875 resultados para Human cellular or tissue or cell- or tissue-based product


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Algumas situações relativas às práticas de comunicacão chamam a atenção, seja pelas possibilidades técnicas que surgem a cada nova ferramenta criada, seja pela influência inconteste para as relações humanas e sociais. Em um momento em que a comunidade acadêmica é convocada a pensar uma nova televisão, este trabalho se propõe a entrar em campo para observar o que há disponível: usos, formatos e linguagens em fase de transição. Propomos, portanto, uma análise empírica ambientada em espaço de recepção midiática, e utilizamos como ferramenta metodológica o Princípio da Simetria com base na Teoria Ator-rede. Seguindo a ideia de rastrear conexões a partir de uma escrita etnográfica, o método propõe pensar o social menos como categoria de base analítica - posto antecipadamente e desvinculado do campo das ações - e mais como algo focado em processo contínuo. As práticas so-ciais e midiáticas são pensadas aqui para além dos limites humanos - ou exclusivamente técnicos. O ator-rede se estabelece não como uma entidade fixa, mas através de fluxos a partir dos quais o método ajudará a descrever a propagação das associações. A discussão sobre possibilidades técnicas e produção de conteúdo mal começou. Talvez por isso se encontre vivendo o momento de transcender o campo dos conceitos normativos e das especulações, para assim acompanhar as instâncias midiáticas como redes de actantes inventadas e re-inventadas a cada dia, nas condições de possibilidades dos momentos práticos de uso. Coube à pesquisa em questão a observação mais detida desses procedimentos e da relação entre tecnologias em transformação, audiências, materialidades, espaços, corpos, sensações e emoções, para que assim seja possível identificar algum entendimento sobre o que poderá caracterizar a televisão, pelo menos provisoriamente


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Esta tese de doutorado parte da perspectiva inicial de que a gramaticalização se restringe a tratado sobre itens lexicais ou discursivos que se tornam itens gramaticais (o que a enquadraria dentro da Teoria da Variação, inserta esta dentro da Pesquisa Sociolinguística), mas segue em direção a um salto epistemológico que remodele aquela perspectiva, ampliando-a a patamar do qual ela pode ser observada como teoria autônoma, investigativa de fenômenos limítrofes e nem sempre discretos entre linguagem e língua, discurso e texto, descrição e prescrição, oralidade e escrita, léxico e gramática. Desse modo, propugna-se pela visão epistemológica do tema, conduzido, até aqui, de modo puramente ontológico, circunscrito a um (e apenas um) dos muitos espectros que se podem alcançar com a aludida ampliação àquele que vem sendo perquirido como tratado, porém que, segundo se pretende demonstrar, pode e deve ser expandido à malha de uma teoria geral, qual seja a Teoria Geral da Gramaticalização: trata-se, aqui, de seu objetivo geral. Para esse propósito, vale-se a tese de filósofos da linguagem que atuaram sobre essa faculdade ou capacidade humana de forma direta ou indireta desde os seus primórdios ocidentais (como Sócrates, Platão e Aristóteles), passando pelos pensadores mais incisivamente preocupados com os aspectos cognitivos e interativos da linguagem e da língua (como Hegel, Husserl, Saussure, Sapir, Bloomfield, Wittgenstein, Derrida, Chomsky, Labov, Charaudeau, Maingueneau, Ducrot, Coseriu), além de ser necessária a incursão à Gramaticografia mais estrita (como a empreendida por Dionísio da Trácia, Varrão, Arnault e Lancelot, Nebrija, Jerônimo Soares Barbosa, Eduardo Carlos Pereira, Said Ali, Bechara), e, naturalmente, a contribuição filosófica dos pesquisadores sobre a gramaticalização (como Meillet, Vendryès, Bréal, Kurilowicz, Traugott, Heine, Hopper, Lehmann). Uma vez que se tenha mostrado ser verossímil aceitar-se a gramaticalização como teoria autônoma, esta tese pretende legar-lhe o papel instrumental de metodologia auxiliar a muitas entre as que ora se empreendem quando se trata de pesquisas em campos cuja ocupação é a linguagem e a língua: trata-se, aqui, de seu objetivo específico. Para essa duplicidade de metas ou objetivos, será necessário compreender conceitos, categorias e protótipos oriundos da Filosofia da Ciência (Epistemologia), do contraste entre ciências da linguagem e outros ramos do saber, da imersão em Gramaticologia e Gramaticografia (e, em alguns aspectos, em Gramatização e Gramatologia) referentes à Língua Portuguesa, da defesa, enfim, de que o ensino da Gramática Formal (ou Normativa) do idioma privilegia a acepção reflexiva e ativa (plena) dos usos ou atos a que a linguagem só pode chegar por meio do domínio da língua em toda a sua tessitura epistemológica, que gera comunicação e expressividade, raciocínio e emotividade, indo da concretude do discurso ou da oralidade à abstração da entidade pouco ou nada material, que, por sua vez, é mais nitidamente representada pela escrita, seu estágio por assim dizer de forma ainda mais pura, conquanto não excludente da substancialidade com que dialoga de modo incessante no seu constante e dialético passado-futuro ou diversidade-homogeneidade (tese e antítese) de onde emerge o seu presente ou a sua unidade (síntese)


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There is a pressing need to integrate biophysical and human dimensions science to better inform holistic ecosystem management supporting the transition from single species or single-sector management to multi-sector ecosystem-based management. Ecosystem-based management should focus upon ecosystem services, since they reflect societal goals, values, desires, and benefits. The inclusion of ecosystem services into holistic management strategies improves management by better capturing the diversity of positive and negative human-natural interactions and making explicit the benefits to society. To facilitate this inclusion, we propose a conceptual model that merges the broadly applied Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, and Response (DPSIR) conceptual model with ecosystem services yielding a Driver, Pressure, State, Ecosystem service, and Response (EBM-DPSER) conceptual model. The impact module in traditional DPSIR models focuses attention upon negative anthropomorphic impacts on the ecosystem; by replacing impacts with ecosystem services the EBM-DPSER model incorporates not only negative, but also positive changes in the ecosystem. Responses occur as a result of changes in ecosystem services and include inter alia management actions directed at proactively altering human population or individual behavior and infrastructure to meet societal goals. The EBM-DPSER conceptual model was applied to the Florida Keys and Dry Tortugas marine ecosystem as a case study to illustrate how it can inform management decisions. This case study captures our system-level understanding and results in a more holistic representation of ecosystem and human society interactions, thus improving our ability to identify trade-offs. The EBM-DPSER model should be a useful operational tool for implementing EBM, in that it fully integrates our knowledge of all ecosystem components while focusing management attention upon those aspects of the ecosystem most important to human society and does so within a framework already familiar to resource managers.


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The possibility that we will have to invest effort influences our future choice behavior. Indeed deciding whether an action is actually worth taking is a key element in the expression of human apathy or inertia. There is a well developed literature on brain activity related to the anticipation of effort, but how effort affects actual choice is less well understood. Furthermore, prior work is largely restricted to mental as opposed to physical effort or has confounded temporal with effortful costs. Here we investigated choice behavior and brain activity, using functional magnetic resonance imaging, in a study where healthy participants are required to make decisions between effortful gripping, where the factors of force (high and low) and reward (high and low) were varied, and a choice of merely holding a grip device for minimal monetary reward. Behaviorally, we show that force level influences the likelihood of choosing an effortful grip. We observed greater activity in the putamen when participants opt to grip an option with low effort compared with when they opt to grip an option with high effort. The results suggest that, over and above a nonspecific role in movement anticipation and salience, the putamen plays a crucial role in computations for choice that involves effort costs.


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w Traditionally, nitrogen control is generally considered an important component of reducing lake eutrophication and cyanobacteria blooms. However, this viewpoint is refuted recently by researchers in China and North America. In the present paper, the traditional viewpoint of nitrogen control is pointed out to lack a scientific basis: the N/P hypothesis is just a subjective assumption; bottle bioassay experiments fail to simulate the natural process of nitrogen fixation. Our multi-year comparative research in more than 40 Yangtze lakes indicates that phosphorus is the key factor determining phytoplankton growth regardless of nitrogen concentrations and that total phytoplankton biomass is determined by total phosphorus and not by total nitrogen concentrations. These results imply that, in the field, nitrogen control will not decrease phytoplankton biomass. This finding is supported by a long-term whole-lake experiment from North America. These outcomes can be generalized in terms that a reduction in nitrogen loading may not decrease the biomass of total phytoplankton as it can stimulate blooms of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. To mitigate eutrophication, it is not nitrogen but phosphorus that should be reduced, unless nitrogen concentrations are too high to induce direct toxic impacts on human beings or other organisms. Finally, details are provided on how to reduce controls on nitrogen and how to mitigate eutrophication. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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We present a fixed-grid finite element technique for fluid-structure interaction problems involving incompressible viscous flows and thin structures. The flow equations are discretised with isoparametric b-spline basis functions defined on a logically Cartesian grid. In addition, the previously proposed subdivision-stabilisation technique is used to ensure inf-sup stability. The beam equations are discretised with b-splines and the shell equations with subdivision basis functions, both leading to a rotation-free formulation. The interface conditions between the fluid and the structure are enforced with the Nitsche technique. The resulting coupled system of equations is solved with a Dirichlet-Robin partitioning scheme, and the fluid equations are solved with a pressure-correction method. Auxiliary techniques employed for improving numerical robustness include the level-set based implicit representation of the structure interface on the fluid grid, a cut-cell integration algorithm based on marching tetrahedra and the conservative data transfer between the fluid and structure discretisations. A number of verification and validation examples, primarily motivated by animal locomotion in air or water, demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our approach. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Several assay methods were screened for viability assessment in cyanobacteria using Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905. Compared with fluorescent diacetate (FDA), Evan's Blue and autofluorescence, the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, which was based on the ability of viable cells to reduce MTT to formazan, was found to be reliable and was selected for further study. MTT concentration, incubation time and temperature were optimized for M. aeruginosa. Improvements to the sensitivity and reproducibility of the MTT assay included performing it in the dark to reduce the effects of formazan light sensitivity when extracted in DMSO. Another improvement involved collecting viability data by cell by counting rather than colourimetrically, which was concluded from the fact that oxidoreductase activity, responsible for MTT reduction, would elevate or decrease under stress conditions. Half-life of oxidoreductase in dead cell was calculated to be 3 h. The MTT assay was also found to be applicable to other cyanobacteria and diatoms, including field samples, but not for algae belonging to Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta or Chrysophyta. Based on the above results, we proposed an optimized procedure for the MTT method on Microcystis strains. The use of this assay may be of importance to better understand the dynamics of bloom and the fate of Microcystis under natural or disturbed conditions.


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Persistent bioaccumulative toxins (PBTs) are organic substances that are persistent, bioaccumulative and can cause severe toxic effects (e.g. potential oncogens, mutagenic, endocrine disrupters) to human health or environment which are the ones that need special attention. PBT chemicals could be released to the environment from several types of sources and are ubiquitous in environment. However, fast and efficiency monitoring and assessment methods to investigate PBTs in environment are still lacking. In this study, a cleaning-up procedure of analyzing PBTs in fuels combustion soot was developed and its performance was assessed through comparing the chromatograms of crude extracts with their cleaned extracts after the cleaning-up procedure. The results showed that polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) were the main components in fuel combustion soot and the clean-up procedure developed in this paper can be well used as the method of analyzing PBTs in fuels combustion soot.


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A cell-free system based upon the egg extracts from gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) or bisexual red common carp (Cyprinus carpio red variety) was developed to investigate developmental behaviors of the demembranated sperm nuclei. Both red common carp and gibel carp sperm nuclei could decondense fully and form pronuclei in the red common carp egg extracts. Gibel carp sperm nuclei could also decondense fully and form pronuclei in the gibel carp egg extracts, but red common carp sperm nuclei could not decondense sufficiently in the same extracts. The significant differences of morphological changes were further confirmed by ultrastructural. observation of transmission electron microscopy. The data further offer cytological evidence for gonochoristic reproduction in the gynogenetically reproducing gibel carp. In addition, the sperm nuclei in vitro decondensation is dependent on the pH in the extracts, and the decondensed efficiency is optimal at pH 7. However, no DNA replication was observed in the two kinds of egg extracts during the incubation period of the sperm nuclei. It is suggested that the egg extracts prepared from the gynogenetic gibel carp should be a valid in vitro system for studying molecular mechanism on gynogenesis and reproduction mode diversity in fish.


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This paper presents a new image segmentation method that applies an edge-based level set method in a relay fashion. The proposed method segments an image in a series of nested subregions that are automatically created by shrinking the stabilized curves in their previous subregions. The final result is obtained by combining all boundaries detected in these subregions. The proposed method has the following three advantages: 1) It can be automatically executed without human-computer interactions; 2) it applies the edge-based level set method with relay fashion to detect all boundaries; and 3) it automatically obtains a full segmentation without specifying the number of relays in advance. The comparison experiments illustrate that the proposed method performs better than the representative level set methods, and it can obtain similar or better results compared with other popular segmentation algorithms.


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The effects of the molecular weights (molecular weight of polystyrene, M-w,M-PS, varying from 2.9 to 129 k) on the surface morphologies of spin-coated and annealed polystyrene/poly (methyl methacrylate) (PS/PMMA = 50/50, w/w) blend films were investigated by atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. For the spin-coated films, when the M-w,M-PS varied from 2.9 to 129 k, three different kinds of surface morphologies (a nanophase-separated morphology, a PMMA cellular or network-like morphology whose meshes filled with PS, a sea-island like morphology) were observed and their formation mechanisms are discussed, respectively. Upon annealing, two different morphology-evolution processes were observed. It is found that a upper PS-rich phase layer is formed when M-w,M-PS < 4 k, and this behavior is mainly attributed to the low interfacial tension between PS and PMMA component. When M-w,M-PS > 4 k, the PS-rich phase forms droplets on top of the PMMA-rich phase layer which wets the SiOx substrate. These results indicate that the surface morphology of the polymer blend films can be controlled by the polymer molecular weight and annealing conditions.


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Rockfall is a geological evolution process involving detachment of blocks or boulders from a slope face, then their free falls, bouncing, rolling or sliding, and finally deposition near the toe of the slope. Many facts indicate that the rockfall can cause hazards to peoples, and it can be regarded as a geological hazard. A rockfall event may only involve a boulder or rock, and also several ones. When there are peoples, buildings, or other man-made establishments within the scope of rockfall trajectory, losses will be possibly induced in tenns of human lives or damages to these facilities. Researches into mechanism, kinematics, dynamics, hazard assessment, risk analysis, and mitigation measures of rockfalls are extremely necessary and important. Occurrence of rockfall is controlled by a lot of conditions, mainly including topographical, geomorphic, geological ones and triggering factors. The rockfall especially in mountainous areas, has different origins, and occurs to be frequent, unexpected, uncertain, in groups, periodic and sectional. The characterization and classification of the rockfalls not only increase knowledge about rockfall mechanism, but also can instruct mitigation of the hazards. In addition, stability of potential rockfalls have various sensitivity to different triggering factors and changes of geometrical conditions. Through theoretical analyses, laboratory experiments and field tests, the author presents some back-analysis methods for friction coefficients of sliding and rolling, and restitution coefficients. The used input data can be obtained economically and accurately in the field. Through deep studies on hazard assessment methods and analysis of factors influencing rockfall hazard, this paper presents a new assessment methodology consisting of preliminary assessment and detailed one. From the application in a 430 km long stretch of the Highway, which is located between Paksho and Nyingtri in Tibet, the methodology can be applicable for the rockfall hazard assessment in complex and difficult terrains. In addition, risk analyses along the stretch are conducted by computing the probability of encountering rockfalls and life losses resulting from rockfall impacts. Rockfall hazards may be mitigated by avoiding hazardous areas, clearness of dangerous rocks, reinforcement, obstructing the rockfalls, leading the rockfalls, warning and monitoring for rockfalls, etc. Seen from present remedial level of rockfall hazards, different mitigation measures, economical and effective buffering units, monitoring tecliniques and consciousness of environmental protection for rockfall mitigations should be further developed.


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A principal, but largely unexplored, use of our cognition when using interacting technology involves pretending. To pretend is to believe that which is not the case, for example, when we use the desktop on our personal computer we are pretending, that is, we are pretending that the screen is a desktop upon which windows reside. But, of course, the screen really isn't a desktop. Similarly when we engage in scenario- or persona-based design we are pretending about the settings, narrative, contexts and agents involved. Although there are exceptions, the overwhelming majority of the contents of these different kinds of stories are not the case. We also often pretend when we engage in the evaluation of these technologies (e.g. in the Wizard of Oz technique we "ignore the man behind the curtain"). We are pretending when we ascribe human-like qualities to digital technology. In each we temporarily believe something to be the case which is not. If we add the experience of tele- and social-presence to this, and the diverse experiences which can arise from using digital technology which too are predicted on pretending, then we are prompted to propose that human computer interaction and cognitive ergonomics are largely built on pretending and make believe. If this premise is accepted (and if not, please pretend for a moment), there are a number of interesting consequences.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática, ramo de Computação Móvel


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A fundamental task of vision systems is to infer the state of the world given some form of visual observations. From a computational perspective, this often involves facing an ill-posed problem; e.g., information is lost via projection of the 3D world into a 2D image. Solution of an ill-posed problem requires additional information, usually provided as a model of the underlying process. It is important that the model be both computationally feasible as well as theoretically well-founded. In this thesis, a probabilistic, nonlinear supervised computational learning model is proposed: the Specialized Mappings Architecture (SMA). The SMA framework is demonstrated in a computer vision system that can estimate the articulated pose parameters of a human body or human hands, given images obtained via one or more uncalibrated cameras. The SMA consists of several specialized forward mapping functions that are estimated automatically from training data, and a possibly known feedback function. Each specialized function maps certain domains of the input space (e.g., image features) onto the output space (e.g., articulated body parameters). A probabilistic model for the architecture is first formalized. Solutions to key algorithmic problems are then derived: simultaneous learning of the specialized domains along with the mapping functions, as well as performing inference given inputs and a feedback function. The SMA employs a variant of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and approximate inference. The approach allows the use of alternative conditional independence assumptions for learning and inference, which are derived from a forward model and a feedback model. Experimental validation of the proposed approach is conducted in the task of estimating articulated body pose from image silhouettes. Accuracy and stability of the SMA framework is tested using artificial data sets, as well as synthetic and real video sequences of human bodies and hands.