776 resultados para High-Strength concrete
A full-scale, seven-story, reinforced concrete building frame was constructed in-place at the Building Research Establishment's Cardington Laboratory, which encompassed a range of different concrete mixtures and advanced construction techniques. This provided an opportunity to assess in-place nondestructive test methods, namely the pullout test, and more specifically the Danish version, which has been known as the Lok test, on a systematic basis during the construction of the building. It was used in conjunction with both standard and temperature-matched cube specimens to assess its practicality and accuracy under site conditions. Strength correlations were determined using linear and power function regression analysis. Strength predictions from these were found to be in very good agreement with the compressive strengths of temperature-matched cube specimens. When a general correlation is used, however, estimates for compressive strength are likely to have 95% confidence limits of around '20% of the mean value of four results.
Strength and drying shrinkage properties of concrete containing furnace bottom ash as fine aggregate
Slurries with high penetrability for production of Self-consolidating Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON) were investigated in this study. Factorial experimental design was adopted in this investigation to assess the combined effects of five independent variables on mini-slump test, plate cohesion meter, induced bleeding test, J-fiber penetration test and compressive strength at 7 and 28 days. The independent variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosages of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity agent (VA), and water-to-binder ratio (w/b). A two-level fractional factorial statistical method was used to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the behaviour of fresh cement slurry and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 10 to 50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02 to 0.06% VA by mass of cement, 0.6 to 1.2% SP and 50 to 150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42 to 0.48 w/b. The influences of LSP, SP, VA, sand and W/B were characterised and analysed using polynomial regression which identifies the primary factors and their interactions on the measured properties. Mathematical polynomials were developed for mini-slump, plate cohesion meter, J-fiber penetration test, induced bleeding and compressive strength as functions of LSP, SP, VA, sand and w/b. The estimated results of mini-slump, induced bleeding test and compressive strength from the derived models are compared with results obtained from previously proposed models that were developed for cement paste. The proposed response models of the self-consolidating SIFCON offer useful information regarding the mix optimization to secure a highly penetration of slurry with low compressive strength
Increased productivity and improved working environment have had high priority in the development of concrete construction over the last decade. Development of a material not needing vibration for compaction—i.e. selfcompacting concrete (SCC)—has successfully met the challenge and is now increasingly being used in routine practice. The key to the improvement of fresh concrete performance has been nanoscale tailoring of molecules for surface active admixtures, as well as improved understanding of particle packing and of the role of mineral surfaces in cementitious matrixes. Fundamental studies of rheological behaviour of cementitious particle suspensions were soon expanded to extensive innovation programmes incorporating applied research, site experiments, instrumented full scale applications supporting technology, standards and guides, information efforts as well as training programmes. The major impact of the introduction of SCC is connected to the production process. The choice and handling of constituents are modified as well as mix design, batching, mixing and transporting. The productivity is drastically improved through elimination of vibration compaction and process reorganisation. The working environment is significantly enhanced through avoidance of vibration induced damages, reduced noise and improved safety. Additionally, the technology is improving performance in terms of hardened material properties like surface quality, strength and durability.
Applications such as soil, rock and oil-well grouting all require enormous amounts of cement and are good examples of areas where a high volume of fly ash could partially replace cement to produce low-cost, environmentally safe and durable concrete. There is an increasing need to identify the rheological properties of cement grout using a simple test to determine the fluidity, and other properties of underwater grouts such as washout resistance and compressive strength. This paper presents statistical models developed using a fractorial design which was carried out to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the performance of underwater grout. Such responses of fluidity included mini-slump and flow time measured by Marsh cone, washout resistance, unit weight and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 0.40 to 0.60 water-to-cementitious materials ratio, 0.02 to 0.08% of anti-washout admixture, by mass of binder, and 0.6 to 1.8% of superplasticizer, by mass of cementitious materials. The grout was made with 50% of pulverized-fuel ash replacement, by mass ofcementitious materials. Also presented are the derived models that enable the identification of underlying primary factors and their interactions that influence the modelled responses of underwater cement grout. Such parameters can be useful to reduce the test protocol needed for proportioning of underwater cement grout. This paper highlighted the influence of W/CM and dosage of antiwashout admixture and superplasticizer on fluidity, washout resistance and compressive strength and attempted also to demonstrate the usefulness of the models to improve understanding of trade-offs between parameters.
Development and Optimisation of Medium Strength Self-Compacting Concrete by Using Pulverised Fly Ash
Durability of concrete is a great concern to all designers, owners and users of reinforced concrete structures. As a result, more restrictive regulations are being introduced in various Codes of Practice dealing with the design of these structures. Attempts are being made by various researchers to develop performance based specification. For this to be successful standard non destructive tests are required which will be used to assess the durability of concretes. In parallel with this approach, a research team in Queen’s University Belfast, U. K., investigated the effect of different mix parameters on workability, strength and various permeation properties. Furthermore, durability parameters such as freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance and carbonation depth were also investigated. The research was part funded by the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). This paper reports of the findings from this study. The results from this investigation showed that some of the non destructive tests used were reasonably well correlated with carbonation and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance of CEM I concrete. If the mix parameters such as aggregate-cement ratio or water-cement ratio are known, better correlation can be obtained. Further investigation is required varying other mix parameters including various aggregates, admixtures and air entrainments before the result can be used for developing mix design methods for durable concretes. Also long term site tests are required to validate the results obtained from the accelerated laboratory tests used to study the carbonation resistance and freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance.
In the last 50 years, many bridges have been built as composite structures with decks of reinforced concrete that are supported by longitudinal steel beams. The presence of the longitudinal steel beams and the unloaded area of concrete slab cause the loaded deck slabs to be restrained against lateral expansion. As a result, a compressive membrane thrust is developed. In experimental tests, the authors built a series of one-third scale steel-concrete composite bridge models with several varying structural parameters, including concrete compressive strength, reinforcement percentage, and the size of steel supporting beams. After comparing the results of different models, the influence of these structural parameters on the amount of compressive membrane action in the deck slab was evaluated. Furthermore, the improvement of an existing theoretical model provided accurate predictions for the loading-carrying capacities.