985 resultados para Electronic circuits -- Analysis
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate an automated seizure detection (ASD) algorithm in EEGs with periodic and other challenging patterns. METHODS: Selected EEGs recorded in patients over 1year old were classified into four groups: A. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) with intermixed electrical seizures. B. PLEDs without seizures. C. Electrical seizures and no PLEDs. D. No PLEDs or seizures. Recordings were analyzed by the Persyst P12 software, and compared to the raw EEG, interpreted by two experienced neurophysiologists; Positive percent agreement (PPA) and false-positive rates/hour (FPR) were calculated. RESULTS: We assessed 98 recordings (Group A=21 patients; B=29, C=17, D=31). Total duration was 82.7h (median: 1h); containing 268 seizures. The software detected 204 (=76.1%) seizures; all ictal events were captured in 29/38 (76.3%) patients; in only in 3 (7.7%) no seizures were detected. Median PPA was 100% (range 0-100; interquartile range 50-100), and the median FPR 0/h (range 0-75.8; interquartile range 0-4.5); however, lower performances were seen in the groups containing periodic discharges. CONCLUSION: This analysis provides data regarding the yield of the ASD in a particularly difficult subset of EEG recordings, showing that periodic discharges may bias the results. SIGNIFICANCE: Ongoing refinements in this technique might enhance its utility and lead to a more extensive application.
HIV-1 sequence diversity is affected by selection pressures arising from host genomic factors. Using paired human and viral data from 1071 individuals, we ran >3000 genome-wide scans, testing for associations between host DNA polymorphisms, HIV-1 sequence variation and plasma viral load (VL), while considering human and viral population structure. We observed significant human SNP associations to a total of 48 HIV-1 amino acid variants (p<2.4 × 10(-12)). All associated SNPs mapped to the HLA class I region. Clinical relevance of host and pathogen variation was assessed using VL results. We identified two critical advantages to the use of viral variation for identifying host factors: (1) association signals are much stronger for HIV-1 sequence variants than VL, reflecting the 'intermediate phenotype' nature of viral variation; (2) association testing can be run without any clinical data. The proposed genome-to-genome approach highlights sites of genomic conflict and is a strategy generally applicable to studies of host-pathogen interaction. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01123.001.
Background Medication adherence is a complex, dynamic and changing behaviour that is affected by a variety of factors, including the patient's beliefs and life circumstances. Studies have highlighted barriers to medication adherence (e.g., unmanaged side effects or a lack of social support), as well as facilitators of medication adherence (e.g., technical simplicity of treatment and psychological acceptance of the disease). Since August 2004, in Lausanne (Switzerland), physicians have referred patients who are either experiencing or are at risk of experiencing problems with their HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) to a routine interdisciplinary ART adherence programme. This programme consists of multifactorial intervention including electronic drug monitoring (MEMS(TM)). Objective This study's objective was to identify the barriers and facilitators encountered by HIV patients with suboptimal medication adherence (≤90 % adherence over the study period). Setting The community pharmacy of the Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine in Lausanne (Switzerland). Method The study consisted of a retrospective, qualitative, thematic content analysis of pharmacists' notes that were taken during semi-structured interviews with patients and conducted as part of the ART adherence programme between August 2004 and May 2008. Main outcome measure Barriers and facilitators encountered by HIV patients. Results Barriers to and facilitators of adherence were identified for the 17 included patients. These factors fell into three main categories: (1) cognitive, emotional and motivational; (2) environmental, organisational and social; and (3) treatment and disease. Conclusion The pharmacists' notes revealed that diverse barriers and facilitators were discussed during medication adherence interviews. Indeed, the results showed that the 17 non-adherent patients encountered barriers and benefited from facilitators. Therefore, pharmacists should inquire about all factors, regardless of whether they have a negative or a positive impact on medication adherence, and should consider all dimensions of patient adherence. The simultaneous strengthening of facilitators and better management of barriers may allow healthcare providers to tailor care to a patient's specific needs and support each individual patient in improving his medication-related behaviour.
OBJECTIVE: Bilateral vocal cord abductor paralysis (BVCAbP) is considered a rare cause of stridor in the newborn. The goal of this work is to present a case series and to review systematically the literature on bilateral vocal cord abductor paralysis in the newborn to better characterize the current knowledge on this entity. METHODS: We performed a systematic literature review with Medline (1950-2011). The authors screened all cases of BVCAbP reported and selected those affecting newborns. RESULTS: Out of the 129 articles screened, 16 were included. A total of 69 cases could be retrieved and analyzed. Associated co-morbidities were found in 54% of the patients, most notably malformative conditions (intracranial or other), or a positive perinatal history (trauma/asphyxia, prematurity). Tracheostomy placement was required in 59% of children, and of these 44% were successfully decannulated. In terms of functional outcome full recovery or improvement were seen in 61% of patients. Major underlying co-morbidities affected negatively the functional outcome (p=.004), but not the need for tracheostomy (p=.604) or the decannulation success rate (p=.063). CONCLUSION: BVCAbP in the newborn is a serious cause of airway obstruction. It can be seen either in a context of multisystem anomalies or as an isolated finding. Newborns with major co-morbidities affecting their normal development are more likely to have poor functional outcomes and to remain tracheostomy-dependant.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using video analysis software on the interrater reliability of visual assessments of gait videos in children with cerebral palsy. Two clinicians viewed the same random selection of 20 sagittal and frontal video recordings of 12 children with cerebral palsy routinely acquired during outpatient rehabilitation clinics. Both observers rated these videos in a random sequence for each lower limb using the Observational Gait Scale, once with standard video software and another with video analysis software (Dartfish(®)) which can perform angle and timing measurements. The video analysis software improved interrater agreement, measured by weighted Cohen's kappas, for the total score (κ 0.778→0.809) and all of the items that required angle and/or timing measurements (knee position mid-stance κ 0.344→0.591; hindfoot position mid-stance κ 0.160→0.346; foot contact mid-stance κ 0.700→0.854; timing of heel rise κ 0.769→0.835). The use of video analysis software is an efficient approach to improve the reliability of visual video assessments.
Circulating monocytes, as dendritic cell and macrophage precursors, exhibit several functions usually associated with antigen-presenting cells, such as phagocytosis and presence of endosomal/lysosomal degradative compartments particularly enriched in Lamp-1, MHC class II molecules, and other proteins related to antigen processing and MHC class II loading [MHC class II compartments (MIICs)]. Ultrastructural analysis of these organelles indicates that, differently from the multivesicular bodies present in dendritic cells, in monocytes the MIICs are characterized by a single perimetral membrane surrounding an electron-dense core. Analysis of their content reveals enrichment in myeloperoxidase, an enzyme classically associated with azurophilic granules in granulocytes and mast cell secretory lysosomes. Elevation in intracellular free calcium levels in monocytes induced secretion of beta-hexosaminidase, cathepsins, and myeloperoxidase in the extracellular milieu; surface up-regulation of MHC class II molecules; and appearance of lysosomal resident proteins. The Ca(2+)-regulated surface transport mechanism of MHC class II molecules observed in monocytes is different from the tubulovesicular organization of the multivesicular bodies previously reported in dendritic cells and macrophages. Hence, in monocytes, MHC class II-enriched organelles combine degradative functions typical of lysosomes and regulated secretion typical of secretory lysosomes. More important, Ca(2+)-mediated up-regulation of surface MHC class II molecules is accompanied by extracellular release of lysosomal resident enzymes.
CE is a powerful analytical tool used to separate intact biomolecules such as proteins. The coupling of CE with TOF/MS produces a very promising method that can be used to detect and identify proteins in different matrices. This paper describes an efficient, rapid, and simple CE-ESI-TOF/MS procedure for the analysis of endogenous human growth hormone and recombinant human growth hormone without sample preparation. Operational factors were optimized using an experimental design, and the method was successfully applied to distinguish human growth hormone and recombinant human growth hormone in unknown samples.
BACKGROUND: Clinical results of total ankle arthroplasty with early designs were disappointing. Recently-developed ankle prostheses have good mid-term results; however, limited information is available regarding effects of total ankle arthroplasty on ankle laxity. METHODS: Eight cadaveric lower extremities were tested with a custom device which enabled measurement of multi-axial forces, moments, and displacement during applied axial, shear, and rotational loading. Tests consisted of anterior-posterior and medial-lateral translation and internal-external rotation of the talus relative to the tibia during axial loads on the tibia simulating body weight (700 N) and an unloaded condition (5 N). Tests were performed in neutral, dorsiflexion, and plantarflexion. Laxity was determined for the intact ankle, and following insertion of an unconstrained total ankle implant, comparing load-displacement curve. FINDINGS: Laxity after total ankle arthroplasty did not approximate the normal ankle in most conditions tested. Displacement was significantly greater for total ankle arthroplasty in both posterior and lateral translation, and internal rotation, with 5 N axial loading, and anterior-posterior, medial-lateral translation, and internal-external rotation for 700 N axial loading. For the 700 N axial load condition, in the neutral ankle position, total anterior-posterior translation averaged 0.4 mm (SD 0.2 mm), but 6.0 mm (SD 1.5 mm) after total ankle arthroplasty (P<0.01). This study demonstrated more laxity in the replaced ankle than normal ankle for both unloaded and 700 N axially loaded conditions. INTERPRETATION: These data indicate the increased responsibility of the ligaments for ankle laxity after total ankle arthroplasty and suggest the importance of meticulous ligament reconstruction with total ankle arthroplasty operations.
Irritability, together with depression and anxiety, form three salient clinical features of pre-symptomatic Huntington's disease (HD). To date, the understanding of irritability in HD suffers from a paucity of experimental data and is largely based on questionnaires or clinical anecdotes. Factor analysis suggests that irritability is related to impulsivity and aggression and is likely to engage the same neuronal circuits as these behaviours, including areas such as medial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and amygdala. 16 pre-symptomatic gene carriers (PSCs) and 15 of their companions were asked to indicate the larger of two squares consecutively shown on a screen while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Despite correct identification of the larger square, participants were often told that they or their partner had given the wrong answer. Size differences were subtle to make negative feedback credible but detectable. Although task performance, baseline irritability, and reported task-induced irritation were the same for both groups, fMRI revealed distinct neuronal processing in those who will later develop HD. In controls but not PSCs, task-induced irritation correlated positively with amygdala activation and negatively with OFC activation. Repetitive negative feedback induced greater amygdala activations in controls than PSCs. In addition, the inverse functional coupling between amygdala and OFC was significantly weaker in PSCs compared to controls. Our results argue that normal emotion processing circuits are disrupted in PSCs via attenuated modulation of emotional status by external or internal indicators. At later stages, this dysfunction may increase the risk for developing recognised, HD-associated, psychiatric symptoms such as irritability.
BACKGROUND: Results from cohort studies evaluating the severity of respiratory viral co-infections are conflicting. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the clinical severity of viral co-infections as compared to single viral respiratory infections. METHODS: We searched electronic databases and other sources for studies published up to January 28, 2013. We included observational studies on inpatients with respiratory illnesses comparing the clinical severity of viral co-infections to single viral infections as detected by molecular assays. The primary outcome reflecting clinical disease severity was length of hospital stay (LOS). A random-effects model was used to conduct the meta-analyses. RESULTS: Twenty-one studies involving 4,280 patients were included. The overall quality of evidence applying the GRADE approach ranged from moderate for oxygen requirements to low for all other outcomes. No significant differences in length of hospital stay (LOS) (mean difference (MD) -0.20 days, 95% CI -0.94, 0.53, p = 0.59), or mortality (RR 2.44, 95% CI 0.86, 6.91, p = 0.09) were documented in subjects with viral co-infections compared to those with a single viral infection. There was no evidence for differences in effects across age subgroups in post hoc analyses with the exception of the higher mortality in preschool children (RR 9.82, 95% CI 3.09, 31.20, p<0.001) with viral co-infection as compared to other age groups (I2 for subgroup analysis 64%, p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: No differences in clinical disease severity between viral co-infections and single respiratory infections were documented. The suggested increased risk of mortality observed amongst children with viral co-infections requires further investigation.
Oculofaciocardiodental (OFCD) and Lenz microphthalmia syndromes form part of a spectrum of X-linked microphthalmia disorders characterized by ocular, dental, cardiac and skeletal anomalies and mental retardation. The two syndromes are allelic, caused by mutations in the BCL-6 corepressor gene (BCOR). To extend the series of phenotypes associated with pathogenic mutations in BCOR, we sequenced the BCOR gene in patients with (1) OFCD syndrome, (2) putative X-linked ('Lenz') microphthalmia syndrome, (3) isolated ocular defects and (4) laterality phenotypes. We present a new cohort of females with OFCD syndrome and null mutations in BCOR, supporting the hypothesis that BCOR is the sole molecular cause of this syndrome. We identify for the first time mosaic BCOR mutations in two females with OFCD syndrome and one apparently asymptomatic female. We present a female diagnosed with isolated ocular defects and identify minor features of OFCD syndrome, suggesting that OFCD syndrome may be mild and underdiagnosed. We have sequenced a cohort of males diagnosed with putative X-linked microphthalmia and found a mutation, p.P85L, in a single case, suggesting that BCOR mutations are not a major cause of X-linked microphthalmia in males. The absence of BCOR mutations in a panel of patients with non-specific laterality defects suggests that mutations in BCOR are not a major cause of isolated heart and laterality defects. Phenotypic analysis of OFCD and Lenz microphthalmia syndromes shows that in addition to the standard diagnostic criteria of congenital cataract, microphthalmia and radiculomegaly, patients should be examined for skeletal defects, particularly radioulnar synostosis, and cardiac/laterality defects.
Molecular chaperones are central to cellular protein homeostasis. In mammals, protein misfolding diseases and aging cause inflammation and progressive tissue loss, in correlation with the accumulation of toxic protein aggregates and the defective expression of chaperone genes. Bacteria and non-diseased, non-aged eukaryotic cells effectively respond to heat shock by inducing the accumulation of heat-shock proteins (HSPs), many of which molecular chaperones involved in protein homeostasis, in reducing stress damages and promoting cellular recovery and thermotolerance. We performed a meta-analysis of published microarray data and compared expression profiles of HSP genes from mammalian and plant cells in response to heat or isothermal treatments with drugs. The differences and overlaps between HSP and chaperone genes were analyzed, and expression patterns were clustered and organized in a network. HSPs and chaperones only partly overlapped. Heat-shock induced a subset of chaperones primarily targeted to the cytoplasm and organelles but not to the endoplasmic reticulum, which organized into a network with a central core of Hsp90s, Hsp70s, and sHSPs. Heat was best mimicked by isothermal treatments with Hsp90 inhibitors, whereas less toxic drugs, some of which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, weakly expressed different subsets of Hsp chaperones. This type of analysis may uncover new HSP-inducing drugs to improve protein homeostasis in misfolding and aging diseases.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are designed to identify the portion of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genome sequences associated with a complex trait. Strategies based on the gene list enrichment concept are currently applied for the functional analysis of GWAS, according to which a significant overrepresentation of candidate genes associated with a biological pathway is used as a proxy to infer overrepresentation of candidate SNPs in the pathway. Here we show that such inference is not always valid and introduce the program SNP2GO, which implements a new method to properly test for the overrepresentation of candidate SNPs in biological pathways.
MicroRNAs (miRs) are involved in the pathogenesis of several neoplasms; however, there are no data on their expression patterns and possible roles in adrenocortical tumors. Our objective was to study adrenocortical tumors by an integrative bioinformatics analysis involving miR and transcriptomics profiling, pathway analysis, and a novel, tissue-specific miR target prediction approach. Thirty-six tissue samples including normal adrenocortical tissues, benign adenomas, and adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) were studied by simultaneous miR and mRNA profiling. A novel data-processing software was used to identify all predicted miR-mRNA interactions retrieved from PicTar, TargetScan, and miRBase. Tissue-specific target prediction was achieved by filtering out mRNAs with undetectable expression and searching for mRNA targets with inverse expression alterations as their regulatory miRs. Target sets and significant microarray data were subjected to Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Six miRs with significantly different expression were found. miR-184 and miR-503 showed significantly higher, whereas miR-511 and miR-214 showed significantly lower expression in ACCs than in other groups. Expression of miR-210 was significantly lower in cortisol-secreting adenomas than in ACCs. By calculating the difference between dCT(miR-511) and dCT(miR-503) (delta cycle threshold), ACCs could be distinguished from benign adenomas with high sensitivity and specificity. Pathway analysis revealed the possible involvement of G2/M checkpoint damage in ACC pathogenesis. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing miR expression patterns and pathway analysis in sporadic adrenocortical tumors. miR biomarkers may be helpful for the diagnosis of adrenocortical malignancy. This tissue-specific target prediction approach may be used in other tumors too.