937 resultados para Endosomal Trafficking


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Phototropism is an adaptation response, through which plants grow towards the light. It involves light perception and asymmetric distribution of the plant hormone auxin. Here we identify a crucial part of the mechanism for phototropism, revealing how light perception initiates auxin redistribution that leads to directional growth. We show that light polarizes the cellular localization of the auxin efflux carrier PIN3 in hypocotyl endodermis cells, resulting in changes in auxin distribution and differential growth. In the dark, high expression and activity of the PINOID (PID) kinase correlates with apolar targeting of PIN3 to all cell sides. Following illumination, light represses PINOID transcription and PIN3 is polarized specifically to the inner cell sides by GNOM ARF GTPase GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor)-dependent trafficking. Thus, differential trafficking at the shaded and illuminated hypocotyl side aligns PIN3 polarity with the light direction, and presumably redirects auxin flow towards the shaded side, where auxin promotes growth, causing hypocotyls to bend towards the light. Our results imply that PID phosphorylation-dependent recruitment of PIN proteins into distinct trafficking pathways is a mechanism to polarize auxin fluxes in response to different environmental and endogenous cues.


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The use by police services and inquiring agencies of forensic data in an intelligence perspective is still fragmentary and to some extent ignored. In order to increase the efficiency of criminal investigation to target illegal drug trafficking organisations and to provide valuable information about their methods, it is necessary to include and interpret objective drug analysis results already during the investigation phase. The value of visual, physical and chemical data of seized ecstasy tablets, as a support for criminal investigation on a strategic and tactical level has been investigated. In a first phase different characteristics of ecstasy tablets have been studied in order to define their relevance, variation, correlation and discriminating power in an intelligence perspective. During 5 years, over 1200 cases of ecstasy seizures (concerning about 150000 seized tablets) coming from different regions of Switzerland (City and Canton of Zurich, Cantons Ticino, Neuchâtel and Geneva) have been systematically recorded. This turned out to be a statistically representative database including large and small cases. During the second phase various comparison and clustering methods have been tested and evaluated, on the type and relevance of tablet characteristics, thus increasing knowledge about synthetic drugs, their manufacturing and trafficking. Finally analytical methodologies have been investigated and formalised, applying traditional intelligence methods. In this context classical tools, which are used in criminal analysis (like the I2 Analyst Notebook, I2 Ibase, ?) have been tested and adapted to address the specific need of forensic drug intelligence. The interpretation of these links provides valuable information about criminal organisations and their trafficking methods. In the final part of this thesis practical examples illustrate the use and value of such information.


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Deficiency of protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) modulates inflammation in several models of inflammatory and autoimmune disease, although the underlying mechanism(s) are not understood. PAR2 is expressed on endothelial and immune cells, and is implicated in dendritic cell (DC) differentiation. We investigated in vivo the impact of PAR2 activation on DCs and T cells in PAR2 wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mice using a specific PAR2 agonist peptide (AP2). PAR2 activation significantly increased the frequency of mature CD11c(high) DCs in draining lymph nodes 24 hr after AP2 administration. Furthermore, these DCs exhibited increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and CD86. A significant increase in activated (CD44(+) CD62(-)) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell frequencies was also observed in draining lymph nodes 48 hr after AP2 injection. No detectable change in DC or T-cell activation profiles was observed in the spleen. The influence of PAR2 signalling on antigen transport to draining lymph nodes was assessed in the context of delayed-type hypersensitivity. PAR2 WT mice that were sensitized by skin-painting with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to induce delayed-type hypersensitivity possessed elevated proportion of FITC(+) DCs in draining lymph nodes 24 hr after FITC painting when compared with PAR2 KO mice (0.95% versus 0.47% of total lymph node cells). Collectively, these results demonstrate that PAR2 signalling promotes DC trafficking to the lymph nodes and subsequent T-cell activation, and thus provides an explanation for the pro-inflammatory effect of PAR2 in animal models of inflammation.


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For the first time in Finland, the chemical profiling of cocaine specimens was performed at the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). The main goals were to determine the chemical composition of cocaine specimens sold in the Finnish market and to study the distribution networks of cocaine in order to provide intelligence related to its trafficking. An analytical methodology enabling through one single GC-MS injection the determination of the added cutting agents (adulterants and diluents), the cocaine purity and the chemical profile (based on the major and minor alkaloids) for each specimen was thus implemented and validated. The methodology was found to be efficient for the discrimination between specimens coming from the same source and specimens coming from different sources. The results highlighted the practical utility of the chemical profiling, especially for supporting the investigation through operational intelligence and improving the knowledge related to the cocaine trafficking through strategic intelligence.


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La presente aportación analiza los rendimientos obtenidos mediante la implementación de políticas de criminalización de la prostitución. Junto a una referencia a las bases ideológicas sobre las que se han edificado, el examen se circunscribe al examen de los rendimientos que han arrojado en Estados Unidos el seguimiento de un modelo prohibicionista en materia de prostitución unido a la asunción de un modelo abolicionista en materia de trata de seres humanos. Como ejemplo paradigmático de aplicación de la lógica neoabolicionista que identifica la prostitución con una manifestación de la violencia de género, se examina asimismo la situación generada tras la aprobación de la Sex Purchase Act en Suecia. Se concluye con una breve descripción de la situación en España, tanto en un plano político-criminal cuanto jurídico-penal, ensayando propuestas de interpretación de algunos tipos delictivos que eviten la asunción de un modelo prohibicionista.


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La trata de seres humanos constituye uno de los fenómenos criminales emergentes en la sociedad globalizada. La comunidad internacional emprendió una estrategia global contra este fenómeno a comienzos de los 2000, adoptando una política esencialmente criminalizadora. Más contemporáneamente, las políticas emprendidas contra este fenómeno pretenden abordarlo integralmente, incidiendo también en la prevención y esencialmente en la protección de las víctimas, que pasa por su identificación como tales. El Estado español ha efectuado en los últimos dos años esfuerzos para alcanzar los estándares internacionalmente establecidos para luchar contra este fenómeno. Sin embargo, el estudio empírico que aquí se presenta muestra como en el plano aplicativo queda todavía mucho por hacer. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo efectuado con 45 mujeres recluidas en dos Centros penitenciarios españoles algunas de las cuales han sido objeto de una grave victimización institucional. En el caso de 10 de estas mujeres, identificadas como víctimas de trata en este estudio, al padecimiento del proceso victimizador propio de haber sufrido los efectos de la trata de seres humanos, se suma la victimización integrada no sólo por no haber sido detectadas como víctimas de este fenómeno por el sistema, sino además por haber sido condenadas y hallarse recluidas cumpliendo condena por la comisión de un delito producida en fase de explotación del proceso de trata.


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Este trabajo aborda el estudio del tipo cualificado del delito de trata de personas cometido en el seno de organizaciones o asociaciones criminales introducido en el Código penal en la reforma de 2010. Con dicha finalidad, se analizan los mandatos de incriminación de esta forma de comisión del delito de trata en instrumentos normativos internacionales y se coteja la coherencia de la regulación interna española con las obligaciones de tipificación asumidas por el Estado español conforme a dichos instrumentos, analizando críticamente la duplicidad incriminatoria de esta manifestación delictiva en nuestro código penal. El estudio jurídico se completa con el análisis fenomenológico acerca de la relación entre el fenómeno de la trata de seres humanos y el de la delincuencia organizada.


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El artículo analiza los elementos esenciales del nuevo delito de trata de personas que incorporado al CP mediante la reforma de 2010. Asimismo explora la tipificación de la trata de personas en Derecho comparado, los compromisos internacionales adquiridos por el Estado español acerca de la incriminación de esta conducta y su nivel de cumplimiento con el nuevo delito.


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Tetanus (TeNT) is a zinc protease that blocks neurotransmission by cleaving the synaptic protein vesicle-associated membrane protein/synaptobrevin. Although its intracellular catalytic activity is well established, the mechanism by which this neurotoxin interacts with the neuronal surface is not known. In this study, we characterize p15s, the first plasma membrane TeNT binding proteins and we show that they are glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored glycoproteins in nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells, spinal cord cells, and purified motor neurons. We identify p15 as neuronal Thy-1 in NGF-differentiated PC12 cells. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy measurements confirm the close association of the binding domain of TeNT and Thy-1 at the plasma membrane. We find that TeNT is recruited to detergent-insoluble lipid microdomains on the surface of neuronal cells. Finally, we show that cholesterol depletion affects a raft subpool and blocks the internalization and intracellular activity of the toxin. Our results indicate that TeNT interacts with target cells by binding to lipid rafts and that cholesterol is required for TeNT internalization and/or trafficking in neurons.


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Surfactants are among the most versatile and widely used excipients in pharmaceuticals. This versatility, together with their pH-responsive membrane-disruptive activity and low toxicity, could also enable their potential application in drug delivery systems. Five anionic lysine-based surfactants which differ in the nature of their counterion were studied. Their capacity to disrupt the cell membrane was examined under a range of pH values, concentrations and incubation times, using a standard hemolysis assay as a model for endosomal membranes. The surfactants showed pH-sensitive hemolytic activity and improved kinetics at the endosomal pH range. Low concentrations resulted in negligible hemolysis at physiological pH and high membrane lytic activity at pH 5.4, which is in the range characteristic of late endosomes. With increasing concentration, the surfactants showed an enhanced capacity to lyse cell membranes, and also caused significant membrane disruption at physiological pH. This observation indicates that, at high concentrations, surfactant behavior is independent of pH. The mechanism of surfactant-mediated membrane destabilization was addressed, and scanning electron microscopy studies were also performed to evaluate the effects of the compounds on erythrocyte morphology as a function of pH. The in vitro cytotoxicity of the surfactants was assessed by MTT and NRU assays with the 3T3 cell line. The influence of different types of counterion on hemolytic activity and the potential applications of these surfactants in drug delivery are discussed. The possibility of using pH-sensitive surfactants for endosome disruption could hold great promise for intracellular drug delivery systems in future therapeutic applications.


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Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) can trigger the production of type I interferon (IFN) in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) by binding to endosomal Toll-like receptor-9 (TLR9; refs , , , , ). It is also known that the formation of DNA-antimicrobial peptide complexes can lead to autoimmune diseases via amplification of pDC activation. Here, by combining X-ray scattering, computer simulations, microscopy and measurements of pDC IFN production, we demonstrate that a broad range of antimicrobial peptides and other cationic molecules cause similar effects, and elucidate the criteria for amplification. TLR9 activation depends on both the inter-DNA spacing and the multiplicity of parallel DNA ligands in the self-assembled liquid-crystalline complex. Complexes with a grill-like arrangement of DNA at the optimum spacing can interlock with multiple TLR9 like a zipper, leading to multivalent electrostatic interactions that drastically amplify binding and thereby the immune response. Our results suggest that TLR9 activation and thus TLR9-mediated immune responses can be modulated deterministically.


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Aquaporins are water channel proteins that mediate the fine-tuning of cell membrane water permeability during development or in response to environmental stresses. The present work focuses on the oxidative stress-induced redistribution of plasma membrane intrinsic protein (PIP) aquaporins from the plasma membrane (PM) to intracellular membranes. This process was investigated in the Arabidopsis root. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that exposure of roots to 0.5 mM H2O2 induces significant depletion in PM fractions of several abundant PIP homologs after 15 min. Analyses by single-particle tracking and fluorescence correlative spectroscopy showed that, in the PM of epidermal cells, H2O2 treatment induces an increase in lateral motion and a reduction in the density of a fluorescently tagged form of the prototypal AtPIP2;1 isoform, respectively. Co-expression analyses of AtPIP2;1 with endomembrane markers revealed that H2O2 triggers AtPIP2;1 accumulation in the late endosomal compartments. Life-time analyses established that the high stability of PIPs was maintained under oxidative stress conditions, suggesting that H2O2 triggers a mechanism for intracellular sequestration of PM aquaporins without further degradation. In addition to information on cellular regulation of aquaporins, this study provides novel and complementary insights into the dynamic remodeling of plant internal membranes during oxidative stress responses.


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Mitochondrial trafficking deficits have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). The Ser/Thre kinase GSK3β is believed to play a fundamental role in AD pathogenesis. Given that GSK3β substrates include Tau protein, here we studied the impact of GSK3β on mitochondrial trafficking and its dependence on Tau protein. Overexpression of GSK3β in neurons resulted in an increase in motile mitochondria, whereas a decrease in the activity of this kinase produced an increase in mitochondria pausing. These effects were dependent on Tau proteins, as Tau (−/−) neurons did not respond to distinct GSK3β levels. Furthermore, differences in GSK3β expression did not affect other parameters like mitochondria velocity or mitochondria run length. We conclude that GSK3B activity regulates mitochondrial axonal trafficking largely in a Tau-dependent manner.


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PURPOSE: Chemokines are implicated in T-cell trafficking. We mapped the chemokine landscape in advanced stage ovarian cancer and characterized the expression of cognate receptors in autologous dendritic cell (DC)-vaccine primed T cells in the context of cell-based immunotherapy. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The expression of all known human chemokines in patients with primary ovarian cancer was analyzed on two independent microarray datasets and validated on tissue microarray. Peripheral blood T cells from five HLA-A2 patients with recurrent ovarian cancer, who previously received autologous tumor DC vaccine, underwent CD3/CD28 costimulation and expansion ex vivo. Tumor-specific T cells were identified by HER2/neu pentamer staining and were evaluated for the expression and functionality of chemokine receptors important for homing to ovarian cancer. RESULTS: The chemokine landscape of ovarian cancer is heterogeneous with high expression of known lymphocyte-recruiting chemokines (CCL2, CCL4, and CCL5) in tumors with intraepithelial T cells, whereas CXCL10, CXCL12, and CXCL16 are expressed quasi-universally, including in tumors lacking tumor-infiltrating T cells. DC-vaccine primed T cells were found to express the cognate receptors for the above chemokines. Ex vivo CD3/CD28 costimulation and expansion of vaccine-primed Tcells upregulated CXCR3 and CXCR4, and enhanced their migration toward universally expressed chemokines in ovarian cancer. CONCLUSIONS: DC-primed tumor-specific T cells are armed with the appropriate receptors to migrate toward universal ovarian cancer chemokines, and these receptors are further upregulated by ex vivo CD3/CD28 costimulation, which render T cells more fit for migrating toward these chemokines. Clin Cancer Res; 21(12); 2840-50. ©2015 AACR.


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Many strategies for treating diseases require the delivery of drugs into the cell cytoplasm following internalization within endosomal vesicles. Thus, compounds triggered by low pH to disrupt membranes and release endosomal contents into the cytosol are of particular interest. Here, we report novel cationic lysine-based surfactants (hydrochloride salts of Nε- and Nα-acyl lysine methyl ester) that differ in the position of the positive charge and the length of the alkyl chain. Amino acid-based surfactants could be promising novel biomaterials in drug delivery systems, given their biocompatible properties and low cytotoxic potential. We examined their ability to disrupt the cell membrane in a range of pH values, concentrations and incubation times, using a standard hemolysis assay as a model of endosomal membranes. Furthermore, we addressed the mechanism of surfactant-mediated membrane destabilization, including the effects of each surfactant on erythrocyte morphology as a function of pH. We found that only surfactants with the positive charge on the α-amino group of lysine showed pH-sensitive hemolytic activity and improved kinetics within the endosomal pH range, indicating that the positive charge position is critical for pH-responsive behavior. Moreover, our results showed that an increase in the alkyl chain length from 14 to 16 carbon atoms was associated with a lower ability to disrupt cell membranes. Knowledge on modulating surfactant-lipid bilayer interactions may help us to develop more efficient biocompatible amino acid-based drug delivery devices.