1000 resultados para Harrison M. Randall Laboratory (University of Michigan)
front row left to right: Walter Sawyer, Harry B. Hutchins, Junius C. Beal; behind Beal: C. E. Johnson, ? , Howard Merrick
Back Row: F.F. Wormwood, R.G. DePuy, C.H. Johnston, W.S. Horton
2nd Row: W.B. Calvert, capt. John Chase, F.G. Allen, R.W. Brown,
Front Row: E.P. Hathaway, Charles Thomson, E.H. Barmore, R.M. Dott
Back Row: Paul Woodworth, Frederick W. Henninger, Charles T. Griffin, mngr. W.E. Griffin, James Bird, Hiram Powers(?), William Pearson
2nd Row: Ralph Hayes, ?, Lawrence Grosh, capt. George Dygert, ?, Virgil Tupper(?)
Front Row: ?, Heman B. Leonard, ?, Raynor Freund, George Jewett, ?, W.W. Griffin,
(Unidentified or not pictured: Frank Decke, C.L. Thomas(?) F.F Harding, E.L. Sanderson)
Back Row: C.T. Griffin, trainer Edward Moulton(?), Henry M. Senter, James Hooper, James L. Morrison, John W. Hollister
3rd Row: Willard W. Griffin, coach Frank Barbour, manager Charles Baird, Frederic Henninger
2nd Row: Heman B. Leonard, Ralph Hayes, C.H. Smith, Capt. George Dygert, Gustave. Ferbert, Giovanni J. Villa
Front Row: Roger Sherman, James Baird, George Greenleaf, Horace Dyer
(Unidentified or not pictured: W.I. Aldrich, L.P. Paul, A.C. Bartels)
Back Row: Reynalds, mngr Charles Baird, trainer Keene Fitzpatrick, coach William McCauley, Price
2nd Row: Frederick W. Henninger, C.H. Smith, capt. James Baird, Giovanni Villa, Bert M. Carr, Jesse G. Yont
Front Row: J. Deforest Richards, Henry M. Senter, John Bloomingston, Harry G. Hadden, Ralph W. Hayes
(Unidentified or not pictured: Daniel Ninde, Warren Rundell, Gustave Ferbert, Horace Dyer, H. B. Leonard, Clare(?) LeRoy
Back Row: Bert Carr, John Hollister, Edwin Denby, manager Charles Baird, Forrest Hall, trainer Keene Fitzpatrick
2nd Row: Thad Farnham, William Morley, Frederick Henninger, William Holmes, Henry Senter
Front Row: J.D. Richards, Giovanni Villa, George Greenleaf
Back Row: Frederic C. Hannan, Norwood B. Ayers
3rd Row: mngr. Ward Hughes, C.F. Lockwood, Hazen S. Pingree, Clayton C. Teetzel
2nd Row: William P. Baker, John W.F. Bennett, James Hogg, John E. Egan, Leo Keena
Front Row: Clifford A. Barabee, Allen Steckle, Howard Felver
[not pictured: William R. Cunningham, Neil B. Snow, William H. Caley, Herbert E. Lehr, Charles F. Juttner, J. DeForest Richards, C.D. Stewart]
Back Row: student manager H.B. Potter, William P. Baker, John F. McLean, Neil B. Snow, W. A. Avery, William R. Cunningham, coach Gustave Ferbert
2nd Row: Charles E. Street, Clifford A. Barabee, William H. Caley, John W.F. Bennett, captain Allen Steckle, Charles H. Widman, William W. Talcott
Front Row: Charles G. McDonald, Alanson Weeks, Hugh White, Richard R. France
Back Row: manager Thomas Roberts, Cecil Gooding, Dan McGugin, Charles Baird, John Curtis, Keene Fitzpatrick
2nd Row: Tom Hammond, Herb Graver, Joseph Maddock, captain Curtis Redden, Coach Fielding Yost, George Gregory, Henry Schulte
Front Row: Fred Norcross, Frank Longman, Hugh James, Willie Heston
Back Row: manager A.H. Montgomery, Walter Graham, Charles Carter, Keene Fitzpatrick, Adolph "Germany" Schultz, Fielding Yost, Henry Schulte, John Curtis
2nd Row: ass't coach W.C. Cole, Tom Hammond, Frank Longman, Captain Willie Heston, graduate director Charles Baird
2nd Row: Harry Hammond, William Clark
Front Row: Ted Stuart, Fred Norcross, Harold J. Weeks
Back Row: Manager Becker, Walter Rheinschild, Walter Graham, Adolph "Germany" Schultz, Coach Fielding Yost, Henry Schulte, John Curtis, Harry Patrick
2nd Row: Keene Fitzpatrick, Harry Hammond, Tom Hammond, Frank Longman, Captain Fred Norcross, Ted Stuart, John Garrels, Director Charles Baird
Front Row: William Clark, Alfred Barlow, Paul Magoffin
Back Row: Harry Workman, Fred Newton, Walter Eyke, Samuel Davison, Mason Rumney, Carl Clement
2nd Row: manager Hull, Walter Graham, Paul Magoffin, Captain John Curtis, John Garrels, Harry Hammond, Keene Fitzpatrick
Front Row: Harry Patrick, John Loell, Harry Bishop
Back Row: Keene Fitzpatrick, Walter Rheinschild, Adolph "Germany" Schultz, Coach Fielding Yost, William Embs, James Watkins, Director Charles Baird
2nd Row: Manager Thornburg, William Casey, John Loell, Captain Paul Magoffin, Harry Hammond, Walter Graham</p>
Front Row: David Allerdice, William Wasmund, Mason Rumney
Back Row: Manager Clancy, Tom Riley, Albert Benbrook, Samuel Davison, David Allerdice, Keene Fitzpatrick
2nd Row: William Embs, Maurice Crumpacker, Captain Adolph "Germany" Schultz, William Casey, Prentiss Douglas
Front Row: Frank Linthicum, William Wasmund, Leroy Ranney