840 resultados para Illinois Local Governmental Law Enforcement Officers Training Board
Gli ultimi anni hanno visto importanti cambiamenti positivi nella cooperazione interstatale in Asia centrale. Crescenti minacce come il terrorismo internazionale, l'estremismo religioso e politico, il traffico di droga, ecc, causati dagli interessi geopolitici e geo-economici delle potenze mondiali, hanno contribuito alla formazione di una politica estera più coordinata e coerente degli Stati della regione. Questo processo si manifesta nella partecipazione attiva dell’istituzionalizzazione della Shanghai Organizzazione del Commonwealth (SOC), Conferenza sulle misure di costruzione d’interazione e fiducia in Asia (CICA) e Organizzazione del Trattato di Sicurezza Collettiva (CSTO). Problemi moderni di sicurezza in Asia centrale dovrebbero essere risolti in dei nuovi modi, non convenzionali. Le nuove minacce alla sicurezza richiedono modi non standard per risolvere il problema. Considerate le differenze fondamentali dell'Unione europea e degli Stati dell'Asia centrale nei valori e dal punto di vista in materia di sicurezza. I paesi dell'Asia centrale non sono pronti per l'integrazione politica. Nonostante questo, nell’Asia centrale sono state adottate misure per contrastare le minacce non convenzionali. L’esperienza europea di unire gli sforzi della regione per garantire la sicurezza interna, può essere utilizzata dai paesi dell'Asia centrale, soprattutto, in primo luogo sulla formazione del quadro istituzionale e giuridico per la cooperazione operativa delle forze dell'ordine per le seguenti aree: • prevenzione del traffico di droga attraverso gli Stati dell'Asia centrale; • lotta contro nuove forme di terrorismo ed estremismo; • limitare la dimensione della migrazione clandestina; • migliorare la protezione giuridica dei cittadini. Fino a poco tempo fa, questi temi hanno ricevuto poca attenzione, sia nella teoria sia nella pratica, poiché i problemi di sicurezza della società erano principalmente ridotti per evitare il pericolo di guerra.
Some examples of topics covered include undocumented immigrants, guns, and terrorism within Crime and Criminal Behavior, vigilantes, Miranda warnings, and zero-tolerance policing within Police and Law Enforcement; insanity laws, DNA evidence, and victims' rights within Courts, Law, and Justice; gangs and prison violence, capital punishment, and prison privatization within Corrections; and school violence, violent juvenile offenders, and age of responsibility within Juvenile Crime and Justice. Note that Sage offers numerous reference works that provide focused analysis of key topics in the field of criminal justice, such as the Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (2002), the Encyclopedia of Race and Crime (2009), the Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention (2010), the Encyclopedia of White Collar & Corporate Crime (2004), and the Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence (2008), available in print or as e-books via Sage Reference online.
Abstract Background. In 2011, Alabama, neither a border state nor hold a significantly large Hispanic population, passed the most restrictive state immigration law, The Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, HB 56. This omnibus law was far-reaching in its restrictions, including, but not limited to, identification, public services, employment, housing, and law enforcement. Objectives. This research explores the dominant tropes present in the narrative surrounding the anti-immigration legislative activity in Alabama that created fertile ground for the passage of such a punitive immigration law. Methods. Newspaper articles from 2007 to 2011 in Alabama¿s Birmingham News and Press-Register, the two most circulated newspapers in the state, were attained from NewsLibrary.com, an online database of 5,311 newspapers and other news sources. Results. Seven dominant tropes were identified in the articles that pushed for anti-immigration policies. These tropes claimed (1) the US-Mexico border is not secure, (2) the federal government has failed to enact comprehensive immigration reform, (3) immigrants steal jobs, hurt the economy, and (4) burden public services, (5) immigrants are criminals and terrorists, (6) they refuse to assimilate and learn English, and (7) there has been a dramatic percent change in the Hispanic and illegal populations. These tropes cumulatively worked together to create anti-immigration sentiment that pushed for the passage of HB 56.
Heroin prices are a reflection of supply and demand, and similar to any other market, profits motivate participation. The intent of this research is to examine the change in Afghan opium production due to political conflict affecting Europe’s heroin market and government policies. If the Taliban remain in power, or a new Afghan government is formed, the changes will affect the heroin market in Europe to a certain degree. In the heroin market, the degree of change is dependent on many socioeconomic forces such as law enforcement, corruption, and proximity to Afghanistan. An econometric model that examines the degree of these socioeconomic effects has not been applied to the heroin trade in Afghanistan before. This research uses a two-stage least squares econometric model to reveal the supply and demand of heroin in 36 different countries from the Middle East to Western Europe in 2008. An application of the two-stage least squares model to the heroin market in Europe will attempt to predict the socioeconomic consequences of Afghanistan opium production.
Given the increased awareness and attention to human trafficking, including the establishment of federal laws and policies, federally funded task forces that provide law enforcement responses, and specialized victim services, it is important to assess the impact of these procedures and services on survivors/victims of international human trafficking and their immigrant children. By federal definition, certified victims of international human trafficking are eligible for all services provided to refugees in this country, including reunification with their minor children. This research is based on a qualitative study conducted in Austin and Houston, Texas with human trafficking victims/survivors. The project’s goal was to gain an understanding of the needs of human trafficking survivors after their rescue, their overall integration into American life, and the subsequent needs of their immigrant children after reunification. The project objectives examined the factors that either promote or hinder self-sufficiency, the determination of social service needs, and policy and practice recommendations to strengthen survivors, their children and their families living both locally and abroad. For this project, nine (n = 9) in-depth interviews were conducted with adult foreign-born victims of human trafficking. Researchers gathered data using a semi-structured questionnaire that queried about factors that promote or hinder victims’ services and needs. Interviews were conducted in participants’ homes using bilingual research staff and/or trained interpreters, were digitally-recorded, and subsequently transcribed. Participation in this study was completely voluntary. Specific steps were taken to ensure that the participants’ identities were protected. Open coding of data was utilized and the data were subsequently organized or grouped into properties and later developed into contextual themes around the research questions. The findings are grounded with the use of direct quotes from participants. As a result of progressive U.S. policy, many victims of human trafficking are being reunited with their minor children. Immigrant children are one of the largest and fastest growing populations in the U.S. and for a variety of reasons are vulnerable to exploitation. Research also indicates that victims of trafficking are identified by traffickers because of their perceived “vulnerabilities” or lack of opportunities (Clark, 2003). Therefore, it is important that practices and policies are developed to address the unique needs of these families with an eye toward positive outcomes for parent and child safety and well-being. Social service providers are provided a toolkit that may be utilized before and during the reunification period.
Human trafficking and various other forms of child sexual exploitation on the United States-Mexico border are described from social science and law enforcement perspectives, including current laws and definitions, case examples, and descriptions of victims and traffickers. The Southern Border Initiative of the AMBER Alert Project is outlined as one effort to combat trafficking through collaboration between law enforcement agencies and programs in the United States and Mexico. Policy recommendations include increasing knowledge and collaboration between law enforcement, social service agencies, and judicial systems across the border region and between the United States and Mexico.
Despite an increased scientific interest in the relatively new phenomenon of large-scale land acquisition (LSLA), data on the implementation of such projects and their impacts on the heterogeneous group of project-affected people are still sparse and superficial. Our ethnographic in-depth research on a Swiss-based bioenergy project in Sierra Leone generates well-documented data and provides insights into gendered access to land and wage employment. In the area where the project is located, customary land tenure applies. Thereby, women are structurally discriminated since they are not entitled to own land. However, user rights grant women and non-landowning men access to land and associated resources. Following the investing development banks’ guidelines, the company considered the local customary law when implementing its project. Nevertheless, the company only consulted and compensated landowners although women and non-landowning men could previously benefit from acquired land as well. Moreover, the company’s policy to enhance employment possibilities for women is barely implemented, and only few local women are hired. In order to cope with the transformed situation some women and non-landowning men continue to engage in subsistence farming on a reduced area of land. Others are involved in informal petty-trade or cooking food for the labourers whereby they subsidize the capitalist production of the company. In one village, women resisted additional land takes of the company. Acting within the framework of a specific power constellation on community level and simultaneously accommodating their claims within policy paradigms on transnational level, they were able to force a landowner to refuse leasing land to the company.
The issue of bias-motivated crimes has attracted consderable attention in recent years. In this paper, we develop an economic framework to analyze penalty enhancements for bias-motivated crimes. We extend the standard model by introducing two different groups of potential victims of crime, and assume that a potential offender's benefits from a crime depend on the group to which the victim belongs. We begin with the assumption that the harm to an individual victim from a bias-motivated crime is identical to that from an equivalent non-hate crime. Nonetheless, we derive the result that a pattern of crimes disproportionately targeting an identifiable group leads to greater social harm. This conclusion follows both from a model where disparities in groups' victimization probabilities lead to social losses due to fairness concerns, as well as a model where potential victims have the opportunity to undertake socially costly victimization avoidance activities. In particular, penalty enhancements can reduce the incentives for avoidance activity, and thereby protect the networks of profitable interactions that link members of different groups. We also argue that those groups that are covered by hate crime statutes tend to be those whose characteristics make it especially likely that penalty enhancement is socially optimal. Finally, we consider a number of other issues related to hate crimes, including teh choice of sanctions from behind a Rawlsian 'veil of ignorance' concerning group identity.
Standard models of law enforcement involve the apprehension and punishment of a single suspect, but in many contexts, punishment is actually imposed on an entire group known to contain the offender. The advantages of .group punishment. are that the offender is punished with certainty and detection costs are saved. The disadvantage is that innocent individuals are punished. We compare individual and group punishment when social welfare depends on fairness, and when it depends on deterrence. We show that group punishment may dominate in the former case if the detection technology is ineffective but never in the latter case. We discuss our results in the context of several examples.
Economic models of crime have focused primarily on the goal of deterrence; the goal of incapacitation has received much less attention. This paper adapts the standard deterrence model to incorporate incapacitation. When prison only is used, incapacitation can result in a longer or a shorter optimal prison term compared to the deterrence-only model. It is longer if there is underdeterrence, and shorter if there is overdeterrence. In contrast, when a fine is available and it is not constrained by the offender's wealth, the optimal prison term is zero. Since the fine achieves first-best deterrence, only efficient crimes are committed and hence, there is no gain from incapacitation.
Objective. In 2003, the State of Texas instituted the Driver Responsibility Program (TDRP), a program consisting of a driving infraction point system coupled with a series of graded fines and annual surcharges for specific traffic violations such as driving while intoxicated (DWI). Approximately half of the revenues generated are earmarked to be disbursed to the state's trauma system to cover uncompensated trauma care costs. This study examined initial program implementation, the impact of trauma system funding, and initial impact on impaired driving knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. A model for targeted media campaigns to improve the program's deterrence effects was developed. ^ Methods. Data from two independent driver survey samples (conducted in 1999 and 2005), department of public safety records, state health department data and a state auditor's report were used to evaluate the program's initial implementation, impact and outcome with respect to drivers' impaired driving knowledge, attitudes and behavior (based on constructs of social cognitive theory) and hospital uncompensated trauma care funding. Survey results were used to develop a regression model of high risk drivers who should be targeted to improve program outcome with respect to deterring impaired driving. ^ Results. Low driver compliance with fee payment (28%) and program implementation problems were associated with lower surcharge revenues in the first two years ($59.5 million versus $525 million predicted). Program revenue distribution to trauma hospitals was associated with a 16% increase in designated trauma centers. Survey data demonstrated that only 28% of drivers are aware of the TDRP and that there has been no initial impact on impaired driving behavior. Logistical regression modeling suggested that target media campaigns highlighting the likelihood of DWI detection by law enforcement and the increased surcharges associated with the TDRP are required to deter impaired driving. ^ Conclusions. Although the TDRP raised nearly $60 million in surcharge revenue for the Texas trauma system over the first two years, this study did not find evidence of a change in impaired driving knowledge, attitudes or behaviors from 1999 to 2005. Further research is required to measure whether the program is associated with decreased alcohol-related traffic fatalities. ^
La sanción del Código Penal Policial fue una pieza importante en el andamiaje jurídico por el cual el primer gobierno peronista procuró afianzar la profesionalización y disciplinamiento de las fuerzas de seguridad en las distintas jurisdicciones del país. Así, se organizó y se puso en marcha una nueva rama de la justicia bonaerense, paralela a la ordinaria, integrada completamente por policías retirados y en actividad, que se ocupó de los casos penales donde estuviesen implicados uno o más policías. Este trabajo analiza dicha experiencia, basándose en los casos sumariados y resueltos por la Justicia Policial mientras existió. En primer lugar se pone en contexto los fundamentos y propósitos que guiaron al peronismo para impulsar una justicia 'uniformada' que se ocupase de los excesos y falta a los deberes de los funcionarios policiales a nivel penal y administrativo. Luego se estudia su aplicación concreta en la provincia de Buenos Aires, indagando sobre los casos juzgados, su tratamiento, los actores, los fallos y los fines políticos perseguidos por esta justicia por y para policías
La sanción del Código Penal Policial fue una pieza importante en el andamiaje jurídico por el cual el primer gobierno peronista procuró afianzar la profesionalización y disciplinamiento de las fuerzas de seguridad en las distintas jurisdicciones del país. Así, se organizó y se puso en marcha una nueva rama de la justicia bonaerense, paralela a la ordinaria, integrada completamente por policías retirados y en actividad, que se ocupó de los casos penales donde estuviesen implicados uno o más policías. Este trabajo analiza dicha experiencia, basándose en los casos sumariados y resueltos por la Justicia Policial mientras existió. En primer lugar se pone en contexto los fundamentos y propósitos que guiaron al peronismo para impulsar una justicia 'uniformada' que se ocupase de los excesos y falta a los deberes de los funcionarios policiales a nivel penal y administrativo. Luego se estudia su aplicación concreta en la provincia de Buenos Aires, indagando sobre los casos juzgados, su tratamiento, los actores, los fallos y los fines políticos perseguidos por esta justicia por y para policías
La sanción del Código Penal Policial fue una pieza importante en el andamiaje jurídico por el cual el primer gobierno peronista procuró afianzar la profesionalización y disciplinamiento de las fuerzas de seguridad en las distintas jurisdicciones del país. Así, se organizó y se puso en marcha una nueva rama de la justicia bonaerense, paralela a la ordinaria, integrada completamente por policías retirados y en actividad, que se ocupó de los casos penales donde estuviesen implicados uno o más policías. Este trabajo analiza dicha experiencia, basándose en los casos sumariados y resueltos por la Justicia Policial mientras existió. En primer lugar se pone en contexto los fundamentos y propósitos que guiaron al peronismo para impulsar una justicia 'uniformada' que se ocupase de los excesos y falta a los deberes de los funcionarios policiales a nivel penal y administrativo. Luego se estudia su aplicación concreta en la provincia de Buenos Aires, indagando sobre los casos juzgados, su tratamiento, los actores, los fallos y los fines políticos perseguidos por esta justicia por y para policías
La expansión de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) ha traído muchas ventajas, pero también algunos peligros. Son frecuentes hoy en día las noticias sobre delitos relacionados con las TIC. Se usa a menudo el término cibercrimen y el de ciberterrorismo pero, ¿realmente son una amenaza para la sociedad?. Este trabajo realiza un análisis del cibercrimen y el ciberterrorismo. Para ello se hace un estudio en profundidad desde distintos puntos de vista. En primer lugar se analizan varios aspectos básicos de la materia: el contexto en el que se desarrollan estas actividades, el ciberespacio y sus características, las ventajas que tiene el cibercrimen respecto a la delincuencia tradicional, características y ejemplos de ciberterrorismo y la importancia de la protección de las infraestructuras críticas. Luego se realiza un estudio del mundo del cibercrimen, en el cual se muestran los distintos tipos de cibercriminales, los actos delictivos, herramientas y técnicas más habituales usadas por el cibercrimen, la web profunda y la criptomoneda; se indican asimismo varios de los grupos criminales más conocidos y algunas de sus acciones, y se realiza un estudio de las consecuencias económicas del cibercrimen. Finalmente se hace un repaso a los medios legales que distintos países y organizaciones han establecido para combatir estos hechos delictivos. Para ello se analizan estrategias de seguridad de distinto tipo aprobadas en multitud de países de todo el mundo y los grupos operativos de respuesta (tanto los de tipo policial como los CSIRT/CERT), además de la legislación publicada para poder perseguir el cibercrimen y el ciberterrorismo, con especial atención a la legislación española. De esta manera, tras la lectura de este Proyecto se puede tener una visión global completa del mundo de la ciberdelincuencia y el ciberterrorismo. ABSTRACT. The expansion of Information and Communications Technology (ITC) has brought many benefits, but also some dangers. It is very usual nowadays to see news about ITC-related crimes. Terms like cyber crime and cyber terrorism are usually used but, are they really a big threat for our society?. This work analyzes cyber crime and cyber terrorism. To achieve it, a deep research under different points of view is made. First, basic aspects of the topic are analyzed: the context where these activities are carried out, cyber space and its features, benefits for cyber criminals with respect to traditional crime, characteristics and relevant examples of cyber terrorism, and importance of critical infrastructures protection. Then, a study about the world of cyber crime is made, analyzing the typology of different kinds of cyber criminals, the most common criminal acts, tools and techniques used by cyber crime, and the deep web and cryptocurrency. Some of the most known criminal groups and their activities are also explored, and the economic consequences of cyber crime are assessed. Finally, there is a review of the legal means used by countries and organizations to fight against these unlawful acts; this includes the analysis of several types of security strategies approved by countries all around the world, operational response groups (including law enforcement and CSIRT/CERT) and legislation to fight cyber crime and cyber terrorism, with special emphasis on Spanish legal rules. This way, a global, complete view of the world around cyber crime and cyber terrorism can be obtained after reading this work.