595 resultados para Hunger


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Hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa (HS) is a chronic, inflammatory, recurrent, debilitating skin disease of the hair follicle that usually presents after puberty with painful, deep-seated, inflamed lesions in the apocrine gland-bearing areas of the body, most commonly the axillae, inguinal and anogenital regions. A mean disease incidence of 6.0 per 100,000 person-years and an average prevalence of 1% has been reported in Europe. HS has the highest impact on patients' quality of life among all assessed dermatological diseases. HS is associated with a variety of concomitant and secondary diseases, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, e.g. Crohn's disease, spondyloarthropathy, follicular occlusion syndrome and other hyperergic diseases. The central pathogenic event in HS is believed to be the occlusion of the upper part of the hair follicle leading to a perifollicular lympho-histiocytic inflammation. A highly significant association between the prevalence of HS and current smoking (Odds ratio 12.55) and overweight (Odds ratio 1.1 for each body mass index unit) has been documented. The European S1 HS guideline suggests that the disease should be treated based on its individual subjective impact and objective severity. Locally recurring lesions can be treated by classical surgery or LASER techniques, whereas medical treatment either as monotherapy or in combination with radical surgery is more appropriate for widely spread lesions. Medical therapy may include antibiotics (clindamycin plus rifampicine, tetracyclines), acitretin and biologics (adalimumab, infliximab). A Hurley severity grade-relevant treatment of HS is recommended by the expert group following a treatment algorithm. Adjuvant measurements, such as pain management, treatment of superinfections, weight loss and tobacco abstinence have to be considered.


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Boberach: Die Verwirklichung der Ideen von Friedrich Fröbel in Schule und Familie soll einen Beitrag zur Lösung der sozialen Frage leisten


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Unterhaltung des Abgeordneten Nante mit Brennecke, der mittlerweile Mitglied der Konstabler-Schutzmannschaften geworden ist, was ihm jedoch von Nante verziehen wird: "Ick kenne Leute, die aus Hunger ihre Gesinnung verkooft, un Minister gewor'n sind. Da kann ick Dir't ... nich verdenken, wenn Du ... Konstabler gewor'n bist." Den Umzug der Preußischen Nationalversammlung vom Gebäude der Singakademie in das Schauspielhaus bewältigt Nante mit Kopfkissen und Schlafmütze (den Attributen eines Deputierten) sowie mit einem Fußsack: "Den brauch ick im Winter, weil ick zu die Linke gehöre; die Rechte trampelt sich die Beene warm." Kritische Kommentierung des Gesetzentwurfes über das Verbot von Volksversammlungen, der Bestrafung der für den Charlottenburger Überfall auf Demokraten Verantwortlichen sowie der Hausdurchsuchung beim Berliner Handwerkerverein (26./27. August 1848)


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sämmtlichen deutschen Staaten zur geneigten Prüfung ganz ergebenst dargereicht von M. Leidesdorf


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hrsg. von Samuel Hirsch


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nach Handschriften der k. Bibliothek in Paris und der Stadtbibliothek zu Hamburg nebst Erläuterungen und historischen Untersuchungen hrsg. von Adolph Jellinek


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von Johann Christian Gottfried Jörg


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A review of Child Food Insecurity: The Economic Impact on our Nation. A Report on Research on the Impact of Food Insecurity and Hunger on Child Health, Growth and Development Commissioned by Feeding America and the ConAgra Foods Foundation by John Cook and Karen Jeng.


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In 2011, expenditures for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) reached an all-time high of $72 billion. The goal of SNAP is " to alleviate hunger and malnutrition…by increasing food purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for participation." It has been well established that proper nutrition is essential to good health, making SNAP an important program to public health consumers. Thus, this analysis examined whether SNAP is meeting its stated goal and whether the goal would be reduced if the purchase of foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) were restricted. ^ A review of existing literature found that SNAP has been shown to alleviate hunger, but the studies on the nutritional impact of the program were not sufficient to assert whether change is needed. When considering whether limiting FMNV would reduce or improve the effectiveness of SNAP at alleviating hunger and malnutrition, there is very little information on which to base a policy change, particular one that singles out a low income group to restrict purchases. ^ Several states have attempted to restrict the purchase of FMNV but, to date, no such change has been implemented or tested. Conducting pilot studies on the restriction of FMNV, along with better data collection on SNAP purchases, would guide policy changes to the program. Although there are many potential public health benefits to restricting FMNV purchase using SNAP dollars, research is needed to quantify the cost impact of these benefits.^


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Josep Salrach elaboró una obra sobre las crisis de carestía en la historia. La visión es muy amplia, tanto en la dimensión cronológica como espacial, y permite comparar las crisis precapitalistas con las de sociedades contemporáneas. El autor analiza estas caídas económicas y demográficas en conexión con cada sistema. Junto a los mecanismos que desencadenaron el hambre (desde la lógica de la economía doméstica a las grandes políticas de Estado), pasa revista a las estrategias que se implementaron para superar la calamidad. En el presente artículo se destacan los puntos fundamentales del estudio y se los ubica en su contexto historiográfico


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El artículo propone un recorrido somero por la historia de la profesionalización del escritor en Argentina, a través de la lectura de tres textos autobiográficos escritos entre finales de la década de 1880 y 1930: una causerie de Lucio V. Mansilla, el diario del viaje a París de Horacio Quiroga y las memorias de Hugo Wast. La elección apunta a leer un proceso de transformación con sus inflexiones, superposiciones, emergencias y residuos, para revisar a partir de allí las relaciones que la literatura entabla con el dinero por medio de modalidades tan diversas como el trabajo periodístico, la colaboración free-lance o la escritura de best-sellers, aunque siempre reunidas bajo una figura común: el hambre en vinculación con la escena de iniciación al mundo de las letras.