935 resultados para Increasing failure rate


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The objective of this study was to test a device developed to improve the functionality, accuracy and precision of the original technique for sweating rate measurements proposed by Schleger and Turner [Schleger AV, Turner HG (1965) Aust J Agric Res 16:92-106]. A device was built for this purpose and tested against the original Schleger and Turner technique. Testing was performed by measuring sweating rates in an experiment involving six Mertolenga heifers subjected to four different thermal levels in a climatic chamber. The device exhibited no functional problems and the results obtained with its use were more consistent than with the Schleger and Turner technique. There was no difference in the reproducibility of the two techniques (same accuracy), but measurements performed with the new device had lower repeatability, corresponding to lower variability and, consequently, to higher precision. When utilizing this device, there is no need for physical contact between the operator and the animal to maintain the filter paper discs in position. This has important advantages: the animals stay quieter, and several animals can be evaluated simultaneously. This is a major advantage because it allows more measurements to be taken in a given period of time, increasing the precision of the observations and diminishing the error associated with temporal hiatus (e.g., the solar angle during field studies). The new device has higher functional versatility when taking measurements in large-scale studies (many animals) under field conditions. The results obtained in this study suggest that the technique using the device presented here could represent an advantageous alternative to the original technique described by Schleger and Turner.


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In the Eplerenone Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival Study ( n = 6632), eplerenone- associated reduction in all- cause mortality was significantly greater in those with a history of hypertension ( Hx- HTN). There were 4007 patients with Hx- HTN ( eplerenone: n = 1983) and 2625 patients without Hx- HTN ( eplerenone: n = 1336). Propensity scores for eplerenone use, separately calculated for patients with and without Hx- HTN, were used to assemble matched cohorts of 1838 and 1176 pairs of patients. In patients with Hx- HTN, all- cause mortality occurred in 18% of patients treated with placebo ( rate, 1430/ 10 000 person- years) and 14% of patients treated with eplerenone ( rate, 1058/ 10 000 person- years) during 2350 and 2457 years of follow- up, respectively ( hazard ratio [ HR]: 0.71; 95% CI: 0.59 to 0.85; P < 0.0001). Composite end point of cardiovascular hospitalization or cardiovascular mortality occurred in 33% of placebo-treated patients ( 3029/ 10 000 person- years) and 28% of eplerenone- treated patients (2438/10 000 person- years) with Hx- HTN ( HR: 0.82; 95% CI: 0.72 to 0.94; P = 0.003). In patients without Hx- HTN, eplerenone reduced heart failure hospitalization ( HR: 73; 95% CI: 0.55 to 0.97; P = 0.028) but had no effect on mortality ( HR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.72 to 1.15; P = 0.435) or on the composite end point ( HR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.76 to 1.10; P = 0.331). Eplerenone should, therefore, be prescribed to all of the post - acute myocardial infarction patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and heart failure regardless of Hx- HTN.


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Drilling fluid`s contact with the productive zone of horizontal or complex wells can reduce well productivity by fluid invasion in the borehole wall. Salted drilling drill-in fluid containing polymers has often been applied in horizontal or complex petroleum wells in the poorly consolidated sandstone reservoirs of the Campos basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This fluid usually consists of natural polymers such as starch and xanthan gum, which are deposited as a filter cake on the wellbore wall during the drilling. Therefore, the identification of a lift-off mechanism failure, which can be detachment or blistering and pinholing, will enable formulation improvements. increasing the chances of success during filter cake removal in open hole operations. Likewise, knowledge of drill-in drilling fluid adsorption/desorption onto sand can help understand the filter cake-rock adhesion mechanism and consequently filter cake lift-off mechanism failures. The present study aimed to identify the lift-off failure mechanism for this type of fluid filter cake studying adsorption/desorption onto SiO(2) using solutions of natural polymers, lubricants, besides the fluid itself. Ellipsometry was employed to measure this process. The adsorption/desorption studies showed that the adsorbed layer of drilling fluid onto the walls of the rock pores is made up of clusters of polymers, linked by hydrogen bonds, which results in a force of lower cohesion compared to the electrostatic interaction between silica and polymers. Consequently, it was found that the most probable filter cake failure mechanism is rupture (blistering and pinholing), which results in the formation of ducts within the filter cake. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objectives of this paper are twofold. First, it intends to provide theoretical elements to analyze the relation between real exchange rates and economic development. Our main hypothesis is very much in line with the Dutch disease literature, and states that competitive currencies contribute to the existence and maintenance of the anufacturing sector in the economy. This, in turn, brings about higher growth rates in the long run, given the existence of increasing returns in the industrial sector, and its importance in generating echnological change and increasing productivity in the overall economy. The second objective of this paper is empirical. It intends to analyze examples of successful exchange rate policies, such as Chile and Indonesia in the eighties, as a benchmark for comparison with countries where currency overvaluation has taken place, such as Brazil. In the latter case, the local currency is being inflated by large capital inflows, due to high domestic interest rates and to a boom in demand and prices of commodities in the international markets. It will be argued that the industrial sector bears most of the burden when the currency appreciates, and that Brazil risks at deindustrialization if there are no changes in the exchange rate regime


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Introdução A pneumonia hospitalar é a principal causa de morte dentre as infecções hospitalares. A prevalência de pneumonia hospitalar em Unidades de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) varia de 10 a 65%, com taxas de mortalidade que podem variar de 24 a 76%. A pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica (PAV) é um determinante de mortalidade independente em pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica. A adequação do tratamento empírico precoce parece ser fundamental no prognóstico. Os critérios atualmente estabelecidos para avaliar adequação do tratamento empírico utilizam parâmetros clínicos, escores de gravidade e, principalmente, a sensibilidade do germe causador da infecção aos antibióticos administrados. Estes resultados balizam a necessidade de possíveis modificações no esquema antimicrobiano. A possibilidade de utilizar a Procalcitonina (PCT), a Proteína-C Reativa (CRP) e o escore SOFA (Avaliação de Falência de Órgãos Relacionada a Sepse), como indicadores de resposta do paciente, comparando seu status no dia do início do tratamento antimicrobiano (D0) com a evolução destes indicadores no quarto dia de tratamento (D4) abre a possibilidade de comparar o paciente com ele próprio, independente da exuberância da expressão da resposta inflamatória que ele possa desenvolver. Os resultados desta cinética entre D0 e D4 podem ser preditivos de gravidade de infecção, de eficiência antimicrobiana, e possivelmente de sobrevivência ou mortalidade hospitalar nos pacientes com suspeita de PAV. Objetivos Determinar e comparar o valor prognóstico de sobrevivência da cinética da PCT, da CRP, dos escores clínicos CPIS (Escore Clínico de Infecção Pulmonar) e SOFA, e do APACHE II (Avaliação da Fisiologia Aguda e da Saúde Crônica) na PAV entre o diagnóstico e o quarto dia de tratamento, quando a adequação do tratamento é avaliada. Pacientes e Métodos Realizamos um estudo de coorte prospectivo observacional que avaliou 75 pacientes internados no Centro de Tratamento Intensivo clínico-cirúrgico de adultos do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre que desenvolveram PAV no período de outubro de 2003 a agosto de 2005. Os pacientes com suspeita clínica de PAV que se adequaram aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão do estudo foram os candidatos a participar. Os familiares ou representantes dos pacientes receberam esclarecimentos por escrito acerca dos exames a serem realizados, bem como dos objetivos gerais da pesquisa. Os que aceitaram participar do estudo assinaram o termo de Consentimento Informado. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. No dia do diagnóstico de PAV foram coletados aspirado traqueal quantitativo, hemoculturas e sangue para a realização de dosagens de PCT, CRP, hemograma, plaquetas, creatinina, bilirrubinas, gasometria arterial e radiografia de tórax, com o objetivo de calcular o CPIS e o escore SOFA. No terceiro dia de tratamento foram novamente coletados aspirados traqueais quantitativos e os demais exames para o cálculo do CPIS. No quarto dia foi coletado sangue para dosagens de PCT, CRP e para os demais exames necessários para o cálculo do SOFA. Os pacientes foram acompanhados por 28 dias após o diagnóstico de PAV, quando foram considerados sobreviventes. Todos os pacientes que morreram antes do vigésimo oitavo dia foram considerados não-sobreviventes. Resultados Os níveis de PCT foram mais baixos nos sobreviventes em D0 (p=0.003) e em D4 (p=0.001). Os níveis de CRP não foram diferentes em sobreviventes e nãosobreviventes em D0 (p=0.77) e em D4 (p=0.14). O CPIS não pode diferenciar sobreviventes de não-sobrevientes em D0 (p=0.32) e em D3 (p=0.45). ΔCPIS decrescente não foi correlacionado a sobrevivência (p=0.59), o mesmo ocorrendo com CPIS <6 em D3 (p=0.79). Pacientes que morreram antes de D4 não puderam ter sua cinética calculada e foram considerados casos perdidos. Variáveis incluídas no modelo de regressão logística univariável para sobrevivência foram idade, APACHE II, ΔSOFA decrescente, ΔPCT decrescente e ΔCRP decrescente. Sobrevivência foi diretamente correlacionada a ΔPCT decrescente com RC = 5.67 (1.78;18.03) p = 0.003, ΔCRP com RC = 3.78 (1.24;11.50) p = 0.02, ΔSOFA decrescente com RC = 3.08 (1.02;9.26) p = 0.05 e escore APACHE II com RC = 0.92 (0.86;0.99) p = 0.02. O modelo de regressão logística multivariável para sobrevivência incluiu todas as variáveis participantes da análise univariável. Somente ΔPCT decrescente com RC = 4.43 (1.08;18.18) p = 0.04 e ΔCRP com RC = 7.40 (1.58;34.73) p = 0.01 permaneceram significativos. A avaliação da cinética dos marcadores inflamatórios e a associação com sobrevida no estudo mostraram que: - Em 95,1% dos sobreviventes houve queda dos níveis de PCT ou de CRP. - Em 61% dos sobreviventes ambos os níveis de PCT e de CRP caíram. Apenas 4,9% dos sobreviventes tiveram níveis de PCT e CRP crescentes. Com relação aos não-sobreviventes, 78.9% tiveram pelo menos um dos dois marcadores ou ambos com níveis crescentes. Conclusão As cinéticas da PCT e da CRP, obtidas pelas dosagens de seus níveis no dia do diagnóstico e no 4º dia de tratamento, podem predizer sobrevivência em pacientes com PAV. A queda dos níveis de pelo menos um destes marcadores ou de ambos indica maior chance de sobrevivência.


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Apesar de Empreendedorismo e Cultura serem tópicos com extensa literatura na área de estudos de Administração de Empresas, existe relativamente pouca pesquisa na influencia que a Cultura exerce no Empreendedorismo. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a influencia da cultura no índice de fracasso do empreendedorismo. Através de uma abordagem de correlação, utilizando 40 países da database do Hofstede (2001) de trabalhadores da IBM e dados presentes na database do Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Os resultados desta análise sugerem que Individualismo VS. Coletivismo é a única dimensão cultural significativa quando se discute os efeitos da cultura no índice de fracasso do Empreendedorismo.


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O sistema de franquias vem recebendo um destaque cada vez maior nas mídias voltadas para negócios devido ao seu grande desenvolvimento tanto no Brasil quanto no restante do mundo, apresentando um alto índice de crescimento, além de possuir um grande potencial para atingir patamares ainda maiores. Com base nas teorias da agência e de recursos da empresa, foram descritas as principais abordagens sobre este setor, ampliando o conceito de contrato como suporte da relação entre franqueadores e franqueados para uma análise qualitativa sobre o relacionamento entre as partes, identificando ainda suas evoluções ao longo do tempo, vantagens e desvantagens, modelos e desafios de gestão. Um estudo de âmbito nacional realizado por Toledo e Proença (2005) enalteceu que um dos grandes motivos que geram o insucesso de uma rede de franquias é a falta de comprometimento na manutenção do bom relacionamento do franqueador para com seus franqueados. E este é o tema central deste trabalho, com o objetivo de dar a devida importância a este tópico, mostrando como ele é influenciado pelo grau de maturidade da rede e a sua relevância para o sucesso do negócio. Através de um estudo comparativo de casos, de caráter exploratório, tendo como principal forma de coleta de dados as entrevistas presenciais realizadas com franqueadores e franqueados de duas redes no segmento de alimentação brasileiro, foram obtidos resultados quanto a forma com que o relacionamento tem sido gerido por ambas as partes, em diversos âmbitos, e a sua relação com o estágio de maturidade em que a rede se encontra, tornando o estudo relevante para o mercado, com contribuições tanto acadêmicas, como a congruência de pesquisas, quanto corporativas, como a conexão de boas práticas e lições aprendidas com os conceitos abordados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu canopy structure maintained at different grazing heights under a continuous stocking rate and with a dietary supplementation strategy for the animals during the rainy season. This study also intended to observe the relationships of these variables with the grazing behaviors of the heifers. The effects of three canopy heights (15, 25 and 35 cm) were evaluated in association with three types of supplements: one mineral and two protein/energy supplements, the first with a high rumen degradable protein and energy and the others with a low ratio. Both the protein/energy supplements were provided at 0.3% of body weight/day. The experimental design was completely randomized, with two replications and repeated measures, and took place during the period from January to April 2008. The supplementation strategies did not affect any variable related to the canopy structure. Total and green herbage masses and the ratio of green/dead material increased with canopy height. The leaf/stem ratio was higher in the lowest canopy height: 15 cm. Changes in the canopy structure caused variations in the grazing behavior of the animals. Animals maintained in the 15-cm-tall pasture grazed for a longer time, increasing the time for each meal, but the number of meals was lower than that of the animals grazing within the 35-cm-tall pasture. The grazing time of animals receiving the energy/protein supplement was lower only in the period of the day during which it was supplied. Canopy structure is affected by sward height, and changes animal behavior. Supplementation does not affect the canopy structure of the pastures with similar heights.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects of atropine and methotrimeprazine on epinephrine-induced ventricular arrhythmias were evaluated in halothane-anesthetized dogs. Ten mixed-breed dogs were assigned to 3 treatments (saline, atropine, and methotrimeprazine) in a randomized complete block design. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with halothane (1.5 minimum alveolar concentration) in oxygen. Controlled ventilation was used throughout to maintain eucapnia. Saline, atropine (0.05 mg/kg, IV) or methotrimeprazine (0.5 mg/kg, IV) were administered and, 5 minutes later the arrhythmogenic dose of epinephrine (ADE) was measured by IV infusion of progressively increasing infusion rates of epinephrine, until the ventricular arrhythmia criterion was met (at least 4 ectopic ventricular contractions (EVCs) during a 15-second period). Data were analyzed using a student's t-test for ADE values and multivariate profile analysis for heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (ABP), and rate pressure product (RPP). The ADE increased in atropine- and methotrimeprazine-treated groups, whereas 1 and 4 animals from these groups did not develop any ventricular arrhythmia, respectively. Epinephrine induced multiform premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) in the atropine group, whereas ventricular escape beats were observed in the control and methotrimeprazine groups. Heart rate and RPP decreased, and ABP increased at the time of ADE observation in the control group. Epinephrine infusion in the atropine group caused marked increases in HR, ABP, and RPP, which were associated with pulsus alternans in 2 animals. It was concluded that 1) the presence of cholinergic blockade influences the type of ventricular arrhythmia induced by epinephrine; 2) increased ADE values recorded following atropine administration must be cautiously interpreted, since in this situation the PVCs were associated with signs of increased myocardial work and ventricular failure; and 3) the use of a broader arrhythmia criterion (EVCs instead of PVCs) may not allow a direct comparison between ADE values, since it includes ventricular arrhythmias mediated by different mechanisms.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tuberculosis is still increasing and was declared a worldwide sanitary emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1995. Its control is difficult due to long treatment duration and lack of markers of treatment success or failure. Cytokines such as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, a central factor in immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are responsible for the interaction between T lymphocytes and the infected macrophage and are also produced during this interaction. As proinflammatory cytokines have a close relationship with mycobacteria clearance, in fact even preceding it, they could be used as markers for inflammatory activity and response to treatment. Proinflammatory cytokines act in the liver and stimulate a strong local and systemic acute-phase response as a result of homeostatic and physiological responses also induced by them. Acute-phase proteins produced by cytokine activity are useful diagnostic markers that could also be used to monitor treatment response as they can be serially quantified. The objective of this study was to evaluate IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and TGF-beta production in supernatant of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and monocyte (MO) cultures, as well as serum acute-phase response through total protein, albumin, globulin, C-reactive protein (CRP), alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) as regression markers of inflammatory response during pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. Twenty blood donors (G1) from the Blood Bank at Botucatu School of Medicine's University Hospital (BSM-UH) were evaluated once and 28 pulmonary tuberculosis patients (G2): 13 from BSM-UH and 15 from the Bauru State Health Secretariat. Patients were evaluated at three moments of treatment: before (M1), at three months (M2), and at the end (M3). Cytokines were determined in 20ml of peripheral blood (ELISA), with or without activation: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for MO culture and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) for PBMC culture. Acute-phase protein behavior in G2 throughout treatment was: Globulins: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.001); CRP: M1> M2> M3 (.< 0.001); AGP for men: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.001); ESR for men: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.0016) and for women: M1> M2 (.< 0.025). Comparison between cytokine levels found in supernatant of MO and PBMC cultures, with and without stimulus, in G1 and G2 during treatment showed: TNF-alpha (with/ without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); (without LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001), (with LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.028); IFN-. (with and without PHA) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); IL-10 (with and without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1; at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); TGF-beta (with and without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001), (without LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001). In G2, all cytokines in supernatant of MO and PBMC cultures, with and without stimulus, showed: M1> M2> M3 (rho < 0.01). Levels of globulins, CRP, AGP, and ESR in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis before treatment (M1) were significantly higher than reference values, suggesting their use as diagnostic markers and indicators of treatment. The CRP decreasing values along treatment could be taken as a marker of the regression of inflammatory process and of response to treatment in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.Regarding cytokines, there was significant increase in TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-10, and TGF-alpha levels before and at three months treatment, with and without stimulus; in TNF-a and IL-10 lvels, with and without stimulus, as well as in TGF-alpha levels without stimulus at six months. Patients had higher levels of all studied cytokines than controls before treatment, and these values decreased along treatment. In this study, pulmonary tuberculosis patients showed a Th0 cytokine profile before treatment, with the production of both Th1 (IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-10) cytokines, in addition to TNF-alpha inflammatory and TGF-alpha regulatory and fibrosis-inducer cytokines. At the end of treatment, all had evolved to Th2 profile, probably in an attempt to reduce the harmful effects of the proinflammatory activity of the Th1 cytokine profile and of the still above-normal levels of TNF-alpha. The high levels of TGF-alpha, also found in these patients, are related to its important role in the extracellular matrix deposition and fibrosis induction that characterize tuberculosis healing process. IFN-gamma was the only cytokine reaching normal levels at the end of treatment, which suggests its use as a marker of response to treatment.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar em crianças portadoras de obstrução nasolacrimal congênita (ONLC) os índices de cura com a sondagem das vias lacrimais e os fatores relacionados com o insucesso do procedimento. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo observacional, incluindo 80 crianças portadoras de obstrução nasolacrimal congênita, submetidas à sondagem terapêutica da via lacrimal. As crianças foram avaliadas quanto ao sexo, faixa etária e resultado da sondagem. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados por estatística descritiva, teste de Goodman e pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A cura ocorreu igualmente em ambos os sexos. A média de idade das crianças que se beneficiaram da sondagem foi de 19,95±11,4 meses e a das crianças que não se curaram foi de 23,37±15,2 meses. A possibilidade de cura ocorreu igualmente nas faixas etárias acima dos 6 meses. Observou-se nas crianças que não se curaram com a sondagem a existência de alterações nasais como rinite, hipertrofia de adenóide ou de cornetos, desvio de septo e sinusopatia. CONCLUSÃO: A possibilidade de cura com a sondagem não varia significativamente mesmo nas idades acima dos 12 meses. Entre as causas de insucesso com o procedimento devem ser incluídas as alterações da cavidade nasal.


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ObjectiveTo investigate the cardiorespiratory, nociceptive and endocrine effects of the combination of propofol and remifentanil, in dogs sedated with acepromazine.Study designProspective randomized, blinded, cross-over experimental trial.AnimalsTwelve healthy adult female cross-breed dogs, mean weight 18.4 +/- 2.3 kg.MethodsDogs were sedated with intravenous (IV) acepromazine (0.05 mg kg-1) followed by induction of anesthesia with IV propofol (5 mg kg-1). Anesthesia was maintained with IV propofol (0.2 mg kg-1 minute-1) and remifentanil, infused as follows: R1, 0.125 mu g kg-1 minute-1; R2, 0.25 mu g kg-1 minute-1; and R3, 0.5 mu g kg-1 minute-1. The same dogs were administered each dose of remifentanil at 1-week intervals. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), respiratory rate (f(R)), end tidal CO(2) (Pe'CO(2)), arterial hemoglobin O(2) saturation, blood gases, and rectal temperature were measured before induction, and 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, and 120 minutes after beginning the infusion. Nociceptive response was investigated by electrical stimulus (50 V, 5 Hz and 10 ms). Blood samples were collected for plasma cortisol measurements. Statistical analysis was performed by anova (p < 0.05).ResultsIn all treatments, HR decreased during anesthesia with increasing doses of remifentanil, and increased significantly immediately after the end of infusion. MAP remained stable during anesthesia (72-98 mmHg). Antinociception was proportional to the remifentanil infusion dose, and was considered satisfactory only with R2 and R3. Plasma cortisol concentration decreased during anesthesia in all treatments. Recovery was smooth and fast in all dogs.Conclusions and clinical relevanceInfusion of 0.25-0.5 mu g kg-1 minute-1 remifentanil combined with 0.2 mg kg-1 minute-1 propofol produced little effect on arterial blood pressure and led to a good recovery. The analgesia produced was sufficient to control the nociceptive response applied by electrical stimulation, suggesting that it may be appropriate for performing surgery.