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We propose a self-reference multiplexed fibre interferometer (MFI) by using a tunable laser and fibre Bragg grating (FBG). The optical measurement system multiplexes two Michelson fibre interferometers with shared optical path in the main part of optical system. One fibre optic interferometer is used as a reference interferometer to monitor and control the high accuracy of the measurement system under environmental perturbations. The other is used as a measurement interferometer to obtain information from the target. An active phase tracking homodyne (APTH) technique is applied for signal processing to achieve high resolution. MFI can be utilised for high precision absolute displacement measurement with different combination of wavelengths from the tuneable laser. By means of Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) technique, MFI is also capable of realising on-line surface measurement, in which traditional stylus scanning is replaced by spatial light-wave scanning so as to greatly improve the measurement speed and robustness.
Some critical aspects of a new kind of on-line measurement technique for micro and nanoscale surface measurements are described. This attempts to use spatial light-wave scanning to replace mechanical stylus scanning, and an optical fibre interferometer to replace optically bulky interferometers for measuring the surfaces. The basic principle is based on measuring the phase shift of a reflected optical signal. Wavelength-division-multiplexing and fibre Bragg grating techniques are used to carry out wavelength-to-field transformation and phase-to-depth detection, allowing a large dynamic measurement ratio (range/resolution) and high signal-to-noise ratio with remote access. In effect the paper consists of two parts: multiplexed fibre interferometry and remote on-machine surface detection sensor (an optical dispersive probe). This paper aims to investigate the metrology properties of a multiplexed fibre interferometer and to verify its feasibility by both theoretical and experimental studies. Two types of optical probes, using a dispersive prism and a blazed grating, respectively, are introduced to realize wavelength-to-spatial scanning.
Computational performance increasingly depends on parallelism, and many systems rely on heterogeneous resources such as GPUs and FPGAs to accelerate computationally intensive applications. However, implementations for such heterogeneous systems are often hand-crafted and optimised to one computation scenario, and it can be challenging to maintain high performance when application parameters change. In this paper, we demonstrate that machine learning can help to dynamically choose parameters for task scheduling and load-balancing based on changing characteristics of the incoming workload. We use a financial option pricing application as a case study. We propose a simulation of processing financial tasks on a heterogeneous system with GPUs and FPGAs, and show how dynamic, on-line optimisations could improve such a system. We compare on-line and batch processing algorithms, and we also consider cases with no dynamic optimisations.
The controlled from distance teaching (DT) in the system of technical education has a row of features: complication of informative content, necessity of development of simulation models and trainers for conducting of practical and laboratory employments, conducting of knowledge diagnostics on the basis of mathematical-based algorithms, organization of execution collective projects of the applied setting. For development of the process of teaching bases of fundamental discipline control system Theory of automatic control (TAC) the combined approach of optimum combination of existent programmatic instruments of support was chosen DT and own developments. The system DT TAC included: controlled from distance course (DC) of TAC, site of virtual laboratory practical works in LAB.TAC and students knowledge remote diagnostic system d-tester.
We propose a self-reference multiplexed fibre interferometer (MFI) by using a tunable laser and fibre Bragg grating (FBG). The optical measurement system multiplexes two Michelson fibre interferometers with shared optical path in the main part of optical system. One fibre optic interferometer is used as a reference interferometer to monitor and control the high accuracy of the measurement system under environmental perturbations. The other is used as a measurement interferometer to obtain information from the target. An active phase tracking homodyne (APTH) technique is applied for signal processing to achieve high resolution. MFI can be utilised for high precision absolute displacement measurement with different combination of wavelengths from the tuneable laser. By means of Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) technique, MFI is also capable of realising on-line surface measurement, in which traditional stylus scanning is replaced by spatial light-wave scanning so as to greatly improve the measurement speed and robustness. 2004 Optical Society of America.
A tanulmny clja az innovci-terjeds marketingvonzat irodalmnak bemutatsa, valamint betekints az exploratv tartalomelemzs mdszervel az informlis, kollektv intelligencit generl on-line felletek, nevesl a blogok s frumok kutathatsgba. Az okostelefonok innovci-elfogadsnak pldjn keresztl a szerzk megprbljk felderteni az informciterjeds elmletnek megvalsulst az elemzett felleteken. Bemutatnak hrom, a mintra jellemz informciterjedsi s felvett szerep mintt, melyek alapul szolglhatnak a tovbbi clirny kutatsok szmra. / === / Adaptive smart phones that give space for user-added functions create active online discussions. Committed users are ready to share information, advise others, while less expert users seek this information. In their paper the authors show that related user-generated content i.e. blogs and bulletin boards provide a rich data source for analysis, which gives them the opportunity to further elaborate on the diffusion of information in the case of smart phone usage among online Hungarian users. Online collective intelligence may well contribute to the diffusion of innovations through diffusing information. Following a thorough review on the literature on the diffusion of innovations, in their exploratory content analysis, they found two categories of users on the analyzed boards: a first group we dubbed "experts" (corresponding to innovators in Bass's typology) that made a special effort trying to solve particular problems thus contributing to collective intelligence, thus reducing (among others) the perceived complexity of these phones and adding to their trialability, both factors influencing users' innovation acceptance, and a second group, "simple users" (or imitators in Bass's typology), uninterested in product innovation, still asking questions and searching for solutions concerning extant technology. Manufacturers do not seem yet to regard these boards as a source of valuable data, even though these clearly serve as an important pool of information and a growing factor of decision for their potential customers.
A netnogrfia olyan kvalitatv kutatsi mdszer, amely adaptlja az etnogrfiai kutatsi technikkat az on-line kzssgek kultrjnak vizsglathoz (Kozinets, 2002). Informciforrsknt nyilvnosan elrhet on-line kommunikcis csatornkat hasznl, hogy azonostsa s megrtse az on-line fogyaszti csoportok gondolkodsmdjt s dntsi mechanizmusait, egyszersmind egyszeren s hatkonyan hasznlhat eszkz. A netnogrfia bizonyos szempontbl az gynevezett karosszk-antropolgira vezethet vissza. A szerzk cikkkben bemutatjk a mdszer eredett s hasznlatt. / _____ / Netnography is a qualitative research methodology that adopts ethnographic research techniques to study the culture of online communities (Kozinets, 2002). Netnography uses publicly available online forums to identify and understand way of thinking and decisions of online consumer groups. It is a simple and effective method. Netnography originates in so called armchair anthropology. In this paper we present the roots and usage of the method.
A hazai internethasznlat terjedsvel egyre npszerbbek az on-line kereskedelmi modellek, egyre tbb cg ksrli meg, hogy termket vagy szolgltatst rtkestsen az interneten. Pldul az on-line knyvrtkestsek s a diszkont lgitrsasgok jegyeladsai az e-kereskedelem kiugr gazatai kz tartoznak ez a hasonlsg adja a tanulmny alapjt. Dinamikusan nvekv keresleti ignyek honorljk az internetes megjelenst, s fordtva: a fogyaszti e-felkszltsget gyakran a knlati oldal induklja. A szerzk kutatsukban a hazai internethasznlat bemutatsval s fkuszcsoportos beszlgetsek rvn prbljk meg feltrni, hogy mi minden szksges ahhoz, hogy valdi alternatvt jelentsen az on-line kereskedelem a vevk szmra. Ksrletet tesznek a keresleti oldal tfog bemutatsra, hasonlsgokra s klnbsgekre fkuszlva, valamint szintn sszevetik a knlati oldal jellemz karaktereit, ezek egyezsgeit s eltrseit vizsglva. ______________ With the spreading of Hungarian internet usage online e-commerce models have become more and more popular, more and more companies start to sell products and services via the internet. For instance the on-line book sales and purchase of discount airline tickets belong to the leading branches of e-business and demonstrate that dynamically increasing demand generates supply. In this research first the authors introduces the basic data about internet usage in Hungary. Then, based on a series of focused group discussions they examine what the key customer requirements are to really consider e-commerce as a serious alternative for traditional shopping. They attempt to describe the demand side and juxtapose it with the characteristics of the supply side of Hungarian e-commerce.
A vllalatok trsadalmi felelssgvllalsval (CSR) kapcsolatos alapelvek, kezdemnyezsek s tevkenysgek kommunikcija a vllalati kommunikci egyik sarkalatos pontjv vlt szinte az egsz vilgon. A cgek CSR-kezdemnyezseik bemutatshoz egyre tbbszr az internetet is ignybe veszik. Az on-line mdia hasznlatval prhuzamosan az elmlt vtizedben egyre tbben kutatjk a CSR-kommunikci elektronikus formit, jllehet ezek a kutatsok tbbnyire ler jellegek, s a CSR-kommunikci, valamint egyes vllalati jellemzk (mret, iparg s ms magyarz vltozk) kztt keresnek kapcsolatot. A szerzk e cikkben a trsadalmi felelssgvllalssal foglalkoz vllalati weboldalakat kritikai szemvegen keresztl vizsgljk. Cljuk, hogy feltrjk az on-line kommunikcit jellemz bels ellentmondsokat s a vallott s kvetett rtkek kztti klnbsgeket. _______ Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, initiatives, and activities has become a common practice of companies all around the world. It is quite apparent that firms use internet more and more often to communicate their CSR initiatives to their stakeholders. Parallel with the extensive use of the online media, more and more research has been elaborated on the field of online CSR communication in the last decade as well. However, these studies usually have a strong descriptive focus trying to reveal connections between the intensity of online communication of CSR values and activities, and company size, industrial background, and other explanatory variables. In contrast, the authors analysed corporate web pages dedicated to CSR through critical lenses. Their research was designed to explore any dissonances and contradictions within online communication and between communication and real activities of firms from construction, retail, and telecommunication industries in Hungary.
A mindennapi, szinte folyamatos jelenlt a hlzaton szmos mellktermkkel jr. Minden bejelentkezs, zenet, vsrls, akci adatok tmegt hagyja az interneten. A cikkben arra kvnnak a szerzk rmutatni, hogy ezeket az adatokat valaki vagy valakik sszegyjthetik, s esetleg olyasmire is hasznlhatjk, amihez nem jrulnnk hozz, ha ezt megkrdeznk. A szerzk nem foglalkoznak a rosszindulat, esetleg bntnyek elkvetsnek cljra trtn illeglis adatgyjtssel, illetve -hasznostssal, azt kvntk bemutatni, hogy teljesen leglis, n. white hat eszkzkkel is tartalmas felhasznli profilt lehet sszelltani. Szt ejtenek arrl is, hogyan lehet megnehezteni azok dolgt, akik rlunk szeretnnek informcit gyjteni. ____ Everyday, almost continuous presence on the web results number of by-products. Each login, message, shopping, action leaves mass of data on the internet. In this article, the authors wish to point out that these data may be collected by somebody or somebodies. They wanted to introduce you that a meaningful user profile can be compiled by completely legal, so-called White hattools. It also notes about how you can make more difficult their job, who would like to collect information from us.
Az on-line vsrls a kiskereskedelem napjaink egyik legdinamikusabban fejld terlete. Az elmlt vekben szmos tanulmny foglalkozott az elektronikus kiskereskedelem marketingszempont vizsglatval, azonban ez idig kevesen foglalkoztak a termkeket s szolgltatsokat vsrlk elklnlt vizsglatval. A szerzk clja, hogy egy kvantitatv kutats alapjn a minsgszlelssel s elgedettsggel sszefggsben megvizsgljk az jravsrlsi, illetve a tovbbajnlsi szndk alakulst konkrt e-kiskereskedelmi vsrlsok termkek vagy szolgltatsok vsrlsa esetben. Eredmnyeik alapjn megllapthat, hogy a szolgltatst on-line vsrlk esetben az elgedettsg hatsa a tovbbajnlsi s jravsrlsi szndkra alacsonyabb szintet mutat, mint a termket vsrlk esetben. A minsgszlelshez kapcsold dimenzik kztt is megfigyelhet egy relevns eltrs: a termket vsrlk esetben az gyflszolglat relevancijban a minsgszlels sorn, kvzi, azokban az esetekben, amikor a vsrls utn htra van mg a tnyleges kiszllts vagy kzhezvtel. A rendelkezskre ll minta nagysga miatt elemzsk sorn a varianciaalap modellezst (PLS-SEM) hasznltk.