946 resultados para High-dose chemotherapy
In dieser Arbeit wird das Konzept eines aktiven Pulverinhalators entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zu einem passiven Pulverinhalator ist bei solch einem Gerät die Abgabe und Dispergierung der Arzneistoffformulierung nicht von einem Inhalationsmanöver abhängig, welches von Patient zu Patient variiert. Solch ein System würde folglich die Zuverlässigkeit und Effizienz der inhalativen Therapie verbessern. Mögliche Anwendungen für einen aktiven Pulverinhalator wären vor allem Indikationen, die die Abgabe hoher Dosen erfordern, wie z.B. in der Therapie mit Antibiotika.rnIn einem Designprozess, der alle aus Kundenwünschen ermittelten Konstruktionsanforderungen sammelt und verschiedene Lösungsansätze vergleicht, wird ein mit Treibgas betriebener atemzugsausgelöster, Mehrfach-Dosis Pulverinhalator als aussichtsreichstes Konzept ermittelt. Dieses Konzept wird in Form von eigens konstruierten Labor-Test-Rigs entwickelt und vor allem hinsichtlich Höhe der Dosierung, Dosiergenauigkeit, und Flussratenabhängigkeit evaluiert. In der Spitze können über 16 mg lungengängiger Dosis erreicht werden, bei im Vergleich zu dem eingesetzten passiven Inhalator mindestens nur halb so großer Streuung. Bei niedrigen Flussraten können immer noch bis zu 80 % der erzielten inhalierbaren Dosis von hohen Flussraten erreicht werden und damit die Ergebnisse des passiven Inhalators deutlich übertreffen.rnTeil der Aufgabe war es, dieses treibgasbetriebene Labor-Test-Rig so zu entwickeln, dass es implementierbar in einen atemzugsausgelösten Mehrfachdosis-Pulverinhalator ist. Dieser treibgasbetriebene, atemzugsausgelöste Mehrfachdosis-Pulverinhalator würde die Kundenwünsche und Konstruktionsanforderungen in sehr hohen Maße erfüllen, so dass hier die Möglichkeit besteht einen Inhalator mit sehr hohem Grad an Patienten-Compliance zu verwirklichen. Durch die Verwendung und Neukombination bereits etablierter Technologien und einen akzeptablen Stückkostenpreis besteht die Möglichkeit den Inhalator tatsächlich zu realisieren und zu vermarkten.
In fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FAIT), transplacental maternal antibodies cause destruction of fetal platelets. FAIT is similar to fetal Rhesus haemolytic disease, but half of the affected fetuses are born to primiparous women. In 10-20% of cases, prenatal and perinatal intracranial haemorrhages are reported. Different therapeutic approaches have been described, including maternally administered high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (high dose IVIG) without or with steroids or intrauterine transfusion (IUT) of compatible platelets. For the latter, the use of plasma-free maternal and donor platelets has been described, but a comparison of these two sources of platelets has not been reported.
This study was to evaluate the treatment dosimetry, efficacy and toxicity of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT) in the management of infratentorial ependymoma. Between 1999 and 2007, seven children (median age, 3.1 years) with infratentorial ependymoma were planned with either IMRT (3 patients) or SFRT (4 patients), the latter after conventional posterior fossa irradiation. Two children underwent gross total resection. Median prescribed dose was 59.4 Gy (range, 55.8-60). The median follow-up for surviving patients was 4.8 years (range, 1.3-8). IMRT (median dose, 59.4 Gy) and FSRT (median dose, 55.8 Gy) achieved similar optimal target coverage. Percentages of maximum doses delivered to the cochleae (59.5 vs 85.0% Gy; P = 0.05) were significantly inferior with IMRT, when compared to FSRT planning. Percentages of maximum doses administered to the pituitary gland (38.2 vs 20.1%; P = 0.05) and optic chiasm (38.1 vs 14.1%; P = 0.001) were, however, significantly higher with IMRT, when compared to FSRT planning. No recurrences were observed at the last follow-up. The estimated 3-year progression-free survival and overall survival were 87.5 and 100%, respectively. No grade >1 acute toxicity was observed. Two patients presented late adverse events (grade 2 hypoacousia) during follow-up, without cognitive impairment. IMRT or FSRT for infratentorial ependymomas is effective and associated with a tolerable toxicity level. Both treatment techniques were able to capitalize their intrinsic conformal ability to deliver high-dose radiation. Larger series of patients treated with these two modalities will be necessary to more fully evaluate these delivery techniques.
A 55-year-old woman was referred because of diffuse pruritic erythematous lesions and an ischemic process of the third finger of her right hand. She was known to have anaemia secondary to hypermenorrhea. She presented six months before admission with a cutaneous infiltration on the left cubital cavity after a paravenous leakage of intravenous iron substitution. She then reported a progressive pruritic erythematous swelling of her left arm and lower extremities and trunk. Skin biopsy of a lesion on the right leg revealed a fibrillar, small-vessel vasculitis containing many eosinophils.Two months later she reported Raynaud symptoms in both hands, with a persistent violaceous coloration of the skin and cold sensation of her third digit of the right hand. A round 1.5 cm well-delimited swelling on the medial site of the left elbow was noted. The third digit of her right hand was cold and of violet colour. Eosinophilia (19 % of total leucocytes) was present. Doppler-duplex arterial examination of the upper extremities showed an occlusion of the cubital artery down to the palmar arcade on the right arm. Selective angiography of the right subclavian and brachial arteries showed diffuse alteration of the blood flow in the cubital artery and hand, with fine collateral circulation in the carpal region. Neither secondary causes of hypereosinophilia nor a myeloproliferative process was found. Considering the skin biopsy results and having excluded other causes of eosinophilia, we assumed the diagnosis of an eosinophilic vasculitis. Treatment with tacrolimus and high dose steroids was started, the latter tapered within 12 months and then stopped, but a dramatic flare-up of the vasculitis with Raynaud phenomenon occurred. A new immunosuppressive approach with steroids and methotrexate was then introduced. This case of aggressive eosinophilic vasculitis is difficult to classify into the usual forms of vasculitis and constitutes a therapeutic challenge given the resistance to current immunosuppressive regimens.
In male rats, the dopamine agonist apomorphine (APO) generally facilitates copulatory behavior. However, disruptive effects of high APO doses have been reported. These have been interpreted in diverse ways, as products of a dopaminergic system that inhibits sexual behavior or as consequences of APO's stimulation of competing responses. To test the generality of these effects, we observed APO's impact on copulatory behavior in male hamsters. Several effects were observed, all attributable to a relatively high dose and involving the disruption of male behavior. More unexpectedly, APO treatment caused males to attack estrous stimulus females in the course of these tests. To clarify these effects, we observed the effects of APO on flank marking, a type of scent marking closely allied to aggression and dominance in hamsters. Treatment reliably decreased the latency of marking. It also increased the rate of marking when appropriate measures were taken to prevent this effect from being obscured by drug-induced cheek pouching. Together, these results confirm and extend APO's well-known ability to increase aggression. Further, they suggest that APO-induced aggression can intrude into other contexts so as to disrupt, or possibly facilitate, other forms of social behavior.
An 11-year-old girl presented with sudden sensory disturbance and left-sided muscle weakness. MRI revealed ischaemic change in the right lateral thalamus and the right internal capsule. During sonographic work-up of the cervical arteries, inflammation of the thyroid gland was noted. The results of the thyroid function tests and antibody titers confirmed Hashimoto thyroidits. Under high-dose corticosteroids, the girl had a full neurological recovery.
Diuretic treatment for heart failure may lead to an increased urinary thiamine excretion and in long-term thiamine deficiency, which may further compromise cardiac function. This study evaluated the effect of high dose thiamine supplementation in heart failure patients.
The proposition posed is that the value of amino acid conjugation to the organism is not, as in the traditional view, to use amino acids for the detoxication of aromatic acids. Rather, the converse is more likely, to use aromatic acids that originate from the diet and gut microbiota to assist in the regulation of body stores of amino acids, such as glycine, glutamate, and, in certain invertebrates, arginine, that are key neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS). As such, the amino acid conjugations are not so much detoxication reactions, rather they are homeostatic and neuroregulatory processes. Experimental data have been culled in support of this hypothesis from a broad range of scientific and clinical literature. Such data include the low detoxication value of amino acid conjugations and the Janus nature of certain amino acids that are both neurotransmitters and apparent conjugating agents. Amino acid scavenging mechanisms in blood deplete brain amino acids. Amino acids glutamate and glycine when trafficked from brain are metabolized to conjugates of aromatic acids in hepatic mitochondria and then irreversibly excreted into urine. This process is used clinically to deplete excess nitrogen in cases of urea cycle enzymopathies through excretion of glycine or glutamine as their aromatic acid conjugates. Untoward effects of high-dose phenylacetic acid surround CNS toxicity. There appears to be a relationship between extent of glycine scavenging by benzoic acid and psychomotor function. Glycine and glutamine scavenging by conjugation with aromatic acids may have important psychosomatic consequences that link diet to health, wellbeing, and disease.
Background: Prenatal glucocorticoid (GC) treatment of the female fetus with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) may prevent genital virilization and androgen effects on the brain, but prenatal GC therapy is controversial because of possible adverse effects on fetal programming, the cardiovascular system and the brain. Case Reports: We report 2 patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-OHD who were treated prenatally with dexamethasone, suffered from an acute encephalopathy and showed focal and multifocal cortical and subcortical diffusion restrictions in early MRI and signs of permanent alterations in the follow-up neuroimaging studies. Both patients recovered from the acute episode. Whereas the first patient recovered without neurological sequelae the second patient showed hemianopsia and spastic hemiplegia in the neurological follow-up examination. Conclusion: These are 2 children with CAH, both treated prenatally with high doses of dexamethasone to prevent virilization. The question arises whether prenatal high-dose GC treatment in patients with CAH might represent a risk factor for brain lesions in later life. Adverse effects/events should be reported systematically in patients undergoing prenatal GC treatment and long-term follow-up studies involving risk factors for cerebrovascular disease should be performed.
This systematic review and meta-analysis compared the efficacy of different anthracyclines and anthracycline dosing schedules for induction therapy in acute myeloid leukaemia in children and adults younger than 60 years of age. Twenty-nine randomized controlled trials were eligible for inclusion in the review. Idarubicin (IDA), in comparison to daunorubicin (DNR), reduced remission failure rates (risk ratio (RR) 0·81; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0·66-0·99; P = 0·04), but did not alter rates of early death or overall mortality. Superiority of IDA for remission induction was limited to studies with a DNR/IDA dose ratio <5 (ratio <5: RR 0·65; 95% CI, 0·51-0·81; P < 0·001; ratio ≥5: RR 1·03; 95% CI, 0·91-1·16; P = 0·63). Higher-dose DNR, compared to lower-dose DNR, was associated with reduced rates for remission failure (RR 0·75; 95% CI, 0·60-0·94; P = 0·003) and overall mortality (RR 0·83; 95% CI, 0·75-0·93; P < 0·001), but not for early death. Comparisons of several other anthracycline derivates did not reveal significant differences in outcomes. Survival estimates in adults suggest that both high-dose DNR (90 mg/m(2) daily × 3 or 50 mg/m(2) daily × 5) and IDA (12 mg/m(2) daily × 3) can achieve 5-year survival rates of between 40 and 50 percent.
Low cardiac output impairs the hepatic arterial buffer response (HABR). Whether this is due to low abdominal blood flow per se is not known. Dobutamine is commonly used to increase cardiac output, and it may further modify hepatosplanchnic and renal vasoregulation. We assessed the effects of isolated abdominal aortic blood flow changes and dobutamine on hepatosplanchnic and renal blood flow. Twenty-five anesthetized pigs with an abdominal aorto-aortic shunt were randomized to 2 control groups [zero (n = 6) and minimal (n = 6) shunt flow], and 2 groups with 50% reduction of abdominal blood flow and either subsequent increased abdominal blood flow by shunt reduction (n = 6) or dobutamine infusion at 5 and 10 microg kg(-1) min(-1) with constant shunt flow (n = 7). Regional (ultrasound) and local (laser Doppler) intra-abdominal blood flows were measured. The HABR was assessed during acute portal vein occlusion. Sustained low abdominal blood flow, by means of shunt activation, decreased liver, gut, and kidney blood flow similarly and reduced local microcirculatory blood flow in the jejunum. Shunt flow reduction partially restored regional blood flows but not jejunal microcirculatory blood flow. Low-but not high-dose dobutamine increased gut and celiac trunk flow whereas hepatic artery and renal blood flows remained unchanged. Neither intervention altered local blood flows. The HABR was not abolished during sustained low abdominal blood flow despite substantially reduced hepatic arterial blood flow and was not modified by dobutamine. Low-but not high-dose dobutamine redistributes blood flow toward the gut and celiac trunk. The jejunal microcirculatory flow, once impaired, is difficult to restore.
We characterized changes in the visual behavior of mice in which a loss of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was experimentally induced with intravenous (i.v.) administration of sodium iodate (NaIO3). We compared and correlated these changes with alterations in neural retinal structure and function. RPE loss was induced in 4-6 week old male C57BL/6 mice with an i.v. injection of 1% NaIO3 at three concentrations: 35, 50, or 70 mg/kg. At 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days (d) as well as 6 months post injection (PI) a behavioral test was performed in previously trained mice to evaluate visual function. Eye morphology was then assessed for changes in both the RPE and neural retina. NaIO3-induced RPE degeneration was both dose and PI time dependent. Our low dose showed no effects, while our high dose caused the most damage, as did longer PI times at our intermediate dose. Using the intermediate dose, no changes were detectable in either visual behavior or retinal morphology at 1 d PI. However, at 3 d PI visual behavior became abnormal and patchy RPE cell loss was observed. From 7 d PI onward, changes in retinal morphology and visual behavior became more severe. At 6 months PI, no recovery was seen in any of these measures in mice administered the intermediate dose. These results show that NaIO3 dosage and/or time PI can be varied to produce different, yet permanent deficits in retinal morphology and visual function. Thus, this approach should provide a unique system in which the onset and severity of RPE damage, and its consequences can be manipulated. As such, it should be useful in the assessment of rescue or mitigating effects of retinal or stem cell transplantation on visual function.
Multicentre evaluation of a new point-of-care test for the determination of NT-proBNP in whole blood
BACKGROUND: The Roche CARDIAC proBNP point-of-care (POC) test is the first test intended for the quantitative determination of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in whole blood as an aid in the diagnosis of suspected congestive heart failure, in the monitoring of patients with compensated left-ventricular dysfunction and in the risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndromes. METHODS: A multicentre evaluation was carried out to assess the analytical performance of the POC NT-proBNP test at seven different sites. RESULTS: The majority of all coefficients of variation (CVs) obtained for within-series imprecision using native blood samples was below 10% for both 52 samples measured ten times and for 674 samples measured in duplicate. Using quality control material, the majority of CV values for day-to-day imprecision were below 14% for the low control level and below 13% for the high control level. In method comparisons for four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test with the laboratory reference method (Elecsys proBNP), the slope ranged from 0.93 to 1.10 and the intercept ranged from 1.8 to 6.9. The bias found between venous and arterial blood with the POC NT-proBNP method was < or =5%. All four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test investigated showed excellent agreement, with mean differences of between -5% and +4%. No significant interference was observed with lipaemic blood (triglyceride concentrations up to 6.3 mmol/L), icteric blood (bilirubin concentrations up to 582 micromol/L), haemolytic blood (haemoglobin concentrations up to 62 mg/L), biotin (up to 10 mg/L), rheumatoid factor (up to 42 IU/mL), or with 50 out of 52 standard or cardiological drugs in therapeutic concentrations. With bisoprolol and BNP, somewhat higher bias in the low NT-proBNP concentration range (<175 ng/L) was found. Haematocrit values between 28% and 58% had no influence on the test result. Interference may be caused by human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) types 1 and 2. No significant influence on the results with POC NT-proBNP was found using volumes of 140-165 muL. High NT-proBNP concentrations above the measuring range of the POC NT-proBNP test did not lead to false low results due to a potential high-dose hook effect. CONCLUSIONS: The POC NT-proBNP test showed good analytical performance and excellent agreement with the laboratory method. The POC NT-proBNP assay is therefore suitable in the POC setting.
INTRODUCTION: Osteoporosis is not only responsible for an increased number of metaphyseal and spinal fractures but it also complicates their treatment. To prevent the initial loosening, we developed a new implant with an enlarged implant/bone interface based on the concept of perforated, hollow cylinders. We evaluated whether osseointegration of a hollow cylinder based implant takes place in normal or osteoporotic bone of sheep under functional loading conditions during anterior stabilization of the lumbar spine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Osseointegration of the cylinders and status of the fused segments (ventral corpectomy, replacement with iliac strut, and fixation with testing implant) were investigated in six osteoporotic (age 6.9 +/- 0.8 years, mean body weight 61.1 +/- 5.2 kg) and seven control sheep (age 6.1 +/- 0.2 years, mean body weight 64.9 +/- 5.7 kg). Osteoporosis was introduced using a combination protocol of ovariectomy, high-dose prednisone, calcium and phosphor reduced diet and movement restriction. Osseointegration was quantified using fluorescence and conventional histology; fusion status was determined using biomechanical testing of the stabilized segment in a six-degree-of-freedom loading device as well as with radiological and histological staging. RESULTS: Intact bone trabeculae were found in 70% of all perforations without differences between the two groups (P = 0.26). Inside the cylinders, bone volume/total volume was significantly higher than in the control vertebra (50 +/- 16 vs. 28 +/- 13%) of the same animal (P<0.01), but significantly less (P<0.01) than in the near surrounding (60 +/- 21%). After biomechanical testing as described in Sect. "Materials and methods", seven spines (three healthy and four osteoporotic) were classified as completely fused and six (four healthy and two osteoporotic) as not fused after a 4-month observation time. All endplates were bridged with intact trabeculae in the histological slices. CONCLUSIONS: The high number of perforations, filled with intact trabeculae, indicates an adequate fixation; bridging trabeculae between adjacent endplates and tricortical iliac struts in all vertebrae indicates that the anchorage is adequate to promote fusion in this animal model, even in the osteoporotic sheep.
BACKGROUND: Mortality and morbidity from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remain high. Intravenous magnesium started early after the onset of AMI is thought to be a promising adjuvant treatment. Conflicting results from earlier trials and meta-analyses warrant a systematic review of available evidence. OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of intravenous magnesium versus placebo on early mortality and morbidity. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2006), MEDLINE (January 1966 to June 2006) and EMBASE (January 1980 to June 2006), and the Chinese Biomedical Disk (CBM disk) (January 1978 to June 2006). Some core Chinese medical journals relevant to the cardiovascular field were hand searched from their starting date to the first-half year of 2006. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomized controlled trials that compared intravenous magnesium with placebo in the presence or absence of fibrinolytic therapy in addition to routine treatment were eligible if they reported mortality and morbidity within 35 days of AMI onset. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers independently assessed the trial quality and extracted data using a standard form. Odds ratio (OR) were used to pool the effect if appropriate. Where heterogeneity of effects was found, clinical and methodological sources of this were explored. MAIN RESULTS: For early mortality where there was evidence of heterogeneity, a fixed-effect meta-analysis showed no difference between magnesium and placebo groups (OR 0.99, 95%CI 0.94 to 1.04), while a random-effects meta-analysis showed a significant reduction comparing magnesium with placebo (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.82). Stratification by timing of treatment (< 6 hrs, 6+ hrs) reduced heterogeneity, and in both fixed-effect and random-effects models no significant effect of magnesium was found. In stratified analyses, early mortality was reduced for patients not treated with thrombolysis (OR=0.73, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.94 by random-effects model) and for those treated with less than 75 mmol of magnesium (OR=0.59, 95% CI 0.49 to 0.70) in the magnesium compared with placebo groups.Meta-analysis for the secondary outcomes where there was no evidence of heterogeneity showed reductions in the odds of ventricular fibrillation (OR=0.88, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.96), but increases in the odds of profound hypotension (OR=1.13, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.19) and bradycardia (OR=1.49, 95% CI 1.26 to 1.77) comparing magnesium with placebo. No difference was observed for heart block (OR=1.05, 95% CI 0.97-1.14). For those outcomes where there was evidence of heterogeneity, meta-analysis with both fixed-effect and random-effects models showed that magnesium could decrease ventricular tachycardia (OR=0.45, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.66 by fixed-effect model; OR=0.40, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.84 by random-effects model) and severe arrhythmia needing treatment or Lown 2-5 (OR=0.72, 95% CI 0.60 to 0.85 by fixed-effect model; OR=0.51, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.79 by random-effects model) compared with placebo. There was no difference on the effect of cardiogenic shock between the two groups. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Owing to the likelihood of publication bias and marked heterogeneity of treatment effects, it is essential that the findings are interpreted cautiously. From the evidence reviewed here, we consider that: (1) it is unlikely that magnesium is beneficial in reducing mortality both in patients treated early and in patients treated late, and in patients already receiving thrombolytic therapy; (2) it is unlikely that magnesium will reduce mortality when used at high dose (>=75 mmol); (3) magnesium treatment may reduce the incidence of ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, severe arrhythmia needing treatment or Lown 2-5, but it may increase the incidence of profound hypotension, bradycardia and flushing; and (4) the areas of uncertainty regarding the effect of magnesium on mortality remain the effect of low dose treatment (< 75 mmol) and in patients not treate...