904 resultados para Family Background Variables


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer les liens entre les variables familiales et les élèves fortement à risque de décrochage scolaire. Deux types de variables familiales sont abordés dans ce mémoire, il s'agit des variables reliées aux pratiques éducatives et des variables environnementales. L'échantillon est composé de 42 élèves présentant de graves difficultés d'apprentissage. Ces élèves proviennent du programme I.S.P.M.T. (Insertion sociale et professionnelle au marché du travail) de l'école secondaire St-Jérôme de la région des Laurentides. Les sujets ont été évalués avec le Questionnaire de renseignements généraux et le Family Environment Scale (Moos & Moos, 1981). Durant l'année scolaire, 25 de ces sujets ont décroché et 17 ont persévéré. Ainsi, une comparaison entre les élèves persévérants et les décrocheurs fut effectuée. Tout d'abord, le test du khi-deux (Pearson) fut utilisé afin d'évaluer le lien entre certaines variables (niveau socio-économique de la famille et élèves persévérants et décrocheurs). Auprès de l'échantillon, les résultats indiquent qu'il n'y a pas de différence significative au niveau socio-économique de la famille dans le fait de poursuivre ou non ses études. Par la suite, le test non-paramétrique de Mann-Whitney nous a permis de vérifier si nos deux groupes (élèves persévérants et décrocheurs) différaient l'un de l'autre sur les trois dimensions du Family Environment Scale (Moos & Moos, 1981). Certains résultats obtenus aux différentes sous-échelles de ce questionnaire sont significatifs. De façon générale, les résultats indiquent que les élèves persévérants ont un degré d'engagement, d'aide et de support entre les membres de leur famille supérieur à celui des familles des décrocheurs. Pour l'ensemble du questionnaire, les rangs moyens obtenus par les élèves persévérants sont supérieurs à ceux des décrocheurs. En comparaison au milieu familial des élèves décrocheurs, les résultats suggèrent que le milieu familial des élèves persévérants est caractérisé par de meilleures relations parents-enfant, entraînant ainsi un climat de vie familiale recherché.


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The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore the previously unexamined phenomenon of middle school parental engagement in a large urban/suburban/rural school district of 209 schools in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Across 22 middle schools serving grades six-eight, this study collected and examined perceptions of the three key adult stakeholder groups – administrators, teachers, and parents – most actively involved in middle school parental engagement as described within the theoretical framework of academic socialization. Their reports of observable parental engagement activities were used to document how district stakeholders operationalize behaviors that represent the five actionable constructs and three themes of academic socialization to determine how the district “fares” in employing academic socialization as a middle school parent engagement strategy. The study also applied quantitative descriptive analysis through a one-way ANOVA to determine the significance of observable variations in actionable constructs between the perspectives of the three stakeholder groups. Finally, the study illuminated, through regression modeling, when confounding factors/independent variables such as race, income, school size, administrator and teacher experience, parents’ educational background, etc., impacted operationalization of academic socialization behaviors for middle school parent and family engagement. Rejecting the null hypothesis, the study found that the three stakeholder groups had statistically significant differences in perceptions of their implementation of activities aligned to academic socialization. This study ultimately illuminated ways in which these adult stakeholder groups share similar and varied perceptions about their engagement actions that support the achievement and maturation of middle school students. Significantly, this study provided key findings that illuminated areas that can be systemically addressed to transform middle school parent engagement practices through applied academic socialization theory into consistent and effective collaborative efforts between the home and school. The process of operationalizing academic socialization was outlined in terms that any school or district can follow to improve programs and practices of middle school parental engagement to serve in the best interests of students during this period of great transition for both child/adolescent growth and development and adult navigation of systems to provide support for students in this unique stage of growth and maturation.


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This thesis is an edition of the correspondence of the Yorkshirean Wentworth family. The aim of the edition is to provide these handwritten manuscripts to a wider audience by transcribing them. The material has been acquired from the Folger Shakespeare Library, and the transcriptions presented in this thesis are a part of their database called Early Modern Manuscripts Online. My material consists of fifteen documents from the early modern period which have been sent to or sent by members of the Wentworth family. Fourteen of these documents are letters, and one is a warrant written in the form of a letter. In the Folger Shakespeare Library the documents form the section 2.1. Correspondence of the Wentworth family in a larger collection called Papers of the Cavendish-Talbot family. The documents have been transcribed diplomatically in order to retain the character of the original manuscripts. In addition to the transcriptions, background chapters on letter writing, the historical and linguistic context, and palaeography are provided. Furthermore, each text includes a commentary containing a brief summary of the text and a description of the manuscript. Notes concerning specific words or concepts are also provided to make the texts easier to understand. Additionally, the transcriptions are encoded in XML for the purposes of the Folger Shakespeare Library. These earlier unedited manuscripts reassert the status of the Wentworth family in the early modern English society and provide information about letter writing conventions, language, and palaeographical conventions in early modern England. This edition can be used in further studies, for example as part of a larger corpus.


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Background: The Nme gene family is involved in multiple physiological and pathological processes such as cellular differentiation, development, metastatic dissemination, and cilia functions. Despite the known importance of Nme genes and their use as clinical markers of tumor aggressiveness, the associated cellular mechanisms remain poorly understood. Over the last 20 years, several non-vertebrate model species have been used to investigate Nme functions. However, the evolutionary history of the family remains poorly understood outside the vertebrate lineage. The aim of the study was thus to elucidate the evolutionary history of the Nme gene family in Metazoans. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using a total of 21 eukaryote species including 14 metazoans, the evolutionary history of Nme genes was reconstructed in the metazoan lineage. We demonstrated that the complexity of the Nme gene family, initially thought to be restricted to chordates, was also shared by the metazoan ancestor. We also provide evidence suggesting that the complexity of the family is mainly a eukaryotic innovation, with the exception of Nme8 that is likely to be a choanoflagellate/metazoan innovation. Highly conserved gene structure, genomic linkage, and protein domains were identified among metazoans, some features being also conserved in eukaryotes. When considering the entire Nme family, the starlet sea anemone is the studied metazoan species exhibiting the most conserved gene and protein sequence features with humans. In addition, we were able to show that most of the proteins known to interact with human NME proteins were also found in starlet sea anemone. Conclusion/Significance: Together, our observations further support the association of Nme genes with key cellular functions that have been conserved throughout metazoan evolution. Future investigations of evolutionarily conserved Nme gene functions using the starlet sea anemone could shed new light on a wide variety of key developmental and cellular processes.


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Contemporary research aims to investigate background factors that contribute to successful sport performance. Of these factors the psychological well-being and mental health status should be underlined that have gained a significant role, particularly in the frames of sport psychological counseling. The aim of the present study is to seek for interrelations of psychological variables and sport performance of young athletes, and to reveal what advantages might be utilized in younger ages to strengthen sport performance. No gender differences were found in sport performance; while age showed significant difference. The findings indicated differences of the investigated psychological variables by age and gender. Regression analyses were employed to test how psychological factors predict successful sport performance. The analyses strengthened the role of age and gender specific factors that should be considered during sport psychological counseling. The benefits should be highlighted in young age in order to ensure more successful performance in adulthood.


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This work was general-purpose, develop a proposal of a theoretical model of decisionmaking with a focus on management of small family farms costs, which enables support for decision making. And the following objectives: i) develop a structured methodology, which allows to form a literary basis to provide scientific support for the implementation of research; ii) develop based on the literature the dimensions and variables of the necessary models to propose an application and iii tooling) to implement the proposed model within the dimensions and variables, and validate every stage background and perform the necessary conclusions to verify the effectiveness of applied model. In terms of methodology, we used a structured methodology, which allowed forming a bibliographic portfolio of 29 articles, and through the research constructs developed, based on an existing model, an activity segmentation model for aid farmer of small family farms in the decision-making process with emphasis on cost management. The model was applied in six family farms in the South West region of Parana and Santa Catarina West. With regard to the search results, it was identified that the model can be applied to the specific context for which it was created. It was also possible to identify that the proposed model was valid and relevant to aid in the management of family farms by identifying, through the targeting of productive activities, investment priorities guided by the balance between managing costs and return activities. Moreover, possible to target the activities of six surveyed properties, demonstrating that the property 02, has the shape of more complex segmentation should be divided into three groups of activities, which can be conducted in parallel without any restrictions between activities. Other properties have the segmentation of the simplest activities, allowing viewing in this way that there are activities of groups that require prioritizing investments. Specifically the property 01 and 04 have the highest priority investment target groups, the most prominent activities of groups representing respectively 49.32% and 47.40%, which are represented by grain production activities on the property 01 and grain production, beef cattle and eggs on the property 04.


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Enquadramento: A doença oncológica, independentemente da localização ou estadio, assim como os aspectos fisiológicos, psicológicos e sociais a ela associados podem resultar em prejuízo significativo ao nível do funcionamento sexual e relacional do doente. Objetivo: Identificar a influência da doença oncológica na vivência da sexualidade do doente oncológico. Métodos: Estudo de natureza quantitativa, exploratória e descritivo-correlacional, foi realizado com 330 utentes de um Centro Hospitalar na região centro, constituída por 61,5% mulheres e 38,5% homens, com idades compreendidas entre os 25 e os 84 anos (M= 56,05; DP= 12,16). Instrumento de colheita de dados composto por questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica, clínica e a Escala de Apgar Familiar, Smilkstein (1978); Escala de Imagem Corporal (Hopwood, et al 2001); Escala Reduzida de Ajustamento Mental ao Cancro (Watson et al, 1988); Questionário de Satisfação com o Relacionamento Sexual (Cappelleri et al, 2002). Resultados: Da amostra 81,1% é casada ou vive em união de facto, em relação à localização do cancro, 37,9% é localizado na mama e 31,8% digestivo. Relacionamento conjugal antes da doença muito satisfatório (45, 15% ) vs 32,12% nada/pouco satisfatório atualmente. Verificam-se diferenças estatísticamente significativas em algumas variáveis sóciodemográficas (idade, escolaridade), clínicas (localização do tumor, tratamento efetuado), funcionalidade familiar, imagem corporal e ajustamento mental ao cancro, na vivênvia da sexualidade pelo doente oncológico. Conclusão: A assistência aos portadores de doença oncológica deve incluir intervenções dirigidas ao despiste e tratamento da disfunção da sexualidade assim como ao planeamento de ações educativas/formativas dos profissionais de saúde no âmbito da sexualidade do doente oncológico. Palavras-chave: Doença Oncológica; Sexualidade; Imagem corporal; Ajustamento mental.


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Background: Due to the economic recession, several people in Europe became unemployed. This situation may risk their mental health. Aim: This study explored parents’ perceptions about their unemployment’s effects in daily life during the recession. Methods: A total of 59 unemployed parents (40.7% fathers and 59.3% mothers), ageing 44.4 years (±6.2), answer a question on how the unemployment affected their family lives. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. Results: The findings suggest that unemployment is a source of adult and youth mental distress and of economic hardship and changes in family relations. Conclusion: Support to unemployed individuals and their families could benefit from these insights when granting the needed financial and socioemotional assistance.


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Enquadramento: Conhecer a perceção que os cuidadores informais possuem sobre o planeamento da alta dos idosos internados, permite que os enfermeiros conheçam as reais necessidades do cuidador e do idoso, contribuindo assim, para a diminuição da ansiedade, prevenção de complicações e consequentemente uma maior satisfação pelos cuidados recebidos. Objetivos: Conhecer a perceção dos cuidadores informais sobre o planeamento da alta hospitalar do idoso, e analisar associações entre as variáveis sociodemográficas, profissionais, familiares, clínicas e psicossociais e a referida perceção. Métodos/ Procedimentos: Realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e correlacional, utilizando uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 41 cuidadores informais de idosos internados no serviço de Medicina 1 do Centro Hospitalar do Algarve – Unidade de Faro. Recorreu-se ao questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica, profissional, familiar e clínica, bem como a utilização do Índice de Barthel, questionário de Planeamento da Alta (PREPARED) e a escala de Ansiedade e Depressão Hospitalar (HADS). Resultados: Dos 41 cuidadores informais,73,17 % são do género feminino, 78% são casados/ união de fato, 39,0% mantêm-se ativos profissionalmente a tempo inteiro e em 51,2% são filhos do idoso, que apresentam uma média de idade de 78,78 anos. A maioria (82,9%) reside na mesma habitação que o idoso, sendo cuidadores informais há menos de 3 meses (58,5%). Os cuidadores apresentam um nível de ansiedade leve a moderada, sendo superior para o género feminino, embora não se verificasse diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Relativamente à perceção dos cuidadores relacionados com o planeamento da alta, a maioria privilegia as informações relacionadas como conseguir fazer as AVD, afirmando que se sentem preparados para regressar a casa, contudo a maioria não sente confiança para executar as tarefas diárias no domicílio. Constatou-se que a presença de apoio da rede formal influencia significativamente a perceção do planeamento da alta (p< 0,05), sendo que o género, agregado familiar e grau de dependência, embora de forma parcial (apenas para um indicador) também são preditivas da perceção. Conclusões: Apesar do número reduzido da amostra, os resultados obtidos evidenciam a relevância de organização dos cuidados face à satisfação das necessidades dos idosos e seus cuidadores em cuidados de saúde, no que dizem respeito ao planeamento da alta, como busca da qualidade. Palavras-chave: perceção do planeamento da alta, cuidadores informais, idosos.


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Background: Wheat 1BL/1RS translocation lines are planted around the world for their disease resistance and high yield. Most of them are poor in bread making, which is partially caused by ω-secalins that are encoded by the ω-secalin gene family, which is located on the short arm of rye chromosome 1R (1RS). However, information on the structure and evolution of the ω-secalin gene family is still limited. Results: We first generated a physicalmap of the ω-secalin gene family covering 195 kb of the Sec-1 locus based on sequencing three bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones of the 1BL/1RS translocation wheat cultivar Shimai 15. A BAC contig was constructed spanning 168 kb of the Sec-1 locus on 1RS. Twelve ω-secalin genes were arranged in a head-to-tail fashion, separated by 8.2–21.6 kb spacers on the contig, whereas six other ω-secalin genes were arranged head-to-tail, separated by 8.2–8.4 kb of spacers on clone BAC125. The 18 ω-secalin genes can be classified into six types among which eight ω-secalin genes were expressed during seed development. The ω-secalin genes with the 1074-bp open reading frame (ORF) represented the main population. Except for two pseudogenes, the N-terminal of the ω-secalin gene was conserved, whereas variations in the C-terminal led to a change in ORF length. The spacers can be sorted into two classes. Class-1 spacers contained conserved and non-conservative sequences. Conclusion: The ω-secalin gene family consisted of at least 18 members in the 1BL/1RS translocation line cv. Shimai 15. Eight ω-secalin genes were expressed during seed development. Eighteen members may originate from a progenitor with a 1,074-bp ORF. The spacers differed in length and sequence conservation.


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Background: Recent publications show that smoking and alcohol use among adolescents with unplanned pregnancy is increasing and the causes need to be further studied. Objective: To determine the association between living in a non-intact family household and the presence of smokers and consumers of alcoholic beverages in the adolescents’ environment with smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages in adolescents with unplanned pregnancies. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 785 pregnant adolescents, aged 13-19 years. Data was collected by trained interviewers using a self-administered questionnaire. The association was determined using multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: In adolescents with unplanned pregnancies, the prevalence of active smoking was 21.2% and of alcohol consumption, 41.5%. The percentage of smoking at home was 57.4% and alcohol consumption, 77.5%. Approximately, 80.3% of adolescents with unplanned pregnancies had friends who smoked and 90.6% consumed alcoholic beverages. Multivariate logistic regression analysis shows that having friends who smoke or who consume alcoholic beverages is the most important risk factor for substance use in adolescents with unplanned pregnancies. Smoking and alcohol consumption at home are not associated with smoking in adolescents with unplanned pregnancies. Conclusion: Socializing with friends who smoke and/or consume alcoholic beverages constitutes the most important risk factor for substance use among adolescents with unplanned pregnancies.


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Background: Post-discharge mortality is a frequent but poorly recognized contributor to child mortality in resource limited countries. The identification of children at high risk for post-discharge mortality is a critically important first step in addressing this problem. Objectives: The objective of this project was to determine the variables most likely to be associated with post-discharge mortality which are to be included in a prediction modelling study. Methods: A two-round modified Delphi process was completed for the review of a priori selected variables and selection of new variables. Variables were evaluated on relevance according to (1) prediction (2) availability (3) cost and (4) time required for measurement. Participants included experts in a variety of relevant fields. Results: During the first round of the modified Delphi process, 23 experts evaluated 17 variables. Forty further variables were suggested and were reviewed during the second round by 12 experts. During the second round 16 additional variables were evaluated. Thirty unique variables were compiled for use in the prediction modelling study. Conclusion: A systematic approach was utilized to generate an optimal list of candidate predictor variables for the incorporation into a study on prediction of pediatric post-discharge mortality in a resource poor setting.


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Background: Religion is a powerful coping strategy. Diabetes and depression are common conditions in our environment that induce psychological distress, thus requiring coping for better outcome. Studies indicate that increased religiosity is associated with better outcome in clinical and general populations. Therefore, studies of the distribution of religiosity and religious coping among these populations are essential to improve outcome. Objectives: To assess the association between religiosity, religious coping in depression and diabetes mellitus, and selected sociodemographic variables (age, gender and occupational status). Methods:Using simple random sampling we recruited 112 participants with diabetes and an equal number with depression consecutively, matching for gender. Religiosity was determined using religious orientation scale (revised), religious coping with brief religious coping scale and socio-demographic variables with a socio-demographic questionnaire. Results: Intrinsic religiosity was greater among older people with depression than among older people with diabetes(t=5.02,p<0.001); no significant difference among young people with depression and diabetes(t=1.47,p=0.15).Positive religious coping was greater among older people with depression than among older people with diabetes(t=2.31,p=0.02); no difference among young people with depression and diabetes(t=0.80,p=0.43). Females with depression had higher intrinsic religiosity scores than males with depression(t=3.85,p<0.001); no difference in intrinsic religiosity between females and males with diabetes(t=0.99,p=0.32).Positive religious coping was greater among participants with diabetes in the low occupational status(t=2.96,p<0.001) than those in the high occupational status. Conclusion: Religion is indeed a reliable coping method, most commonly used by the elderly and females with depression. Positive religious coping is more common among diabetic patients who are in the low occupational status.