959 resultados para Fly fishing.
Charts with 3-months running means of thermal data collected during 1977-1982 are used to describe the seasonal variability of the circulation pattern off Mozambique, and to identify the areas of tuna vulnerability to surface gears. The main conclusions reached by Sætre and Jorge da Silva (1984) have received further support. Areas of potentially successful exploitation of tunas by surface methods have been identified during the whole year, with emphasis for November-April.
Government of Sri Lanka initiated a project for conducting a experimental skipjack fishery using modern pole and line method and an experimental fishery for live bait and small pelagic fish using purse seine and lampara nets, with the, assistance of UNDP and FAO. Accordingly, the survey for small pelagic fish varieties using the purse seine and lampara nets commenced in April, 1972 and will continue until the end of 1975. This paper is a preliminary report on the results of the survey carried out between Septernber 1972 to October 1978.
postive transformation of the fisheries sector in Uganda has of recent been scatted by failure to mountain fish quality and safety,akey prerequiste for retaining and gaining fish markets. The social cultural study established the extent to which social cutural practices had affected the levels and the use of sanitation facilities,fish handling facilities and artisanal fish processing techniques and the factors that influenced these practices in the fishing communities of lake victoria. This information is of significance for the purpose of advocacy and mobilization of fishers in order to improve sanitation, fish handling and artisanal fishing processing situation in the fishing communities.
Fishing in Uganda are largely developed into comericially oriented activity as a result of the fish export trade that started in the late 1980's. Despite this rapid commercialization,poverty level among fishing communities have remained relatively high thus raising concerns about the profitability of fishing. An analysis of the costs, earnings and profitability of the various fishing enterprises in Uganda was undertaken to address this concern.
Since 1950 onwards, a practice has grown in Sri Lanka of dividing the marine fisheries into three different classes depending on the location of the resource to be exploited viz. coastal fishing, off-shore fishing and deep-sea fishing. The author describes commercial fishing activities, paying attention to changes emerged and future prospectives.
Fishing in Sri Lanka has been carried on largely with the use of traditional methods and in recent years there has been a marked increase in the use of mechanized craft for fishing. Although some effort has been made in the sphere of deep-sea fishing both by trawlers and long line tuna boats, such efforts have not made a significant contribution towards improving the industry. The progress of deep-sea fishing in Sri Lanka has been hindered due to a number of reasons described by the author.
The author describes the commercial viable off-shore fishing methods for catching known commercial resources available around Sri Lanka. He also describes the in-shore fishing methods such as bait fishery which are related and of prime importance for carrying out certain off-shore methods. The paper is intended as a background for the description of fishing methods. The methods discussed are: (1) Longlining for large pelagic species such as large tuna (yellow fin, big eye), shark, spearfish and others; (2) Drift-netting for small and large tuna species (skipjack, yellow fin and others), shark, spearfish, etc.; (3) Pole and line for all deep-sea pelagic species such as skipjack, yellow fin, frigate mackerel, etc.; and (4) Purse seining (small scale) for small pelagic species suitable as bait fish for pole and line and longline fisheries.
India started mechanization of fishing craft in early 1950. The traditional craft was subjected to technical scrutiny and some of them mechanized with good results. However, due to limitations inherent in the traditional craft, it was found necessary to develop new series of crafts suitable for the operation of modern fishing gears in areas hitherto unexplored. The impetus given to the development of infrastructure like freezing, canning and ice plants, and quickly expanding export market, increased the demand for marine products, hence craft for immediate, as well as long-term needs had to be introduced. In this article the author discusses design of fishing vessels, information from experience used in development of vessels, designs of distant water vessels, productivity studies, income and expenditure, economic values, production cost, and productivity.
The need for operatives for the offshore and deep-sea fishing vessels is currently very great, and the importance of fisheries training has long been recognized by the Department of Fisheries. In 1974 the Sri Lanka Fisheries Training Institute was established with Japanese aid. The author discusses the purpose and functions of the institute, the first batch of trainees from which finished their training in June 1977. Annexes describe the courses offered, diplomas and certificates, admission requirements, and the conditions required for candidates sitting second-hand fishing vessel examination of the Mercantile Marine Department, Bombay District.
The author presents a brief account of the infrastructure facilities required for the fishing industry. He describes those facilities presently available in Sri Lanka, and those that are under construction, and gives a few suggestions indicating the nature of infrastructure facilities that are vital to the local situation at its present stage of development. The principal facilities discussed are (1) fish landing places; (2) unloading handling facilities; (3) vessel servicing facilities; and (4) navigation aids.
The author gives a financial and economic valuation of the operation of vessels in the 38 foot GRP class. He discusses particularly the materials and methods of fishing they use, species composition of their catches, their rate of return, break-even analysis, financial and social analysis.
The experience of the Government in the recovery of loans for 28 foot mechanized vessels has been unsatisfactory. The author examines the various aspects which have contributed to this situation, and considers arrangements for financing purchase of such vessels. The risks associated with the investment in 38 foot vessels are high, and it seems that the reluctance of private investors to make the required contribution from personal funds is a result of fear of the unknown. Current incentives provided by the Government to the private sector for the purchase of 38 foot vessels are considered to be adequate.
The Government of Sri Lanka is improving off-shore and deep-shore fishing by introducing more sophisticated and larger vessels into the Sri Lanka waters, together with the offer of subsidies, tax holidays and other concessions to those who seek to operate such fishing vessels. As a first step, some thirty 38 foot class fishing vessels are to be introduced. The requisite variety and quantity of fishing gear is supplied together with the vessels, and operators will be given further assistance to either export or market their catches locally by provision of insulated fish transport vans, jeeps with trailers, crushed ice plants, fish storage cabinets and adequate spares for at least the next few years. A description is given of the credit terms offered for the purchase of such vessels, pre-shipment finance, and loans and hire purchase facilities.