975 resultados para GALVANIC WASTES


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The design and operation of a 5.5 MWe biomass integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) demonstration plant, which is located in Xinghua, Jiangsu Province of China, are introduced. It is the largest complete biomass gasification power plant that uses rice husk and other agricultural wastes as fuel in Asia. It mainly consists of a 20 MWt atmospheric circulating fluidized-bed gasifier, a gas-purifying system, 10 sets of 450 kW(e) gas engines, a waste heat boiler, a 1.5 MWe steam turbine, a wastewater treatment system, etc. The demonstration plant has been operating since the end of 2005, and its overall efficiency reaches 26-28%. Its capital cost is less than 1200 USD/kW, and its running cost is about 0.079 USD/kWh based on the biomass price of 35.7 USD/ton. There is a 20% increment on capital cost and 35% decrease on the fuel consumption compared to that of a 1 MW system without a combined cycle. Because only part of the project has been performed, many of the tests still remain and, accordingly, must be reported at a later opportunity.


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The release of heavy metals from the combustion of hazardous wastes is an environmental issue of increasing concern. The species transformation characteristics of toxic heavy metals and their distribution are considered to be a complex problem of mechanism. The behavior of hazardous dyestuff residue is investigated in a tubular furnace under the general condition of hazardous waste pyrolysis and gasfication. Data interpretation has been aided by parallel theoretical study based on a thermodynamic equilibrium model based on the principle of Gibbs free energy minimization. The results show that Ni, Zn, Mn, and Cr are more enriched in dyestuff residue incineration than other heavy metals (Hg, As, and Se) subjected to volatilization. The thermodynamic model calculation is used for explaining the experiment data at 800 degrees C and analyzing species transformation of heavy metals. These results of species transformation are used to predict the distribution and emission characteristics of trace elements. Although most trace element predictions are validated by the measurements, cautions are in order due to the complexity of incineration systems.


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本论文以红薯淀粉的双酶法水解液为碳源,从19 株红色酵母中筛选出一株油脂含量较高的菌株掷孢酵母(Sporobolomyces reseus)As.2.618。为了提高掷孢酵母(S.reseus)As.2.618 的油脂产量,考察了培养基组成对该菌生长情况及油脂积累的影响。用均匀设计法对培养基组成进行了优化,由DPS软件得出的优化结果为:还原糖103g/L、酵母粉11.5g/L、磷酸二氢钾0.3g/L、硫酸镁0.15g/L。生物量可达19.23 g/L,油脂含量为3.875 g/L。研究了添加二价离子对该菌的生长及油脂积累的影响,结果表明Zn2+对该菌生长和油脂积累都有显著促进作用。研究了发酵条件以及添加氧载体正十二烷对该菌发酵的影响,表明添加正十二烷有利用于该菌生长与油脂积累。得出最佳发酵条件是:在还原糖103g/L、酵母粉11.5g/L、磷酸二氢钾0.3g/L、硫酸镁0.15g/L。添加30mg/L 硫酸锌,接种量为5%,在24h 后添加2g/L 的碳酸钙和2%(v/v)正十二烷,pH6.0 培养温度为27℃,转速为200r/min,培养时间为7 天的条件下,该菌生物量干重可达35.05g/L,油脂含量也达11.98g/L。Lipid is one of the basic material for life-sustaining activities andimportant industrial materials. As lipid resources mainly come from the animal andthe plant, the problem of lipid lack is encountered at times. The lipid frommicroorganisms is the substitute and superior to the above lipid with a short period ofproduction and much cheaper fermentation materials such as agricultural and sidelineproducts or wastes of crop.Thus large scale production and broad application ofmicrobial lipid will be efficient not only in substitute of the animal and the plant lipidfor food and industrial field , but also inducing a new way leading to solve the energyproblem.For the purpose of exploring the characteristics of lipid production of redyeasts from sweet potato starch hydrolysates. 19 red yeasts are screened for thecapability of lipid producing and one strain Sporobolomyces reseus As.2.618 withsuperior performance is sellected.To improve the Sporobolomyces reseus As.2.618’s capability of lipidaccumulation , the components of the medium, which may influence the growth of thestrain and the lipid yield have been studied. To get the optimum mediumcomponents ,the “uniform design” was used .The DPS software gave the optimummedium component is: reducing sugar 103 g/L、yeast extract 11.5 g/L、KH2PO4 0.3g/L、MgSO4 0.15 g/L. The biomass could reach up to 19.23 g/L and lipid yield 3.87g/L with the above composition of fermentation medium.Furthermore the fermentation conditions , addition of the divalent metal ionsand the oxygen vector to increase the strain’s lipid producing capability are tested.The optimum condition is : reducing sugar 103 g/L、yeast extract 11.5 g/L、KH2PO40.3 g/L、MgSO4 0.15 g/L,Adding 30mg/L ZnSO4,and adding 2g/L CaCO3 2%(v/v)n-dodecane after 24h’s fermentation. the optimal fermentation condition were asfollow :30ml medium in the 500ml flask with initial pH 6.0,the flasks with 5%inoculation volume were at 200r/min shaking speed for 7d’s fermentation at27 .Under this kind of condition the high biom ¡æ ass which reach to 35.05 g/L could begot ,the yield of lipid also could reach to 11.98g/L.


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垃圾卫生填埋是国内外城市垃圾的主要处置方法。垃圾渗滤液是渗入填埋场垃圾的降水混合垃圾降解过程中产生的物质而形成的混合物,是垃圾填埋场向环境排放的主要污染物。渗滤液由于其所含高浓度有机和无机污染物,且其中很多物质有生物毒性或难生物降解,难于治理。特别是到填埋晚期,渗滤液中高浓度的氨氮更是增加了治理的难度。渗滤液场外硝化-原位反硝化是填埋场氮管理的新途径。本文利用从环境中筛选出优势硝化功能菌对渗滤液中的高浓度氨氮进行生物硝化,经硝化后的渗滤液回灌至以垃圾柱模拟的生物反应器填埋场,在填埋场内实现原位反硝化。 上述目标通过以下两部分来实现: 第一部分:渗滤液场外硝化。首先从污水厂的硝化污泥中富集并筛选出硝化功能菌,在模拟氨氮废水中优化。将驯化的硝化功能菌接种于连续式完全混合反应器(CSTR)进行高氨氮渗滤液硝化研究。在200余天的连续运行中,反应器硝化和有机物去除效果良好。在最大氨氮负荷和有机物负荷分别为0.65 g N l-1 d-1 和3.84 g COD l-1 d-1时,氨氮和COD去除率分别高于99%和57%。实验过程中发现,游离氨(FA)和溶解氧(DO)浓度对反应器中亚硝酸盐的积累影响很大。 第二部分:渗滤液原位反硝化。本文利用一个垃圾填充柱模拟生物反应器填埋场,研究了硝化渗滤液回灌对垃圾降解的影响,和回灌的硝化渗滤液中TON(总氧化态氮)对填埋场生物反应器产甲烷作用的影响。最后利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分析了硝化渗滤液回灌对垃圾填埋场菌群结构的影响。结果表明:回灌的TON被完全还原,反硝化为主要反应,最大TON负荷为28.6 mg N kg-1 TS d-1。当垃圾柱TON负荷大于11.4 mg N kg-1 TS d-1时,出现了产甲烷抑制,抑制作用随TON负荷的增加而加强。在此过程中,反硝化逐渐代替产甲烷作用成为填埋场内垃圾降解的主要反应,且更多产生的是清洁的氮气,而非温室气体甲烷。直到实验结束时,回灌硝化渗滤液的垃圾柱的甲烷产量仅相当于对照的2.5%,并且回灌的硝化渗滤液还加速了填埋场垃圾的降解与稳定。通过DGGE进行菌群结构分析发现,由于TON对填埋场的长期作用,反硝化菌增多而产甲烷菌减少。 Landfill still remains the chief method for MSW management around the world. Leachate is a mixture of rainfall permeating through landfill and organic and inorganic matters generated during decomposition of the wastes in the landfills, characterized as highly complicated and refractory wastewater. Ex-situ nitrification and sequential in-situ denitrification represents a novel approach to nitrogen management at landfills. In the present paper, nitrification was carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) inoculated with nitrifying bacteria which were isolated from municipal WWTP of Chengdu city. The nitrified leachate from CSTR was recirculated to a lab-scale municipal solid waste (MSW) column where in-situ denitrification took place. The above object was achived through two parts as following: First, ex-situ nitification of leachate. After acclimated in simulated wastewater for 3 month, nitrifying bacteria isolated from WWTP nitrifying sludge were added to the CSTR for nitrification. The results over 200 days showed that the maximum nitrogen loading rate (NLR) and the maximum organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.65 g N l-1 d-1 and 3.84 g COD l-1 d-1, respectively. The ammonia and COD removal was over 99% and 57%, respectively. Moreover, the effects of free ammonia (FA) and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrification were investigated. Second, in-situ denitrification was studied in a municipal solid waste (MSW) column. Variation of nitrified leachate and its effects on the decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) were studied in a lab-scale MSW column to which nitrified leachate was recirculated. Additionally, DGGE was employed to investigate the microbial community of both MSW columns. The results suggested: complete reduction of total oxidized nitrogen (TON) was obtained with maximum TON load of 28.6 mg N kg-1 TS d-1 and denitrification was the main reaction responsible. Methanogenesis inhibition was observed while TON load was over 11.4 mg N kg-1 TS d-1 and the inhibition was enhanced with the increase of TON load. Denitrification gradually took over methanogenesis to become the main reaction responsible for decomposition of MSW while nitrogen gas, a clean byproduct, was generated instead. Till the end of the experiment, the average weekly methane production in the denitrification column was as low as 2.5% of that of the control, and the rate of decompition and stability of MSW was accelerated by the recirculation of the nitrified leachate.Owing to long term exposure of nitrified leachate to landfill, denitrifying bacteria increased and methanogen decreased.


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Three-dimensional (3D) macroporous Pt (MPPt) with highly open porous walls has been successfully synthesized using the hydrogen bubble dynamic template synthesis and galvanic replacement reaction. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electrochemical methods were adopted to characterize their structures and properties.


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We have reported a facile and general method for the rapid synthesis of hollow nanostructures with urchinlike morphology. In-situ produced Ag nanoparticles can be used as sacrificial templates to rapidly synthesize diverse hollow urchinlike metallic or bimetallic (such as Au/Pt) nanostructures. It has been found that heating the solution at 100 degrees C during the galvanic replacement is very necessary for obtaining urchinlike nanostructures. Through changing the molar ratios of Ag to Pt, the wall thickness of hollow nanospheres can be easily controlled; through changing the diameter of Ag nanoparticles, the size of cavity of hollow nanospheres can be facilely controlled; through changing the morphologies of Ag nanostructures from nanoparticle to nanowire, hollow Pt nanotubes can be easily designed. This one-pot approach can be extended to synthesize other hollow nanospheres such as Pd, Pd/Pt, Au/Pd, and Au/Pt. The features of this technique are that it is facile, quick, economical, and versatile.


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The electrochemical corrosion behavior of Mg-5Al-0.4Mn-xNd (x = 0, 1, 2 and 4 wt.%) alloys in 3.5% NaCl solution was investigated. The corrosion behavior of the alloys was assessed by open circuit potential measure, potentiodynamic polarization, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The electrochemical results show the intermetallic precipitates with Nd behave as less noble cathodes in micro-galvanic corrosion and suppress the cathodic process. During corrosion, Al2O3 and Nd2O3, in proper ratio, is incorporated into the corrosion film, and enhances the corrosion resistance.


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In this paper, a hollow Au/Pd core/shell nanostructure with a raspberry surface was developed for methanol, ethanol, and formic acid oxidation in alkaline media. The results showed that it possessed better electrocatalyst performance than hollow Au nanospheres or Pd nanoparticles. The nanostructure was fabricated via a two-step method. Hollow Au nanospheres were first synthesized by a galvanic replacement reaction, and then they were coated with a layer of Pd grains. Several characterizations such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to investigate the prepared nanostructures.


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Large-scale arrays consist of dendritic single-crystalline Ag/Pd alloy nanostructures are synthesized for the first time. A simple galvanic replacement reaction is introduced to grow these arrays directly on Ag substrates. The morphology of the products strongly depended on the reaction temperature and the concentration of H2PdCl4 solution. The mechanism of the formation of alloy and the dendritic morphology has been discussed. These alloy arrays exhibit high surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity and may have potential applications in investigation of "in situ" Pd catalytic reactions using SERS. Moreover, electrocatalytic measurements suggest that the obtained dendritic Ag/Pd alloy nanostructures exhibit electrocatytic activity toward the oxidation of formic acid.


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A high-efficiency and low-cost spongelike Au/Pt core/shell electrocatalyst with hollow cavity has been facilely obtained via a simple two-step wet chemical process. Hollow gold nanospheres were first synthesized via a modified galvanic replacement reaction between Co nanoparticles in situ produced and HAUCl(4). The as-prepared gold hollow spheres were employed as seeds to further grow spongelike Pt shell. It is found that the surface of this hybrid nanomaterial owns many Pt nanospikes, which form a spongelike nanostructure. All experimental data including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and UV-vis-near-infrared spectroscopy have been employed to characterize the obtained Au/Pt hybrid nanomaterial. The rapid development of fuel cell has inspired us to investigate the electrocatalytic properties for dioxygen and methanol of this novel hybrid nanomaterial. Spongelike hybrid nanomaterial mentioned here exhibits much higher catalytic activity for dioxygen reduction and methanol oxidation than the common Pt electrode.


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Polyaniline emeraldine base/epoxy resin (EB/ER) coating was investigated for corrosion protection of mild steel coupled with copper in 3.5% NaCl solution. EB/ER coating with 5-10 wt% EB had long-term corrosion resistance on both uncoupled steel and copper due to the passivation effect of EB on the metal surfaces. During the 150 immersion days, the impedance at 0.1 Hz for the coating increased in the first 1-40 days and subsequently remained constant above 10(9) Omega cm(2), whereas that for pure ER coating fell below 10(6) Omega cm(2) after only 30 or 40 days. Immersion tests on coated steel-copper galvanic couple showed that EB/ER coating offered 100 times more protection than ER coating against steel dissolution and coating delamination on copper, which was mainly attributed to the passive metal oxide films formed by EB blocking both the anodic and cathodic reactions. Salt spray tests showed that 100 mu m EB/ER coating protected steel-copper couple for at least 2000 h.


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It has been reported for the first time that an electrochemical gas sensor mdified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) film as elctrocatalyst was fabricated for the determination of chlorine (Cl-2).Here, MWNTs and graphite were compared with each other in terms of their electrochemical properties using cyclic voltammetry. Cl-2 gas was allowed through the cathode surface of the sensor and the resulting galvanic effects were monitored. Results indicated that both of the MWNTs and graphite have the electrocatalytic activity for the reduction of Cl-2 while the MWNTs-modified electrode exhibited a higher accessible surface area in electrochemical reactions, excellent sensitivity, stable response, reproducibility and recovery for the determination of Cl-2.


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A new type of solid-state galvanic cell for detecting a small amount of hydrogen in air at room temperature is proposed. The sensor cell is a potentiometric cell using Ce0.95Ca0.05F2.95 as solid-state electrolyte. The cell exhibits good sensing properties to hydrogen in air at room temperature.