981 resultados para Eddy flux
The cyclonic circulation of the Atlantic subpolar gyre is a key mechanism for North Atlantic climate variability on a wide range of time scales. It is generally accepted that it is driven by both cyclonic winds and buoyancy forcing, yet the individual importance and dynamical interactions of the two contributions remain unclear. The authors propose a simplified four-box model representing the convective basin of the Labrador Sea and its shallow and deep boundary current system, the western subpolar gyre. Convective heat loss drives a baroclinic flow of relatively light water around the dense center. Eddy salt flux from the boundary current to the center increases with a stronger circulation, favors the formation of dense waters, and thereby sustains a strong baroclinic flow, approximately 10%–25% of the total. In contrast, when the baroclinic flow is not active, surface waters may be too fresh to convect, and a buoyancy-driven circulation cannot develop. This situation corresponds to a second stable circulation mode. A hysteresis is found for variations in surface freshwater flux and the salinity of the near-surface boundary current. An analytical solution is presented and analyzed.
The occurrence of gaseous pollutants in soils has stimulated many experimental activities, including forced ventilation in the field as well as laboratory transport experiments with gases. The dispersion coefficient in advective-dispersive gas phase transport is often dominated by molecular diffusion, which leads to a large overall dispersivity gamma. Under such conditions it is important to distinguish between flux and resident modes of solute injection and detection. The influence of the inlet type oil the macroscopic injection mode was tested in two series of column experiments with gases at different mean flow velocities nu. First we compared infinite resident and flux injections, and second, semi-infinite resident and flux injections. It is shown that the macroscopically apparent injection condition depends on the geometry of the inlet section. A reduction of the cross-sectional area of the inlet relative to that of the column is very effective in excluding the diffusive solute input, thus allowing us to use the solutions for a flux Injection also at rather low mean flow velocities nu. If the whole cross section of a column is exposed to a large reservoir like that of ambient air, a semi-infinite resident injection is established, which can be distinguished from a flux injection even at relatively high velocities nu, depending on the mechanical dispersivity of the porous medium.
The study of proton conductance across artificial membranes has revealed a surprisingly high permeability for H+, (Pnet H+). A high Pnet H+ is difficult to reconcile with the biological requirement for the maintenance of pH gradients across the plasma membranes of cells, organellar study was undertaken to examine the role played by cholesterol and phospholipid fatty acid side chain composition in determining how well a membrane will function as a barrier to acid. The effects of counter-ion movement on acidification rates were examined in order to interpret the data obtained from variations in membrane composition. In phosphate buffered saline solutions, vesicle membranes composed of unsaturated fatty acid phosphatidylcholines proved to be poorer barriers to acid than membranes composed of saturated fatty acids. The barrier properties of these membranes could be ranked in the following order: DPL, (palmitic) $>$ Egg PC, (mixed chains) $>$ DLL, (linoleic), with DPL being the most effective in maintaining a one pH unit gradient near neutrality. Cholesterol decreased acidification rates of membranes made from the unsaturated phosphatidylcholines Egg PC and DLL, but enhanced acidification rates in vesicle membranes composed of the saturated phospholipid DPL. The cholesterol and fatty acid side chain effects were mediated by changes in membrane fluidity, with more rigid bilayers forming better barriers to acid. Experimental evidence was obtained which confirmed the Pnet H+ is very high relative to the permeabilities of other ions. Counter-ion controlled acidification rates depended on the size and charge of the ion which was moving in order to maintain electroneutrality. The biological relevance of a high intrinsic Pnet H+ and the possible role of counter-ion controlled acidification were discussed. ^
It has been demonstrated previously that the mammalian heart cannot sustain physiologic levels of pressure-volume work if ketone bodies are the only substrates for respiration. In order to determine the metabolic derangement responsible for contractile failure in hearts utilizing ketone bodies, rat hearts were prefused at a near-physiologic workload in a working heart apparatus with acetoacetate and competing or alternate substrates including glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, leucine, isoleucine, valine and acetate. While the pressure-volume work for hearts utilizing glucose was stable for 60 minutes of perfusion, performance fell by 30 minutes for hearts oxidizing acetoacetate as the sole substrate. The tissue content of 2-oxoglutarate and its transamination product, glutamate, were elevated in hearts utilizing acetoacetate while succinyl-CoA was decreased suggesting impaired flux through the citric acid cycle at the level of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. Further studies indicated that the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase developed prior to the onset of contractile failure and that the inhibition of the enzyme may be related to sequestration of the required cofactor, coenzyme A, as the thioesters acetoacetyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA. The contractile failure was not observed when glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, valine or isoleucine were present together with acetoacetate, but the addition of acetate or leucine to acetoacetate did not improve performance indicating that improved performance is not mediated through the provision of additional acetyl-CoA. Furthermore, addition of competing substrates that improved function did not relieve the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and actually resulted in the further accumulation of citric acid cycle intermediates "upstream" of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (2-oxoglutarate, glutamate, citrate and malate). Studies with (1-$\sp{14}$C) pyruvate indicate that the utilization of ketone bodies is associated with activation of NADP$\sp+$dependent malic enzyme and enrichment of the C4 pool of the citric acid cycle. The results suggest that contractile failure induced by ketone bodies in rat heart results from inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and that reversal of contractile failure is dissociated from relief of the inhibition, but rather is due to the entry of carbon units into the citric acid cycle as compounds other than acetyl-CoA. This mechanism of enrichment (anaplerosis) provides oxaloacetate for condensation with acetyl-CoA derived from ketone bodies allowing continued energy production by sustaining flux through a span of the citric acid cycle up to the point of inhibition at 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase for energy production thereby producing the reducing equivalents necessary to sustain oxidative phosphorylation. ^
Explosive volcanic eruptions can inject large quantities of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere. The aerosols that result from oxidation of the sulphur dioxide can produce significant cooling of the troposphere by reflecting or absorbing solar radiation. It is possible to obtain an estimate of the relative stratospheric sulphur aerosol concentration produced by different volcanoes by comparing sulphuric acid fluxes determined by analysis of polar ice cores. Here, we use a non-sea-salt sulphate time series derived from three well-dated Law Dome ice cores to investigate sulphuric acid flux ratios for major eruptions over the period AD 1301-1995. We use additional data from other cores to investigate systematic spatial variability in the ratios. Only for the Kuwae eruption (Law Dome ice date AD 1459.5) was the H2SO4 flux larger than that deposited by Tambora (Law Dome ice date AD 1816.7).
We have determined the flux of calcium, chloride and nitrate to the McMurdo Dry Valleys region by analysing snow pits for their chemical composition and their snow accumulation using multiple records spanning up to 48 years. The fluxes demonstrate patterns related to elevation and proximity to the ocean. In general, there is a strong relationship between the nitrate flux and snow accumulation, indicating that precipitation rates may have a great influence over the nitrogen concentrations in the soils of the valleys. Aeolian dust transport plays an important role in the deposition of some elements (e.g. C(2+)) into the McMurdo Dry Valleys' soils. Because of the antiquity of some of the soil surfaces in the McMurdo Dry Valleys regions, the accumulated atmospheric flux of salts to the soils has important ecological consequences. Although precipitation may be an important mechanism of salt deposition to the McMurdo Dry Valley surfaces, it is poorly understood because of difficulties in measurement and high losses from sublimation.
We present a fracture-mechanics-based formulation to investigate primary oil migration through the propagation of an array of periodic, parallel fractures in a sedimentary rock with elevated pore fluid pressure. The rock is assumed to be a linearly elastic medium. The fracture propagation and hence oil migration velocity are determined using a fracture mechanics criterion together with the lubrication theory of fluid mechanics. We find that fracture interactions have profound effects on the primary oil migration behavior. For a given fracture length, the mass flux of oil migration decreases dramatically with an increase in fracture density. The reduced oil flux is due to the decreased fracture propagation velocity as well as the narrowed fracture opening that result from the fracture interactions.
Numerous mesoscale eddies occur each year in the South China Sea (SCS), but their statistical characteristics are still not well documented. A Pacific basin-wide three dimensional physical-biogeochemical model has been developed and the result in the SCS subdomain is used to quantify the eddy activities during the period of 1993-2007. The modeled results are compared with a merged and gridded satellite product of sea level anomaly by using the same eddy identification and tracking method. On average, there are about 32.9 +/- 2.4 eddies predicted by the model and 32.8 +/- 3.4 eddies observed by satellite each year, and about 52% of them are cyclonic eddies. The radius of these eddies ranges from about 46.5 to 223.5 km, with a mean value of 87.4 km. More than 70% of the eddies have a radius smaller than 100 km. The mean area covered by these eddies each year is around 160,170 km(2), equivalent to 9.8% of the SCS area with water depths greater than 1000 m. Linear relationships are found between eddy lifetime and eddy magnitude and between eddy vertical extent and eddy magnitude, showing that strong eddies usually last longer and penetrate deeper than weak ones. Interannual variations in eddy numbers and the total eddy-occupied area indicate that eddy activities in the SCS do not directly correspond to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation events. The wind stress curls are thought to be an important but not the only mechanism of eddy genesis in the SCS.
The water budget approach is applied to an atmospheric box above Switzerland (hereafter referred to as the “Swiss box”) to quantify the atmospheric water vapour flux using ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalyses. The results confirm that the water vapour flux through the Swiss box is highly temporally variable, ranging from 1 to 5 · 107 kg/s during settled anticyclonic weather, but increasing in size by a factor of ten or more during high speed currents of water vapour. Overall, Switzerland and the Swiss box “import” more water vapour than it “exports”, but the amount gained remains only a small fraction (1% to 5%) of the total available water vapour passing by. High inward water vapour fluxes are not necessarily linked to high precipitation episodes. The water vapour flux during the August 2005 floods, which caused severe damage in central Switzerland, is examined and an assessment is made of the computed water vapour fluxes compared to high spatio-temporal rain gauge and radar observations. About 25% of the incoming water vapour flux was stored in Switzerland. The computed water vapour fluxes from ECMWF data compare well with the mean rain gauge observations and the combined rain-gauge radar precipitation products.
We provide the dictionary between four-dimensional gauged supergravity and type II compactifications on T6 with metric and gauge fluxes in the absence of supersymmetry breaking sources, such as branes and orientifold planes. Secondly, we prove that there is a unique isotropic compactification allowing for critical points. It corresponds to a type IIA background given by a product of two 3-tori with SO(3) twists and results in a unique theory (gauging) with a non-semisimple gauge algebra. Besides the known four AdS solutions surviving the orientifold projection to N = 4 induced by O6-planes, this theory contains a novel AdS solution that requires non-trivial orientifold-odd fluxes, hence being a genuine critical point of the N = 8 theory.