894 resultados para Higher-order expectations
A time division multiplexing (TDM) array for passive multiplexing of identical fibre, optic intensity sensors has been demonstrated. Microbending loss sensors are introduced in fibre optic rings and pressure information is directly detected, demultiplexed and demodulated from the relative amplitude of the first two pulses produced on each ring. Several dynamic ranges from 6 dB to 14 dB are shown. A comparison between both fibre optic ring and Mach-Zehnder structure impulse responses is carried out and the consequences derived from second- and higher-order recirculating ring pulses are also evaluated. This technique can be applied to those TDM intensity sensing schemes which require low cost, high number of identical sensors, and suffer high element loss and undersirable intensity fluctuations at low frequencies.
Con esta tesis ”Desarrollo de una Teoría Uniforme de la Difracción para el Análisis de los Campos Electromagnéticos Dispersados y Superficiales sobre un Cilindro” hemos iniciado una nueva línea de investigación que trata de responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuál es la impedancia de superficie que describe una estructura de conductor eléctrico perfecto (PEC) convexa recubierta por un material no conductor? Este tipo de estudios tienen interés hoy en día porque ayudan a predecir el campo electromagnético incidente, radiado o que se propaga sobre estructuras metálicas y localmente convexas que se encuentran recubiertas de algún material dieléctrico, o sobre estructuras metálicas con pérdidas, como por ejemplo se necesita en determinadas aplicaciones aeroespaciales, marítimas o automovilísticas. Además, desde un punto de vista teórico, la caracterización de la impedancia de superficie de una estructura PEC recubierta o no por un dieléctrico es una generalización de varias soluciones que tratan ambos tipos de problemas por separado. En esta tesis se desarrolla una teoría uniforme de la difracción (UTD) para analizar el problema canónico del campo electromagnético dispersado y superficial en un cilindro circular eléctricamente grande con una condición de contorno de impedancia (IBC) para frecuencias altas. Construir una solución basada en UTD para este problema canónico es crucial en el desarrollo de un método UTD para el caso más general de una superficie arbitrariamente convexa, mediante el uso del principio de localización de los campos electromagnéticos a altas frecuencias. Esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo a través de una serie de hitos que se enumeran a continuación, enfatizando las contribuciones a las que ha dado lugar. Inicialmente se realiza una revisión en profundidad del estado del arte de los métodos asintóticos con numerosas referencias. As í, cualquier lector novel puede llegar a conocer la historia de la óptica geométrica (GO) y la teoría geométrica de la difracción (GTD), que dieron lugar al desarrollo de la UTD. Después, se investiga ampliamente la UTD y los trabajos más importantes que pueden encontrarse en la literatura. As í, este capítulo, nos coloca en la posición de afirmar que, hasta donde nosotros conocemos, nadie ha intentado antes llevar a cabo una investigación rigurosa sobre la caracterización de la impedancia de superficie de una estructura PEC recubierta por un material dieléctrico, utilizando para ello la UTD. Primero, se desarrolla una UTD para el problema canónico de la dispersión electromagnética de un cilindro circular eléctricamente grande con una IBC uniforme, cuando es iluminado por una onda plana con incidencia oblicua a frecuencias altas. La solución a este problema canónico se construye a partir de una solución exacta mediante una expansión de autofunciones de propagación radial. Entonces, ésta se convierte en una nueva expansión de autofunciones de propagación circunferencial muy apropiada para cilindros grandes, a través de la transformación de Watson. De esta forma, la expresión del campo se reduce a una integral que se evalúa asintóticamente, para altas frecuencias, de manera uniforme. El resultado se expresa según el trazado de rayos descrito en la UTD. La solución es uniforme porque tiene la importante propiedad de mantenerse continua a lo largo de la región de transición, a ambos lados de la superficie del contorno de sombra. Fuera de la región de transición la solución se reduce al campo incidente y reflejado puramente ópticos en la región iluminada del cilindro, y al campo superficial difractado en la región de sombra. Debido a la IBC el campo dispersado contiene una componente contrapolar a causa de un acoplamiento entre las ondas TEz y TMz (donde z es el eje del cilindro). Esta componente contrapolar desaparece cuando la incidencia es normal al cilindro, y también en la región iluminada cuando la incidencia es oblicua donde el campo se reduce a la solución de GO. La solución UTD presenta una muy buena exactitud cuando se compara numéricamente con una solución de referencia exacta. A continuación, se desarrolla una IBC efectiva para el cálculo del campo electromagnético dispersado en un cilindro circular PEC recubierto por un dieléctrico e iluminado por una onda plana incidiendo oblicuamente. Para ello se derivan dos impedancias de superficie en relación directa con las ondas creeping y de superficie TM y TE que se excitan en un cilindro recubierto por un material no conductor. Las impedancias de superficie TM y TE están acopladas cuando la incidencia es oblicua, y dependen de la geometría del problema y de los números de onda. Además, se ha derivado una impedancia de superficie constante, aunque con diferente valor cuando el observador se encuentra en la zona iluminada o en la zona de sombra. Después, se presenta una solución UTD para el cálculo de la dispersión de una onda plana con incidencia oblicua sobre un cilindro eléctricamente grande y convexo, mediante la generalización del problema canónico correspondiente al cilindro circular. La solución asintótica es uniforme porque se mantiene continua a lo largo de la región de transición, en las inmediaciones del contorno de sombra, y se reduce a la solución de rayos ópticos en la zona iluminada y a la contribución de las ondas de superficie dentro de la zona de sombra, lejos de la región de transición. Cuando se usa cualquier material no conductor se excita una componente contrapolar que tiende a desaparecer cuando la incidencia es normal al cilindro y en la región iluminada. Se discuten ampliamente las limitaciones de las fórmulas para la impedancia de superficie efectiva, y se compara la solución UTD con otras soluciones de referencia, donde se observa una muy buena concordancia. Y en tercer lugar, se presenta una aproximación para una impedancia de superficie efectiva para el cálculo de los campos superficiales en un cilindro circular conductor recubierto por un dieléctrico. Se discuten las principales diferencias que existen entre un cilindro PEC recubierto por un dieléctrico desde un punto de vista riguroso y un cilindro con una IBC. Mientras para un cilindro de impedancia se considera una impedancia de superficie constante o uniforme, para un cilindro conductor recubierto por un dieléctrico se derivan dos impedancias de superficie. Estas impedancias de superficie están asociadas a los modos de ondas creeping TM y TE excitadas en un cilindro, y dependen de la posición y de la orientación del observador y de la fuente. Con esto en mente, se deriva una solución UTD con IBC para los campos superficiales teniendo en cuenta las dependencias de la impedancia de superficie. La expansión asintótica se realiza, mediante la transformación de Watson, sobre la representación en serie de las funciones de Green correspondientes, evitando as í calcular las derivadas de orden superior de las integrales de tipo Fock, y dando lugar a una solución rápida y precisa. En los ejemplos numéricos realizados se observa una muy buena precisión cuando el cilindro y la separación entre el observador y la fuente son grandes. Esta solución, junto con el método de los momentos (MoM), se puede aplicar para el cálculo eficiente del acoplamiento mutuo de grandes arrays conformados de antenas de parches. Los métodos propuestos basados en UTD para el cálculo del campo electromagnético dispersado y superficial sobre un cilindro PEC recubierto de dieléctrico con una IBC efectiva suponen un primer paso hacia la generalización de una solución UTD para superficies metálicas convexas arbitrarias cubiertas por un material no conductor e iluminadas por una fuente electromagnética arbitraria. ABSTRACT With this thesis ”Development of a Uniform Theory of Diffraction for Scattered and Surface Electromagnetic Field Analysis on a Cylinder” we have initiated a line of investigation whose goal is to answer the following question: what is the surface impedance which describes a perfect electric conductor (PEC) convex structure covered by a material coating? These studies are of current and future interest for predicting the electromagnetic (EM) fields incident, radiating or propagating on locally smooth convex parts of highly metallic structures with a material coating, or by a lossy metallic surfaces, as for example in aerospace, maritime and automotive applications. Moreover, from a theoretical point of view, the surface impedance characterization of PEC surfaces with or without a material coating represents a generalization of independent solutions for both type of problems. A uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) is developed in this thesis for analyzing the canonical problem of EM scattered and surface field by an electrically large circular cylinder with an impedance boundary condition (IBC) in the high frequency regime, by means of a surface impedance characterization. The construction of a UTD solution for this canonical problem is crucial for the development of the corresponding UTD solution for the more general case of an arbitrary smooth convex surface, via the principle of the localization of high frequency EM fields. The development of the present doctoral thesis has been carried out through a series of landmarks that are enumerated as follows, emphasizing the main contributions that this work has given rise to. Initially, a profound revision is made in the state of art of asymptotic methods where numerous references are given. Thus, any reader may know the history of geometrical optics (GO) and geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD), which led to the development of UTD. Then, the UTD is deeply investigated and the main studies which are found in the literature are shown. This chapter situates us in the position to state that, as far as we know, nobody has attempted before to perform a rigorous research about the surface impedance characterization for material-coated PEC convex structures via UTD. First, a UTD solution is developed for the canonical problem of the EM scattering by an electrically large circular cylinder with a uniform IBC, when it is illuminated by an obliquely incident high frequency plane wave. A solution to this canonical problem is first constructed in terms of an exact formulation involving a radially propagating eigenfunction expansion. The latter is converted into a circumferentially propagating eigenfunction expansion suited for large cylinders, via the Watson transformation, which is expressed as an integral that is subsequently evaluated asymptotically, for high frequencies, in a uniform manner. The resulting solution is then expressed in the desired UTD ray form. This solution is uniform in the sense that it has the important property that it remains continuous across the transition region on either side of the surface shadow boundary. Outside the shadow boundary transition region it recovers the purely ray optical incident and reflected ray fields on the deep lit side of the shadow boundary and to the modal surface diffracted ray fields on the deep shadow side. The scattered field is seen to have a cross-polarized component due to the coupling between the TEz and TMz waves (where z is the cylinder axis) resulting from the IBC. Such cross-polarization vanishes for normal incidence on the cylinder, and also in the deep lit region for oblique incidence where it properly reduces to the GO or ray optical solution. This UTD solution is shown to be very accurate by a numerical comparison with an exact reference solution. Then, an effective IBC is developed for the EM scattered field on a coated PEC circular cylinder illuminated by an obliquely incident plane wave. Two surface impedances are derived in a direct relation with the TM and TE surface and creeping wave modes excited on a coated cylinder. The TM and TE surface impedances are coupled at oblique incidence, and depend on the geometry of the problem and the wave numbers. Nevertheless, a constant surface impedance is found, although with a different value when the observation point lays in the lit or in the shadow region. Then, a UTD solution for the scattering of an obliquely incident plane wave on an electrically large smooth convex coated PEC cylinder is introduced, via a generalization of the canonical circular cylinder problem. The asymptotic solution is uniform because it remains continuous across the transition region, in the vicinity of the shadow boundary, and it recovers the ray optical solution in the deep lit region and the creeping wave formulation within the deep shadow region. When a coating is present a cross-polar field term is excited, which vanishes at normal incidence and in the deep lit region. The limitations of the effective surface impedance formulas are discussed, and the UTD solution is compared with some reference solutions where a very good agreement is met. And in third place, an effective surface impedance approach is introduced for determining surface fields on an electrically large coated metallic circular cylinder. Differences in analysis of rigorouslytreated coated metallic cylinders and cylinders with an IBC are discussed. While for the impedance cylinder case a single constant or uniform surface impedance is considered, for the coated metallic cylinder case two surface impedances are derived. These are associated with the TM and TE creeping wave modes excited on a cylinder and depend on observation and source positions and orientations. With this in mind, a UTD based method with IBC is derived for the surface fields by taking into account the surface impedance variation. The asymptotic expansion is performed, via the Watson transformation, over the appropriate series representation of the Green’s functions, thus avoiding higher-order derivatives of Fock-type integrals, and yielding a fast and an accurate solution. Numerical examples reveal a very good accuracy for large cylinders when the separation between the observation and the source point is large. Thus, this solution could be efficiently applied in mutual coupling analysis, along with the method of moments (MoM), of large conformal microstrip array antennas. The proposed UTD methods for scattered and surface EM field analysis on a coated PEC cylinder with an effective IBC are considered the first steps toward the generalization of a UTD solution for large arbitrarily convex smooth metallic surfaces covered by a material coating and illuminated by an arbitrary EM source.
A general theory that describes the B.I.E. linear approximation in potential and elasticity problems, is developed. A method to tread the Dirichlet condition in sharp vertex is presented. Though the study is developed for linear elements, its extension to higher order interpolation is straightforward. A new direct assembling procedure of the global of equations to be solved, is finally showed.
This paper presents solutions of the NURISP VVER lattice benchmark using APOLLO2, TRIPOLI4 and COBAYA3 pin-by-pin. The main objective is to validate MOC based calculation schemes for pin-by-pin cross-section generation with APOLLO2 against TRIPOLI4 reference results. A specific objective is to test the APOLLO2 generated cross-sections and interface discontinuity factors in COBAYA3 pin-by-pin calculations with unstructured mesh. The VVER-1000 core consists of large hexagonal assemblies with 2mm inter-assembly water gaps which require the use of unstructured meshes in the pin-by-pin core simulators. The considered 2D benchmark problems include 19-pin clusters, fuel assemblies and 7-assembly clusters. APOLLO2 calculation schemes with the step characteristic method (MOC) and the higher-order Linear Surface MOC have been tested. The comparison of APOLLO2 vs.TRIPOLI4 results shows a very close agreement. The 3D lattice solver in COBAYA3 uses transport corrected multi-group diffusion approximation with interface discontinuity factors of GET or Black Box Homogenization type. The COBAYA3 pin-by-pin results in 2, 4 and 8 energy groups are close to the reference solutions when using side-dependent interface discontinuity factors.
En esta Tesis se presentan dos líneas de investigación relacionadas y que contribuyen a las áreas de Interacción Hombre-Tecnología (o Máquina; siglas en inglés: HTI o HMI), lingüística computacional y evaluación de la experiencia del usuario. Las dos líneas en cuestión son el diseño y la evaluación centrada en el usuario de sistemas de Interacción Hombre-Máquina avanzados. En la primera parte de la Tesis (Capítulos 2 a 4) se abordan cuestiones fundamentales del diseño de sistemas HMI avanzados. El Capítulo 2 presenta una panorámica del estado del arte de la investigación en el ámbito de los sistemas conversacionales multimodales, con la que se enmarca el trabajo de investigación presentado en el resto de la Tesis. Los Capítulos 3 y 4 se centran en dos grandes aspectos del diseño de sistemas HMI: un gestor del diálogo generalizado para tratar la Interacción Hombre-Máquina multimodal y sensible al contexto, y el uso de agentes animados personificados (ECAs) para mejorar la robustez del diálogo, respectivamente. El Capítulo 3, sobre gestión del diálogo, aborda el tratamiento de la heterogeneidad de la información proveniente de las modalidades comunicativas y de los sensores externos. En este capítulo se propone, en un nivel de abstracción alto, una arquitectura para la gestión del diálogo con influjos heterogéneos de información, apoyándose en el uso de State Chart XML. En el Capítulo 4 se presenta una contribución a la representación interna de intenciones comunicativas, y su traducción a secuencias de gestos a ejecutar por parte de un ECA, diseñados específicamente para mejorar la robustez en situaciones de diálogo críticas que pueden surgir, por ejemplo, cuando se producen errores de entendimiento en la comunicación entre el usuario humano y la máquina. Se propone, en estas páginas, una extensión del Functional Mark-up Language definido en el marco conceptual SAIBA. Esta extensión permite representar actos comunicativos que realizan intenciones del emisor (la máquina) que no se pretende sean captadas conscientemente por el receptor (el usuario humano), pero con las que se pretende influirle a éste e influir el curso del diálogo. Esto se consigue mediante un objeto llamado Base de Intenciones Comunicativas (en inglés, Communication Intention Base, o CIB). La representación en el CIB de intenciones “no claradas” además de las explícitas permite la construcción de actos comunicativos que realizan simultáneamente varias intenciones comunicativas. En el Capítulo 4 también se describe un sistema experimental para el control remoto (simulado) de un asistente domótico, con autenticación de locutor para dar acceso, y con un ECA en el interfaz de cada una de estas tareas. Se incluye una descripción de las secuencias de comportamiento verbal y no verbal de los ECAs, que fueron diseñados específicamente para determinadas situaciones con objeto de mejorar la robustez del diálogo. Los Capítulos 5 a 7 conforman la parte de la Tesis dedicada a la evaluación. El Capítulo 5 repasa antecedentes relevantes en la literatura de tecnologías de la información en general, y de sistemas de interacción hablada en particular. Los principales antecedentes en el ámbito de la evaluación de la interacción sobre los cuales se ha desarrollado el trabajo presentado en esta Tesis son el Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), la herramienta Subjective Assessment of Speech System Interfaces (SASSI), y la Recomendación P.851 de la ITU-T. En el Capítulo 6 se describen un marco y una metodología de evaluación aplicados a la experiencia del usuario con sistemas HMI multimodales. Se desarrolló con este propósito un novedoso marco de evaluación subjetiva de la calidad de la experiencia del usuario y su relación con la aceptación por parte del mismo de la tecnología HMI (el nombre dado en inglés a este marco es Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework). En este marco se articula una estructura de clases de factores subjetivos relacionados con la satisfacción y aceptación por parte del usuario de la tecnología HMI propuesta. Esta estructura, tal y como se propone en la presente tesis, tiene dos dimensiones ortogonales. Primero se identifican tres grandes clases de parámetros relacionados con la aceptación por parte del usuario: “agradabilidad ” (likeability: aquellos que tienen que ver con la experiencia de uso, sin entrar en valoraciones de utilidad), rechazo (los cuales sólo pueden tener una valencia negativa) y percepción de utilidad. En segundo lugar, este conjunto clases se reproduce para distintos “niveles, o focos, percepción del usuario”. Éstos incluyen, como mínimo, un nivel de valoración global del sistema, niveles correspondientes a las tareas a realizar y objetivos a alcanzar, y un nivel de interfaz (en los casos propuestos en esta tesis, el interfaz es un sistema de diálogo con o sin un ECA). En el Capítulo 7 se presenta una evaluación empírica del sistema descrito en el Capítulo 4. El estudio se apoya en los mencionados antecedentes en la literatura, ampliados con parámetros para el estudio específico de los agentes animados (los ECAs), la auto-evaluación de las emociones de los usuarios, así como determinados factores de rechazo (concretamente, la preocupación por la privacidad y la seguridad). También se evalúa el marco de evaluación subjetiva de la calidad propuesto en el capítulo anterior. Los análisis de factores efectuados revelan una estructura de parámetros muy cercana conceptualmente a la división de clases en utilidad-agradabilidad-rechazo propuesta en dicho marco, resultado que da cierta validez empírica al marco. Análisis basados en regresiones lineales revelan estructuras de dependencias e interrelación entre los parámetros subjetivos y objetivos considerados. El efecto central de mediación, descrito en el Technology Acceptance Model, de la utilidad percibida sobre la relación de dependencia entre la intención de uso y la facilidad de uso percibida, se confirma en el estudio presentado en la presente Tesis. Además, se ha encontrado que esta estructura de relaciones se fortalece, en el estudio concreto presentado en estas páginas, si las variables consideradas se generalizan para cubrir más ampliamente las categorías de agradabilidad y utilidad contempladas en el marco de evaluación subjetiva de calidad. Se ha observado, asimismo, que los factores de rechazo aparecen como un componente propio en los análisis de factores, y además se distinguen por su comportamiento: moderan la relación entre la intención de uso (que es el principal indicador de la aceptación del usuario) y su predictor más fuerte, la utilidad percibida. Se presentan también resultados de menor importancia referentes a los efectos de los ECAs sobre los interfaces de los sistemas de diálogo y sobre los parámetros de percepción y las valoraciones de los usuarios que juegan un papel en conformar su aceptación de la tecnología. A pesar de que se observa un rendimiento de la interacción dialogada ligeramente mejor con ECAs, las opiniones subjetivas son muy similares entre los dos grupos experimentales (uno interactuando con un sistema de diálogo con ECA, y el otro sin ECA). Entre las pequeñas diferencias encontradas entre los dos grupos destacan las siguientes: en el grupo experimental sin ECA (es decir, con interfaz sólo de voz) se observó un efecto más directo de los problemas de diálogo (por ejemplo, errores de reconocimiento) sobre la percepción de robustez, mientras que el grupo con ECA tuvo una respuesta emocional más positiva cuando se producían problemas. Los ECAs parecen generar inicialmente expectativas más elevadas en cuanto a las capacidades del sistema, y los usuarios de este grupo se declaran más seguros de sí mismos en su interacción. Por último, se observan algunos indicios de efectos sociales de los ECAs: la “amigabilidad ” percibida los ECAs estaba correlada con un incremento la preocupación por la seguridad. Asimismo, los usuarios del sistema con ECAs tendían más a culparse a sí mismos, en lugar de culpar al sistema, de los problemas de diálogo que pudieran surgir, mientras que se observó una ligera tendencia opuesta en el caso de los usuarios del sistema con interacción sólo de voz. ABSTRACT This Thesis presents two related lines of research work contributing to the general fields of Human-Technology (or Machine) Interaction (HTI, or HMI), computational linguistics, and user experience evaluation. These two lines are the design and user-focused evaluation of advanced Human-Machine (or Technology) Interaction systems. The first part of the Thesis (Chapters 2 to 4) is centred on advanced HMI system design. Chapter 2 provides a background overview of the state of research in multimodal conversational systems. This sets the stage for the research work presented in the rest of the Thesis. Chapers 3 and 4 focus on two major aspects of HMI design in detail: a generalised dialogue manager for context-aware multimodal HMI, and embodied conversational agents (ECAs, or animated agents) to improve dialogue robustness, respectively. Chapter 3, on dialogue management, deals with how to handle information heterogeneity, both from the communication modalities or from external sensors. A highly abstracted architectural contribution based on State Chart XML is proposed. Chapter 4 presents a contribution for the internal representation of communication intentions and their translation into gestural sequences for an ECA, especially designed to improve robustness in critical dialogue situations such as when miscommunication occurs. We propose an extension of the functionality of Functional Mark-up Language, as envisaged in much of the work in the SAIBA framework. Our extension allows the representation of communication acts that carry intentions that are not for the interlocutor to know of, but which are made to influence him or her as well as the flow of the dialogue itself. This is achieved through a design element we have called the Communication Intention Base. Such r pr s ntation of “non- clar ” int ntions allows th construction of communication acts that carry several communication intentions simultaneously. Also in Chapter 4, an experimental system is described which allows (simulated) remote control to a home automation assistant, with biometric (speaker) authentication to grant access, featuring embodied conversation agents for each of the tasks. The discussion includes a description of the behavioural sequences for the ECAs, which were designed for specific dialogue situations with particular attention given to the objective of improving dialogue robustness. Chapters 5 to 7 form the evaluation part of the Thesis. Chapter 5 reviews evaluation approaches in the literature for information technologies, as well as in particular for speech-based interaction systems, that are useful precedents to the contributions of the present Thesis. The main evaluation precedents on which the work in this Thesis has built are the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Subjective Assessment of Speech System Interfaces (SASSI) tool, and ITU-T Recommendation P.851. Chapter 6 presents the author’s work in establishing an valuation framework and methodology applied to the users’ experience with multimodal HMI systems. A novel user-acceptance Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework was developed by the author specifically for this purpose. A class structure arises from two orthogonal sets of dimensions. First we identify three broad classes of parameters related with user acceptance: likeability factors (those that have to do with the experience of using the system), rejection factors (which can only have a negative valence) and perception of usefulness. Secondly, the class structure is further broken down into several “user perception levels”; at the very least: an overall system-assessment level, task and goal-related levels, and an interface level (e.g., a dialogue system with or without an ECA). An empirical evaluation of the system described in Chapter 4 is presented in Chapter 7. The study was based on the abovementioned precedents in the literature, expanded with categories covering the inclusion of an ECA, the users’ s lf-assessed emotions, and particular rejection factors (privacy and security concerns). The Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework proposed in the previous chapter was also scrutinised. Factor analyses revealed an item structure very much related conceptually to the usefulness-likeability-rejection class division introduced above, thus giving it some empirical weight. Regression-based analysis revealed structures of dependencies, paths of interrelations, between the subjective and objective parameters considered. The central mediation effect, in the Technology Acceptance Model, of perceived usefulness on the dependency relationship of intention-to-use with perceived ease of use was confirmed in this study. Furthermore, the pattern of relationships was stronger for variables covering more broadly the likeability and usefulness categories in the Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework. Rejection factors were found to have a distinct presence as components in factor analyses, as well as distinct behaviour: they were found to moderate the relationship between intention-to-use (the main measure of user acceptance) and its strongest predictor, perceived usefulness. Insights of secondary importance are also given regarding the effect of ECAs on the interface of spoken dialogue systems and the dimensions of user perception and judgement attitude that may have a role in determining user acceptance of the technology. Despite observing slightly better performance values in the case of the system with the ECA, subjective opinions regarding both systems were, overall, very similar. Minor differences between two experimental groups (one interacting with an ECA, the other only through speech) include a more direct effect of dialogue problems (e.g., non-understandings) on perceived dialogue robustness for the voice-only interface test group, and a more positive emotional response for the ECA test group. Our findings further suggest that the ECA generates higher initial expectations, and users seem slightly more confident in their interaction with the ECA than do those without it. Finally, mild evidence of social effects of ECAs was also found: the perceived friendliness of the ECA increased security concerns, and ECA users may tend to blame themselves rather than the system when dialogue problems are encountered, while the opposite may be true for voice-only users.
We aim at understanding the multislip behaviour of metals subject to irreversible deformations at small-scales. By focusing on the simple shear of a constrained single-crystal strip, we show that discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DD) simulations predict a strong latent hardening size effect, with smaller being stronger in the range [1.5 µm, 6 µm] for the strip height. We attempt to represent the DD pseudo-experimental results by developing a flow theory of Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity (SGCP), involving both energetic and dissipative higher-order terms and, as a main novelty, a strain gradient extension of the conventional latent hardening. In order to discuss the capability of the SGCP theory proposed, we implement it into a Finite Element (FE) code and set its material parameters on the basis of the DD results. The SGCP FE code is specifically developed for the boundary value problem under study so that we can implement a fully implicit (Backward Euler) consistent algorithm. Special emphasis is placed on the discussion of the role of the material length scales involved in the SGCP model, from both the mechanical and numerical points of view.
This paper presents a simplified finite element (FE) methodology for solving accurately beam models with (Timoshenko) and without (Bernoulli-Euler) shear deformation. Special emphasis is made on showing how it is possible to obtain the exact solution on the nodes and a good accuracy inside the element. The proposed simplifying concept, denominated as the equivalent distributed load (EDL) of any order, is based on the use of Legendre orthogonal polynomials to approximate the original or acting load for computing the results between the nodes. The 1-span beam examples show that this is a promising procedure that allows the aim of using either one FE and an EDL of slightly higher order or by using an slightly larger number of FEs leaving the EDL in the lowest possible order assumed by definition to be equal to 4 independently of how irregular the beam is loaded.
We aim at understanding the multislip behaviour of metals subject to irreversible deformations at small-scales. By focusing on the simple shear of a constrained single-crystal strip, we show that discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DD) simulations predict a strong latent hardening size effect, with smaller being stronger in the range [1.5 µm, 6 µm] for the strip height. We attempt to represent the DD pseudo-experimental results by developing a flow theory of Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity (SGCP), involving both energetic and dissipative higher-order terms and, as a main novelty, a strain gradient extension of the conventional latent hardening. In order to discuss the capability of the SGCP theory proposed, we implement it into a Finite Element (FE) code and set its material parameters on the basis of the DD results. The SGCP FE code is specifically developed for the boundary value problem under study so that we can implement a fully implicit (Backward Euler) consistent algorithm. Special emphasis is placed on the discussion of the role of the material length scales involved in the SGCP model, from both the mechanical and numerical points of view.
La segmentación de imágenes puede plantearse como un problema de minimización de una energía discreta. Nos enfrentamos así a una doble cuestión: definir una energía cuyo mínimo proporcione la segmentación buscada y, una vez definida la energía, encontrar un mínimo absoluto de la misma. La primera parte de esta tesis aborda el segundo problema, y la segunda parte, en un contexto más aplicado, el primero. Las técnicas de minimización basadas en cortes de grafos permiten obtener el mínimo de una energía discreta en tiempo polinomial mediante algoritmos de tipo min-cut/max-flow. Sin embargo, estas técnicas solo pueden aplicarse a energías que son representabas por grafos. Un importante reto es estudiar qué energías son representabas así como encontrar un grafo que las represente, lo que equivale a encontrar una función gadget con variables adicionales. En la primera parte de este trabajo se estudian propiedades de las funciones gadgets que permiten acotar superiormente el número de variables adicionales. Además se caracterizan las energías con cuatro variables que son representabas, definiendo gadgets con dos variables adicionales. En la segunda parte, más práctica, se aborda el problema de segmentación de imágenes médicas, base en muchas ocasiones para la diagnosis y el seguimiento de terapias. La segmentación multi-atlas es una potente técnica de segmentación automática de imágenes médicas, con tres aspectos importantes a destacar: el tipo de registro entre los atlas y la imagen objetivo, la selección de atlas y el método de fusión de etiquetas. Este último punto puede formularse como un problema de minimización de una energía. A este respecto introducimos dos nuevas energías representables. La primera, de orden dos, se utiliza en la segmentación en hígado y fondo de imágenes abdominales obtenidas mediante tomografía axial computarizada. La segunda, de orden superior, se utiliza en la segmentación en hipocampos y fondo de imágenes cerebrales obtenidas mediante resonancia magnética. ABSTRACT The image segmentation can be described as the problem of minimizing a discrete energy. We face two problems: first, to define an energy whose minimum provides the desired segmentation and, second, once the energy is defined we must find its global minimum. The first part of this thesis addresses the second problem, and the second part, in a more applied context, the first problem. Minimization techniques based on graph cuts find the minimum of a discrete energy in polynomial time via min-cut/max-flow algorithms. Nevertheless, these techniques can only be applied to graph-representable energies. An important challenge is to study which energies are graph-representable and to construct graphs which represent these energies. This is the same as finding a gadget function with additional variables. In the first part there are studied the properties of gadget functions which allow the number of additional variables to be bounded from above. Moreover, the graph-representable energies with four variables are characterised and gadgets with two additional variables are defined for these. The second part addresses the application of these ideas to medical image segmentation. This is often the first step in computer-assisted diagnosis and monitoring therapy. Multiatlas segmentation is a powerful automatic segmentation technique for medical images, with three important aspects that are highlighted here: the registration between the atlas and the target image, the atlas selection, and the label fusion method. We formulate the label fusion method as a minimization problem and we introduce two new graph-representable energies. The first is a second order energy and it is used for the segmentation of the liver in computed tomography (CT) images. The second energy is a higher order energy and it is used for the segmentation of the hippocampus in magnetic resonance images (MRI).
Optical filters are crucial elements in optical communications. The influence of cascaded filters in the optical signal will affect the communications quality seriously. In this paper we will study and simulate the optical signal impairment caused by different kinds of filters which include Butterworth, Bessel, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Fabry-Perot (FP). Optical signal impairment is analyzed from an Eye Opening Penalty (EOP) and optical spectrum point of view. The simulation results show that when the center frequency of all filters aligns with the laser’s frequency, the Butterworth has the smallest influence to the signal while the F-P has the biggest. With a -1dB EOP, the amount of cascaded Butterworth optical filters with a bandwidth of 50 GHz is 18 in 40 Gbps NRZ-DQPSK systems and 12 in 100 Gbps PMNRZ- DQPSK systems. The value is reduced to 9 and 6 respectively for Febry-Perot optical filters. In the situation of frequency misalignment, the impairment caused by filters is more serious. Our research shows that with a frequency deviation of 5 GHz, only 12 and 9 Butterworth optical filters can be cascaded in 40 Gbps NRZ-DQPSK and 100 Gbps PM-NRZ-DQPSK systems respectively. We also study the signal impairment caused by different orders of the Butterworth filter model. Our study shows that although the higher-order has a smaller clipping effect in the transmission spectrum, it will introduce a more serious phase ripple which seriously affects the signal. Simulation result shows that the 2nd order Butterworth filter has the best performance.
The determination of the local Lagrangian evolution of the flow topology in wall-bounded turbulence, and of the Lagrangian evolution associated with entrainment across the turbulent / non-turbulent interface into a turbulent boundary layer, require accurate tracking of a fluid particle and its local velocity gradients. This paper addresses the implementation of fluid-particle tracking in both a turbulent boundary layer direct numerical simulation and in a fully developed channel flow simulation. Determination of the sub-grid particle velocity is performed using both cubic B-spline, four-point Hermite spline and higher-order Hermite spline interpolation. Both wall-bounded flows show similar oscillations in the Lagrangian tracers of both velocity and velocity gradients, corresponding to the movement of particles across the boundaries of computational cells. While these oscillation in the particle velocity are relatively small and have negligible effect on the particle trajectories for time-steps of the order of CFL = 0.1, they appear to be the cause of significant oscillations in the evolution of the invariants of the velocity gradient tensor.
In this paper I want to develop a particular kind of greater-good response to the problems of evil and hell, one which hence can serve as a backup plan should the free will defense not satisfy. Ultimately, this response will appear to belong to several traditions in theodicy. Like all greater-goods views, this one relies on explaining the existence of evil in terms of the greater goods that come out of it. Among these goods are the greater goods of Incarnation and Atonement, their respective goodness consisting in large part in the higher-order divine good of glorifying God through the display of divine virtue.
We have been able to convert a small α/β protein, acylphosphatase, from its soluble and native form into insoluble amyloid fibrils of the type observed in a range of pathological conditions. This was achieved by allowing slow growth in a solution containing moderate concentrations of trifluoroethanol. When analyzed with electron microscopy, the protein aggregate present in the sample after long incubation times consisted of extended, unbranched filaments of 30–50 Å in width that assemble subsequently into higher order structures. This fibrillar material possesses extensive β-sheet structure as revealed by far-UV CD and IR spectroscopy. Furthermore, the fibrils exhibit Congo red birefringence, increased fluorescence with thioflavine T and cause a red-shift of the Congo red absorption spectrum. All of these characteristics are typical of amyloid fibrils. The results indicate that formation of amyloid occurs when the native fold of a protein is destabilized under conditions in which noncovalent interactions, and in particular hydrogen bonding, within the polypeptide chain remain favorable. We suggest that amyloid formation is not restricted to a small number of protein sequences but is a property common to many, if not all, natural polypeptide chains under appropriate conditions.
Telomere length is maintained through a dynamic balance between addition and loss of the terminal telomeric DNA. Normal telomere length regulation requires telomerase as well as a telomeric protein–DNA complex. Previous work has provided evidence that in the budding yeasts Kluyveromyces lactis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the telomeric double-stranded DNA binding protein Rap1p negatively regulates telomere length, in part by nucleating, by its C-terminal tail, a higher-order DNA binding protein complex that presumably limits access of telomerase to the chromosome end. Here we show that in K. lactis, truncating the Rap1p C-terminal tail (Rap1p-ΔC mutant) accelerates telomeric repeat turnover in the distal region of the telomere. In addition, combining the rap1-ΔC mutation with a telomerase template mutation (ter1-kpn), which directs the addition of mutated telomeric DNA repeats to telomeres, synergistically caused an immediate loss of telomere length regulation. Capping of the unregulated telomeres of these double mutants with functionally wild-type repeats restored telomere length control. We propose that the rate of terminal telomere turnover is controlled by Rap1p specifically through its interactions with the most distal telomeric repeats.
The Escherichia coli umuDC operon is induced in response to replication-blocking DNA lesions as part of the SOS response. UmuD protein then undergoes an RecA-facilitated self-cleavage reaction that removes its N-terminal 24 residues to yield UmuD′. UmuD′, UmuC, RecA, and some form of the E. coli replicative DNA polymerase, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, function in translesion synthesis, the potentially mutagenic process of replication over otherwise blocking lesions. Furthermore, it has been proposed that, before cleavage, UmuD together with UmuC acts as a DNA damage checkpoint system that regulates the rate of DNA synthesis in response to DNA damage, thereby allowing time for accurate repair to take place. Here we provide direct evidence that both uncleaved UmuD and UmuD′ interact physically with the catalytic, proofreading, and processivity subunits of the E. coli replicative polymerase. Consistent with our model proposing that uncleaved UmuD and UmuD′ promote different events, UmuD and UmuD′ interact differently with DNA polymerase III: whereas uncleaved UmuD interacts more strongly with β than it does with α, UmuD′ interacts more strongly with α than it does with β. We propose that the protein–protein interactions we have characterized are part of a higher-order regulatory system of replication fork management that controls when the umuDC gene products can gain access to the replication fork.