917 resultados para Freud (Sigmund)


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Esta disertación aborda la lectura e interpretación de las obras Grande Sertão: Veredas, de João Guimarães Rosa y Del Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes Y Saavedra, enfocando aspectos relacionados a las acciones de los caballeros andantes Riobaldo, el jagunço de Rosa y don Quijote, el Caballero de Cervantes, las cuales tuvieron decisiva influencia en su estado de espíritu melancólico. En la base teórica de este trabajo, investigamos la noción de melancolía, sistematizada por Kristeva y Freud, así como los estudios de la melancolía y de la alegoría a la luz del pensamiento de Walter Benjamin. Este estudio se concentra, sobre todo, en el aspecto que denominamos de alegoría de la circularidad, que permea las dos novelas, mientras expresión de cosas inacabadas que sugiere la idea de movimientos de espiralamento. Se percibió que lo retorno es consagrado en ambas las obras, es decir diferente el igual, dicho que consagra la diferencia y cierra las puertas para la repetición literal de sentido. En tal comprensión, ese movimiento no puede ser concebido como metáfora del mismo, pues sugiere la travesía que permanece inacabada y tortuosa, su estatuto de repetición no se honda en el encuentro de las dos puntas del ovillo, porque gira en el interior de aquello que repite como diferencia y liberación


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This paper is a case study that aims to discuss the effects of drug abuse by a person with psychotic structure from a psychoanalytical perspective. The interest in this subject was born from an internship experience in the Mental Health area in which a psychotic patient had a drug abuse problem and the service treating him had difficulties dealing with this. In order to accomplish the objective of this work four theoretical chapters were written and the case is discussed throughout them articulating the theoretical issues with clinical practice. A literature review revealed that Freud and Lacan did not dedicate themselves to the study of the effect of drug use by psychotic patients but they made important contributions unfolding the theoretical and clinical psychoanalytical practice. Contemporary psychoanalytic authors suggest that the drug use made by psychotics differs from the use by neurotics, because of the particularity of the psychotic structure. It was found that drug use in psychosis can operate in three different ways: the first refers to drug use as substitute of a missing signifier helping the psychotic patient building a social bond. The second function is to intensify psychotic phenomena and the third function is to operate as an attempt to diminish those same phenomena. We conclude that, while the use of drugs in neurosis provides an individualist way of satisfaction, that excludes social aspects. For psychosis such use may operate differently and may play a role in social integration, among others effects. Such discussion can help move forward the direction of treatment of psychosis when the case involves drug use


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This study arises with two questionings: what is the usefulness of a diagnosis in school? And what moves that demand for diagnosis? Such questions were drawn up in answer to a diagnostic demand produced in the context of our internship in Scholar/Educational Psychology. On the perspective of working these issues, we conducted a literature research on diagnosis, with regard to its history, as a review of the psychoanalytic literature about the subject. This venture led us to a new interrogation: what are the elaborations that teachers produce from the child diagnosis, which place her as having special educational needs? The need of deciding the method that would lead us to answer such question, taking as reference the psychoanalytic theory, led us to an incursion to the subject research in psychoanalysis. This tracking points us that, according to Freud, on what comes to psychoanalysis, theory and research go together and that psychoanalysis is not a totalitarian world vision. On Lacan, the research is from the analysand, research that always implies the analyst and its praxis. Such path forced us to position a change to question the positions we occupy, in this experience, guided by an analytical listening. To discuss our position, we started from two cases and submitted them to construction and analysis. As a result, we found out that there is no way to know in advance what will be done from a diagnosis, which will be its uses. Point we used to considerate devastating to a child. So, to us, all children that received a diagnosis would be destined to a tragedy and what the research has shown us is that not always, not all of them. Thus, more than knowing what moves the demand, the important is the subject uses and our position towards it so they can generate a work


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This study investigates the Repetition of movements shown in a stereotypical case of a child three years old. In line with the psychoanalysis model of search, this work presents fragments of the clinic process, the locus for the observation of repetitive, ritualized and choreographically movements of this child who used not to speak. The contrast between their movements and the issuance of a word verbalized at the end of the treatment caused the following question: repetition in this child production would be a reproduction of the same or would be directing for the difference? In the psychiatric speech, the stereotypes are listed as diagnostic criteria for certain mental disorders. In the psychoanalysis studies a question about the psych nature of ritualistic gestures apparently without purpose or direction is included. Thus, the route followed was the reading of the theoretical concept of repetition in the psychoanalytic works of S. Freud and J. Lacan. With Freud, the repetition is linked to the transfer and resistance. In that context, when it appears in act, in the place of the talk, it constitutes a particular way of remembering. But the existence of a force in the psychic apparatus that acts independent and involuntarily of the Principle of pleasure (the repetition compulsion) subsidizes the discovery of Freudian pulsion of death that is the tendency to return to itself. In the Lacan reading, the function of Repetition is magnified, as it fulfils two functions: the automaton - reminders of repetitive signs, and that the service of tiqué - the meeting of the subject with his lack constituent. In this sense, repetition is not simply a reproduction, but the search for new, the difference, caused by the lack of continuity that pushes the circuit. Finally, the clinic process and the theoretical readings made the comprehension of the child repetitive and choreographically movements and the pronouncement of a "good-bye", full of meaning. This repetitive scenario which is full of questions, by this very nature, insists in remains inconclusive


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This dissertation aims to answer the question: What are the specifics of psychoanalytical clinic with children in neurosis and psychosis and its consequences for the treatment direction? It constitutes a theoretical study based on Freud, Lacan and the current productions of Lacanian psychoanalysts about the clinic with children. It presents some clinical vignettes. To answer this question, were constructed four chapters. The chapter The subject constitution treats the psychoanalysis subjectivity, based on a structure from the relationship with the Other. Key concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis are shown, necessary to understand what becomes present in clinic with children. The second chapter, The clinic of neurosis, reveals the structure of the subject in its oedipal mooring held by the Name-of the-Father, that separates the mother-child dual relationship. The child neurosis is the effect of psyche constitution and the symptoms are an interpretation of what child picks up from parents and helps him/her on the passage through the Oedipus. The analyst is there to help him/her through this path. The next chapter is entitled The clinic of psychosis. In psychosis the non-occurrence of the Name-of-the-Father is concerned. The subject is stuck in duality with the mother, and becomes what fills the Other s gap. To protect themselves, they have to be in incessant work. The analyst will be a child s partner in daily work already carried out by him/her. The last chapter, The consequences for the treatment direction, shows that the standard analytic treatment works well to the clinic of neurosis. To psychosis it s not true. Psychoanalysts thought about a different way of psychotic children treatment: the practice held in a multiprofessional team work. The practice shared by many has been a team strategy applied to the institutional practice that aims to attenuate the invasive character of the Other, facilitating the partnership between the analyst and the child in treatment and the Other contention


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This paper aims to discuss the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy and psychoanalysis, drawing the consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields. Learning Problems has been the name given by various fields of knowledge to what does not happen as expected in the learning process. To address these problems several professionals are called upon. Faced with this demand a new field of knowledge is created: the psycho-pedagogy. In Brazil, it is established as a field of work and research from the contributions of Alicia Fernández. This author, supported by the work of French philosopher and educator Sara Paín, takes the concept of Freudian-Lacanian symptom as a fundamental concept to read the so-called "learning problems". Given this one must question whether the concept of symptom Fernandez is really the same as psychoanalysis. Are they the same? If yes, how to sustain as different fields? If not, what are consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields? For this study, the theoretical works of Alicia Fernández and Sara Pain were read aiming to clarify the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy. To discuss the psychoanalytic concept of symptom we turned to the texts of Freud, Lacan and commentators in which this issue is discussed. The results show that Pain and Fernandez seek psychoanalysis as a theory to be coupled with others to solve the learning problems. The concept of symptom as a return of the repressed and as an indicator of a sense to be found in the history of the subject is similar to the psychoanalytical one, however, in psychopedagogy other fields of knowledge and techniques are used as reference and these are sometimes incompatible with the concept of symptom presented. The use of psychological tests for the diagnosis, the idea of transference without the notion of subject supposed to know and the proposed treatment are indications of a different treatment approach from what the ethics of psychoanalysis proposes


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Lacanian psychoanalysis has won a considerable space in brazilian university: a search for Lacan in the field of subject of the CAPES Thesis Bank shows 1.032 results! However the difference in the style of knowledge production and language usage is considerable between academic psychology and lacanian theory. The difficulty in reading and understanding Lacan is something pointed out by supporters and critics alike. In addition to that, his disciples choose many times to imitate his baroque, complex style, full of neologisms, causing perplexity in many unprepared audiences. What is the origin of such an enigmatic and polemic style of expression? How it became so widespread under the sign of repetition? And which are the consequences of this style to the communication, transmission and teaching of lacanian psychoanalysis? Through these questions it is our goal to contribute to the dialogue between lacanian psychoanalysis and the academy, to provide a better understanding of the causes of this style, analyzing the consequences it has to the transmission of psychoanalysis. We chose to perform a theoretical study, using authors that have treated Lacan s style and the history of psychoanalysis from a critical point of view, like Beividas (2000), Roustang (1987, 1988) and Gellner (1988), and also those that have defended and justified its legitimacy, like Glynos e Stavrakakis (2001), Fink (1997) and Souza (1985), using as well some works by Freud and Lacan. The study of these texts has led us to three main themes: 1) the difficulty of the lacanian text; 2) Lacan, heir of Freud; 3) consequences of the lacanian style. In the first one, we enumerate many different explanations and interpretations given by commentators about the difficulty and particularity of the lacanian discourse; in the second, we show how Lacan came to occupy the place of great idealization that was before destined to Freud, what made his style something to be taken as a model, to be imitated by disciples; in the third, we explore the way in which the concepts are treated in lacanian psychoanalysis, arguing that their multiple meanings point out that the final goal is not to build a clear and coherent theory, but to try to aim directly at the subject, to catch him


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir, a partir de um caso clínico, a articulação entre a Angústia e a Inibição, à luz da psicanálise. Partindo do trauma como fator fundante do psiquismo e desencadeador do estado de desamparo, destacamos a castração, como marca de um perigo a ser recalcado, até chegar à angústia primitiva, afeto que prepara o caminho para a emergência do sujeito. No primeiro momento, abordamos a evolução do conceito de angústia em Freud, ressaltando o modo como ele a articulou à inibição e ao sintoma, marcando, ainda, a diferença entre a angústia, como consequência direta do momento traumático, e como sinal de uma reprodução do trauma originário. Em seguida, investigamos o conceito de angústia em Lacan, enfatizando os avanços conceituais promovidos para o mesmo, notadamente no Seminário X; destacando-se a introdução do conceito de objeto a e os desdobramentos dessa invenção teórica. No segundo momento, focamos no conceito de inibição em Freud, seguido pela leitura lacaniana a esse respeito. Finalmente, refletimos acerca da delimitação que o conceito de objeto a dá às possíveis relações entre sujeito e objeto, buscando extrair algumas consequências clínicas das respostas que o sujeito constrói frente ao enigma do desejo do Outro, entre as quais a inibição e a angústia, articulando, desse modo, o caso clínico às discussões levantadas


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Embora no Projeto freudiano não seja oferecida, de uma maneira explícita, uma conceituação a respeito do estatuto do psicológico, pensamos que é possível delinear esse estatuto e tentaremos fazê-lo com base em uma maneira de interpretar o modelo do psiquismo que é construído no texto freudiano. Isto levar-nos-á também a situar o Projeto em relação ao clássico problema mente-corpo. Pretendemos dar conta da tarefa proposta apoiando-nos, sobretudo, em uma distinção que estabeleceremos entre o representar, entendido como ato intencional, e a representação, entendida como traço de memória. Também contemplaremos a forma de comportamento do fator quantitativo-energético nas ordens processuais do psicológico e do neurofisiológico.


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O aumento dos textos traduzidos e da investigação acadêmica no campo reichiano realça a necessidade de se estar atento à qualidade das traduções dos textos de Reich para o português. Utilizando a palavra Trieb como exemplo, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar quais os termos utilizados nas traduções dessa palavra para o português. Os resultados demonstraram, a exemplo do que acontece nas traduções da obra freudiana, que os termos mais comuns são: pulsão, instinto e impulso. Tal variação de termos reforça a necessidade de se cotejar diferentes traduções de um mesmo texto, de se confrontar os textos traduzidos com os textos originais e de se ater ao devido uso de termos específicos, contribuindo para que se leia, da melhor forma possível, as ideias originais de Reich em português.


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Partindo da experiência na enfermaria de um hospital-escola1, do confronto com o status-quo do trabalho dos psicólogos em hospitais e da avaliação da literatura sobre a clínica psicanalítica em hospital, esta pesquisa se propôs a buscar avanços frente a uma questão específica: a escuta psicanalítica no trabalho em enfermarias de hospital geral e as implicações dessa prática com o desejo do psicanalista. Foram entrevistados quinze psicólogos declaradamente de orientação psicanalítica, vinculados a unidades de internação e com experiência mínima de dois anos de trabalho em hospital geral. As entrevistas foram abertas e semi-estruturadas, com o intuito de contemplar de maneira uniforme a coleta de informações de cunho mais objetivo, assim como de facilitar a pertinência ao tema de estudo. A interpretação dos dados foi realizada à luz do referencial clínico psicanalítico (freud-lacaniano), sendo que tal interpretação nos permitiu identificar uma importante interação entre os impasses, presentes na instituição hospitalar, da prática clínica psicanalítica com questões pessoais e de formação do profissional, interação que se vincula à postura de trabalho adotada no hospital. Reafirmamos, através desta pesquisa, a possibilidade de fazer uso de uma escuta analítica no trabalho com pacientes internados, a qual está sempre voltada para as manifestações do inconsciente ao longo da fala, e na qual a direção do tratamento é a emergência do sujeito do inconsciente.


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As relações que Wittgenstein mantém com o pensamento de Freud, como atestaram vários estudiosos, são marcadamente ambíguas: existe, por um lado, uma crítica acerba do caráter pseudocientífico com que a psicanálise apresenta supostas “descobertas empíricas”, e do fascínio exercido por este modo de proceder; mas há, por outro lado, evidências da sua admiração pelo efeito dissolvente do uso de metáforas e interpretações, chegando mesmo Wittgenstein a incorporar essa estratégia ao seu próprio método de investigação lógica dos conceitos filosóficos. Neste trabalho pretendo retirar de uma reflexão acerca do método incorporado às Investigações Filosóficas, comparável em muitos aspectos à clínica de uma psicanálise lingüística dessubstancializada, alguns pontos positivos que se poderiam acrescentar à crítica da concepção de linguagem de Lacan.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)