1000 resultados para Envolvimento dos professores
A sarcoidose representa uma doença inflamatória cuja etiologia permanece desconhecida. Acomete principalmente o interstício pulmonar, com formação de granulomas não caseosos e adenomegalia. Trata-se de enfermidade sistêmica, portanto, pode atingir qualquer órgão ou sistema, devendo ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial das doenças infecciosas, neoplásicas ou auto-imunes, isto porque, se diagnosticada corretamente, evita medicações ou cirurgias desnecessárias. Os autores relatam um caso de sarcoidose pulmonar com envolvimento hepático, no qual o paciente desenvolveu cirrose e trombose de veia porta.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o rendimento da tomografia computadorizada torácica, em relação à mediastinoscopia, na detecção de metástases ganglionares mediastinais em pacientes portadores de carcinoma brônquico analisando o rendimento dessa e identificando as regiões mais problemáticas. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Analisamos 195 pacientes portadores de carcinoma brônquico, buscando-se comparar os achados entre tomografia computadorizada torácica e mediastinoscopia com biópsia. RESULTADOS: Em relação às metástases nodais mediastinais, 33,9% tinham doença metastática ganglionar peribrônquica e/ou hilar ipsilateral, 46,1% possuíam metástases mediastinais ipsilaterais e/ou subcarinais e 20% apresentavam doença metastática mediastinal e/ou hilar contralateral, escalênica ou supraclavicular. As regiões com melhores valores de sensibilidade foram traqueobrônquica direita, paratraqueal direita alta e paratraqueal esquerda alta. As regiões nodais com melhores resultados de especificidade foram paratraqueal esquerda alta, paratraqueal direita alta e regiões traqueobrônquicas. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada torácica mostrou-se importante ferramenta diagnóstica na detecção de anormalidades em gânglios mediastinais; entretanto, a natureza neoplásica desses gânglios deve ser conferida por mediastinoscopia, ou até mesmo por toracotomia, a fim de que a correta decisão quanto ao tratamento possa ser tomada.
Propomos neste artigo uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades de uma educação pautada pelos princípios da interculturalidade, no sentido de uma cidadania ativa, crítica e participativa. Para tanto, discutimos as contribuições de duas pesquisas realizadas por investigadores vinculados ao Grupo de Investigación en Educación Intercultural (GREDI Universidade de Barcelona). Os critérios que orientaram tal escolha se pautaram: por oferecer um enfoque privilegiado na formação de professores para a cidadania intercultural; pelo desenvolvimento de um programa de formação para a cidadania intercultural; pelo contexto de execução da pesquisa marcado por características multiculturais e pela atualidade do trabalho. Para além das estratégias consagradas de coleta de dados na pesquisa em educação, comumente as pesquisas produzidas no âmbito do GREDI apresentam propostas de intervenção traduzidas em programas, projetos e ações que são acompanhadas, avaliadas, analisadas e problematizadas conforme preconizam os princípios da metodologia adotada como referência. Assim, nosso objetivo centra-se em compreender como se desencadeiam os processos de construção de cidadania intercultural nas práticas educativas propostas pelos pesquisadores em suas investigações.
This work evidences a survey conducted during a teacher professional qualification in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This survey analysed the textbooks used by these teachers. The dynamics consisted of choosing the analytic criteria used by teachers, and adding new criteria for examining their difficulties and ways to choose textbooks. This article emphasises the problematics and difficulties teachers have to make choices and their loss of skills and authority to consider these books more profoundly.
The teaching of general chemistry involves both the choice and the organization of its concepts. Although College Teachers make their choices, frequently the text books play an important role in this selection. In the present project we intend to show what are Teachers' perceptions of conceptual organization and selection as well as their perceptions of how to teach general chemistry. This demonstration is carried out through the use of metaphors from new information technologies.
Sialic acids are nine-carbon carbohydrates that occur widely in nature and occupy the terminal portions of some glycoproteins and glycolipids of cell membranes. These carbohydrates are closely involved in cell-cell interactions and in processes such as microbial infection, inflammation, etc. Studies on the participation of sialic acids in biological processes have provided comprehension about their role in the infection by the influenza virus, the causal agent of flu. In this article, we present an overview of the importance of sialic acids in the influenza virus infection and how the knowledge of their involvement in this process has allowed the development of selective and efficient drugs against the virus.
This paper focuses on the teaching development practice in the field of chemistry covering such disciplines as chemistry teaching practice, chemistry teaching instrumentation and chemistry teaching methodology and/or didactics, thereby describing and analysing the logics of the development practice and the role of teachers as well as the epistemological identity configurations (knowledges which are proper to said identity) within this discipline field.
A digital game was created as a resource for cognitive learning and afterwards it was used in primary schools in order to survey its active users. The methods used to recollect data were observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups. The main target of this study is to collect points of view of different primary school teachers. Conclusions show us how the group of study members perceive the use of digital games in the classroom.
During short courses, 95 secondary school teachers from 49 state schools and 421 students from the Ribeirão Preto region (in Sao Paulo state, Brazil, with a population of 530,000) were asked to fill in different questionnaires. The points raised in the teacher's questionnaire were used as a guide to establish a continuous dialogue during the short courses. Most of the schools claimed to have some kind of environmental education (EE). Based on the questionnaires and dialogues we analyzed how the teachers' perceptions on EE reflect on the views secondary students hold about their own responsibility for preserving the environment. The role of universities in the preparation of chemistry teachers capable of effectively approaching EE is also discussed.
The literature presents a new understanding of the teaching practice and the supervised internship.Mutual interaction between them is expected one providing subsidies to the other.The present article shows the conceptions prevailing at the São Paulo state universities regarding these activities.Students,when interviewed, report difficulties in dealing with classroom situations. It is possible to observe that chemists wish to prepare new chemists deviating from the objectives of a Chemistry course leading to teaching credentials .
The present paper discusses the influence of TV and general media on students scientific ideas and the teacher's perception of this influence on students during class time. 17 high-school chemistry teachers with teaching degree, working in state schools, were interviewed. The interviews showed that both, teachers and students, have a positive opinion of science and the scientist. According to their teachers, students' positive view of science is greatly influenced by TV. The developed study shows how important epistemology is in teachers' college formation to offer them a critical perception of science treated in general media.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate lecturers'actions and conceptions about pre-service teaching practices in chemistry. In this sense, it takes into account several theoretical references concerned with teacher education, which support the qualitative analysis of 18 interviews, gathered with 14 brazilian and 4 portuguese lecturers. Results reveal that the pre-service teaching practices in chemistry have been performed far from a technical approach, showing a paradigmatic rupture and presenting another logic related with teacher education in chemistry, which have improved the comprehension of the teachers' real practices, since these have been shaped by complex and unprescribed factors.
This work analysed the contents of 701 disciplines from 22 chemistry courses that prepare chemistry teachers in 16 public Universities in Southeastern Brazil. Only a small number (23) of disciplines showed an explicit relationship between human activities and the environment. A total of 11 theoretical and 193 experimental disciplines explored to some extent scientific and technological aspects related to the environment, but did not include their relationship with society. As the experimental disciplines supposedly include some kind of waste treatment, this may explain why secondary school chemistry teachers work mainly on recycling programs and waste issues at their schools. The aim of this work is to provide information on which to base a much needed discussion about how to better prepare our chemistry teachers to act as Environmental Educators at school, as the Brazilian Education Legislation requires.
The Curricular Proposals for Chemistry Teaching Courses aim at producing a reflexive-researcher teacher, who will be able to deal with cross-disciplinary subjects. The challenge faced by the majority of the federal universities, in implementing these guidelines, is to attain these objectives inside their departmental structure. We present here the formulation of the Chemistry Teaching Course Pedagogic Project from Federal University of Pelotas concerning on the CNE/CP 1/2002 and 2/2002 Resolutions. We discuss the impact of these Proposals, the difficulties faced and the new perspectives of organization inside of these institutions, which resulted in new spaces with cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental orientation.