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Many works have shown the potential of the Brazilian sugarcane industry as an electricity supplier. However, few studies have studied how this potential could be achieved without jeopardizing the production of sugar and ethanol. Also, the impact of modifications in the cogeneration plant on the costs of production of sugar and ethanol has not been evaluated. This paper presents an approach to the problem of exergy optimization of cogeneration systems in sugarcane mills. A general model to the sugar and ethanol production processes is developed based on data supplied by a real plant, and an exergy analysis is performed. A discussion is made about the variables that most affect the performance of the processes. Then, a procedure is presented to evaluate modifications in the cogeneration system and in the process, and their impact on the production costs of sugar, ethanol and electricity. Furthermore, a discussion on the renewability of processes is made based on an exergy index of renewability. As a general conclusion, besides adding a new revenue to the mill, the generation of excess electricity improves the exergo-environmental performance of the mill as a whole. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work aims to study the adsorption of phenol on activated carbons (ACs) and the consecutive in situ regeneration of carbon by Fenton oxidation. Two different operations have been carried Out: (1) a batch procedure in order to investigate the influence of Fe(2+) and H(2)O(2) concentrations; (2) continuous fixed bed adsorption, followed by a batch circulation of the Fenton`s reagent through the saturated AC bed. to examine the efficiency of the real process. Two different activated carbons have been also studied: a both micro- and mesoporous AC (L27) and an only microporous One (S23). In the batch reactor the best conditions found for pollutant mineralization in the homogeneous Fenton system are not the best For AC regeneration: a continuous reduction of adsorption capacity of L27 is observed after 3 oxidations, due to the decrease of both AC weight and surface area. Higher concentration of Fe(2+) and lower concentration of H(2)O(2) (2 times the stoichiometry) lead to a 50% recovery of the initial adsorption capacity during at least four consecutive cycles for L27, while about 20% or less for S23. In the consecutive continuous adsorption/batch Fenton oxidation process, the regeneration efficiency reaches 30-40% for L27 after two cycles whatever the feed concentration and less than 10% for S23. A photo-Fenton test performed on L27 shows almost complete mineralization (contrary to ""dark"" Fenton) and further improves recovery of AC adsorption capacity although not complete (56% after two cycles).


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In the last few years great efforts have been made in order to find and to develop environmentally friendly substitutes for Cr6+ pre-treatments applied on aluminium alloys used in the aircraft industry. Among the potential substitutes, silane layers have attracted considerable interest from researchers and from the industry. The present work investigates the anti-corrosion behaviour of (bis-1, 2-(triethoxysilyl) ethane (BTSE)) silane layers modified with Ce ions and/or silica nanoparticles applied on Al alloy 2024-T3 substrates. The corrosion behaviour was investigated in 0.1 M NaCl solution via d.c. polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Contact angle measurements and XPS were used to assess information on the chemistry of the silane pre-treated surfaces. The results have shown that the introduction of additives improves the corrosion protection properties of the silane layer. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose a robust and low complexity scheme to estimate and track carrier frequency from signals traveling under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions in highly nonstationary channels. These scenarios arise in planetary exploration missions subject to high dynamics, such as the Mars exploration rover missions. The method comprises a bank of adaptive linear predictors (ALP) supervised by a convex combiner that dynamically aggregates the individual predictors. The adaptive combination is able to outperform the best individual estimator in the set, which leads to a universal scheme for frequency estimation and tracking. A simple technique for bias compensation considerably improves the ALP performance. It is also shown that retrieval of frequency content by a fast Fourier transform (FFT)-search method, instead of only inspecting the angle of a particular root of the error predictor filter, enhances performance, particularly at very low SNR levels. Simple techniques that enforce frequency continuity improve further the overall performance. In summary we illustrate by extensive simulations that adaptive linear prediction methods render a robust and competitive frequency tracking technique.


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FinFETs are recognized as promising candidates for the CMOS nanometer era. In this paper the most recent results for cryogenic operation of FinFETs will be demonstrated with special emphasis on analog applications. Threshold voltage, subthreshold slope and carrier mobility will be studied. Also some important figures of merit for analog circuit operation as for readout electronics, such as transconductance, output conductance and intrinsic voltage gain will be covered. It is demonstrated that the threshold voltage of undoped narrow FinFETs is less temperature-dependent than for a planar single-gate device with similar doping concentration. The temperature reduction improves the transconductance over drain current ratio in any operational region. On the other hand, the output conductance is degraded when the temperature is reduced. The combination of these effects shows that the intrinsic gain of a L = 90 nm FinFET is degraded by 2 dB when the temperature reduces from 300 K to 100 K. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work focuses on the impact of the source and drain Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) on the performance of uniaxially strained MuGFETs. With the channel length reduction, the normalized transconductance (gm.L./W) of unstressed MuGFETs decreases due to the series resistance and short channel effects (SCE), while the presence of uniaxial strain improves the gm. The competition between the series resistance (R(s)) and the uniaxial strain results in a normalized gm maximum point for a specific channel length. Since the SEG structure influences both R(s) and the strain in the channel, this work studies from room down to low temperature how these effects influence the performance of the triple-gate FETs. For lower temperatures, the strain-induced mobility enhancement increases and leads to a shift in the maximum point towards shorter channel lengths for devices without SEG. This shift is not observed for devices with SEG where the strain level is much lower. At 150 K the gm behavior of short channel strained devices with SEG is similar to the non SEC ones due to the better gm temperature enhancement for devices without SEG caused by the strain. For lower temperatures SEG structure is not useful anymore. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an analysis of the performance of a baseband multiple-input single-output (MISO) time reversal ultra-wideband system (TR-UWB) incorporating a symbol spaced decision feedback equalizer (DFE). A semi-analytical performance analysis based on a Gaussian approach is considered, which matched well with simulation results, even for the DFE case. The channel model adopted is based on the IEEE 802.15.3a model, considering correlated shadowing across antenna elements. In order to provide a more realistic analysis, channel estimation errors are considered for the design of the TR filter. A guideline for the choice of equalizer length is provided. The results show that the system`s performance improves with an increase in the number of transmit antennas and when a symbol spaced equalizer is used with a relatively small number of taps compared to the number of resolvable paths in the channel impulse response. Moreover, it is possible to conclude that due to the time reversal scheme, the error propagation in the DFE does not play a role in the system`s performance.


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Light touch of a fingertip on an external stable surface greatly improves the postural stability of standing subjects. The hypothesis of the present work was that a vibrating surface could increase the effectiveness of fingertip signaling to the central nervous system (e.g., by a stochastic resonance mechanism) and hence improve postural stability beyond that achieved by light touch. Subjects stood quietly over a force plate while touching with their right index fingertip a surface that could be either quiescent or randomly vibrated at two low-level noise intensities. The vibratory noise of the contact surface caused a significant decrease in postural sway, as assessed by center of pressure measures in both time and frequency domains. Complementary experiments were designed to test whether postural control improvements were associated with a stochastic resonance mechanism or whether attentional mechanisms could be contributing. A full curve relating body sway parameters and different levels of vibratory noise resulted in a U-like function, suggesting that the improvement in sway relied on a stochastic resonance mechanism. Additionally, no decrease in postural sway was observed when the vibrating contact surface was attached to the subject`s body, suggesting that no attentional mechanisms were involved. These results indicate that sensory cues obtained from the fingertip need not necessarily be associated with static contact surfaces to cause improvement in postural stability. A low-level noisy vibration applied to the contact surface could lead to a better performance of the postural control system.


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Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni coatings are widely used for wear applications at high and room temperature, respectively. Due to the high corrosion resistance of NiCr binder, Cr3C2-NiCr coatings are also used in corrosive environments. The application of WC-Ni coatings in corrosive media is 14 not recommended due to the poor corrosion resistance of the (pure Ni) metallic matrix. It is well known that the addition of Cr to the metallic binder improves the corrosion properties. Erosion-corrosion performance of thermal spray coatings is widely influenced by ceramic phase composition, the size of ceramic particles and also the composition of the metallic binder. In the present work, two types of HVOF thermal spray coatings (Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni) obtained with different spray conditions were studied and compared with conventional micro-cracked hard chromium coatings. Both as-sprayed and polished samples were tested under two erosion-corrosion conditions with different erosivity. Tungsten carbide coatings showed better performance under the most erosive condition, while chromium carbide coatings were superior under less erosive conditions. Some of the tungsten carbide coatings and hard chromium showed similar erosion-corrosion behaviour under more and less erosive conditions. The erosion-corrosion and electrochemical results showed that surface polishing improved the erosion-corrosion properties of the thermally sprayed coatings. The corrosion behaviour of the different coatings has been compared using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves. Total material loss due to erosion-corrosion was determined by weight loss measurements. An estimation of the corrosion contribution to the total weight loss was also given. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on physical laws of similarity, an analytic solution of the soil water potential form of the Richards equation was derived for water infiltration into a homogeneous sand. The derivation assumes a similarity between the soil water retention function and that of the soil water content profiles taken at fixed times. The new solution successfully described soil water content profiles experimentally measured for water infiltrating downward, upward, and horizontally into a homogeneous sand and agrees with that presented by Philip in 1957. The utility of this analysis is still to be verified, but it is expected to hold for soils that have a narrow pore-size distribution before wetting and that manifest a sharp increase of water content at the wetting front during infiltration. The effect of van Genuchten`s parameters alpha and n on the application of the solution to other porous media was investigated. The solution also improves and provides a more realistic description of the infiltration process than that pioneered by Green and Ampt in 1911.


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The use of the Boltzmann transform function, lambda(theta), to solve the Richards equation when the diffusivity, D, is a function of only soil water content,., is now commonplace in the literature. Nevertheless, a new analytic solution of the Boltzmann transform lambda(h) as a function of matric potential for horizontal water infiltration into a sand was derived without invoking the concept or use of D(theta). The derivation assumes that a similarity exists between the soil water retention function and the Boltzmann transform lambda(theta). The solution successfully described soil water content profiles experimentally measured for different infiltration times into a homogeneous sand and agrees with those presented by Philip in 1955 and 1957. The applicability of this solution for all soils remains open, but it is anticipated to hold for soils whose air-filled pore-size distribution before wetting is sufficiently narrow to yield a sharp increase of water content at the wetting front during infiltration. It also improves and provides a versatile alternative to the well-known analysis pioneered by Green and Ampt in 1911.


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This paper applies Hierarchical Bayesian Models to price farm-level yield insurance contracts. This methodology considers the temporal effect, the spatial dependence and spatio-temporal models. One of the major advantages of this framework is that an estimate of the premium rate is obtained directly from the posterior distribution. These methods were applied to a farm-level data set of soybean in the State of the Parana (Brazil), for the period between 1994 and 2003. The model selection was based on a posterior predictive criterion. This study improves considerably the estimation of the fair premium rates considering the small number of observations.


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This experiment aimed at evaluating the influence of different heating times of settable eggs of Cobb 500 (R) broiler breeders before submitting them to different storage periods on egg weight loss, embryo mortality, and hatchability. A total number of 1,980 eggs were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, comprising nine treatments with 22 replicates of 10 eggs each. The following factors were analyzed: pre-storage heating periods (0, 6, 12 hours at 36.92 degrees C) and storage periods (4, 9, 14 days at 12.06 degrees C). After storage, eggs were incubated under usual conditions, and were transferred to the hatcher at 442 hours of incubation. Eggs were weighed before heating, incubation, and transference to determine weight loss. Partial hatchability was determined at 480 hours, and total hatchability at 498 hours of incubation. Embryo mortality was determined in non-hatched eggs. It was concluded that heating eggs for six hour before storage improves incubation results as it decreases incubation length and late embryo mortality, therefore its use can be indicated in commercial operations. Storing eggs for 14 days and pre-heating for 14 days and pre-heating for 12 hours severely impair incubation results, and therefore are not recommended.


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The effects of refrigeration, freezing and substitution of milk fat by inulin and whey protein concentrate (WPC) on Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 viability and resistance to gastric and enteric simulated conditions in synbiotic guava mousses effects were investigated. Refrigerated mousses supplemented with WPC presented the best probiotic viability. ranging from 7.77 to 6.24 log cfu/g during 28 days of storage. The highest probiotic populations, above 7.45 log cfu/g, were observed for all frozen mousses during 112 days of storage. Decreased L acidophilus survival during the in vitro gastrointestinal simulation was observed both for refrigerated and frozen mousses. Nonetheless, for the refrigerated mousses, the addition of inulin enhanced the probiotic survival during the in vitro assays in the first week of storage. L acidophilus survival in simulated gastrointestinal fluids was also improved through freezing. The frozen storage may be used to provide increased shelf-life for synbiotic guava mousses. Even though the protective effect of inulin and WPC on the probiotic microorganism tested was shown to be more specific for the refrigerated products, the partial replacement of milk fat by these ingredients may also help, as it improves the nutritional value of mousses in both storage conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In vivo preventive effects of a Mangifera indica L extract (Vimang) or its major component mangiferin on iron overload injury have been studied in rats given respectively, 50, 100, 250 mg kg(-1) body weight of Vimang, or 40 mg kg(-1) body weight of mangiferin, for 7 days prior to, and for 7 days following the administration of toxic amounts of iron-dextran. Both Vimang or mangiferin treatment prevented iron overload in serum as well as liver oxidative stress, decreased serum and liver lipid peroxidation, serum GPx activity, and increased serum and liver GSH, serum SOD and the animals overall antioxidant condition. Serum iron concentration was decreased although at higher doses, Vimang tended to increase it; percent tranferrin saturation, liver weight/body mass ratios, liver iron content was decreased. Treatment increased serum iron-binding capacity and decreased serum levels of aspartate-amine transferase (ASAT) and alanine-amine transferase (ALAT), as well as the number of abnormal Kupffer cells in iron-loaded livers. It is suggested that besides acting as antioxidants, Vimang extract or its mangiferin component decrease liver iron by increasing its excretion. Complementing earlier in vitro results from our group, it appears possible to support the hypothesis that Vimang and mangiferin present therapeutically useful effects in iron overload related diseases. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.