 2000 à 2150, sont caractérisés par (i) des coupes limitées aux blocs de protection et de remplacement, (ii) des coupes étendues sur le paysage, et finalement (iii) par l'absence de coupe dès 2000. Un modèle basé sur l'individu (MBI) permet de modéliser les déplacements simultanés du caribou forestier, de l'orignal (Alces alces) et du loup gris (Canis lupus) afin d'évaluer le risque de prédation selon les scénarios. En général, le risque de prédation est plus important lorsque les coupes sont limitées aux blocs de protection et de remplacement. En effet, il semble que ces blocs augmentent les probabilités de rencontre entre les proies et leurs prédateurs. Toutefois, certains résultats ne reflètent pas la littérature, ce qui montre la nécessité d'améliorer le MBI. Certaines recommandations visent finalement à bonifier ce MBI pour permettre l'analyse de la viabilité à long terme du caribou forestier en fonction de différents scénarios d'aménagement forestier.


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Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la period room présentée dans le musée d’art. À travers un examen de sa spécificité matérielle, spatiale et temporelle, nous analysons les mécanismes propres à cette stratégie de mise en exposition et nous identifions ses principales conditions de possibilité. Ce faisant, nous étudions les différents savoirs qui sont sollicités par la period room, leurs interactions ainsi que l’apport réciproque de cette stratégie de mise en exposition à la construction de ces savoirs et ce, de manière à établir les fondements d’une épistémologie de la period room. Nous montrons ainsi quelle est sa contribution particulière à l’élaboration et à la médiation de l’histoire dans l’espace muséal. Grâce à cette étude, nous posons des assises conceptuelles qui permettent de repenser le rôle de la period room pour la discipline de l’histoire de l’art, déjouant par le fait même les apories de l’historicisme et de l’authenticité en vertu desquelles la period room est le plus souvent discréditée. Nous procédons par études de cas à partir d’un corpus principalement composé de period rooms ayant pour référents des intérieurs français de la seconde moitié du 18ième siècle et qui sont présentées dans des musées d’art américains (Frick Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art) et dans un musée canadien d’histoire naturelle et culturelle (Royal Ontario Museum). Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous établissons la typologie muséographique de la period room et nous envisageons les enjeux, notamment idéologiques, associés à la question de son « authenticité » à travers une analyse de son double statut de pastiche et de simulacre. Nous posons en outre l’un des fondements théoriques de notre étude en montrant que, parce qu’elle est formée de l’articulation entre pouvoirs et savoirs, la period room est un dispositif au sens où l’entendent Michel Foucault (1977) et Giorgio Agamben (2007). Dans la seconde partie, nous examinons la spécificité matérielle de la period room en démontrant comment elle est simultanément une réunion d’objets et un « tout », c’est-à-dire un objet muséographique en elle-même. Nous étudions les implications épistémologiques de cette idée pour la représentation de l’histoire proposée au moyen de la period room, tout en portant une attention particulière aux enjeux politiques qui informent cette représentation dans l’espace muséal. Dans la troisième partie, nous nous concentrons sur les particularités spatiales et temporelles de cette stratégie de mise en exposition et nous démontrons que, en dépit de son apparente unité de lieu et de temps, la period room est composée de plusieurs espaces et concentre plusieurs temps. En puisant dans la spécificité même de ce dispositif, nous élaborons des outils théoriques et méthodologiques inédits qui contribuent à repenser la fonction de la period room pour la mise en forme et la transmission de l’histoire. En conclusion, nous présentons une dernière étude de cas qui, examinant l’intervention de Valerie Hegarty dans trois period rooms du Brooklyn Museum (2013), synthétise les principaux enjeux traités dans la thèse et défend la valeur d’actualité de la period room.


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En Amérique du Nord, les pratiques actuelles de conception de l’industrie de la construction suscitent de nombreux et importants problèmes, tant au niveau environnemental, que social et économique. Certaines tendances conceptuelles, telles que l’industrialisation de la construction, le bâtiment vert, l’approche diachronique et la rationalisation spatiale proposent des moyens afin de répondre à cette problématique. La conception synchronique, qui ne se base encore que sur des besoins immédiats, produit des bâtiments statiques qui ne peuvent accommoder l’évolution des besoins. En plus de la phase d’usage qui se révèle la plus coûteuse en termes de consommation d’énergie, d’eau, de matériaux et de génération de déchets, le bâtiment statique est amené à subir de nombreuses rénovations, profondément délétères pour l’environnement et la situation économique des ménages. Dans une perspective d’opérationnalisation du développement durable, la problématique de recherche concerne la considération de la phase d’usage dans le processus conceptuel de l’habitation. Dans l’optique de favoriser une conception plutôt diachronique, 55 projets de rénovation résidentiels ont été analysés et comparés afin de décrire la nature et l’intensité des interventions effectuées. L’examen des plans avant/après rénovation a permis de quantifier le niveau d’intensité des interventions et ainsi, mettre en relief certaines tendances et récurrences des pratiques actuelles. Dans le but de valider si le bâtiment vert est en mesure de répondre aux enjeux environnementaux contemporains de l’habitation, les contenus de trois programmes de certification utilisés en Amérique du Nord, à savoir BOMA-BESt®, LEED®, et Living Building ChallengeTM, sont analysés. Une classification des stratégies proposées montre la répartition des préoccupations envers le bâtiment, les systèmes et l’usager. Une analyse permet de mettre en relief que les considérations semblent, de façon générale, cohérentes avec les impacts associés à l’habitation. Un examen plus ciblé sur la teneur et les objectifs des stratégies considérant l’usager permet l’émergence de deux ensembles thématiques : les cinq sources potentielles d’impacts (énergie, eau, matériaux, déchets et environnement intérieur), ainsi que les quatre thèmes reliés aux objectifs et aux finalités des stratégies (entretien et surveillance; sensibilisation et formation; modélisation et mesurage; comportement et habitude). La discussion a permis d’émettre des pistes d’écoconception pour permettre à l’habitation d’accommoder l’évolution des besoins des occupants, à savoir la « démontabilité », l’aptitude à l’évolution et l’accessibilité. Des recommandations, telles que la nécessité de mieux prendre en compte l’usager comme facteur d’influence des impacts occasionnés par la phase d’usage, sont ensuite proposées. D’autres suggestions appellent à une concrétisation de la performance en suscitant l’implication, l’engagement, la responsabilisation et l’autonomisation des occupants. Enfin, il semble que certaines modifications des programmes de certification et de la législation en vigueur pourraient favoriser l’émergence d’une vision nouvelle concernant la nécessaire réduction de la superficie habitable. Toutes ces opportunités d’amélioration ont le potentiel de mener ce secteur vers une démarche plus globale et systémique, tout en bonifiant de façon majeure les implications environnementales, économiques et sociales de l’habitation.


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Introducción: la asfixia perinatal es la tercera causa de muerte en menores de 5 años. Las secuelas neurológicas suponen una carga importante para las familias y los sistemas de salud (1). Los estudios que relacionan el efecto de la asfixia perinatal sobre las hormonas tiroideas son escasos. El estudio sobre predictores de asfixia es un tema de investigación permanente. El objetivo principal fue determinar la prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada y su relación con factores perinatales asociados a asfixia. Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. La muestra estuvo conformada por todos los recién nacidos con TSH de cordón elevada y un segundo grupo seleccionado de forma aleatoria con TSH de cordón normal. Tomada de una población de neonatos atendidos en una clínica de Bogotá durante el 2012. Resultados: la prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada fue de 14,7%. Los resultados sugieren una posible asociación entre alteraciones en las pruebas de bienestar fetal, presencia de infección materna, parto distócico, dificultad respiratoria y APGAR bajo y la presencia de TSH elevada p<0,05. Discusión: La alta prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada podría relacionarse con las características de alto riesgo que presenta esta población. La elevación transitoria de la TSH neonatal de cordón en neonatos con alteraciones del bienestar fetal asociada a eventos hipóxicos agudos, sugiere que esta hormona podría ser un marcador de asfixia perinatal.


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A case of long-range transport of a biomass burning plume from Alaska to Europe is analyzed using a Lagrangian approach. This plume was sampled several times in the free troposphere over North America, the North Atlantic and Europe by three different aircraft during the IGAC Lagrangian 2K4 experiment which was part of the ICARTT/ITOP measurement intensive in summer 2004. Measurements in the plume showed enhanced values of CO, VOCs and NOy, mainly in form of PAN. Observed O3 levels increased by 17 ppbv over 5 days. A photochemical trajectory model, CiTTyCAT, was used to examine processes responsible for the chemical evolution of the plume. The model was initialized with upwind data and compared with downwind measurements. The influence of high aerosol loading on photolysis rates in the plume was investigated using in situ aerosol measurements in the plume and lidar retrievals of optical depth as input into a photolysis code (Fast-J), run in the model. Significant impacts on photochemistry are found with a decrease of 18% in O3 production and 24% in O3 destruction over 5 days when including aerosols. The plume is found to be chemically active with large O3 increases attributed primarily to PAN decomposition during descent of the plume toward Europe. The predicted O3 changes are very dependent on temperature changes during transport and also on water vapor levels in the lower troposphere which can lead to O3 destruction. Simulation of mixing/dilution was necessary to reproduce observed pollutant levels in the plume. Mixing was simulated using background concentrations from measurements in air masses in close proximity to the plume, and mixing timescales (averaging 6.25 days) were derived from CO changes. Observed and simulated O3/CO correlations in the plume were also compared in order to evaluate the photochemistry in the model. Observed slopes change from negative to positive over 5 days. This change, which can be attributed largely to photochemistry, is well reproduced by multiple model runs even if slope values are slightly underestimated suggesting a small underestimation in modeled photochemical O3 production. The possible impact of this biomass burning plume on O3 levels in the European boundary layer was also examined by running the model for a further 5 days and comparing with data collected at surface sites, such as Jungfraujoch, which showed small O3 increases and elevated CO levels. The model predicts significant changes in O3 over the entire 10 day period due to photochemistry but the signal is largely lost because of the effects of dilution. However, measurements in several other BB plumes over Europe show that O3 impact of Alaskan fires can be potentially significant over Europe.


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The North Pacific and Bering Sea regions represent loci of cyclogenesis and storm track activity. In this paper climatological properties of extratropical storms in the North Pacific/Bering Sea are presented based upon aggregate statistics of individual storm tracks calculated by means of a feature-tracking algorithm run using NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data from 1948/49 to 2008, provided by the NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Climate Diagnostics Center. Storm identification is based on the 850-hPa relative vorticity field (ζ) instead of the often-used mean sea level pressure; ζ is a prognostic field, a good indicator of synoptic-scale dynamics, and is directly related to the wind speed. Emphasis extends beyond winter to provide detailed consideration of all seasons. Results show that the interseasonal variability is not as large during the spring and autumn seasons. Most of the storm variables—genesis, intensity, track density—exhibited a maxima pattern that was oriented along a zonal axis. From season to season this axis underwent a north–south shift and, in some cases, a rotation to the northeast. This was determined to be a result of zonal heating variations and midtropospheric moisture patterns. Barotropic processes have an influence in shaping the downstream end of storm tracks and, together with the blocking influence of the coastal orography of northwest North America, result in high lysis concentrations, effectively making the Gulf of Alaska the “graveyard” of Pacific storms. Summer storms tended to be longest in duration. Temporal trends tended to be weak over the study area. SST did not emerge as a major cyclogenesis control in the Gulf of Alaska.


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Ozone (O3) precursor emissions influence regional and global climate and air quality through changes in tropospheric O3 and oxidants, which also influence methane (CH4) and sulfate aerosols (SO42−). We examine changes in the tropospheric composition of O3, CH4, SO42− and global net radiative forcing (RF) for 20% reductions in global CH4 burden and in anthropogenic O3 precursor emissions (NOx, NMVOC, and CO) from four regions (East Asia, Europe and Northern Africa, North America, and South Asia) using the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution Source-Receptor global chemical transport model (CTM) simulations, assessing uncertainty (mean ± 1 standard deviation) across multiple CTMs. We evaluate steady state O3 responses, including long-term feedbacks via CH4. With a radiative transfer model that includes greenhouse gases and the aerosol direct effect, we find that regional NOx reductions produce global, annually averaged positive net RFs (0.2 ± 0.6 to 1.7 ± 2 mWm−2/Tg N yr−1), with some variation among models. Negative net RFs result from reductions in global CH4 (−162.6 ± 2 mWm−2 for a change from 1760 to 1408 ppbv CH4) and regional NMVOC (−0.4 ± 0.2 to −0.7 ± 0.2 mWm−2/Tg C yr−1) and CO emissions (−0.13 ± 0.02 to −0.15 ± 0.02 mWm−2/Tg CO yr−1). Including the effect of O3 on CO2 uptake by vegetation likely makes these net RFs more negative by −1.9 to −5.2 mWm−2/Tg N yr−1, −0.2 to −0.7 mWm−2/Tg C yr−1, and −0.02 to −0.05 mWm−2/Tg CO yr−1. Net RF impacts reflect the distribution of concentration changes, where RF is affected locally by changes in SO42−, regionally to hemispherically by O3, and globally by CH4. Global annual average SO42− responses to oxidant changes range from 0.4 ± 2.6 to −1.9 ± 1.3 Gg for NOx reductions, 0.1 ± 1.2 to −0.9 ± 0.8 Gg for NMVOC reductions, and −0.09 ± 0.5 to −0.9 ± 0.8 Gg for CO reductions, suggesting additional research is needed. The 100-year global warming potentials (GWP100) are calculated for the global CH4 reduction (20.9 ± 3.7 without stratospheric O3 or water vapor, 24.2 ± 4.2 including those components), and for the regional NOx, NMVOC, and CO reductions (−18.7 ± 25.9 to −1.9 ± 8.7 for NOx, 4.8 ± 1.7 to 8.3 ± 1.9 for NMVOC, and 1.5 ± 0.4 to 1.7 ± 0.5 for CO). Variation in GWP100 for NOx, NMVOC, and CO suggests that regionally specific GWPs may be necessary and could support the inclusion of O3 precursors in future policies that address air quality and climate change simultaneously. Both global net RF and GWP100 are more sensitive to NOx and NMVOC reductions from South Asia than the other three regions.