922 resultados para High-speed equipment


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FTTH (fibra hasta el hogar) es actualmente, junto con la banda ancha móvil, la principal evolución tecnológica en Redes y Servicios de Telecomunicaciones. Se prevé que en los próximos años, el despliegue de las redes FTTH se vea incrementado de manera significativa, gracias al interés creciente tanto de Operadores de Telecomunicaciones como de Organismos Gubernamentales. Este despliegue (que en el año 2013 ya se está haciendo realidad) llevará servicios de muy alta velocidad (superiores a 100 Mbps, incluso 1 Gbps) de manera masiva a los hogares, exigiendo nuevos requisitos y prestaciones en la red del hogar de los clientes. Se abre aquí, por tanto, un campo de exploración novedoso, incipiente y de requerimientos cada vez más exigentes. De hecho, sin duda, la red del hogar es uno de los elementos fundamentales para el éxito de las redes y servicios en FTTH. Debido a todo lo anterior, se convierte en una necesidad para el sector de las Telecomunicaciones el encontrar soluciones a los problemas anteriormente mencionados. Con objeto de contribuir al análisis de soluciones, este proyecto se enfoca en dos temas, ambos relacionados con la problemática ya mencionada en la red del hogar:  Prospección e identificación de soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas para la red del hogar. Descrito en capítulos 2, 3 y 4. En ellos se realiza un estudio detallado de la situación actual y tendencias futuras de los dispositivos utilizados en la red del hogar. Este estudio está enfocado en la distribución de señales de muy alto ancho de banda (en torno a los 100 Mbps por segundo) en el hogar.  Diseño y desarrollo de una aplicación que permita determinar la calidad de experiencia de cliente (QoE) de un servicio de televisión IP (IPTV). Descrito en capítulos 5 y 6. Se ha seleccionado este tipo de servicios debido a que son los que requieren mayores prestaciones tanto de la red de transporte como de la red del hogar y, al mismo tiempo, son los más complicados de medir debido a la fuerte componente de subjetividad del usuario final. Una red del hogar correctamente diseñada debe cumplir de manera equilibrada los requisitos demandados tanto por el operador como por el cliente o usuario final del servicio. Los requisitos del operador se centran principalmente en el control de la inversión (CAPEX) y del gasto de mantenimiento de la red del hogar (OPEX). El usuario, por otra parte, requiere sencillez en la instalación y mínimo número de elementos a instalar (cero intrusismo, ausencia de cableado). Para adaptarse a estos requerimientos, existe una serie de dispositivos y tecnologías que buscan encontrar el punto de equilibrio entre necesidades de operadores y de clientes finales. Las soluciones actualmente utilizadas pueden dividirse en soluciones cableadas e inalámbricas. También existen soluciones híbridas. Todas ellas se describen en detalle en los capítulos 3 y 4. Al final del estudio se concluye que, con la tecnología actual, es preferible el uso de soluciones cableadas tipo Ethernet o POF. Es recomendable no usar soluciones PLC de manera extensiva (G.hn puede ser una alternativa a futuro) y, en caso de no requerir cableado, utilizar WiFi 11n con frecuencias de 5 GHz, así como sus evoluciones, WiFi 11ac y 11ad. La aplicación desarrollada, explicada en los capítulos 5 y 6, permite capturar y medir en tiempo real la señal de televisión IP que se entrega al usuario. Esta aplicación estimará, a partir de dichas medidas, la calidad de la señal entregada. Para ello tendrá en cuenta el tipo de descodificador utilizado por el usuario así como la red empleada (red FTTH de Telefónica). Esta aplicación podría ser utilizada en los centros de atención técnica de las operadoras de telecomunicaciones, determinando así la relación existente entre reclamaciones recibidas y calidad de servicio medida por la aplicación. Asimismo, aparte de realizar medidas en tiempo real, la aplicación vuelca las medidas realizadas y alarmas detectadas en ficheros log, facilitando el análisis técnico de los problemas e incidencias registrados por dichos centros técnicos. Igualmente, esta aplicación puede ser utilizada para el proceso de certificación de equipamiento de red del hogar o incluso como herramienta para profundizar en parámetros teóricos y criterios de medida de calidad de servicio en IPTV. ABSTRACT. FTTH (Fiber To The Home) and mobile broadband are currently the main technological trend in the Network and Telecommunications Services area. In the next few years, the deployment of FTTH networks will experiment a significant increase, due to the growing interest of both telecommunications operators and government agencies. This deployment (that is becoming a reality) which will massively carry high-speed services to households (speeds of more than 100 Mbps, even 1 Gbps) will demand new requirements and features in the customer’s home network. It can be found here a new and emerging field of exploration, with increasingly demanding requirements. In fact, the home network is one of the key elements for the success of FTTH network and services. Due to the aforementioned, it is a necessity for the telecommunications industry to find solutions to these problems. In order to contribute into the solution analysis, this project focuses on two subjects, both related to the problems of home networking:  Exploratory research and identification of advanced technology solutions for the home network. Described in chapters 2, 3 and 4. These chapters show a detailed study of the current situation and future trends of the devices used at the home network. It focuses on the distribution of very high bandwidth signals (around 100 Mbps per second) in the customer’s home.  Design and development of an application to evaluate customer’s quality of experience (QoE) of an IP television service (IPTV). Described in chapters 5 and 6. IPTV service has been selected because it requires higher performance both from the transport and the home networks and, at the same time, it is the most difficult to measure due to the strong component of subjectivity of the end user. A correct design of the home network must meet the requirements demanded both by the network operator and the customer (end user of the service). Network operator requirements mainly focus on reduced capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX). Additionally, the final user requires a simple and easy installation and also the minimum number of items to install (zero intrusion, lack of wiring, etc.). Different devices and technologies seek to find a balance between these two requirements (network operators and final users requirements). Solutions available in the market can be divided into wired and wireless. There are also hybrid solutions. All of them are described thoroughly in the first part of the project. The conclusion at the end of the study recommends the use of wired technologies like Ethernet or POF. Additionally, the use of PLC is not advised (G.hn can be an alternative in the future) and, in the case of not requiring wiring, the use of 11ac and 11ad WiFi is advised. The application developed in the second part of the project allows capturing and measuring the real-time IPTV signal delivered to the user. This application will estimate the delivered signal quality from the captured measurements. For this purpose, it will also consider the type of decoder installed on the customer’s premises and the transport network (Telefonica’s FTTH network). This application could be used at the operator’s technical service centres, determining in this way the relationship between user’s complaints and the quality of service measured. Additionally, this application can write all the measurements and alarms in log files, making easier the technical analysis of problems and impairments recorded by the technical centres. Finally, the application can also be used for the certification process of home networking equipment (i.e. decoders) or even as a tool to deepen theoretical parameters and measuring criteria of quality of service in IPTV.


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The constant development of digital systems in radio communications demands the adaptation of the current receiving equipment to the new technologies. In this context, a new Software Defined Radio based receiver is being implemented with the aim of carrying out different experiments to analyze the propagation of signals through the atmosphere from a satellite beacon. The receiver selected for this task is the PERSEUS SDR from the Italian company Microtelecom s.r.l. It is a software defined VLF-LF-MF-HF receiver based on an outstanding direct sampling digital architecture which features a 14 bit 80 MSamples/s analog-to-digital converter, a high-performance FPGA-based digital down-converter and a high-speed 480 Mbit/s USB2.0 PC interface. The main goal is to implement the related software and adapt the new receiver to the current working environment. In this paper, SDR technology guidelines are given and PERSEUS receiver digital signal processing is presented with the most remarkable results.


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Quantum Key Distribution is carving its place among the tools used to secure communications. While a difficult technology, it enjoys benefits that set it apart from the rest, the most prominent is its provable security based on the laws of physics. QKD requires not only the mastering of signals at the quantum level, but also a classical processing to extract a secret-key from them. This postprocessing has been customarily studied in terms of the efficiency, a figure of merit that offers a biased view of the performance of real devices. Here we argue that it is the throughput the significant magnitude in practical QKD, specially in the case of high speed devices, where the differences are more marked, and give some examples contrasting the usual postprocessing schemes with new ones from modern coding theory. A good understanding of its implications is very important for the design of modern QKD devices.


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This article presents a wide band compact high isolation photoconductive switch, which is based on the series-shunt switch design with three photoconductive switches made of diced high-resistivity silicon wafer placed over a microstrip gap and activated by 808-nm near-infrared laser diodes. The switch shows an insertion loss of 1.2 dB and an isolation of 44.8 dB at 2 GHz. It is easy to operate and control by light, high-speed, electromagnetically transparent and it does not require any biasing circuits.


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A numerical simulation of the aerodynamic behavior of high-speed trains under synthetic crosswinds at a 90º yaw angle is presented. The train geometry is the aerodynamic train model (ATM). Flow description based on numerical simulations is obtained using large eddy simulation (LES) and the commercial code ANSYSFluent V14.5. A crosswind whose averaged velocity and turbulence characteristics change with distance to the ground is imposed. Turbulent fluctuations that vary temporally and spatially are simulated with TurbSim code. The crosswind boundary condition is calculated for the distance the train runs during a simulation period. The inlet streamwise velocity boundary condition is generated using Taylor?s frozen turbulence hypothesis. The model gives a time history of the force and moments acting on the train; this includes averaged values, standard deviations and extreme values. Of particular interest are the spectra of the forces and moments, and the admittance spectra. For comparison, results obtained with LES and a uniform wind velocity fluctuating in time, and results obtained with Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations (RANS), and the averaged wind conditions, are also presented.


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En este proyecto se propone un entorno de producción para televisión en alta definición donde las cintas magnéticas para la captura, modificación, gestión y transferencia de los contenidos audiovisuales, quedan sustituidas por servidores informáticos y sistemas de almacenamiento basados en las tecnologías de la información. Dicho entorno sin cintas tiene como misión la realización de la fase de la producción de los contenidos televisivos. Se trata de un centra independiente, en una ubicación remota respecto a las instalaciones centrales de la empresa emisora de televisión. La conexión del entorno sin cinta con los servicios centrales de la cadena se realiza por medio de redes de datos de alta velocidad y por enlace de radiofrecuencia. Por estos medios los sistemas de redacción comunican datos y escaletas, se reciben las señales de contribución que intervienen en los programas, se envía la serial realizada para emisión y se transfieren los materiales grabados al área de Postproducción para su elaboración final. Se plantean dos estudios de televisión dotados de servidores de video y de un almacenamiento compartido para una gestión ágil, unificada y flexible de las demandas de los programas. Además de la eliminación del lento y pesado trabajo de manipulación de las cintas, la producción resulta mucho mas ágil porque se eliminan tiempos de espera por la posibilidad de acceso simultaneo de varios usuarios a un mismo contenido. También se suprimen los tiempos de digitalización y descarga del material grabado, porque los sistemas implementados permiten la ingesta directa de las señales recibidas. Los contenidos de varias jornadas de grabación, en calidad HD, se conservan en el sistema de almacenamiento para la elaboración de materiales en el propio centra y para su transferencia al departamento central correspondiente. Mediante aplicaciones software se busca la integración del trabajo de la redacción de los programas con los procesos de producción de los estudios. El diseño que se propone para los diferentes subsistemas técnicos de los estudios esta orientado a lograr una alta fiabilidad, operatividad y adaptabilidad a las demandas técnicas de la producción audiovisual de los diferentes tipos de programas. Al tratarse de una propuesta conceptual, de manera general no se basa en equipos de marcas o fabricantes concretos sino mas bien en las metodologías concretas de trabajo. Cuando se ejemplifica algún dispositivo en particular es debido a que el concepto tecnológico del mismo es novedoso destaca de manera especial sobre la generalidad de los equipos existentes para esa funcionalidad. ABSTRACT. This project hopes to propose a television production platform that uses computers, servers and storage systems based on information technologies, rather than video tape recorders for ingesting, editing and making TV programs. This tapeless system has as its mission the production of all kind of television contents, employing IT systems, without the use of magnetic tapes. We envision an independent TV production center located in a remote location, in relation to the main broadcaster facilities, where all communications between this broadcasting center and the remote independent tapeless center would occur via high speed internet and a radiofrequency link as a back up. In this way, the Newsroom systems communicate data and rundowns; contribution feeds are received; PGM signal are codified and transmitted; and stored media are transferred to the post production area for final editing, playout and archive. Two TV studios are proposed, equipped with video servers and sharing media storage for agile, unified and flexible management of the production requirements. Apart from completely eliminating the slow and hard work resulting from handling a lot of traditional magnetic tapes, the production ends up being much quicker due to the fact that there is no waiting time between recording and viewing. This also enables several users to access and view the same material at the same time. The digitalization and downloading time is also greatly reduced due to the direct ingestion of contribution feeds to the system. The HD content of various days of recording, are stored for future use for whichever department needs the footage in the future. Through software applications, there will be complete integration between the Newsroom work and the production process of the studios. The proposed design for the various technical subsystems in the recording studio is directed towards achieving optimum reliability and operational capability: they are easily adaptable to the technical demands of the audiovisual production of the different programs. Because we are dealing with a conceptual proposal, in general terms, we are not defining the brands or manufacturers of the technical equipment, but rather we are specifying the methods which we plan to implement. When some equipment is highlighted, it's only because that specific brand exemplifies a higher performance than any other equipment in the range.


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Background: The pupillary light reflex characterizes the direct and consensual response of the eye to the perceived brightness of a stimulus. It has been used as indicator of both neurological and optic nerve pathologies. As with other eye reflexes, this reflex constitutes an almost instantaneous movement and is linked to activation of the same midbrain area. The latency of the pupillary light reflex is around 200 ms, although the literature also indicates that the fastest eye reflexes last 20 ms. Therefore, a system with sufficiently high spatial and temporal resolutions is required for accurate assessment. In this study, we analyzed the pupillary light reflex to determine whether any small discrepancy exists between the direct and consensual responses, and to ascertain whether any other eye reflex occurs before the pupillary light reflex. Methods: We constructed a binocular video-oculography system two high-speed cameras that simultaneously focused on both eyes. This was then employed to assess the direct and consensual responses of each eye using our own algorithm based on Circular Hough Transform to detect and track the pupil. Time parameters describing the pupillary light reflex were obtained from the radius time-variation. Eight healthy subjects (4 women, 4 men, aged 24–45) participated in this experiment. Results: Our system, which has a resolution of 15 microns and 4 ms, obtained time parameters describing the pupillary light reflex that were similar to those reported in previous studies, with no significant differences between direct and consensual reflexes. Moreover, it revealed an incomplete reflex blink and an upward eye movement at around 100 ms that may correspond to Bell’s phenomenon. Conclusions: Direct and consensual pupillary responses do not any significant temporal differences. The system and method described here could prove useful for further assessment of pupillary and blink reflexes. The resolution obtained revealed the existence reported here of an early incomplete blink and an upward eye movement.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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The manufacture of a radio frequency filter box using high pressure die casting (HPDC) is compared to the traditional high speed machining route. This paper describes an industrial exercise that concluded HPDC to be an economical and appropriate method to produce larger volumes of thin-walled telecommunications components. Modifications to the component design were made to make the component suitable for the HPDC process. Development of the die design through simulation modelling is described. The wrought alloy was replaced by near-eutectic Al-Si die casting alloy that was found to give better temperature stability performance. Apart from the economic benefits, HPDC was found to give lower filter efficiency losses through better surface finish. The effects of HPDC process variables, such as intensification pressure and injection piston velocity, on component quality, particularly porosity levels, were investigated. The pressure was analysed in terms of HPDC machine set pressure and the pressure measured in the die cavity by pressure sensors. Porosity was found to decrease with increased pressure and slightly increase with higher casting velocities.


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The WDM properties of dispersion managed (DM) solitons and the reduction in Gordon-Haus jitter means that it is possible to contemplate multiple channels each at 10 Gbit/s for transoceanic distances without the need for elaborate soliton control. This paper will concentrate on fundamental principles of DM solitons, but will use these principles to indicate optimum maps for future high-speed soliton systems.


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The electrical and optical characteristics of a cylindrical alumina insulator (94% Al203) have been measured under ultra-high vacuum (P < 10-8 mBar) conditions. A high-resolution CCD camera was used to make real-time optical recordings of DC prebreakdown luminescence from the ceramic, under conditions where DC current magnitudes were limited to less than 50μA. Two concentric metallized rings formed a pair of co-axial electrodes, on the end-face of the alumina tube; a third 'transparent' electrode was employed to study the effect of an orthogonal electric field upon the radial conduction processes within the metallized alumina specimen. The wavelength-spectra of the emitted light was quantified using a high-speed scanning monochromator and photo-multiplier tube detector. Concurrent electrical measurements were made alongside the recording of optical-emission images. An observed time-dependence of the photon-emission is correlated with a time-variation observed in the DC current-voltage characteristics of the alumina. Optical images were also recorded of pulsed-field surface-flashover events on the alumina ceramic. An intensified high-speed video technique provided 1ms frames of surface-flashover events, whilst 100ns frames were achieved using an ultra high-speed fast-framing camera. By coupling this fast-frame camera to a digital storage oscilloscope, it was possible to establish a temporal correlation between the application of a voltage-pulse to the ceramic and the evolution of photonic emissions from the subsequent surface-flashover event. The electro-optical DC prebreakdown characteristics of the alumina are discussed in terms of solid-state photon-emission processes, that are believed to arise from radiative electron-recombination at vacancy-defects and substitutional impurity centres within the surface-layers of the ceramic. The physical nature of vacancy-defects within an alumina dielectric is extensively explored, with a particular focus placed upon the trapped electron energy-levels that may be present at these defect centres. Finally, consideration is given to the practical application of alumina in the trigger-ceramic of a sealed triggered vacuum gap (TVG) switch. For this purpose, a physical model describing the initiation of electrical breakdown within the TVG regime is proposed, and is based upon the explosive destabilisation of trapped charge within the alumina ceramic, triggering the onset of surface-flashover along the insulator. In the main-gap prebreakdown phase, it is suggested that the electrical-breakdown of the TVG is initiated by the low-field 'stripping' of prebreakdown electrons from vacancy-defects in the ceramic under the influence of an orthogonal main-gap electric field.


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The aims of this work have been to identify an enzymatic reaction system suitable to investigate and develop the high-speed centrifuge as a novel reaction system for performing such reactions. The production of galacto-oligosaccharides by the trans-galactosyl activity of the enzyme β-galactosidase on lactose monohydrate was identified as a model enzymatic system to elucidate the principles of this type of process. Galacto-oligosaccharides have attracted considerable commercial interest as food additives which have been shown to be beneficial to the health of the human gastrointestinal tract. The development of a single unit operation capable of controlling the biosynthesis of galacto-oligosaccharides whilst simultaneously separating the enzyme from the reaction products would reduce downstream processing costs. This thesis shows for the first time that by using a combination of (a) immobilised or insolubilised β-galactosidase , (b) a rate-zonal centrifugation technique, and (c) various applied centrifugal fields, that a high-speed centrifuge could be used to control the formation of galacto-oligosaccharides whilst removing the enzyme from the reaction products. By layering a suspension of insolubilised β-galactosidase on top of a lactose monohydrate density gradient and centrifuging, the applied centrifugal fields generated produced sedimentation of the enzyme particles through the substrate. The higher sedimentation rate of the enzyme compared to those of the reaction products allowed for separation to take place. Complete sedimentation, or pelleting of the enzyme permits the possible recovery and re-use. Insolubilisation of the enzyme allowed it to be sedimented through the substrate gradient using much lower applied centrifugal fields than that required to sediment free soluble enzyme and this allowed for less expensive centrifugation equipment to be used. Using free soluble and insolubilised β-galactosidase stirred-batch reactions were performed to investigate the kinetics of lactose monohydrate hydrolysis and galacto-oligosaccharide formation. Based on these results a preliminary mathematical model based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics was produced. It was found that the enzyme insolubilisation process using a chemical cross-linking agent did not affect the process of galacto-oligosaccharide formation. Centrifugation experiments were performed and it was found that by varying the applied centrifugal fields that the yield of galacto-oligosaccharides could be controlled. The higher the applied centrifugal fields the lower the yield of galacto-oligosaccharides. By increasing the applied centrifugal fields the 'contact time' between the sedimenting enzyme and the substrate was reduced, which produced lower yields. A novel technique involving pulsing the insolubilised enzyme through the substrate gradient was developed and this was found to produce higher yields of galacto-oligosaccharide compared to using a single enzyme loading equivalent to the total combined activity of the pulses. Comparison of the galacto-oligosaccharide yields between stirred-batch and centrifugation reactions showed that the applied centrifugal fields did not adversely affect the transgalactosyl activity of the insolubilised enzyme.


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The aim of this Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees project was the development of a high-speed method of photometrically testing vehicle headlamps, based on the use of image processing techniques, for Lucas Electrical Limited. Photometric testing involves measuring the illuminance produced by a lamp at certain points in its beam distribution. Headlamp performance is best represented by an iso-lux diagram, showing illuminance contours, produced from a two-dimensional array of data. Conventionally, the tens of thousands of measurements required are made using a single stationary photodetector and a two-dimensional mechanical scanning system which enables a lamp's horizontal and vertical orientation relative to the photodetector to be changed. Even using motorised scanning and computerised data-logging, the data acquisition time for a typical iso-lux test is about twenty minutes. A detailed study was made of the concept of using a video camera and a digital image processing system to scan and measure a lamp's beam without the need for the time-consuming mechanical movement. Although the concept was shown to be theoretically feasible, and a prototype system designed, it could not be implemented because of the technical limitations of commercially-available equipment. An alternative high-speed approach was developed, however, and a second prototype syqtem designed. The proposed arrangement again uses an image processing system, but in conjunction with a one-dimensional array of photodetectors and a one-dimensional mechanical scanning system in place of a video camera. This system can be implemented using commercially-available equipment and, although not entirely eliminating the need for mechanical movement, greatly reduces the amount required, resulting in a predicted data acquisiton time of about twenty seconds for a typical iso-lux test. As a consequence of the work undertaken, the company initiated an 80,000 programme to implement the system proposed by the author.


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Masking, adaptation, and summation paradigms have been used to investigate the characteristics of early spatio-temporal vision. Each has been taken to provide evidence for (i) oriented and (ii) nonoriented spatial-filtering mechanisms. However, subsequent findings suggest that the evidence for nonoriented mechanisms has been misinterpreted: those experiments might have revealed the characteristics of suppression (eg, gain control), not excitation, or merely the isotropic subunits of the oriented detecting mechanisms. To shed light on this, we used all three paradigms to focus on the ‘high-speed’ corner of spatio-temporal vision (low spatial frequency, high temporal frequency), where cross-oriented achromatic effects are greatest. We used flickering Gabor patches as targets and a 2IFC procedure for monocular, binocular, and dichoptic stimulus presentations. To account for our results, we devised a simple model involving an isotropic monocular filter-stage feeding orientation-tuned binocular filters. Both filter stages are adaptable, and their outputs are available to the decision stage following nonlinear contrast transduction. However, the monocular isotropic filters (i) adapt only to high-speed stimuli—consistent with a magnocellular subcortical substrate—and (ii) benefit decision making only for high-speed stimuli (ie, isotropic monocular outputs are available only for high-speed stimuli). According to this model, the visual processes revealed by masking, adaptation, and summation are related but not identical.