1000 resultados para Exclamacions (Lingüística)
La güerta de oro, compuesta por David M. Atías y publicada en caracteres hebreos en Liorna en 1778, es la obra de tema profano más antigua que conocemos en judeoespañol y por su contenido se diferencia literariamente del resto de la producción sefardí coetánea. Recorde-mos al respecto que la literatura sefardí escrita del siglo XVIII y la producida hasta el segundo tercio del siglo XIX desarrolla casi en exclusiva temas que se han denominado religioso-patri-moniales. Es, por tanto, la primera obra sefardí de transmisión escrita que intenta introducir los géne-ros literarios occidentales modernos en la literatura judeoespañola y supone un precedente de otros libros de entretenimiento con contenido misceláneo que se publicarán hacia el primer tercio del siglo XX. El intento de «occidentalizar» los géneros literarios sefardíes parece natural en su autor, un hombre educado en Occidente (Italia) y habituado, por ello, al gusto literario occidental. El hecho de que tardaran aproximadamente un siglo en aparecer nuevas obras de géneros similares indica que Atías no consiguió el fin que pretendía (al menos de forma inmediata), pues este camino por él emprendido no tuvo continuación, sino que se alcanzó como resultado natural de la evolución de la sociedad sefardí. Sin embargo, sí tuvo cierta repercusión entre los sefardíes orientales, ya que se realizó una reedición parcial en el libro Ḥut hamešuláš (Salónica, 1857). Y no solo resulta muy singular la obra por su contenido, sino también por su lengua, alejada de los registros hebraizantes propios de la literatura religioso-patrimonial...
Esta Tesis Doctoral estudia el olvido - o atrición - de la lengua materna en adultos con una triple finalidad: - Analiza el concepto de atrición en la edad adulta y aclara el estado de la discusión científica sobre este fenómeno poco estudiado en España. Explica el olvido de la lengua materna (también llamada L1 o lengua primera, para distinguirla de la L2 o lengua segunda) desde un enfoque pluridisciplinar, relacionándolo con el funcionamiento cognitivo cerebral y sus mecanismos mnemónicos y situándolo en la realidad compleja del bilingüismo y plurilingüismo. - Realiza un estudio de caracterización de los efectos de la atrición, situándose en el contexto franco-español y analizando el olvido desde una perspectiva lingüística e interpretativa. Considera el olvido del idioma materno francés de una población de adultos inmersos de forma continua y prolongada en un entorno hispanohablante, tratándose de una combinación de idiomas no estudiada hasta ahora en este contexto lingüístico. Por una parte, la investigación se centra en el análisis de la producción discursiva de este público - estudiando el idioma hablado en los datos obtenidos y confrontándolo con la norma nativa francesa - y en el estudio de los comportamientos compensatorios de comunicación encontrados. Por otra parte, este trabajo explora la dimensión psicolingüística del olvido, interpretando el discurso formulado en el corpus sobre la práctica del francés en este ámbito. - Profundiza y concreta su nivel de reflexión considerando al público específico de los profesores nativos de idiomas en una posible situación de olvido de su lengua materna. Pone de manifiesto el peligro que representa la atrición en su actividad profesional y propone informar e intervenir a dos niveles diferentes (pre o post atrición), formulando respectivamente unas propuestas de actuaciones preventivas y de técnicas de apoyo y mejora de la competencia lingüística y docente de estos profesionales...
El presente texto se resume históricamente el estudio de los sistemas caóticos y se muestran las implicaciones que el paradigma de los sistemas dinámicos complejos tiene para la lingüística. Por último, se refieren algunas líneas de investigación actuale y se sugieren otras venideras.
This paper discusses theoretical results of the research project Linguistic Identity and Identification: A Study of Functions of Second Language in Enunciating Subject Constitution. Non-cognitive factors that have a crucial incidence in the degree of success and ways of accomplishment of second language acquisition process are focused. A transdisciplinary perspective is adopted, mobilising categories from Discourse Analysis and Psychoanalysis. The most relevant ones are: discursive formation, intradiscourse, interdiscourse, forgetting n° 1, forgetting n° 2 (Pêcheux, 1982), identity, identification (Freud, 1966; Lacan, 1977; Nasio, 1995). Revuz s views (1991) are discussed. Her main claim is that during the process of learning a foreign language, the foundations of psychical structure, and consequently first language, are required. After examining how nomination and predication processes work in first and second languages, components of identity and identification processes are focused on, in an attempt to show how second language acquisition strategies depend on them. It is stated that methodological affairs of language teaching, learner s explicit motivation and the like are subordinated to the comprehension of deeper non-cognitive factors that determine the accomplishment of the second language acquisition process. It is also pointed out that those factors are to be approached, questioning the bipolar biological-social conception of subjectivity in the study of language acquisition and use and including in the analysis symbolic and significant dimensions of the discourse constitution process.
This article presents a characterization of the lexical competence (vocabulary knowledge and use) of students learning to read in EFL in a public university in São Paulo state. Although vocabulary has been consistently cited as one of the EFL reader´s main source of difficulty, there is no data in the literature which shows the extent of the difficulties. The data for this study is part of a previous research, which investigates, from the perspective of an interactive model of reading, the relationship between lexical competence and EFL reading comprehension. Quantitative as well as qualitative data was considered. For this study, the quantitative data is the product of vocabulary tests of 49 subjects while the qualitative data comprises pause protocols of three subjects, with levels of reading ability ranging from good to poor, selected upon their performance in the quantitative study. A rich concept of vocabulary knowledge was adapted and used for the development of vocabulary tests and analysis of protocols. The results on both studies show, with a few exceptions, the lexical competence of the group to be vague and imprecise in two dimensions: quantitative (number of known words or vocabulary size) and qualitative (depth or width of this knowledge). Implications for the teaching of reading in a foreign context are discussed.
This paper tries to show that the developments in linguistic sciences are better viewed as stages in a single research program, rather than different ideological -isms. The first part contains an overview of the structuralistas' beliefs about the universality and equivalence of human languages, and their search for syntactic universals. In the second part, we will see that the generative program, in its turn, tries to answer why language is a universal faculty in the human species and addresses questions about its form, its development and its use. In the second part, we will see that the paper gives a brief glimpse of the tentative answers the program has been giving to each of these issues.
This study is a reflection about the similarities between uptake and trace, and translation taken as an event - at once possible and impossible - which deflagrates and constitutes meaning through the language game played by the subjects of communication: text-translator. Both Austin and Derrida, each one on his own way, show that meaning is part of the human language process. The uptake, in Austin s point of view, guarantees the existence of human language, assured by a process of recognition between the subjects of communication, process through which the production of meaning takes place. The trace, according to Derrida, deflagrates, through the human language, the crashing of meaning and destroys the possibility of someone reaching the origin. In this study, taking into consideration the similarities between uptake and trace, I try to disclose translation taken as an event which at once contaminates the languages and is contaminated by them.
The main purpose of this paper is to question the relationship between theory and practice or basic and applied research in the domain of Applied Linguistics and classroom discourse. In order to achieve our aim, some theoretical texts, some recorded and transcribed classes as well as some teachers and students opinions about reading and writing were analysed. Results have shown that 1) practice is not the direct application of theoretical data: the relationship between them is not as simple as some applied linguists seem to believe because of the action of the unconscious in the constitution of subjectivity; 2) the conceptualization of the theoretical issues takes place in a confused and disorderly manner mixed up with personal experiences and previous knowledge (practice). We intend to question the fact that practice comes as secondary to theory.
In this paper, I argue against the contemporary tendency to confine ideology to the sphere of subjectivity and point of view, as defended by Paul Simpson (1993) in his book Language, Ideology, and Point of View. My principal criticism against the view is that it simply amounts to a re-affirmation of certain of the conceptual categories with which we have for long been accustomed to think. Rather, I contend, we ought to try to interrogate those very categories with a view to teasing out the instabilities that characterise them. I argue that there is an urgent need to deconstruct the very opposition between ideology, point of view etc. on the one hand, and science, theory, or whatever that one might wish to posit on the other.
The dialectic tension between the phenomenon of illiteracy and the remedial efforts of the literate to provide a voice for those who don t have one, reflects at the same time the difficulties that the emerging discourses have to struggle with, and highlights the importance of this struggle as one that belongs to the opressed, not the well-meaning educators and political activists. It also informs the latter s efforts on behalf of the uneducated. Naturally these issues have attracted a good deal of attention of some specialists in South America. There is now a movement afoot there that aims at placing illiterate discourse inside the societal discourse proper without letting the latter manipulate the former for its own ends. I will address the typical exigencies and limitations inherent in such efforts, but at the same time point to new ways of understanding and handling the problem of literacy in a developing country.
The aim of this paper is to discuss some rhythmic differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese and their relationship to pretonic vowel reduction phenomena. After the basic facts of PE and PB are presented, we show that the issue cannot be discussed without taking into account secondary stress placement, and we proceed to present the algorithm-based approach to secondary stress in Portuguese, representative of Metrical Phonology analyses. After showing that this deterministic approach cannot adequately explain the variable position of secondary stress in both languages regarding words with an even number of pretonic syllables, we argue for the interpretation of secondary stress and therefore for the construction of rhythmic units at the PF interface, as suggested in Chomsky s Minimalist Program. We also propose, inspired by the constrain hierarchies as proposed in Optimality Theory, that such interpretation must take into account two different constraint rankings, in EP and BP. These different rankings would ultimately explain the rhythmic differences between both languages, as well as the different behavior of pretonic vowels with respect to reduction processes.
Analysis of existing relations between Non-linear Phonology models' predictions about syllable weight (quantity) (specially, Hayes' 1995 parametric metrical Phonology) and syllable duration at phonetic level. The data considered here is extracted from Gramática do Português Falado Project.
This article shows that the term functionalism, very often understood as a single or uniform approach in linguistics, has to be understood in its different perspectives. I start by presenting an opposing conception similar to the I-language vs E-language in Chomsky (1986). As in the latter conception , language can be understood as an abstract model of a mind internal mechanism responsible for language production and perception or, as in the former one, it can be the description of the external use of language. Also like with formalists , there are functionalists who look for cross-linguistic variation (and universals of language use) and functionalists who look for language internal variation. It is also shown that functionalists can differ in the extent to which social variables are considered in the explanation of linguistic form.