L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és realitzar l’anàlisi, disseny i implementació d’una nova eina per analitzar les diferencies entre el paper que s’està produint i les mostres de referència, que millori els resultats obtinguts pel prototipus anterior i faciliti la interpretació dels resultats obtinguts, per part dels operaris de l’empresa. Partint de dos imatges escannejades que anomenem patró i mostra, que corresponen respectivament a les imatges de referència i de la mostra de producció
El projecte consisteix en analitzar, dissenyar i desenvolupar un sistema estèreo binocular (format per dues càmeres) sobre un suport que ofereixi la mobilitat i portabilitat necessària per utilitzar-lo de forma independent, és a dir, sense necessitat de connexió a un ordinador, ja que normalment, els sistemes de visió per computador solen incorporar un ordinador amb un frame grabber (placa de captura d’imatges). Per a dur a terme el sistema estèreo més adient, s’analitzaran els requeriments necessaris, s’estudiaran diferents alternatives, i finalment, es desenvoluparà i es demostrarà el funcionament del sistema en qüestió
Desenvolupament una aplicació informàtica basada en un sistema de visió per computador, la qual permeti donar una resposta en forma d'informació a partir d'una query d'una imatge que conté una escena o objecte en concret de manera que permeti reconèixer els objectes que apareixen en una imatge per llavors donar informació referent al contingut de la imatge a l’usuari que ha fet la consulta. Resumint, es tracta d’analitzar, dissenyar i construir un sistema de visió per computador capaç de reconèixer objectes d’interès en imatges
Electromyographic activity of the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle was analysed in 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograp, during the execution of four different modalities of military press exercises with middle grip. The trapezius acted preferentially in the modalities standing press behind neck; and sitting forward and press behind neck, while SI did not show any significative difference among the modalities. The high levels of action potentials with which TS and SI acted justify the inclusion of these exercises in physical programmes.
This paper presents results from an efficient approach to an automatic detection and extraction of human faces from images with any color, texture or objects in background, that consist in find isosceles triangles formed by the eyes and mouth.
Due to a shortage of textbooks with specific data on muscular activity concerning physical conditioning and sports, we analysed electromyographically the muscles pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior, bilaterally, in inclined flying exercises, during the concentric and eccentric phases, with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load. The electromyographic analysis was performed in eleven male volunteers with MEDITRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a six-channel biologic signal acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the obtained effective values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Statistically, the results showed that all the muscles studied presented significant differences between the concentric and the eccentric phases, with higher electromyographic activity during the concentric phase. By analysing the different loads for each muscle in both phases, significant electromyographic activity was observed for all muscles. When the effect of each load on each muscle during the concentric phase was analysed, it was noticed that the muscles on the left were more active than those on the right side, while in the eccentric phase the muscles had different behavior.
This study quantified by, electrovibratography, the amount of mandible protrusion required to decrease significantly temporomandibular joint (TMJ) vibratory energy as an aid in the diagnosis of the recapture of anteriorly displaced disk. Eighteen patients diagnosed as having anterior disk displacement with reduction and TMJ clicking were submitted to electrovibratographic examination at the first appointment and treated with a stabilizing appliance and anterior positioning appliance with 1 to 5 mm protrusion. Vibratory energy was checked in each of these positions. Baseline data were used as control. At the first appointment, the patients had vibrations with more elevated intensities at the middle and late phases of the mouth opening cycle. At only one clinical step, mandible protrusion was obtained with the anterior repositioning appliance, ranging from 1 to 5 mm protusion. At each new position, a new electrovibratographic exam was made. After the 5-mm mandibular projection, only 2 patients presented vibration, with means between 0.6 and 2.8 Hz. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The outcomes of this study indicate that 3 mm is the minimum amount of mandible protrusion to significantly decrease the TMJ vibratory energy and to recapture the displaced articular disk.
Chitosan-based biomaterials used in critical-size bone defects: radiographic study in rat's calvaria
OBJETIVO: Este estudo avaliou através de imagens radiográficas digitais, a ação de biomateriais de quitosana e de cloridrato de quitosana, com baixo e alto peso molecular, utilizados na correção de defeitos ósseos de tamanho crítico (DOTC)em calvária de ratos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: DOTCs com 8 mm de diâmetro foram criados cirurgicamente na calvária de 50 ratos Holtzman. Em 10 animais o defeito foi preenchido foram preenchidos com coágulo sanguíneo (controle negativo). Os 40 animais restantes foram divididos de acordo com o biomaterial utilizado no preenchimento do defeito (quitosana de baixo peso e de alto peso molecular, e cloridrato de quitosana de baixo e de alto peso molecular), e foram avaliados em dois períodos experimentais (15 e 60 dias), totalizando 5 animais/biomaterial/período de avaliação. RESULTADO: A avaliação radiográfica foi feita utilizando duas radiografias digitais do crânio do animal: uma tomada logo após o defeito ósseo ser criado e a outra no momento do sacrifício. Nessas imagens, foi avaliada a densidade óssea radiográfica inicial e a final na área do defeito, que foram comparadas. As análises na densidade óssea radiográfica indicaram aumento da densidade óssea radiográfica dos DOTCs tratados para todos os biomateriais testados, em ambos os períodos. Resultados semelhantes foram encontrados no grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que os biomateriais de quitosana testados não foram capazes de aumentar a densidade radiográfica em DOTC realizados em calvária de ratos.
Image-guided, computer-assisted neurosurgery has emerged to improve localization and targeting, to provide a better anatomic definition of the surgical field, and to decrease invasiveness. Usually, in image-guided surgery, a computer displays the surgical field in a CT/MR environment, using axial, coronal or sagittal views, or even a 3D representation of the patient. Such a system forces the surgeon to look away from the surgical scene to the computer screen. Moreover, this kind of information, being pre-operative imaging, can not be modified during the operation, so it remains valid for guidance in the first stage of the surgical procedure, and mainly for rigid structures like bones. In order to solve the two constraints mentioned before, we are developing an ultrasoundguided surgical microscope. Such a system takes the advantage that surgical microscopy and ultrasound systems are already used in neurosurgery, so it does not add more complexity to the surgical procedure. We have integrated an optical tracking device in the microscope and an augmented reality overlay system with which we avoid the need to look away from the scene, providing correctly aligned surgical images with sub-millimeter accuracy. In addition to the standard CT and 3D views, we are able to track an ultrasound probe, and using a previous calibration and registration of the imaging, the image obtained is correctly projected to the overlay system, so the surgeon can always localize the target and verify the effects of the intervention. Several tests of the system have been already performed to evaluate the accuracy, and clinical experiments are currently in progress in order to validate the clinical usefulness of the system.
The objective of this longitudinal study, conducted in a neonatal intensive care unit, was to characterize the response to pain of high-risk very low birth weight infants (<1,500 g) from 23 to 38 weeks post-menstrual age (PMA) by measuring heart rate variability (HRV). Heart period data were recorded before, during, and after a heel lanced or wrist venipunctured blood draw for routine clinical evaluation. Pain response to the blood draw procedure and age-related changes of HRV in low-frequency and high-frequency bands were modeled with linear mixed-effects models. HRV in both bands decreased during pain, followed by a recovery to near-baseline levels. Venipuncture and mechanical ventilation were factors that attenuated the HRV response to pain. HRV at the baseline increased with post-menstrual age but the growth rate of high-frequency power was reduced in mechanically ventilated infants. There was some evidence that low-frequency HRV response to pain improved with advancing PMA.
An integrated approach for multi-spectral segmentation of MR images is presented. This method is based on the fuzzy c-means (FCM) and includes bias field correction and contextual constraints over spatial intensity distribution and accounts for the non-spherical cluster's shape in the feature space. The bias field is modeled as a linear combination of smooth polynomial basis functions for fast computation in the clustering iterations. Regularization terms for the neighborhood continuity of intensity are added into the FCM cost functions. To reduce the computational complexity, the contextual regularizations are separated from the clustering iterations. Since the feature space is not isotropic, distance measure adopted in Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) algorithm is used instead of the Euclidean distance, to account for the non-spherical shape of the clusters in the feature space. These algorithms are quantitatively evaluated on MR brain images using the similarity measures.
Recent studies using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have advanced our knowledge of the organization of white matter subserving language function. It remains unclear, however, how DTI may be used to predict accurately a key feature of language organization: its asymmetric representation in one cerebral hemisphere. In this study of epilepsy patients with unambiguous lateralization on Wada testing (19 left and 4 right lateralized subjects; no bilateral subjects), the predictive value of DTI for classifying the dominant hemisphere for language was assessed relative to the existing standard-the intra-carotid Amytal (Wada) procedure. Our specific hypothesis is that language laterality in both unilateral left- and right-hemisphere language dominant subjects may be predicted by hemispheric asymmetry in the relative density of three white matter pathways terminating in the temporal lobe implicated in different aspects of language function: the arcuate (AF), uncinate (UF), and inferior longitudinal fasciculi (ILF). Laterality indices computed from asymmetry of high anisotropy AF pathways, but not the other pathways, classified the majority (19 of 23) of patients using the Wada results as the standard. A logistic regression model incorporating information from DTI of the AF, fMRI activity in Broca's area, and handedness was able to classify 22 of 23 (95.6%) patients correctly according to their Wada score. We conclude that evaluation of highly anisotropic components of the AF alone has significant predictive power for determining language laterality, and that this markedly asymmetric distribution in the dominant hemisphere may reflect enhanced connectivity between frontal and temporal sites to support fluent language processes. Given the small sample reported in this preliminary study, future research should assess this method on a larger group of patients, including subjects with bi-hemispheric dominance.