950 resultados para Gema de ovo - Cor


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利用动态气室法(Li-Cor 8100),于2005-2007年生长季对我国北方温带典型草原生态系统的土壤呼吸作用及其影响因子进行了野外动态观测。研究结果表明,温带典型草原生态系统的土壤呼吸及其影响因子存在明显的季节变化和年际变化。土壤呼吸的季节变化主要受土壤温度和土壤水分控制,峰值出现在温度高、水分适中的6、7和8月。在生长季初期和末期,土壤温度和土壤水分较低,土壤呼吸接近于零。土壤呼吸年际变化受到降水分配的影响,植物生长旺季降水充足土壤呼吸较高,2007年的夏季干旱抑制了土壤呼吸。 土壤呼吸与土壤温度呈指数相关,与土壤水分呈二项式关系。与未去除植物的样方相比,去除植物后土壤温度降低,其中2005年达到显著水平(P < 0.01);土壤水分在三年中都显著提高(P < 0.001)。利用土壤呼吸与温度、水分建立的模拟方程表明,异养呼吸约占土壤呼吸的49.19%,根际呼吸占50.81%,两者对土壤呼吸的贡献大致相当,但呈现明显的季节变化,根际呼吸在植物生长旺季的贡献大于异养呼吸。同时,根际呼吸的比例受到降水分布的影响,在干旱时期,根际呼吸的比例远大于异养呼吸,说明在这个干旱半干旱的生态系统中植物更能忍受水分胁迫。 根据土壤呼吸与温度、水分三者的模拟方程分析表明,2005-2007三年的土壤呼吸和异养呼吸均值分别为1.65和1.07 µmol m-2 s-1,分别比实测值1.79和1.30 µmol m-2 s-1减少了8.6和18.04%;如果测定频次改为每周一次,土壤呼吸和异养呼吸则分别减少了10.51和13.76%。由此说明,降水对土壤呼吸产生的脉冲效应在一个完整的生长季中也存在,异养呼吸下降的比例更高,说明异养呼吸对降水脉冲效应的响应较大。因此,研究土壤呼吸时不能忽略降水的脉冲效应,同时应当考虑不同组分对脉冲效应的差异。 综合三年的研究数据表明,在不同水分条件下土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10) 不一致。在四个土壤水分(<5%,5-10%,10-15%和>15%)范围内,土壤呼吸的Q10值分别为1.58,1.80,2.10和2.06;在土壤水分为5-10%,10-15%和>15%的范围内,异养呼吸的Q10值分别为1.58,1.70和1.66。由此表明,土壤呼吸的温度敏感性在10-15%水分范围内最高。在不同水分条件下,异养呼吸的Q10值都低于包含了根际呼吸的土壤呼吸的Q10值,表明根际呼吸的Q10值高于异养呼吸,根际呼吸对土壤温度的变化更为敏感。从年际变化来看,2005年异养呼吸和土壤呼吸的Q10值并没有显著差异(均为2.05);异养呼吸的Q10值在2006和2007年显著低于土壤呼吸的Q10值(分别为2006年:2.09和1.81;2007年:1.44和1.36);受到夏季干旱的影响,2007年的土壤呼吸和异养呼吸的Q10值与2005和2006年相比显著降低。


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由温室气体的大量排放引起的全球环境变化不仅导致了温度的升高和降水格局的变化,亦引起了干旱等极端气候事件的频繁发生。研究羊草光合参数对水分胁迫及复水的响应,可以增进全球变化对植物光合作用和陆地生态系统影响的理解,揭示羊草光合参数对水分胁迫及复水的响应机理,为发展植物光合参数对水热变化的响应模型提供参数与依据。基于温室模拟试验和野外观测实验,采用Li-6400R便携式光合作用系统(Li-cor, Lincoln, NE, USA)测定了羊草(Leymus chinensis)叶片A/Ci曲线(净光合速率A和胞间CO2浓度Ci的关系曲线),获取了羊草叶片的光合参数Vcmax(Rubisco的最大羧化速率)、Jmax(最大光合电子传递速率)和TPU(磷酸丙糖利用率),分析研究了羊草叶片光合参数Vcmax(Rubisco的最大羧化速率)、Jmax(最大光合电子传递速率)和TPU(磷酸丙糖利用率)对干旱与复水的响应机理。结果表明,无论是模拟实验还是野外观测均显示羊草叶片的光合参数随着土壤水分的增加呈抛物线曲线变化,但各光合参数最大值对土壤水分的响应不同。温室模拟下的羊草光合参数Vcmax,Jmax和TPU在土壤含水量分别在15.56%,15.89%和16.23%时达到最大,而野外观测羊草的光合参数Vcmax,Jmax和TPU在土壤含水量分别为16.89%,17%和16.79%时达到最大。复水后羊草植株叶片光合参数的变化取决于前期干旱的影响,土壤含水量18%~19%和15%~16%处理的羊草复水后光合参数能够恢复正常,前者甚至超过正常水平,说明适宜的水分胁迫在复水后能够提高羊草叶片的光合能力,促进光合作用;土壤含水量10%~12%和7%~9%处理下的羊草复水后光合参数则不能恢复到正常水平。土壤含水量15%~16%可能是羊草光合能力在水分胁迫后能否恢复的阈值。


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用B am H É、B g lÉ、B g lÊ、D raÉ、E coR É、E coR Í、H indË、Kp nÉ、 P stÉ、P vuÊ、S acÉ、S a lÉ、Sm aÉ、S tuÉ、X hoÉ 15 种识别6 碱基的限制性内 切酶对黔东南小香羊和贵州原有3 个地方山羊品种的93 只个体的m tDNA 进行分 析表明, B am H É、H indË 和S a lÉ 3 种酶表现多态性; 共检出18 种限制性多态型, 归纳得到3 种单倍型, 以单倍型É 和Ê 为基本单倍型。根据此2 种基本单倍型在所 比较各品种中的不同分布比例, 以及遗传距离分析和品种间的聚类关系, 表明黔东 南小香羊的群体遗传构成与贵州省原有其它3 个山羊品种不同, 从而为进一步确认 其为一独立的品种提供了必要的分子生物学依据。


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We investigated memory impairment in newly hatched chicks following in ovo exposure to a 50-Hz magnetic field (MF) of 2 mT (60 min/day) on embryonic days 12-18. Isolated and paired chicks were used to test the effect of stress during training, and memory retention was tested at 10, 30, and 120 min, following exposure to a bitter-tasting bead (100% methylanthranilate). Results showed that memory was intact at 10 min in both isolated and paired chicks with or without MF exposure. However, while isolated chicks had good memory retention levels at 30 and 120 min, those exposed to MF did not. The results suggest a potential disruption of memory formation following in ovo exposure to MF, with this effect only evident in the more stressed, isolated chicks. Bioelectromagnetics 31:150-155, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss. Inc.


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A set of numerical analyses for momentum and heat transfer For a 3 in. (0.075 m) diameter Liquid Encapsulant Czochralski (LEC) growth of single-crystal GaAs with or without all axial magnetic field was carried Out using the finite-element method. The analyses assume a pseudosteady axisymmetric state with laminar floats. Convective and conductive heat transfers. radiative heat transfer between diffuse surfaces and the Navier-Stokes equations for both melt and encapsulant and electric current stream function equations Cor melt and crystal Lire considered together and solved simultaneously. The effect of the thickness of encapsulant. the imposed magnetic field strength as well as the rotation rate of crystal and crucible on the flow and heat transfer were investigated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Microporous HZSM-5 zeolite and mesoporous SiO2 supported Ru-Co catalysts of various Ru adding amounts were prepared and evaluated for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) of gasoline-range hydrocarbons (C-5-C-12). The tailor-made Ru-Co/SiO2/HZSM-5 catalysts possessed both micro- and mesopores, which accelerated hydrocracking/hydroisomerization of long-chain products and provided quick mass transfer channels respectively during FTS. In the same time. Ru increased Cor reduction degree by hydrogen spillover, thus CO conversion of 62.8% and gasoline-range hydrocarbon selectivity of 47%, including more than 14% isoparaffins, were achieved simultaneously when Ru content was optimized at 1 wt% in Ru-Co/SiO2/HZSM-5 catalyst.


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单株树木CO2和H2O交换的研究对森林生态系统碳水循环的深入理解具有重要意义,而目前尚未有使用可靠、操作简便、商品化的成熟观测系统直接应用于单株尺度气体交换观测。 本研究基于国内外常用的美国LI-COR公司生产的Li-6400便携式光合仪,自行设计制作了两套箱式气体交换观测系统:闭路箱式气体交换观测系统和开路箱式气体交换观测系统。对这两套系统进行了调试和评价后,利用这两套系统,以长白山红松针阔叶林主要优势种水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)为试验材料,探讨了单株CO2和H2O交换的日变化特征,并与单叶尺度气体交换结果进行了对比分析。主要结论有: 1)本研究设计制作的闭路和开路箱式气体交换观测系统具有经济实用,适用范围广、改造方便和操作简单等特点。实现了单株树木CO2和H2O气体浓度的同时观测,且能自动采集和存储数据,能够自动监测箱体空气温度、空气相对湿度、光合有效辐射和大气压等环境因子。 2)闭路箱式气体交换观测系统密闭性较好,但在测定过程中箱内气温和相对湿度会升高,其上升速率随着外界气温的升高而增加。基于仪器响应和环境控制等方面的考虑,该系统在应用时实际观测时间为200s,除去20s的混合响应时间,使用180s的数据。该系统环境控制标准为:箱内外温差 <3℃, 箱内外相对湿度差< 10%。 3)开路箱式气体交换观测系统在测定时箱内的环境因子与箱外接近,箱内外的气温和相对湿度差异都很小,与外界气温平均相差1℃以内,相对湿度的最大差异也仅为8.53%。确定开路系统的观测时间为600s,在数据处理过程中需要出气口气体浓度数据进行延迟处理。 4)冠层不同位置叶片的气体交换速率日变化特征为:垂直方向上,由下至上三个层次叶片的平均气体交换速率表现为第三层 >第一层 >第二层;水平方向上,东西南北四个方位叶片的平均净CO2交换速率表现为南向叶>西向叶>北向叶>东向叶,而平均H2O交换速率为西向叶> 南向叶>北向叶>东向叶。不同层次和不同方位叶片的气体交换日变化曲线的走势主要与光合有效辐射PAR和饱和水汽压差VPD的日变化有关,另外还与各叶片氮含量的差异也有关系。 5)闭路和开路箱式气体交换系统对水曲柳单株气体交换速率的日变化观测表明:两套系统内的环境因子基本得到了有效控制,但开路系统优于闭路系统。两套系统测定的单株尺度气体交换速率日变化趋势与各自当天的光合有效辐射变化相同,这与单叶尺度的气体交换表现一致。另外,单株尺度的CO2交换速率与光合有效辐射存在双曲线关系,而该尺度的H2O交换速率与PAR存在线性关系


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从广西大学农场陈旧稻草堆、甘蔗渣堆、龙胜温泉等地采集不同的土样和水样,从中共分离到10株能降解结晶纤维素的细菌、放线菌和真菌,对它们的165RNA或185 rRNA基因序列进行了分析,其中从稻草堆中分离到的好氧细菌GXN 151具有耐中温、生长迅速、能降解天然纤维素的特点。运用生理生化和电镜观察进一步将其鉴定为地衣芽抱杆菌。用pUC18和pBluescript KS+作载体,分别以CoR工和品u3AI部分酶切的GXN 151的总DNA作目的片段,在大肠杆菌中构建了地衣芽抱杆菌GXN151的2个基因文库。运用含狡甲基纤维素的平板筛选法,从GXN151的基因文库中共筛选到14个表达梭甲基纤维素酶(CMCase)活性的克隆,采用酶切分析、亚克隆、Southern杂交、DNA测序分析将这些克隆划分为3类不重叠克隆群。pGxNLI、pGXNLZ、pGxNL7、pGxNP12和pGxNPI~pGXNP6共10个克隆归为一类重叠克隆,测序分析了PGXNLZ的序列,其长度为3672bP,其上含有一个完整的长1626 bp的ORF(GenBonk索引号为AY291583),可编码一个含542个氨基酸的内切葡聚糖酶Ce15A,其预计分子量为59,625D娜Ce15A含有家族5糖基水解酶催化功能域和家族3碳水化合物结合组件(CBM3)。PCR 扩增了ceJSA的编码框并将其克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体pET-30a(+)上,酶谱分析表明该基因在大肠杆菌JM109(DE3)和BL21(DE3) pLysS中均表达出具梭甲基纤维素酶活性的蛋白质产物。克隆pGxNLg测序共得5818bp,pGxNLg序列中含有一个完整的内切葡聚糖酶基因cel12A(GenBaok索引号为AY291066)和一个外切-Q-葡萄糖营酶基因amyA,cel12A长783 bp,可编码含261个氨基酸的蛋白质,预计分子量为29,035 Da,含有一个家族12糖基水解酶催化功能域。amyA为1680bP,推断其编码含560个氨基酸的蛋白质,预计分子量为65,121 Da。PCR扩增了cel12A基因的含催化功能域编码区的DNA序列并连接到表达载体pET30a(+)上得表达质粒pGxN12A,pGXN 12A在大肠杆菌JM1O9(DE3)和BL21(DE3)pLysS中均J高效表达,并对表达条件进行了研究。克隆pGXNLS、pGXNPS和pGXNpn为一类重叠克隆,测序表明pGxNPll克隆的序列共为3406bP,它包括了一个完整的内切葡聚糖酶基因ce19A和一个不完整的纤维二糖水解酶基因ce148A,ce19A基因由1899bP组成,可编码一个含633个氨基酸的蛋白质,预计分子量为71,240Da。ce19A基因的产物Ce19A含有一个家族9糖基水解酶催化功能域和一个家族3碳水化合物结合组件(CBM3)。Ce148A属于糖基水解酶第4S家族,DNA杂交表明cel48A基因的未被克隆的下游序列位于一个约10kb的SaLI片段或4kb的EcoRI片段上。


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It is found that the nitro substituent of some aromatic bifunctional compounds shows unusual reactivity towards protonation. In the chemical ionization mass spectra of nitrobenzoic acids and their esters and amides, and of nitrophenols and their ethers, protonations on the carboxyl, ester, amide, hydroxyl or alkoxyl groups are highly suppressed by that on the nitro group. As a result, fragmentations based on protonation on these groups unexpectedly become negligible. Ortho effects were observed for all the ortho isomers where the initial protonation on the nitro group is followed by an intramolecular proton transfer reaction, which leads to the expected 'normal' fragmentations. Protonation on the nitro substituent is much more favourable in energy than on any of the other substituents. The interaction of the two substituents through the conjugating benzene ring is found to be responsible for this 'unfair' competitive protonation. The electron-attracting nitro group strongly destabilizes the MH+ ions formed through protonation on the other substituent; although the COR (R = OH, OMe, OEt, NH2) groups are also electron-withdrawing, their effects are weaker than that of NO2; thus protonation on the latter group produces more-stable MH+ ions. On the other hand, an electron-releasing group OR (R = H, Me, Et) stabilizes the nitro-protonated species; the stronger the electron-donating effect of this group the more stable the nitro-protonated ions.


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在 CIMS 环境下,采用虚拟单元技术可以解决使用成组单元的结构中出现的过量跨单元加工和加工负荷不平衡问题.本文对实现虚拟单元的关键技术——单元重构的可行性进行了分析,对单元重构的两个主要过程,即任务的时间分解过程和任务的空间分解过程进行了详细的讨论,并对所涉及到的时间划分、计划调度、工件、机器成组等问题给出了相应的策略和算法.从而证明了在 CIMS 环境下实现虚拟单元的可行性.


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Atualmente, no Brasil, a embalagem mais usada para tomate continua sendo a caixa de madeira que era usada para transportar querosene na Segunda Guerra Mundial, há meio século, conhecida por caixa ´K´. Os aspectos desejáveis da caixa 'K' incluem o fato de ser retornável e resistente. Os aspectos indesejáveis incluem o fato de possuir superfície áspera; alojar patógenos, funcionando como fonte de inóculo; aberturas laterais cortantes; profundidade excessiva, que comporta grande número de camadas de produtos; ser tampada. Essas características favorecem às injúrias mecânicas e comprometem a durabilidade e qualidade das hortaliças. Sabendo-se que as necessidades de proteção dos produtos vegetais são diferentes, torna-se necessário que as embalagens para protegê-los sejam específicas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma embalagem apropriada para tomate. O protótipo foi testado em relação à caixa 'K' e caixa de plástico já existente no mercado. Logo após a colheita os mesmos tratamentos foram deixados no sol ou na sombra, durante duas horas, para observar se influenciariam os frutos. As características avaliadas foram: variação de matéria fresca, aferida através de balança; vida útil, pelo período em que o vegetal esteve em perfeitas condições de ser comercializado; cor, pela escala com quatro classes para pimentão; variação da firmeza, medida por "push-pull"; teor relativo de água; deterioração, pelo número e peso de frutos deteriorados. Devido à grande influência dos danos mecânicos sobre as perdas pós-colheita, provavelmente este seja o fator mais importante na avaliação do protótipo. Houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos, sendo que o protótipo apresentou as menores porcentagens de danos mecânicos, o que é desejável. Também houve diferença estatística para deterioração. Nas demais características, o protótipo não diferiu estatisticamente dos outros tratamentos.


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Algumas espécies de ácaros encontram-se associadas com a cultura da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), com destaque para fitófagos pertencentes à família Tetranychidae. No Brasil, as seguintes espécies de Tetranychidae foram relatadas na cultura: Aponychus Shultzi, Mononychellus bondari, M. mcgregori, M. planki, M. tanajoa, Tetranychus desertorum, T. mexicanus e T. urticae. Dentre estas, merecem destaque o ácaro verde da mandioca, M. tanajoa, e o ácaro-rajado, T. urticae. Tetranychus urticae é da ampla distribuição geográfica e de ocorrência em várias culturas além de mandioca. Em geral as fêmeas apresentam cor esverdeada é encontrado na face inferior das folhas, preferencialmente nas partes medianas e basal da planta. As folhas atacadas apresentam na face superior pontos amarelados ao longo da nervura central se estendendo por toda folha, adquirindo coloração bronzeada; posteriormente secam e caem. Em ataques severos pode ocorrer perda das folhas basais e medianas da planta, avançando até a parte apical.


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Aspectos economicos da criacao de aves em ambientes climatizados; Aspectos economicos e viabilidade da criacao de frangos nos sistemas convencionais e automatizado; Gerenciamento do ambiente na avicultura; Sistemas de climatizacao de instalacoes avicolas; Criterios para o planejameto de instalacoes avicolas para aves de postura; Avancos na area de equipamentos para postura; Sistemas de aquecimento para aves; Misting systems for poultry - dimension and applications; Sistemas de ventilacao natural e artificial na criacao de aves; Planning broiler housing for environmental control systems; Luz: criterios para o dimensionamento de programas em aviarios de corte e alternativas para a intensidade, cor e distribuicao; Ventilation to control poultry house air quality; A interacao ambiente X sanidade; Management, treatment, and utilization of poultry litter with respect to environmental protection.