977 resultados para Forced swimming test


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Background: Poor outcomes of invasive candidiasis (IC) are associated with the difficulty in establishing the microbiological diagnosis at an early stage. New scores and laboratory tests have been developed in order to make an early therapeutic intervention in an attempt to reduce the high mortality associated with invasive fungal infections. Candida albicans IFA IgG has been recently commercialized for germ tube antibody detection (CAGTA). This test provides a rapid and simple diagnosis of IC (84.4% sensitivity and 94.7% specificity). The aim of this study is to identify the patients who could be benefited by the use of CAGTA test in critical care setting. Methods: A prospective, cohort, observational multicentre study was carried out in six medical/surgical Intensive care units (ICU) of tertiary-care Spanish hospitals. Candida albicans Germ Tube Antibody test was performed twice a week if predetermined risk factors were present, and serologically demonstrated candidiasis was considered if the testing serum dilution was >= 1: 160 in at least one sample and no other microbiological evidence of invasive candidiasis was found. Results: Fifty-three critically ill non-neutropenic patients (37.7% post surgery) were included. Twenty-two patients (41.5%) had CAGTA-positive results, none of them with positive blood culture for Candida. Neither corrected colonization index nor antifungal treatment had influence on CAGTA results. This finding could corroborate that the CAGTA may be an important biomarker to distinguish between colonization and infection in these patients. The presence of acute renal failure at the beginning of the study was more frequent in CAGTA-negative patients. Previous surgery was statistically more frequent in CAGTA-positive patients. Conclusions: This study identified previous surgery as the principal clinical factor associated with CAGTA-positive results and emphasises the utility of this promising technique, which was not influenced by high Candida colonization or antifungal treatment. Our results suggest that detection of CAGTA may be important for the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in surgical patients admitted in ICU.


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With respect to future environmental impact assessment different bottom trawls are presently investigated for their suitability for sampling the fish fauna in potential windpark areas asses. For this purpose the international Baltic Sea Trawl, the Box trawl, two different small beam trawls and small eel fykes were compared on a research cutter in June 2002. The best catchability with the highest abundance of demersal fish species and widest length distribution was obtained with the Box trawl. During another cruise in December 2002 the Box trawl was again compared with the Windpark trawl. As a result the Box trawl performed best, with regard to the overall catchability. However the Windpark Trawl is easier to handle under the conditions onboard small fishing cutters.


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Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos have been used to quantify the teratogenic potential of environmental samples and harmful substances respectively. The short spawning interval renders this species a good test organism in toxicological research. Due to the transparency of the eggs several lethal and non-lethal endpoints can be detected in parallel after 48 h of embryonic development. Zebrafishembryos have been shown to be sensitive to a number of environmental relevant contaminants, as well as to ex-tracts from polluted sediments


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Abstract—Burst-and-coast is the most common locomotion type in freely routine swimming of koi carps (Cyprinus carpio koi), which consists of a burst phase and a coast phase in each cycle and mostly leads to a straight-line trajectory. Combining with the tracking experiment, the flow physics of koi carp’s burst-andcoast swimming is investigated using a novel integrated CFD method solving the body-fluid interaction problem. The dynamical equations of a deforming body are formulated. Following that, the loose-coupled equations of the body dynamics and the fluid dynamics are numerically solved with the integrated method. The two burst modes, MT (Multiple Tail-beat) and HT (Half Tail-beat), which have been reported by the experiments, are investigated by numerical simulations in this paper. The body kinematics is predicted and the flow physics is visualized, which are in good agreement with the corresponding experiments. Furthermore, the optimization on the energy cost and several critical control mechanisms in burst-and-coast swimming of koi carps are explored, by varying the parameters in its selfpropelled swimming. In this paper, energetics is measured by the two mechanical quantities, total output power CP and Froude efficiency Fr. Results and discussion show that from the standpoint of mechanical energy, burst-and-coast swimming does not actually save energy comparing with steady swimming at the same average speed, in that frequently changing of speed leads to decrease of efficiency.


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The impact of acute exposure of Gammalin 20 (an organochlorine pesticide) was investigated in a static bioassay test over a 96-(4-day) period on the fingerlings of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (lacepede). The 96-hLC sub(50) of Gammalin 20 was determined as 2.31 Ug/l with lower and upper limits of toxicities as 2.10 and 4.44 Ug/l respectively. At higher concentrations, the colour of the exposed fish became darker, opercular movement slowed down while pigmentation pattern increased and respiratory distress was observed, erratic swimming, tonic convulsion and no response to gentle prodding, and finally death. The implications of these results were discussed with a suggestion of the total ban on the use of Gammalin 20 in capture fisheries due to its harmful and persistence nature in the aquatic environment


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The main theme running through these three chapters is that economic agents are often forced to respond to events that are not a direct result of their actions or other agents actions. The optimal response to these shocks will necessarily depend on agents' understanding of how these shocks arise. The economic environment in the first two chapters is analogous to the classic chain store game. In this setting, the addition of unintended trembles by the agents creates an environment better suited to reputation building. The third chapter considers the competitive equilibrium price dynamics in an overlapping generations environment when there are supply and demand shocks.

The first chapter is a game theoretic investigation of a reputation building game. A sequential equilibrium model, called the "error prone agents" model, is developed. In this model, agents believe that all actions are potentially subjected to an error process. Inclusion of this belief into the equilibrium calculation provides for a richer class of reputation building possibilities than when perfect implementation is assumed.

In the second chapter, maximum likelihood estimation is employed to test the consistency of this new model and other models with data from experiments run by other researchers that served as the basis for prominent papers in this field. The alternate models considered are essentially modifications to the standard sequential equilibrium. While some models perform quite well in that the nature of the modification seems to explain deviations from the sequential equilibrium quite well, the degree to which these modifications must be applied shows no consistency across different experimental designs.

The third chapter is a study of price dynamics in an overlapping generations model. It establishes the existence of a unique perfect-foresight competitive equilibrium price path in a pure exchange economy with a finite time horizon when there are arbitrarily many shocks to supply or demand. One main reason for the interest in this equilibrium is that overlapping generations environments are very fruitful for the study of price dynamics, especially in experimental settings. The perfect foresight assumption is an important place to start when examining these environments because it will produce the ex post socially efficient allocation of goods. This characteristic makes this a natural baseline to which other models of price dynamics could be compared.


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Congress established a legal imperative to restore the quality of our surface waters when it enacted the Clean Water Act in 1972. The act requires that existing uses of coastal waters such as swimming and shellfishing be protected and restored. Enforcement of this mandate is frequently measured in terms of the ability to swim and harvest shellfish in tidal creeks, rivers, sounds, bays, and ocean beaches. Public-health agencies carry out comprehensive water-quality sampling programs to check for bacteria contamination in coastal areas where swimming and shellfishing occur. Advisories that restrict swimming and shellfishing are issued when sampling indicates that bacteria concentrations exceed federal health standards. These actions place these coastal waters on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencies’ (EPA) list of impaired waters, an action that triggers a federal mandate to prepare a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) analysis that should result in management plans that will restore degraded waters to their designated uses. When coastal waters become polluted, most people think that improper sewage treatment is to blame. Water-quality studies conducted over the past several decades have shown that improper sewage treatment is a relatively minor source of this impairment. In states like North Carolina, it is estimated that about 80 percent of the pollution flowing into coastal waters is carried there by contaminated surface runoff. Studies show this runoff is the result of significant hydrologic modifications of the natural coastal landscape. There was virtually no surface runoff occurring when the coastal landscape was natural in places such as North Carolina. Most rainfall soaked into the ground, evaporated, or was used by vegetation. Surface runoff is largely an artificial condition that is created when land uses harden and drain the landscape surfaces. Roofs, parking lots, roads, fields, and even yards all result in dramatic changes in the natural hydrology of these coastal lands, and generate huge amounts of runoff that flow over the land’s surface into nearby waterways. (PDF contains 3 pages)


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Studies were carried out using 96hr static toxicity bioassay to determine the effect of lethal concentrations of extracts from two local plants Tephrosia vogelii and Parkia clappertoniana which are known fish poison, on a species of mud fish. Clarias gariepinus Phytochemical analysis of the plant extracts was done and the extract from T. vogelii was found to contain alkaloids, tannins and flavonoids, while the extract from P. clappertoniana was formed to contain alkaloids tannins and saponins. Experimental fish were exposed to test water separately polluted by varying concentrations of extraction of both plant species ranging from 0.50mgl super(-1), 1.50mgl super(-1), 2.50mgl super(-1), 3.0mgl super(-1), 5.00mgl super(-1), 10.00mgl super(-1) in the case of T. vogelii and 5.00mgl super(-1), 7.50mgl super(-1), 10.00mgl super(-1), 15.00mgl super(-1), 20.00mgl super(-1) and 30.00mgl super(-1) in the case of P. clappertaniana. Behavioural hispathological and heamatological examinations were made. Both plant extracts were found to have lethal effects at the higher concentrations, affecting the gills and the central nervous system as well as having a depressive effect on the total count and increasing platelet and white blood cell count. Symptoms of toxicosis observed include, initial inactivation agitated swimming, tumbling movement air gulping, increased opercular beat and period of quiescence/knockdown before death. Marked differences were also observed in the hematological and histopathological analysis of poisoned fish. Lower concentrations of the extracts had sub lethal effects on the fish, which manifested as zigzag movement air gulping increased opercular movement etc. None of these effects were observed in the control experiment


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The acute toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) detergent to Clarias gariepinus fingerlings was investigated using static bioassays and continous aeration over a period of 96h. The 96h LC sub(50) was determined as 24.00mgL super(-1). During the exposure period, the test fish exhibited several behavioural changes before death such as restlessness, rapid swimming, loss of balance, respiratory distress and haemorrhaging of gill filaments amongst others. Opercula ventilation rate as well as visual examination of dead fish indicates lethal effects of the detergent on the fish. Water quality examination showed increase in pH from 6.55 to the alkaline, death point of 10.55. There was also a remarkabel rise of alkalinity from 20.00mgL super(-1) to 52.50mgL super(-1)


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O crescimento do percentual de idosos na população ocorre mundialmente tornando necessário conhecer o impacto do processo de envelhecimento, neste contexto, do sistema respiratório. O desconhecimento do impacto do envelhecimento associado a diferentes graus de exposição a poluentes e a presença de comorbidade(s) dificulta a diagnose das pneumopatias acarretando aos idosos piora da qualidade de vida. São vantagens da Técnica de Oscilações Forçadas (FOT): alto potencial de aplicação em idosos, fácil realização, análise detalhada da mecânica respiratória, desempenho de papel complementar, bem como de alternativa na impossibilidade de realização dos exames tradicionais. Foi realizado um estudo experimental comparativo que objetivou investigar o impacto do envelhecimento no sistema respiratório pela FOT e pela espirometria entre grupos de diferentes faixas etárias, sendo a idade a variável independente e as variáveis dependentes, os parâmetros oscilométricos resistência em regime contínuo (R0) e das vias aéreas centrais (Rm), inclinação da resistência (S), frequência de ressonância (fr), reatância média (Xm), complacência dinâmica (Cdin,sr) e os parâmetros espirométricos (VEF1, CVF, VEF1/CVF e FEF/CVF). Foram realizados entrevista, exame clínico, radiografia torácica, avaliação da mecânica respiratória pela FOT e da função pulmonar pela espirometria. 255 indivíduos com idades entre 20 e 86 anos foram entrevistados. Destes, 175 foram excluídos, restando os 80 voluntários analisados, que foram divididos em 6 grupos de acordo com a faixa etária (A: 20 a 29 anos; B: 30 a 39 anos; C: 40 a 49 anos; D: 50 a 59 anos; E: 60 a 69 anos; F: 70 anos ou mais). Foram utilizados os testes de Shapiro-Wilkins, na avaliação da normalidade dos dados biométricos em cada grupo, Oneway ANOVA, na comparação entre os grupos, e Tukey HSD na comparação entre as classes subjacentes. A análise da associação entre duas variáveis foi realizada inicialmente pela regressão univariada entre os parâmetros oscilométricos, a idade e a altura. A regressão múltipla entre os parâmetros oscilométricos, idade e altura foi realizada em conjunto. Foi realizada a análise de confundimento ou modificação de efeito sobre o parâmetro altura na relação entre a idade e os parâmetros oscilométricos. A correção pelo fator altura foi realizada quando sua análise apresentava fator de confundimento. Quanto aos parâmetros resistivos, não foram observadas alterações em R0 e Rm com o envelhecimento enquanto que o declínio observado em S é discreto e não-significativo. Em relação aos parâmetros reativos, verificouse que Cdin,sr e Xm diminuem enquanto que fr aumenta com o processo de envelhecimento. Todas estas alterações são significativas. Todavia, a diminuição da Cdin,sr não apresenta relação com a idade e sim com a altura, que constituiu modificação do efeito. Nos demais parâmetros oscilométricos, a altura constituiu fator de confundimento. Quanto à espirometria, observou-se declínio significativo do VEF1, do VEF1/CVF e da CVF. O índice FEF/CVF apresentou declínio nãosignificativo. Concluindo, a resistência do sistema respiratório e a complacência dinâmica não se modificam enquanto a homogeneidade do sistema respiratório diminui com o processo de envelhecimento.


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This is a two-part thesis concerning the motion of a test particle in a bath. In part one we use an expansion of the operator PLeit(1-P)LLP to shape the Zwanzig equation into a generalized Fokker-Planck equation which involves a diffusion tensor depending on the test particle's momentum and the time.

In part two the resultant equation is studied in some detail for the case of test particle motion in a weakly coupled Lorentz Gas. The diffusion tensor for this system is considered. Some of its properties are calculated; it is computed explicitly for the case of a Gaussian potential of interaction.

The equation for the test particle distribution function can be put into the form of an inhomogeneous Schroedinger equation. The term corresponding to the potential energy in the Schroedinger equation is considered. Its structure is studied, and some of its simplest features are used to find the Green's function in the limiting situations of low density and long time.


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O presente estudo objetivou testar experimentalmente a existência da possível correlação entre a penetração de cimento nos túbulos dentinários e a qualidade do selamento. Foram utilizados 60 incisivos centrais superiores humanos que formaram um único grupo experimental. Após a eliminação das porções coronárias, as raízes foram padronizadas em 13 mm de comprimento. A instrumentação dos canais foi realizada no sentido coroa-ápice, e o comprimento de trabalho estabelecido a 1 mm aquém do forame apical. Como solução irrigadora foi empregado o NaOCl a 5,25% e ao final, EDTA a 17%. Em seguida, todos os canais foram obturados com guta-percha e cimento AH Plus marcado com um corante fluorescente. Para determinar a qualidade do selamento das obturações endodônticas, as amostras foram submetidas ao modelo de infiltração de glicose sob pressão. As raízes foram montadas em um dispositivo de dupla-câmara selada para permitir a infiltração da glicose. Como controle negativo foram utilizados 4 dentes hígidos, e como controle positivo, 2 dentes instrumentados porém, não obturados. Foram utilizados 0,75 mL de solução de glicose a 1 mol/L na câmara superior e 0,75 mL de água deionizada na câmara inferior. Os dispositivos foram conectados a um sistema de distribuição de pressão desenvolvido com o objetivo de permitir a infiltração de 32 amostras em uma mesma etapa. A solução de glicose foi forçada apicalmente sob uma pressão de 15 psi durante 1 hora. Uma alíquota de 50 L foi coletada da câmara inferior para quantificar a glicose infiltrada. A concentração de glicose foi determinada através de um método enzimático com o auxílio do Kit Glucose HK e de um espectrofotômetro em um comprimento de onda de 340 nm. Na sequência, as amostras foram desacopladas dos corpos de prova, embutidas em resina epóxi e cortadas em 3 secções transversais. Uma sequência de preparação metalográfica padrão foi realizada para permitir a observação da penetração de cimento nos túbulos dentinários por meio de microscopia confocal e óptica. Os dados obtidos nos 2 experimentos foram cruzados pelo teste de correlação de Spearman, o qual revelou a inexistência de qualquer possibilidade de correlação (r = 0,12). Com base nesses resultados, o presente trabalho concluiu que, dentro das condições experimentais usadas, a quantidade de cimento presente dentro dos túbulos dentinários não teve relação com a qualidade do selamento produzido.