716 resultados para Hilbert, Transformacions de
Lógicas modais têm sido amplamente utilizadas em Ciência da Computação e inteligência artificial. Além disso, aplicações de lógicas modais na representação do conhecimento em sistemas distribuídos e, mais recentemente, em sistemas multiagentes, têm apresentado resultados promissores. No entanto, outros sistemas de prova para estas lógicas que não os sistemas axiomáticos à la Hilbert são raros na literatura. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal preencher esta lacuna existente na literatura, ao propor um sistema de prova por dedução natural rotulada para lógicas do conhecimento.
A representação de Fock-Tani é um formalismo de teoria de campos para tratar problemas envolvendo simultaneamente partículas compostas e seus constituintes. O formalismo foi originalmente desenvolvido para tratar problemas de física atômica e mais tarde estendido para problemas da física hadrônica. Nesta dissertação, inicialmente apresentamos uma revisão da Cromo dinâmica Quântica e dos modelos de quarks e de glúons constituintes. Revisamos também a representação de Fock-Tani para mésons e buscamos estendê-Ia para estados exóticos, mais precisamente para glueballs. Neste formalismo uma mudança de representação é implementada através de um operador unitário, tal que estados de glueballs no espaço de Fock, compostos por um par glúon-glúon, sejam descritos em termos de operadores de campo de glueballs elementares em um espaço de Hilbert estendido. A aplicação do operador unitário a um Hamiltoniano microscópico de gluons leva a um Hamiltoniano efetivo que descreve todos os possíveis processos envolvendo glúons e glueballs. Esse Hamiltoniano efetivo é utilizado para estudar as interações entre glueballs à baixa energia em um modelo de glúons constituintes, que interagem através da troca de um glúon virtual e são confinados por um potencial fenomenológico O méson J?C = 0++ pode ser descrito de duas formas completamente diferentes. Na primeira forma ele é descrito da maneira usual como sendo composto por um par qq. Na segunda abordagem este mesmo méson é descrito como sendo constituido por dois glúons (glueball). Também estudamos nesta dissertação o méson 2++ no mesmo contexto. Os resultados obtidos nesta dissertação indicam que o méson qq precisaria ter um raio quase igual ao dobro do respectivo raio do glueball para que suas seções de choque de espalhamento elástico fossem equivalentes. As diferenças acentuadas encontradas nas seções de choque de espalhamento elástico méson-méson e glueball-glueball, podem ser interpretadas como uma nova assinatura de glueballs.
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a base teórica para o problema de aprendizagem através de exemplos conforme as ref. [14], [15] e [16]. Aprender através de exemplos pode ser examinado como o problema de regressão da aproximação de uma função multivaluada sobre um conjunto de dados esparsos. Tal problema não é bem posto e a maneira clássica de resolvê-lo é através da teoria de regularização. A teoria de regularização clássica, como será considerada aqui, formula este problema de regressão como o problema variacional de achar a função f que minimiza o funcional Q[f] = 1 n n Xi=1 (yi ¡ f(xi))2 + ¸kfk2 K; onde kfk2 K é a norma em um espa»co de Hilbert especial que chamaremos de Núcleo Reprodutivo (Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces), ou somente RKHS, IH definido pela função positiva K, o número de pontos do exemplo n e o parâmetro de regularização ¸. Sob condições gerais a solução da equação é dada por f(x) = n Xi=1 ciK(x; xi): A teoria apresentada neste trabalho é na verdade a fundamentação para uma teoria mais geral que justfica os funcionais regularizados para a aprendizagem através de um conjunto infinito de dados e pode ser usada para estender consideravelmente a estrutura clássica a regularização, combinando efetivamente uma perspectiva de análise funcional com modernos avanços em Teoria de Probabilidade e Estatística.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The occurrence of transients in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals indicates an electrical phenomenon outside the heart. Thus, the identification of transients has been the most-used methodology in medical analysis since the invention of the electrocardiograph (device responsible for benchmarking of electrocardiogram signals). There are few papers related to this subject, which compels the creation of an architecture to do the pre-processing of this signal in order to identify transients. This paper proposes a method based on the signal energy of the Hilbert transform of electrocardiogram, being an alternative to methods based on morphology of the signal. This information will determine the creation of frames of the MP-HA protocol responsible for transmitting the ECG signals through an IEEE 802.3 network to a computing device. That, in turn, may perform a process to automatically sort the signal, or to present it to a doctor so that he can do the sorting manually
Using a synthesis of the functional integral and operator approaches we discuss the fermion-buson mapping and the role played by the Bose field algebra in the Hilbert space of two-dimensional gauge and anomalous gauge field theories with massive fermions. In QED, with quartic self-interaction among massive fermions, the use of an auxiliary vector field introduces a redundant Bose field algebra that should not be considered as an element of the intrinsic algebraic structure defining the model. In anomalous chiral QED, with massive fermions the effect of the chiral anomaly leads to the appearance in the mass operator of a spurious Bose field combination. This phase factor carries no fermion selection rule and the expected absence of Theta-vacuum in the anomalous model is displayed from the operator solution. Even in the anomalous model with massive Fermi fields, the introduction of the Wess-Zumino field replicates the theory, changing neither its algebraic content nor its physical content. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The play operator has a fundamental importance in the theory of hysteresis. It was studied in various settings as shown by P. Krejci and Ph. Laurencot in 2002. In that work it was considered the Young integral in the frame of Hilbert spaces. Here we study the play in the frame of the regulated functions (that is: the ones having only discontinuities of the first kind) on a general time scale T (that is: with T being a nonempty closed set of real numbers) with values in a Banach space. We will be showing that the dual space in this case will be defined as the space of operators of bounded semivariation if we consider as the bilinearity pairing the Cauchy-Stieltjes integral on time scales.
In this dissertation, after a brief review on the Einstein s General Relativity Theory and its application to the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmological models, we present and discuss the alternative theories of gravity dubbed f(R) gravity. These theories come about when one substitute in the Einstein-Hilbert action the Ricci curvature R by some well behaved nonlinear function f(R). They provide an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration with no need of invoking neither a dark energy component, nor the existence of extra spatial dimensions. In dealing with f(R) gravity, two different variational approaches may be followed, namely the metric and the Palatini formalisms, which lead to very different equations of motion. We briefly describe the metric formalism and then concentrate on the Palatini variational approach to the gravity action. We make a systematic and detailed derivation of the field equations for Palatini f(R) gravity, which generalize the Einsteins equations of General Relativity, and obtain also the generalized Friedmann equations, which can be used for cosmological tests. As an example, using recent compilations of type Ia Supernovae observations, we show how the f(R) = R − fi/Rn class of gravity theories explain the recent observed acceleration of the universe by placing reasonable constraints on the free parameters fi and n. We also examine the question as to whether Palatini f(R) gravity theories permit space-times in which causality, a fundamental issue in any physical theory [22], is violated. As is well known, in General Relativity there are solutions to the viii field equations that have causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves, the renowned Gödel model being the best known example of such a solution. Here we show that every perfect-fluid Gödel-type solution of Palatini f(R) gravity with density and pressure p that satisfy the weak energy condition + p 0 is necessarily isometric to the Gödel geometry, demonstrating, therefore, that these theories present causal anomalies in the form of closed time-like curves. This result extends a theorem on Gödel-type models to the framework of Palatini f(R) gravity theory. We derive an expression for a critical radius rc (beyond which causality is violated) for an arbitrary Palatini f(R) theory. The expression makes apparent that the violation of causality depends on the form of f(R) and on the matter content components. We concretely examine the Gödel-type perfect-fluid solutions in the f(R) = R−fi/Rn class of Palatini gravity theories, and show that for positive matter density and for fi and n in the range permitted by the observations, these theories do not admit the Gödel geometry as a perfect-fluid solution of its field equations. In this sense, f(R) gravity theory remedies the causal pathology in the form of closed timelike curves which is allowed in General Relativity. We also examine the violation of causality of Gödel-type by considering a single scalar field as the matter content. For this source, we show that Palatini f(R) gravity gives rise to a unique Gödeltype solution with no violation of causality. Finally, we show that by combining a perfect fluid plus a scalar field as sources of Gödel-type geometries, we obtain both solutions in the form of closed time-like curves, as well as solutions with no violation of causality
I thank to my advisor, João Marcos, for the intellectual support and patience that devoted me along graduate years. With his friendship, his ability to see problems of the better point of view and his love in to make Logic, he became a great inspiration for me. I thank to my committee members: Claudia Nalon, Elaine Pimentel and Benjamin Bedregal. These make a rigorous lecture of my work and give me valuable suggestions to make it better. I am grateful to the Post-Graduate Program in Systems and Computation that accepted me as student and provided to me the propitious environment to develop my research. I thank also to the CAPES for a 21 months fellowship. Thanks to my research group, LoLITA (Logic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications). In this group I have the opportunity to make some friends. Someone of them I knew in my early classes, they are: Sanderson, Haniel and Carol Blasio. Others I knew during the course, among them I’d like to cite: Patrick, Claudio, Flaulles and Ronildo. I thank to Severino Linhares and Maria Linhares who gently hosted me at your home in my first months in Natal. This couple jointly with my colleagues of student flat Fernado, Donátila and Aline are my nuclear family in Natal. I thank my fiancée Luclécia for her precious a ective support and to understand my absence at home during my master. I thank also my parents Manoel and Zenilda, my siblings Alexandre, Paulo and Paula.Without their confidence and encouragement I wouldn’t achieve success in this journey. If you want the hits, be prepared for the misses Carl Yastrzemski
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The negative symmetry flows are incorporated into the Riemann-Hilbert problem for the homogeneous A(m)-hierarchy and its (gl) over cap (m + 1, C) extension.A loop group automorphism of order two is used to define a sub-hierarchy of (gl) over cap (m + 1, C) hierarchy containing only the odd symmetry flows. The positive and negative flows of the +/-1 grade coincide with equations of the multidimensional Toda model and of topological-anti-topological fusion. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We show that the Einstein-Hilbert, the Einstein-Palatini, and the Holst actions can be derived from the Quadratic Spinor Lagrangian (QSL), when the three classes of Dirac spinor fields, under Lounesto spinor field classification, are considered. To each one of these classes, there corresponds an unique kind of action for a covariant gravity theory. In other words, it is shown to exist a one-to-one correspondence between the three classes of non-equivalent solutions of the Dirac equation, and Einstein-Hilbert, Einstein-Palatini, and Holst actions. Furthermore, it arises naturally, from Lounesto spinor field classification, that any other class of spinor field-Weyl, Majorana, flagpole, or flag-dipole spinor fields-yields a trivial (zero) QSL, up to a boundary term. To investigate this boundary term, we do not impose any constraint on the Dirac spinor field, and consequently we obtain new terms in the boundary component of the QSL. In the particular case of a teleparallel connection, an axial torsion one-form current density is obtained. New terms are also obtained in the corresponding Hamiltonian formalism. We then discuss how these new terms could shed new light on more general investigations.
By means of a mod(N)-invariant operator basis, s-parametrized phase-space functions associated with bounded operators in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space are introduced in the context of the extended Cahill-Glauber formalism, and their properties are discussed in details. The discrete Glauber-Sudarshan, Wigner, and Husimi functions emerge from this formalism as specific cases of s-parametrized phase-space functions where, in particular, a hierarchical process among them is promptly established. In addition, a phase-space description of quantum tomography and quantum teleportation is presented and new results are obtained.