959 resultados para Energy Technology Engineering Center (U.S.)


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The traditional economic approach for appraising the costs and benefits of construction project Net Present Values involves the calculation of net returns for each investment option under different discount rates. An alternative approach consists of multiple-project discount rates based on risk modelling. The example of a portfolio of microgeneration renewable energy technology (MRET) is presented to demonstrate that risks and future available budget for re-investment can be taken into account when setting discount rates for construction project specifications in presence of uncertainty. A formal demonstration is carried out through a reversed intertemporal approach of applied general equilibrium. It is demonstrated that risk and the estimated available budget for future re-investment can be included in the simultaneous assessment of the costs and benefits of multiple projects.


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We analyze the migration behavior of graduates from UK universities with a focus on the salary benefits they receive from the migration process. We focus on sequential interregional migration and specifically examine the case of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Creative subject graduates. Our analysis differs from previous studies in that it accounts explicitly for migrant selectivity through propensity score matching, and it also classifies graduates into different migration behavior categories. Graduates were classified according to their sequential migration behavior first from their pre-university domicile to university and then from university to first job post-graduation. Our results show that ‘repeat migration’, as expected, is associated with the highest wage premium (around 15%). Other migration behaviors are also advantageous although this varies across different types of graduates. Creative graduates, for instance, do not benefit much from migration behaviors other than repeat migration. STEM graduates, on the contrary, benefit from both late migration and staying in the university area to work.


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The National Alcohol Program - ProAlcool, created by the government of Brazil in 1975 resulted less dependency on fossil fuels. The addition of 25% ethanol to gasoline reduced the import of 550 million barrels oil and also reduced the emission CO(2) by 110 million tons. Today, 44% of the Brazilian energy matrix is renewable and 13.5% is derived from sugarcane. Brazil has a land area of 851 million hectares, of which 54% are preserved, including the Amazon forest (350 million hectares). From the land available for agriculture (340 million hectares), only 0.9% is occupied by sugarcane as energy crop, showing a great expansion potential. Studies have shown that in the coming years, ethanol yield per hectare of sugarcane, which presently is 6000 L/ha, could reach 10,000 L/ha, if 50% of the produced bagasse would be converted to ethanol. This article describes the efforts of different Brazilian institutions and research groups on second generation bioethanol production, especially from sugarcane bagasse. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We use two-photon polymerization to fabricate 3D scaffolds with precise control over pore size and shape for studying cell migration in 3D. These scaffolds allow movement of cells in all directions. The fabrication, imaging, and quantitative analysis method developed here can be used to do systematic cell studies in 3D.


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This paper describes an investigation on CuO and CuO-ZnO catalysts supported on CeO(2) and CeO(2)-La(2)O(3) oxides, which were designed for the low temperature water-gas shift reaction (WGSR). Bulk catalysts were prepared by co-precipitation of metal nitrates and characterized by energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area (by the BET method), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and in situ X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). The catalysts` activities were tested in the forward WGSR, and the CuO/CeO(2) catalyst presented the best catalytic performance. The reasons for this are twofold: (1) the presence of Zn inhibits the interaction between Cu and Ce ions, and (2) lanthanum oxide forms a solid solution with cerium oxide, which will cause a decrease in the surface area of the catalysts. Also the CuO/CeO(2) catalyst presented the highest Cu content on the surface, which could influence its catalytic behavior. Additionally, the Cu and Cu(1+) species could influence the catalytic activity via a reduction-oxidation mechanism, corroborating to the best catalytic performance of the Cu/Ce catalyst. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Há aproximadamente meio século, as praias situadas a sotamar do Porto do Mucuripe, em Fortaleza, vem sofrendo intensos processos erosivos, creditados em grande parte à construção e ampliação deste porto. O fato é que o acentuado crescimento urbano da capital cearense ocasionou a fixação de dunas e a quebra do fluxo longitudinal de sedimentos em seu litoral, resultando no recuo da linha de costa e na necessidade de intervenção antrópica por meio de obras rígidas que viessem a garantir a preservação da infra-estrutura existente nos trechos mais afetados. Como conseqüência da fixação das praias, o suprimento de material sedimentar passou a ficar retido, enquanto que o potencial de transporte das ondas se preservou. A quebra deste equilíbrio dinâmico acarretou a transferência dos processos erosivos para as praias adjacentes, o que tornou-se um problema cada vez maior, pois as soluções adotadas nestas praias eram idênticas às anteriores. As conseqüências deste processo para uma cidade como Fortaleza, onde o turismo é uma das principais fontes de renda, são graves, dado que como resultado final, encontramos longos trechos de praias com a balneabilidade comprometida e perda de qualidade visual. O litoral situado a oeste da capital é limitado à direita pela foz do Rio Ceará e à esquerda por um promontório rochoso, onde situa-se a Ponta do Pecém. Este trecho compreende aproximadamente 30 km de praias arenosas, com granulometria média e fina, e com ondas incidindo sobre a costa de forma obliqua, o que as torna o principal mecanismo de transporte de sedimentos. A ocupação urbana concentra-se principalmente nas praias mais próximas a Fortaleza, onde observa-se ainda, o afloramento de rochas de praia e grande perda de material sedimentar, fornecendo indícios da transferência dos processos erosivos da orla marítima da capital para estas praias. Com a conclusão das obras do Porto do Pecém e de um pólo industrial que visa desfrutar da localização estratégica deste porto, é natural que ocorra uma intensificação nos processos de ocupação urbana das praias próximas à área. Tal constatação motivou um trabalho de modelagem da dinâmica desta zona com o objetivo de nortear um plano de uso e ocupação das áreas localizadas próximas à praia, de forma que se possa prever o comportamento da linha de costa e evitar que sejam repetidos certos equívocos como a construção em zonas de forte dinâmica e a fixação das fontes primárias de fornecimento de sedimentos, que são as dunas frontais. Dada a disponibilidade de dados, bons processadores e aos custos significativamente reduzidos da modelagem numérica, adotou-se o pacote GENESIS – RCPWAVE, que além de ser de domínio público, é a base do sistema de modelagem de linha de costa adotado pelo CERC (Coastal Engineering Research Center), U.S.A., para aplicações em costa aberta, em regiões sujeitas às intervenções humanas. A calibração do modelo se fez considerando as linhas de praia medidas em 1974 pela DHN e em 2001 com o uso de GPS. Os dados de onda utilizados foram obtidos por um ondógrafo direcional do tipo Waverider, instalado a uma profundidade de 18 metros nas proximidades da Ponta do Pecém. Os dados relativos ao modelo conceitual dos processos predominantes na região, como: contribuições externas, variação granulométrica e variações sazonais de perfis foram obtidos de levantamentos bibliográficos de trabalhos anteriores. Por último, informações relativas às estruturas existentes e seu comportamento, ao afloramento de formações rochosas e o último levantamento da linha de praia, foram obtidas através de trabalhos de campo. De uma forma geral, o comportamento previsto pelo modelo mostrou-se semelhante ao observado nos diferentes levantamentos. Considerando-se as limitações dos processos envolvidos no levantamento de dados, onde tanto a carta da DHN quanto o mapeamento por satélite estão sujeitos a imprecisões e ainda, que a série de dados confiáveis de ondas para a região possuía apenas dois anos, é importante notar que, em linhas gerais, a formulação matemática do modelo representou satisfatoriamente os processos envolvidos. Os resultados fornecidos possibilitam a extrapolação da evolução da linha de costa e indicam pontos de provável recuo ou avanço da praia, norteando a sua ocupação. A ferramenta gerada proporciona ainda a avaliação do impacto de intervenções por meio de estruturas rígidas ou engordamento de praia ao longo do tempo e gera uma estimativa dos valores de deriva litorânea para os diferentes trechos de praia, possibilitando avaliar os efeitos das intervenções nas praias adjacentes.


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O modelo numérico GENESIS (Generalized Model for Simulating Shoreline Change) é parte de um sistema de modelagem de linha de praia, o SMS (Shoreline Modeling System), desenvolvido pelo CERC (Coastal Engineering Research Center), U.S.A. É um modelo genérico, determinístico e bidimensional, com grande flexibilidade para ser adaptado a costas abertas, arenosas e sujeitas a intervenção humana. Utilizado na previsão da resposta da linha praia as diversas obras costeiras que podem ser implantadas na mesma. Características estas, que fazem dele uma ferramenta indicada para a o estudo costa do Rio Grande do Sul e para o objetivo deste estudo. A aplicação do modelo de evolução de linha praia – GENESIS neste trabalho, tem como objetivos: calibrar o modelo numérico GENESIS para a costa centro norte do Rio Grande do Sul e avaliar seu uso como ferramenta na previsão de impactos ambientais gerados por obras costeiras, Alem de reproduzir as condições do modelo físico reduzido de 1965 e comparar os resultados entre as simulações matemática e física. O modelo foi aplicado num trecho de linha de praia da região centro norte do Rio Grande do Sul, nas praias de Tramandaí e Imbé. As quais já foram alvo de estudos anteriores através de modelo físico reduzido, em função do desejo deste município em construir molhes na desembocadura do canal da Laguna de Tramandaí. Para implementação do modelo numérico GENESIS foram utilizados dados das posições da linha de praia em três diferentes anos, coletados pelo CECO/UFRGS, dados de onda coletados pelo ondógrafo do IPH/UFRGS, e diversos dados sobre as praias e sua história, retirados da extensa bibliografia publicada sobre a região de estudo. A calibração do modelo foi realizada através das linhas de praia medidas em 1997 e em 2000. O modelo foi considerado calibrado quando o mesmo consegui reproduzir a linha de praia do ano 2000 a partir da linha de 1997, obtendo um erro máximo de 15 m. Foram realizadas simulações que reproduziam as simulações feitas em modelo físico reduzido do IPH em 1965. Através da comparação dos dados de onda utilizados no modelo físico reduzido de 1965 e dos dados de onda coletados pelo ondógrafo em 1996, pudemos observar a importância do uso de um série de dados de onda neste tipo de estudo, bem como, a desenvoltura e limitações do modelo numérico GENESIS na situações geradas.


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We present a model of fermion masses based on a minimal, non-Abelian discrete symmetry that reproduces the Yukawa matrices usually associated with U(2) theories of flavor. Mass and mixing angle relations that follow from the simple form of the quark and charged lepton Yukawa textures are therefore common to both theories. We show that the differing representation structure of our horizontal symmetry allows for new solutions to the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems that do not involve modification of the original charged fermion Yukawa textures, or the introduction of sterile neutrinos. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A monoclonal antibody (mAb) is an important tool in medical biotechnology and the production of biopharmaceuticals, especially for disease diagnosis and treatment of infections, because the antibodies have a significant advantage over chemical agents used in conventional therapies . The last thirty years the technology of production of monoclonal antibodies developed mainly the technique of obtaining in vitro, but also of their production is laborious, the cost is high. A major element of the high cost of production is the fact that the long-term culture consumes a large amount of imported inputs with high added value. A major contribution of this work is to promote cell growth more quickly and efficiently. Currently, a great race to discover new technologies and techniques to synthesize new antibodies and significantly increase the production of murine mAbs. New technologies such as laser and LED are innovations and widespread in modern life, so much so that its use has proliferated worldwide, primarily in the medical field. Recent studies show a series of results from the influence of the LED light in biological tissues such as: increasing the rate of cell proliferation, increased production rate of fibroblasts, increasing the rate of synthesis of RNA and DNA synthesis of ATP, etc. To assess the contribution of the LED in the culture of Myeloma NS1murino compared to the standard procedure. - NS1 cells were provided and followed the criteria of culture medium of the Laboratory of Cellular Engineering Center of Botucatu (POPs). The same amount of cells was grown in bottles of 25 cm2 polystyrene Tissue Culture Treated, specifically marked and kept in special medium RPMI 1640 Gibco BRL  supplemented with fetal bovine serum 10%, essential amino acids and non-essential, glucose, insulin and antibiotics. It was used in LEDs Cromatek wavelength of 630nm, 475nm and 530nm. The groups were... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The decreasing number of women who are graduating in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields continues to be a major concern. Despite national support in the form of grants provided by National Science Foundation, National Center for Information and Technology and legislation passed such as the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 that encourages women to enter the STEM fields, the number of women actually graduating in these fields is surprisingly low. This research study focuses on a robotics competition and its ability to engage female adolescents in STEM curricula. Data have been collected to help explain why young women are reticent to take technology or engineering type courses in high school and college. Factors that have been described include attitudes, parental support, social aspects, peer pressure, and lack of role models. Often these courses were thought to have masculine and “nerdy” overtones. The courses were usually majority male enrollments and appeared to be very competitive. With more female adolescents engaging in this type of competitive atmosphere, this study gathered information to discover what about the competition appealed to these young women. Focus groups were used to gather information from adolescent females who were participating in the First Lego League (FLL) and CEENBoT competitions. What enticed them to participate in a curriculum that data demonstrated many of their peers avoided? FLL and CEENBoT are robotics programs based on curricula that are taught in afterschool programs in non-formal environments. These programs culminate in a very large robotics competition. My research questions included: What are the factors that encouraged participants to participate in the robotics competition? What was the original enticement to the FLL and CEENBoT programs? What will make participants want to come back and what are the participants’ plans for the future? My research mirrored data of previous findings such as lack of role models, the need for parental support, social stigmatisms and peer pressure are still major factors that determine whether adolescent females seek out STEM activities. An interesting finding, which was an exception to previous findings, was these female adolescents enjoyed the challenge of the competition. The informal learning environments encouraged an atmosphere of social engagement and cooperative learning. Many volunteers that led the afterschool programs were women (role models) and a majority of parents showed support by accommodating an afterschool situation. The young women that were engaged in the competition noted it was a friendly competition, but they were all there to win. All who participated in the competition had a similar learning environment: competitive but cooperative. Further research is needed to determine if it is the learning environment that lures adolescent females to the program and entices them to continue in the STEM fields or if it is the competitive aspect of the culminating activity. Advisors: James King and Allen Steckelberg


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We describe production of methyl and ethyl esters derived from baru oil (Dipteryx alata Vog.). Water and alcohols are removed from the biodiesel obtained by simple distillation. We study the acidity, density, iodine number, viscosity, water content, peroxide number, external appearance, and saponification number of the oil, its methyl and ethyl esters (biodiesels) and their blends (B5, B10, B15, B20, and B30) with commercial diesel fuel.


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Ni catalysts supported on gamma-Al2O3 modified by Rh and La were prepared and evaluated on the reforming of a model biogas. The catalysts were characterized by EDS, XRD, TPR, XANES and surface area estimation (BET). The results showed that in the original Ni catalyst, the Ni interacted strongly with the alumina support, exhibiting high reduction temperatures in TPR tests. In the catalytic tests, the addition of Rh on Ni catalysts improved CH4 conversion but also increased carbon deposition, possible by causing the segregation of Ni species under the reaction conditions. The presence of La on Ni catalysts reduced the carbon deposition by favoring the gasification of carbon species. Addition of synthetic air to the process improved the CH4 conversion and also decreased the carbon formation. The catalysts Ni, Rh-NiLa, and Rh showed good results in the conversion of model sulfur-free biogas, which suggests that they are promising catalysts to be tested in conversion of real biogas. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.