773 resultados para Gender and caring
The objectives of this study were to characterize raltegravir (RAL) population pharmacokinetics in HIV-positive (HIV(+)) and healthy individuals, identify influential factors, and search for new candidate genes involved in UDP glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated glucuronidation. The pharmacokinetic analysis was performed with NONMEM. Genetic association analysis was performed with PLINK using the relative bioavailability as the phenotype. Simulations were performed to compare once- and twice-daily regimens. A 2-compartment model with first-order absorption adequately described the data. Atazanavir, gender, and bilirubin levels influenced RAL relative bioavailability, which was 30% lower in HIV(+) than in healthy individuals. UGT1A9*3 was the only genetic variant possibly influencing RAL pharmacokinetics. The majority of RAL pharmacokinetic variability remains unexplained by genetic and nongenetic factors. Owing to the very large variability, trough drug levels might be very low under the standard dosing regimen, raising the question of a potential relevance of therapeutic drug monitoring of RAL in some situations.
Intersectionality has been adopted as the preferred term to refer to and to analyze multiple axes of oppression in feminist theory. However, less research examines if this term, and the political analyses it carries, has been adopted by women's rights organizations in various contexts and to what effect. Drawing on interviews with activists working in a variety of women's rights organizations in France and Canada, I show that intersectionality is only one of the repertoires that a women's rights organization might use to analyze the social experience and the political interests of women situated at the intersection of several axes of domination. I propose a typology of four repertoires that activists use to reflect on intersectionality and inclusiveness. Drawing on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the interview data, I show that hegemonic repertoires about racial or religious identity in one national context shape the way activists and organizations understand intersectionality and its challenges. The identity of organizations, as well as their main function (advocacy or providing service), also shape their understanding of intersectional issues.
OBJECTIVETo determine if there is a relationship between adherence to nutritional recommendations and sociodemographic variables in Brazilian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.METHODSCross-sectional observational study using a stratified random sample of 423 individuals. The Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used, and the Fisher's exact test was applied with 95% confidence interval (p<0.05).RESULTSOf the 423 subjects, 66.7% were women, mean age of 62.4 years (SD = 11.8), 4.3 years of schooling on average (SD = 3.6) and family income of less than two minimum wages. There was association between the female gender and adherence to diet with adequate cholesterol content (OR: 2.03; CI: 1.23; 3.34), between four and more years of education and adherence to fractionation of meals (OR: 1 92 CI: 1.19; 3.10), and income of less than two minimum wages and adherence to diet with adequate cholesterol content (OR: 1.74; CI: 1.03, 2.95).CONCLUSIONAdherence to nutritional recommendations was associated with the female gender, more than four years of education and family income of less than two minimum wages.
In this paper we study the disability transition probabilities (as well as the mortalityprobabilities) due to concurrent factors to age such as income, gender and education. Althoughit is well known that ageing and socioeconomic status influence the probability ofcausing functional disorders, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the combined effectof those factors along the individuals' life and how this affects the transition from one degreeof disability to another. The assumption that tomorrow's disability state is only a functionof the today's state is very strong, since disability is a complex variable that depends onseveral other elements than time. This paper contributes into the field in two ways: (1) byattending the distinction between the initial disability level and the process that leads tohis course (2) by addressing whether and how education, age and income differentially affectthe disability transitions. Using a Markov chain discrete model and a survival analysis, weestimate the probability by year and individual characteristics that changes the state of disabilityand the duration that it takes its progression in each case. We find that people withan initial state of disability have a higher propensity to change and take less time to transitfrom different stages. Men do that more frequently than women. Education and incomehave negative effects on transition. Moreover, we consider the disability benefits associatedto those changes along different stages of disability and therefore we offer some clues onthe potential savings of preventive actions that may delay or avoid those transitions. Onpure cost considerations, preventive programs for improvement show higher benefits thanthose for preventing deterioration, and in general terms, those focussing individuals below65 should go first. Finally the trend of disability in Spain seems not to change among yearsand regional differences are not found.
Objective: Fetuses are exposed to high concentrations of estradiol due to placental production. Experimental data suggest that estradiol is an important modulator of the immune response. However, the role of estradiol in the pathogenesis of early-onset neonatal sepsis (EOS) is unknown. The purpose of this pilot study was to determine estradiol levels in umbilical venous blood of newborns with EOS or chorioamnionitis exposure. Methods: Estradiol concentrations were measured by enzyme immunoassay in 37 newborns with EOS, 37 newborns with chorioamnionitis and 37 controls matched for gestational age and gender. Results: Estradiol levels correlated with gestational age, birth weight, gender and mode of delivery (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed higher estradiol levels in the EOS than in the chorioamnionitis group (odds ratio 8.43, 95% CI 1.63-43.45, p = 0.01) with the highest levels in patients with proven bacteraemia (p = 0.02). No difference was found between the EOS and the control group. Exploratory analysis showed an association between lower estradiol levels and a longer duration of mechanical ventilation (n = 28, p = 0.02). Conclusions: Umbilical venous estradiol levels were similar in EOS compared to controls. Further investigation is needed to evaluate whether high estradiol levels in infants with chorioamnionitis increases the risk of developing EOS.
We study how gender differences in performance under competition areaffected by the provision of information regarding rival s gender and/ordifferences in relative ability. In a laboratory experiment, we use two tasks thatdiffer regarding perceptions about which gender outperforms the other. Weobserve women s underperformance only under two conditions: 1) tasks areperceived as favoring men and 2) rivals gender is explicitly mentioned. Thisresult can be explained by stereotype-threat being reinforced when explicitlymentioning gender in tasks in which women already consider they are inferior.Omitting information about gender is a safe alternative to avoid women sunderperformance in competition.
Background: Evidence for a better performance of different highly atherogenic versus traditional lipid parameters for coronary heart disease (CHD) risk prediction is conflicting. We investigated the association of the ratios of sma11 dense low density lipoprotein(LDL)/apoplipoprotein A, aolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I and total cholesterol! HDL-cholesterol and CHD events in patients on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART).Methods: Case control study nested into the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: for each cART-treated patient with a first coronary event between April 1, 2000 and July 31, 2008 (case) we selected four control patients (1) that were without coronary events until the date of the event of the index case, (2) had a plasma sample within ±30 days of the sample date of the respective case, (3) received cART and (4) were then matched for age, gender and smoking status. Lipoproteins were measured by ultracentrifugation. Conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate the independent effects of different lipid ratios and the occurrence of coronary events.Results: In total, 98 cases (19 fatal myocardial infarctions [MI] and 79 non-fatal coronary events [53 definite MIs, 15 possible MIs and 11 coronary angioplasties or bypassesJ) were matched with 392 controls. Cases were more often injecting drug users, less likely to be virologically suppressed and more often on abacavir-containing regimens. In separa te multivariable models of total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, abdominal obesity, diabetes and family history of CHD, small dense-LDL and apolipoprotein B were each statistically significantly associated with CHD events (for 1 mg/dl increase: odds ratio [OR] 1.05, 95% CI 1.00-1.11 and 1.15, 95% CI 1.01-1.31, respectively), but the ratiosof small dense-LDLlapolipoprotein A-I (OR 1.26, 95% CI 0.95-1.67), apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I (OR 1.02, 95% CI 0.97-1.07) and HDL-cholesterol! total cholesterol (OR 0.99 95% CI 0.98-1.00) were not. Following adjustment for HIV related and cART variables these associations were weakened in each model: apolipoprotein B (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.00-1.30), sd-LDL (OR 1.04, 95% CI 0.99-1.20), small dense-LDLlapolipoprotein A-I (OR 1.17, 95% CI 0.87-1.58), apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I (OR 1.02, 95% CI 0.97-1.07) and total cholesterolJHDL- cholesterol (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.99-1.00).Conclusions: In patients receiving cART, small dense-LDL and apolipoprotein B showed the strongest associations with CHD events in models controlling for traditional CHD risk factors including total cholesterol and triglycerides. Adding small dense LDLlapoplipoprotein A-l, apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I and total cholesterol! HDL-cholesterol ratios did not further improve models of lipid parameters and associations of increased risk for CHD events.
Aims: To provide 12-month prevalence and disability burden estimates of a broad range of mental and neurological disorders in the European Union (EU) and to compare these findings to previous estimates. Referring to our previous 2005 review, improved up-to-date data for the enlarged EU on a broader range of disorders than previously covered are needed for basic, clinical and public health research and policy decisions and to inform about the estimated number of persons affected in the EU. Method: Stepwise multi-method approach, consisting of systematic literature reviews, reanalyses of existing data sets, national surveys and expert consultations. Studies and data from all member states of the European Union (EU-27) plus Switzerland, Iceland and Norway were included. Supplementary information about neurological disorders is provided, although methodological constraints prohibited the derivation of overall prevalence estimates for mental and neurological disorders. Disease burden was measured by disability adjusted life years (DALY). Results: Prevalence: It is estimated that each year 38.2% of the EU population suffers from a mental disorder. Adjusted for age and comorbidity, this corresponds to 164.8 million persons affected. Compared to 2005 (27.4%) this higher estimate is entirely due to the inclusion of 14 new disorders also covering childhood/adolescence as well as the elderly. The estimated higher number of persons affected (2011: 165 m vs. 2005: 82 m) is due to coverage of childhood and old age populations, new disorders and of new EU membership states. The most frequent disorders are anxiety disorders (14.0%), insomnia (7.0%), major depression (6.9%), somatoform (6.3%), alcohol and drug dependence (>4%), ADHD (5%) in the young, and dementia (1-30%, depending on age). Except for substance use disorders and mental retardation, there were no substantial cultural or country variations. Although many sources, including national health insurance programs, reveal increases in sick leave, early retirement and treatment rates due to mental disorders, rates in the community have not increased with a few exceptions (i.e. dementia). There were also no consistent indications of improvements with regard to low treatment rates, delayed treatment provision and grossly inadequate treatment. Disability: Disorders of the brain and mental disorders in particular, contribute 26.6% of the total all cause burden, thus a greater proportion as compared to other regions of the world. The rank order of the most disabling diseases differs markedly by gender and age group; overall, the four most disabling single conditions were: depression, dementias, alcohol use disorders and stroke. Conclusion: In every year over a third of the total EU population suffers from mental disorders. The true size of "disorders of the brain" including neurological disorders is even considerably larger. Disorders of the brain are the largest contributor to the all cause morbidity burden as measured by DALY in the EU. No indications for increasing overall rates of mental disorders were found nor of improved care and treatment since 2005; less than one third of all cases receive any treatment, suggesting a considerable level of unmet needs. We conclude that the true size and burden of disorders of the brain in the EU was significantly underestimated in the past.Concerted priority action is needed at all levels, including substantially increased funding for basic, clinical and public health research in order to identify better strategies for improved prevention and treatment for isorders of the brain as the core health challenge of the 21st century. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
BACKGROUND: Little is known about smoking, unhealthy use of alcohol, and risk behaviours for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in immigrants from developed and developing countries. METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study of 400 patients who consulted an academic emergency care centre at a Swiss university hospital. The odds ratios for having one or more risk behaviours were adjusted for age, gender, and education level. RESULTS: Immigrants from developing countries were less likely to use alcohol in an unhealthy manner (OR = 0.35, 95% CI 0.22-0.57) or practise risk behaviours for STDs (OR = 0.31, 95% CI 0.13-0.74). They were also less likely to have any of the three studied risk behaviours (OR = 2.5, 95% CI 1.5-4.3). DISCUSSION: In addition to the usual determinants, health behaviours are also associated with origin; distinguishing between immigrants from developing and developed countries is useful in clinical settings. Surprisingly, patients from developing countries tend to possess several protective characteristics.
Background/Introduction: There is little information regarding intergenerational trends in obesity levels in Switzerland. We aimed at assessing generational differences in obesity levels. Methods: Data from MONICA (1984-1986) and CoLaus-(2003-2006) surveys. Analyses were stratified by gender and age groups (35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-74 years). Results: No changes were found for body mass index (BMI) between surveys (26.2±3.4 vs. 26.6±4.0 kg/m2 in men and 24.8±4.3 vs. 25.1±4.8 kg/m2 in women, for MONICA and CoLaus, respectively). ln men, the prevalence of overweight decreased from 48.6% to 46.0% and the prevalence of obesity increased slightly from 12.4% to 16.7% (p=NS). ln women, the prevalence of overweight decreased from 29.4% to 28.4% and the prevalence of obesity increased slightly from 12.9% to 14.5% (p=NS). After multivariate adjustment on age, education and smoking levels, the odds ratio (OR) and (95% confidence interval) of being obese in 2003-6 relative to 1984-6 was 1.36 (1.01-1.83) in men and 1.44 (1.07-1.93) in women, while no significant trend was found for overweight. After stratifying for age, no increase in BMI levels was found for bath genders. Obesity levels increased in participants aged 35-44 years (from 6.2% to 11.5% in men and from 4.9% to 10.0% in women, p<0.001) and 45-54 years (from 6.2% to 14.5% in men and 4.9% to 14.5% in women, p<0.001 ). After multivariate adjustment on age, education and smoking levels, the increase in obesity levels was signifiant in women aged 35-44, OR=2.10 (1.02-4.30), while a similar, albeit nonsignificant trend was obser11ed in men: 1.85 (0.97-3.51 ). Conclusion: BMI levels appear to have levelled off in Switzerland, but the prevalence of obesity is still on the rise. The increase in obesity levels among the youngest generations is of particular concern.
The aim of this research is to to investigate how a supportive relationship between teachers and students in the classroom can improve the learning process. By having a good relationship with students, teachers can offer to students chances to be motivated and feel engaged in the learning process. Students will be engaged actively in the learning instead of being passive learners. I wish to investigate how using communicative approach and cooperative learning strategies while teaching do affect and improve students’ learning performance. To achieve these goals qualitative data collection was used as the primary method. The results show that teachers and students value a supportive and caring relationship between them and that interaction is essential to the teacher-student relationship. This sense of caring and supporting from teachers motivates students to become a more interested learner. Students benefit and are motivated when their teachers create a safe and trustful environment. And also the methods and strategies teachers uses, makes students feel engaged and stimulated to participate in the learning process. The students have in their mind that a positive relationship with their teachers positively impacts their interest and motivation in school which contributes to the enhancement of the learning process.
Human papillomavirus type 6 (HPV6) is the major etiological agent of anogenital warts and laryngeal papillomas and has been included in both the quadrivalent and nonavalent prophylactic HPV vaccines. This study investigated the global genomic diversity of HPV6, using 724 isolates and 190 complete genomes from six continents, and the association of HPV6 genomic variants with geographical location, anatomical site of infection/disease, and gender. Initially, a 2,800-bp E5a-E5b-L1-LCR fragment was sequenced from 492/530 (92.8%) HPV6-positive samples collected for this study. Among them, 130 exhibited at least one single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), indel, or amino acid change in the E5a-E5b-L1-LCR fragment and were sequenced in full. A global alignment and maximum likelihood tree of 190 complete HPV6 genomes (130 fully sequenced in this study and 60 obtained from sequence repositories) revealed two variant lineages, A and B, and five B sublineages: B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5. HPV6 (sub)lineage-specific SNPs and a 960-bp representative region for whole-genome-based phylogenetic clustering within the L2 open reading frame were identified. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that lineage B predominated globally. Sublineage B3 was more common in Africa and North and South America, and lineage A was more common in Asia. Sublineages B1 and B3 were associated with anogenital infections, indicating a potential lesion-specific predilection of some HPV6 sublineages. Females had higher odds for infection with sublineage B3 than males. In conclusion, a global HPV6 phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two variant lineages and five sublineages, showing some degree of ethnogeographic, gender, and/or disease predilection in their distribution. IMPORTANCE: This study established the largest database of globally circulating HPV6 genomic variants and contributed a total of 130 new, complete HPV6 genome sequences to available sequence repositories. Two HPV6 variant lineages and five sublineages were identified and showed some degree of association with geographical location, anatomical site of infection/disease, and/or gender. We additionally identified several HPV6 lineage- and sublineage-specific SNPs to facilitate the identification of HPV6 variants and determined a representative region within the L2 gene that is suitable for HPV6 whole-genome-based phylogenetic analysis. This study complements and significantly expands the current knowledge of HPV6 genetic diversity and forms a comprehensive basis for future epidemiological, evolutionary, functional, pathogenicity, vaccination, and molecular assay development studies.
The effective dose delivered to the patient was determined, by modeling, for 257 types of examinations covering the different modalities of diagnostic and interventional radiology. The basic operational dosimetric quantities considered were obtained from the parameters of the examinations on the basis of dosimetric models. These models required a precise characterization of each examination. The operational dosimetric quantities were converted into doses to organs and effective doses using appropriate conversion factors. The determination of the collective effective dose to the Swiss population requires a number of corrections to account for the variability of several parameters: sensitivity of the detection system, age, gender, and build of the patient. The use of various dosimetric models is illustrated in this paper for a limited number of examination types covering the different radiological modalities, for which the established typical effective doses are given. With regard to individual doses, the study indicated that the average effective doses per type of examination can be classified into three levels: (a) the weakly irradiating examinations (less than 0.1 mSv), which represent 78% of the examinations and 4% of the collective dose, (b) the moderately irradiating examinations (between 0.1 mSv and 10 mSv), which represent 21% of the examinations and 72% of the collective dose, (c) the strongly irradiating examinations (more than 10 mSv), which represent 1% of the examinations and 24% of the collective dose.
Cavernomas after radiotherapy, developing in irradiated children treated for malignant brain tumors, are capillary malformations that are frquently asymptomatic and benign in their evolution. However, in some children this can lead to haemorrhage, which can cause symptoms and need a surgical intervention. Although there is increasing evidence of cavernoma as a possible long term sequelae after radiotherapy, there is still information needed concerning very long follow-up. Different groups studied this problem focusing on incidence and the lag time radiotherapy and the appearance of cavernomas. Results showed that the period can last a long time and the cumulative incidence increases over the years, but the numbers vary between the different publications. More recently researchers tried to compare several predictive factors with the incidence of cavernomas, such as age at radiotherapy, gender, kind of cancer and chemotherapy. No relation has been recorded except a growing incidence when the radiotherapy was started before the age of ten. Reason of the study : The observations reported until now comprised a very heterogenous cohort of patients. No study has ever been made with patients affected only by malignant brain tumors which are typical in a children. As for the studied predictive factors, no publication described the technical aspect of radiotherapy. Objectives: To study a population of pediatric patients children with only malignant brain tumors in order tp calculate the incidence of cavernomas after radiotherapy and their evolution over a longer period compared to so far published researches. To analyse known predictive factors such as age of children at the moment of the radiotherapy, gender, and kind of cancer. To study extensively the role technical aspects of radiotherapy in the occurrence of cavernomas. Methodology: Retrospective study of a group of 62 children irradiated at the CHUV (Lausanne, Switzerland) between 1975 and 2010 due to the following malignant brain cancers: medulloblastoma, ependymoma, PNET. The images of IRM post radiotherapy will be analysed by a neuroradiologist and a radiotherapist will interpret the radiotherapy data. Expected results: We expect to find relations between the incidence of cavernomas post radiotherapy and the predictive factors including different techniques of radiotherapy and consequently to define the best long-term follow up of the children at risk.
OBJECTIVES: HIV infection and exposure to certain antiretroviral drugs is associated with dyslipidemia and increased risk for coronary events. Whether this risk is mediated by highly atherogenic lipoproteins is unclear. We investigated the association of highly atherogenic small dense low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) and apolipoprotein B and coronary events in HIV-infected individuals receiving antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study nested into the Swiss HIV Cohort Study to investigate the association of small dense LDL and apolipoprotein B and coronary events in 98 antiretroviral drug-treated patients with a first coronary event (19 fatal and 79 nonfatal coronary events with 53 definite and 15 possible myocardial infarctions, 11 angioplasties or bypasses) and 393 treated controls matched for age, gender, and smoking status. Lipids were measured by ultracentrifugation. RESULTS: In models including cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, central obesity, diabetes, and family history, there was an independent association between small dense LDL and coronary events [odds ratio (OR) for 1 mg/dL increase: 1.06, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.00 to 1.11] and apolipoprotein B (OR for 10 mg/dL increase: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.02 to 1.32). When adding HIV and antiretroviral therapy-related variables, ORs were 1.04 (95% CI: 0.99 to 1.10) for small dense LDL and 1.13 (95% CI: 0.99 to 1.30) for apolipoprotein B. In both models, blood pressure and HIV viral load was independently associated with the odds for coronary events. CONCLUSIONS: HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy with elevate small dense LDL and apolipoprotein B are at increased risk for coronary events as are patients without sustained HIV suppression.