946 resultados para Dynamic response


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The impact response and failure mechanisms of ultrahigh modulus polyethylene (UHMPE) fiber composites and UHMPE fiber-carbon fiber hybrid composites have been investigated. Charpy impact, drop weight impact and high strain rate impact experiments have been performed in order to study the impact resistance, notch sensitivity, strain rate sensitivity and hybrid effects. Results obtained from dynamic and quasi-static measurements have been compared. Because of the ductility of UHMPE fibers, the impact energy absorption of UHMPE fiber composites is very high, thereby leading to excellent damage tolerance. By hybridizing with UHMPE fibers, the impact properties of carbon fiber composites can be greatly improved. The impact and shock failure mechanisms of these composites are discussed.


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The events that determine the dynamics of proliferation, spread and distribution of microbial pathogens within their hosts are surprisingly heterogeneous and poorly understood. We contend that understanding these phenomena at a sophisticated level with the help of mathematical models is a prerequisite for the development of truly novel, targeted preventative measures and drug regimes. We describe here recent studies of Salmonella enterica infections in mice which suggest that bacteria resist the antimicrobial environment inside host cells and spread to new sites, where infection foci develop, and thus avoid local escalation of the adaptive immune response. We further describe implications for our understanding of the pathogenic mechanism inside the host.


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The objective of the article is to present a unified model for the dynamic mechanical response of ceramics under compressive stress states. The model incorporates three principal deformation mechanisms: (i) lattice plasticity due to dislocation glide or twinning; (ii) microcrack extension; and (iii) granular flow of densely packed comminuted particles. In addition to analytical descriptions of each mechanism, prescriptions are provided for their implementation into a finite element code as well as schemes for mechanism transitions. The utility of the code in addressing issues pertaining to deep penetration is demonstrated through a series of calculations of dynamic cavity expansion in an infinite medium. The results reveal two limiting behavioral regimes, dictated largely by the ratio of the cavity pressure p to the material yield strength σY. At low values of p/σY, cavity expansion occurs by lattice plasticity and hence its rate diminishes with increasing σY. In contrast, at high values, expansion occurs by microcracking followed by granular plasticity and is therefore independent of σY. In the intermediate regime, the cavity expansion rate is governed by the interplay between microcracking and lattice plasticity. That is, when lattice plasticity is activated ahead of the expanding cavity, the stress triaxiality decreases (toward more negative values) which, in turn, reduces the propensity for microcracking and the rate of granular flow. The implications for penetration resistance to high-velocity projectiles are discussed. Finally, the constitutive model is used to simulate the quasi-static and dynamic indentation response of a typical engineering ceramic (alumina) and the results compared to experimental measurements. Some of the pertinent observations are shown to be captured by the present model whereas others require alternative approaches (such as those based on fracture mechanics) for complete characterization. © 2011 The American Ceramic Society.


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The three-dimensional transient wave response problem is presented for an infinite elastic medium weakened by a plane crack of infinite length and finite width. Tractions are applied suddenly to the crack, which simulates the case of impact loading. The integral transforms are utilized to reduce the problem to a standard Fredholm integral equation in the Laplace transform variable and sequentially invert the Laplace transforms of the stress components by numerical inversion method. The dynamic mode I stress intensity factors at the crack tip are obtained and some numerical results are presented in graphical form.


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This dissertation is concerned with the problem of determining the dynamic characteristics of complicated engineering systems and structures from the measurements made during dynamic tests or natural excitations. Particular attention is given to the identification and modeling of the behavior of structural dynamic systems in the nonlinear hysteretic response regime. Once a model for the system has been identified, it is intended to use this model to assess the condition of the system and to predict the response to future excitations.

A new identification methodology based upon a generalization of the method of modal identification for multi-degree-of-freedom dynaimcal systems subjected to base motion is developed. The situation considered herein is that in which only the base input and the response of a small number of degrees-of-freedom of the system are measured. In this method, called the generalized modal identification method, the response is separated into "modes" which are analogous to those of a linear system. Both parametric and nonparametric models can be employed to extract the unknown nature, hysteretic or nonhysteretic, of the generalized restoring force for each mode.

In this study, a simple four-term nonparametric model is used first to provide a nonhysteretic estimate of the nonlinear stiffness and energy dissipation behavior. To extract the hysteretic nature of nonlinear systems, a two-parameter distributed element model is then employed. This model exploits the results of the nonparametric identification as an initial estimate for the model parameters. This approach greatly improves the convergence of the subsequent optimization process.

The capability of the new method is verified using simulated response data from a three-degree-of-freedom system. The new method is also applied to the analysis of response data obtained from the U.S.-Japan cooperative pseudo-dynamic test of a full-scale six-story steel-frame structure.

The new system identification method described has been found to be both accurate and computationally efficient. It is believed that it will provide a useful tool for the analysis of structural response data.


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In the first part of this thesis a study of the effect of the longitudinal distribution of optical intensity and electron density on the static and dynamic behavior of semiconductor lasers is performed. A static model for above threshold operation of a single mode laser, consisting of multiple active and passive sections, is developed by calculating the longitudinal optical intensity distribution and electron density distribution in a self-consistent manner. Feedback from an index and gain Bragg grating is included, as well as feedback from discrete reflections at interfaces and facets. Longitudinal spatial holeburning is analyzed by including the dependence of the gain and the refractive index on the electron density. The mechanisms of spatial holeburning in quarter wave shifted DFB lasers are analyzed. A new laser structure with a uniform optical intensity distribution is introduced and an implementation is simulated, resulting in a large reduction of the longitudinal spatial holeburning effect.

A dynamic small-signal model is then developed by including the optical intensity and electron density distribution, as well as the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density. Expressions are derived for the intensity and frequency noise spectrum, the spontaneous emission rate into the lasing mode, the linewidth enhancement factor, and the AM and FM modulation response. Different chirp components are identified in the FM response, and a new adiabatic chirp component is discovered. This new adiabatic chirp component is caused by the nonuniform longitudinal distributions, and is found to dominate at low frequencies. Distributed feedback lasers with partial gain coupling are analyzed, and it is shown how the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density can result in an enhancement of the differential gain with an associated enhancement in modulation bandwidth and a reduction in chirp.

In the second part, spectral characteristics of passively mode-locked two-section multiple quantum well laser coupled to an external cavity are studied. Broad-band wavelength tuning using an external grating is demonstrated for the first time in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers. A record tuning range of 26 nm is measured, with pulse widths of typically a few picosecond and time-bandwidth products of more than 10 times the transform limit. It is then demonstrated that these large time-bandwidth products are due to a strong linear upchirp, by performing pulse compression by a factor of 15 to a record pulse widths as low 320 fs.

A model for pulse propagation through a saturable medium with self-phase-modulation, due to the a-parameter, is developed for quantum well material, including the frequency dependence of the gain medium. This model is used to simulate two-section devices coupled to an external cavity. When no self-phase-modulation is present, it is found that the pulses are asymmetric with a sharper rising edge, that the pulse tails have an exponential behavior, and that the transform limit is 0.3. Inclusion of self-phase-modulation results in a linear upchirp imprinted on the pulse after each round-trip. This linear upchirp is due to a combination of self-phase-modulation in a gain section and absorption of the leading edge of the pulse in the saturable absorber.


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The main theme running through these three chapters is that economic agents are often forced to respond to events that are not a direct result of their actions or other agents actions. The optimal response to these shocks will necessarily depend on agents' understanding of how these shocks arise. The economic environment in the first two chapters is analogous to the classic chain store game. In this setting, the addition of unintended trembles by the agents creates an environment better suited to reputation building. The third chapter considers the competitive equilibrium price dynamics in an overlapping generations environment when there are supply and demand shocks.

The first chapter is a game theoretic investigation of a reputation building game. A sequential equilibrium model, called the "error prone agents" model, is developed. In this model, agents believe that all actions are potentially subjected to an error process. Inclusion of this belief into the equilibrium calculation provides for a richer class of reputation building possibilities than when perfect implementation is assumed.

In the second chapter, maximum likelihood estimation is employed to test the consistency of this new model and other models with data from experiments run by other researchers that served as the basis for prominent papers in this field. The alternate models considered are essentially modifications to the standard sequential equilibrium. While some models perform quite well in that the nature of the modification seems to explain deviations from the sequential equilibrium quite well, the degree to which these modifications must be applied shows no consistency across different experimental designs.

The third chapter is a study of price dynamics in an overlapping generations model. It establishes the existence of a unique perfect-foresight competitive equilibrium price path in a pure exchange economy with a finite time horizon when there are arbitrarily many shocks to supply or demand. One main reason for the interest in this equilibrium is that overlapping generations environments are very fruitful for the study of price dynamics, especially in experimental settings. The perfect foresight assumption is an important place to start when examining these environments because it will produce the ex post socially efficient allocation of goods. This characteristic makes this a natural baseline to which other models of price dynamics could be compared.


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The applicability of the white-noise method to the identification of a nonlinear system is investigated. Subsequently, the method is applied to certain vertebrate retinal neuronal systems and nonlinear, dynamic transfer functions are derived which describe quantitatively the information transformations starting with the light-pattern stimulus and culminating in the ganglion response which constitutes the visually-derived input to the brain. The retina of the catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, is used for the experiments.

The Wiener formulation of the white-noise theory is shown to be impractical and difficult to apply to a physical system. A different formulation based on crosscorrelation techniques is shown to be applicable to a wide range of physical systems provided certain considerations are taken into account. These considerations include the time-invariancy of the system, an optimum choice of the white-noise input bandwidth, nonlinearities that allow a representation in terms of a small number of characterizing kernels, the memory of the system and the temporal length of the characterizing experiment. Error analysis of the kernel estimates is made taking into account various sources of error such as noise at the input and output, bandwidth of white-noise input and the truncation of the gaussian by the apparatus.

Nonlinear transfer functions are obtained, as sets of kernels, for several neuronal systems: Light → Receptors, Light → Horizontal, Horizontal → Ganglion, Light → Ganglion and Light → ERG. The derived models can predict, with reasonable accuracy, the system response to any input. Comparison of model and physical system performance showed close agreement for a great number of tests, the most stringent of which is comparison of their responses to a white-noise input. Other tests include step and sine responses and power spectra.

Many functional traits are revealed by these models. Some are: (a) the receptor and horizontal cell systems are nearly linear (small signal) with certain "small" nonlinearities, and become faster (latency-wise and frequency-response-wise) at higher intensity levels, (b) all ganglion systems are nonlinear (half-wave rectification), (c) the receptive field center to ganglion system is slower (latency-wise and frequency-response-wise) than the periphery to ganglion system, (d) the lateral (eccentric) ganglion systems are just as fast (latency and frequency response) as the concentric ones, (e) (bipolar response) = (input from receptors) - (input from horizontal cell), (f) receptive field center and periphery exert an antagonistic influence on the ganglion response, (g) implications about the origin of ERG, and many others.

An analytical solution is obtained for the spatial distribution of potential in the S-space, which fits very well experimental data. Different synaptic mechanisms of excitation for the external and internal horizontal cells are implied.


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This thesis presents a simplified state-variable method to solve for the nonstationary response of linear MDOF systems subjected to a modulated stationary excitation in both time and frequency domains. The resulting covariance matrix and evolutionary spectral density matrix of the response may be expressed as a product of a constant system matrix and a time-dependent matrix, the latter can be explicitly evaluated for most envelopes currently prevailing in engineering. The stationary correlation matrix of the response may be found by taking the limit of the covariance response when a unit step envelope is used. The reliability analysis can then be performed based on the first two moments of the response obtained.

The method presented facilitates obtaining explicit solutions for general linear MDOF systems and is flexible enough to be applied to different stochastic models of excitation such as the stationary models, modulated stationary models, filtered stationary models, and filtered modulated stationary models and their stochastic equivalents including the random pulse train model, filtered shot noise, and some ARMA models in earthquake engineering. This approach may also be readily incorporated into finite element codes for random vibration analysis of linear structures.

A set of explicit solutions for the response of simple linear structures subjected to modulated white noise earthquake models with four different envelopes are presented as illustration. In addition, the method has been applied to three selected topics of interest in earthquake engineering, namely, nonstationary analysis of primary-secondary systems with classical or nonclassical dampings, soil layer response and related structural reliability analysis, and the effect of the vertical components on seismic performance of structures. For all the three cases, explicit solutions are obtained, dynamic characteristics of structures are investigated, and some suggestions are given for aseismic design of structures.


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This thesis consists of three parts. Chapter 2 deals with the dynamic buckling behavior of steel braces under cyclic axial end displacement. Braces under such a loading condition belong to a class of "acceleration magnifying" structural components, in which a small motion at the loading points can cause large internal acceleration and inertia. This member-level inertia is frequently ignored in current studies of braces and braced structures. This chapter shows that, under certain conditions, the inclusion of the member-level inertia can lead to brace behavior fundamentally different from that predicted by the quasi-static method. This result is to have significance in the correct use of the quasi-static, pseudo-dynamic and static condensation methods in the simulation of braces or braced structures under dynamic loading. The strain magnitude and distribution in the braces are also studied in this chapter.

Chapter 3 examines the effect of column uplift on the earthquake response of braced steel frames and explores the feasibility of flexible column-base anchoring. It is found that fully anchored braced-bay columns can induce extremely large internal forces in the braced-bay members and their connections, thus increasing the risk of failures observed in recent earthquakes. Flexible braced-bay column anchoring can significantly reduce the braced bay member force, but at the same time also introduces large story drift and column uplift. The pounding of an uplifting column with its support can result in very high compressive axial force.

Chapter 4 conducts a comparative study on the effectiveness of a proposed non-buckling bracing system and several conventional bracing systems. The non-buckling bracing system eliminates buckling and thus can be composed of small individual braces distributed widely in a structure to reduce bracing force concentration and increase redundancy. The elimination of buckling results in a significantly more effective bracing system compared with the conventional bracing systems. Among the conventional bracing systems, bracing configurations and end conditions for the bracing members affect the effectiveness.

The studies in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 also indicate that code-designed conventionally braced steel frames can experience unacceptably severe response under the strong ground motions recorded during the recent Northridge and Kobe earthquakes.


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Part I. Novel composite polyelectrolyte materials were developed that exhibit desirable charge propagation and ion-retention properties. The morphology of electrode coatings cast from these materials was shown to be more important for its electrochemical behavior than its chemical composition.

Part II. The Wilhelmy plate technique for measuring dynamic surface tension was extended to electrified liquid-liquid interphases. The dynamical response of the aqueous NaF-mercury electrified interphase was examined by concomitant measurement of surface tension, current, and applied electrostatic potential. Observations of the surface tension response to linear sweep voltammetry and to step function perturbations in the applied electrostatic potential (e.g., chronotensiometry) provided strong evidence that relaxation processes proceed for time-periods that are at least an order of magnitude longer than the time periods necessary to establish diffusion equilibrium. The dynamical response of the surface tension is analyzed within the context of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and a kinetic model that requires three simultaneous first order processes.


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This article discusses problems of modelling the seasonal succession of algal species in lakes and reservoirs, and the adaptive selection of certain groups of algae in response to changes in the inputs and relative concentrations of nutrients and other environmental variables. A new generation of quantitative models is being developed which attempts to translate some important biological properties of species (survival, variation, inheritance, reproductive rates and population growth) into predictions about the survival of the fittest, where ”fitness” is measured or estimated in thermodynamic terms. The concept of ”exergy” and its calculation is explored to examine maximal exergy as a measure of fitness in ecosystems, and its use for calculating changes in species composition by means of structural dynamic models. These models accomodate short-term changes in parameters that affect the adaptive responses (species selection) of algae.


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Major controls on river salinity (total dissolved solids) in the western United States are climate, geology, and human activity. Climate, in general, influences soil-river salinity via salt-balance variations. When climate becomes wetter, river discharge increases and soil-river salinity decreases; when climate becomes drier river discharge decreases and soil-river salinity increases. This study characterizes the river salinity response to discharge using statistical-dynamic methods. An exploratory analysis of river salinity, using early 1900s water quality surveys in the western United States, shows much river salinity variability is in response to storm and annual discharge. Presumably this is because river discharge is largely supported by surface flow.


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Residential RC framed structures suffered heavily during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat, India. These types of structures also saw severe damage in other earthquakes such as the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey and 921 Ji-Ji earthquake in Taiwan. In this paper the seismic response of residential structures was investigated using physical modelling. Idealised soft storey and top heavy, two degrees of freedom (2DOF) portal frame structures were developed and tested on saturated and dry sand models at 25 g using the Schofield Centre 10-m Beam Centrifuge. It was possible to recreate observed field behaviour using these models. As observed in many of the recent earthquakes, soft storey structures were found to be particularly vulnerable to seismic loads. Elastic response spectra methods are often used in the design of simple portal frame structures. The seismic risk of these structures can be significantly increased due to modifications such as removal of a column or addition of heavy water tanks on the roof. The experimental data from the dynamic centrifuge tests on such soft storey or top-heavy models was used to evaluate the predictions obtained from the response spectra. Response spectra were able to predict seismic response during small to moderate intensity earthquakes, but became inaccurate during strong earthquakes and when soil structure interaction effects became important. Re-evaluation of seismic risk of such modified structures is required and time domain analyses suggested by building codes such as IBC, UBC or NEHRP may be more appropriate. © Springer 2006.


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The quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and two LLDPE nanocomposites were studied. Nanocomposites consisting of LLDPE filled with 1% carbon black and 0.5% nanoclay fillers, by weight, were considered. Under quasi-static tensile loading, an improvement in the energy absorbing capability was achieved by adding 1% carbon black fillers. However, during quasi-static puncture and dynamic impact loading, the advantage provided by the fillers was lost. Thermal softening due to adiabatic heating under high strain rate deformation and difference s in the state of stress are considered as reasons for this reduction. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.