979 resultados para Dunn


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of auxiliary chemical substances and intracanal medications on Escherichia coli and its endotoxin in root canals. Material and Methods: Teeth were contaminated with a suspension of E. coli for 14 days and divided into 3 groups according to the auxiliary chemical substance used: G1) 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); G2) 2% chlorhexidine gel (CLX); G3) pyrogen-free solution. After, these groups were subdivided according to the intracanal medication (ICM): A) Calcium hydroxide paste (Calen (R)), B) polymyxin B, and C) Calcium hydroxide paste+2% CLX gel. For the control group (G4), pyrogen-free saline solution was used without application of intracanal medication. Samples of the root canal content were collected immediately after biomechanical preparation (BMP), at 7 days after BMP, after 14 days of intracanal medication activity, and 7 days after removal of intracanal medication. The following aspects were evaluated for all collections: a) antimicrobial activity; b) quantification of endotoxin by the limulus Amebocyte lysate test (LAL). Results were analyzed by the kruskal-wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. Results: The 2.5% NaOCl and CLX were able to eliminate E. coli from root canal lumen and reduced the amount of endotoxin compared to saline. Conclusions: It was concluded that 2.5% NaOCl and CLX were effective in eliminating E. coli. Only the studied intracanal medications were to reduce the amount of endotoxin present in the root canals, regardless of the irrigant used.


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This study evaluated the action of propolis and intracanal medications against Escherichia coli and endotoxin. Forty-eight dental roots were contaminated with E. coli. The root canals were instrumented with propolis and divided into groups according to the type of intracanal medication: Ca(OH)(2), polymyxin B, or Ca(OH)(2) + 2% chlorhexidine gel. In the control group, saline solution was used without application of intracanal medication. Counts of colony-forming units were carried out and the endotoxin was quantified by the chromogenic Limulus amobocyte lysate assay. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance and the Dunn test (5%). Root canal irrigation with propolis was effective to completely eliminate E. coli and reduce the amount of endotoxins. All intracanal medications contributed to the significant decrease in endotoxins. Only intracanal medications may reduce the amount of endotoxins in the root canals. The greatest efficacy was observed for medications containing Ca(OH)(2). (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:e70-e74)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar se fontes de luz aumentam a eficácia do peróxido de hidrogênio na técnica de clareamento profissional. METODOLOGIA: Foram empregados 60 dentes incisivos bovinos, com dimensões coronárias e radiculares padronizadas a partir do limite amelo-cementário, sendo descartada a porção lingual. Os corpos-de-prova (cp) foram limpos em ultra-som por 20 min e a dentina condicionada com H3PO4 a 38% por 15 s, sendo os (cp) imersos em solução de café solúvel a 25% por duas semanas. A dentina foi impermeabilizada com esmalte e os (cp) divididos em 5 grupos, sendo a cor inicial mensurada através do espectofotômetro-EasyShade (VITA). Todos os (cp) receberam três aplicações por 10 min do gel clareador Opalescence Xtra-Boost (Ultradent) conforme segue: Grupo 1 - controle, não recebeu fotoativação, Grupo 2 - ativado com luz halôgena, Grupo 3 - ativado com LED azul/LASER, Grupo 4 - ativado com LED verde/LASER e Grupo 5 - ativado com LED vermelho. Após o clareamento foi mensurada a variação de cor E, a*, b*e L* e as referentes à escala de cor Vita Clássico. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, teste de Tukey e de Dunn (α=5%). RESULTADOS: A diferença geral da cor foi reduzida quando se empregou LED Azul e Luz Halógena, sendo que o desempenho do peróxido de hidrogênio a 38% foi intensificado dependendo da fonte de luz utilizada. A avaliação quantitativa de cor, obtida por espectrofotômetro e pela escala de cor Vita Clássico, foram coincidentes. CONCLUSÃO: O tipo de fonte de luz empregada interfere na eficácia do agente clareador.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate alterations in the surface roughness and micromorphology of human enamel submitted to three prophylaxis methods. Sixty-nine caries-free molars with exposed labial surfaces were divided into three groups. Group I was treated with a rotary instrument set at a low speed, rubber clip and a mixture of water and pumice; group II with a rotary instrument set at a low speed, rubber cup and prophylaxis paste Herjos-F (Vigodent S/A Industria e Comercio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); and group III with sodium bicarbonate spray Profi II Ceramic (Dabi A dante Indtistrias Medico Odontologicas Ltda, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil). All procedures were performed by the same operator for 10 s, and samples were rinsed and stored in distilled water. Pre and post-treatment surface evaluation was completed using a surface profilometer (Perthometer S8P Marh, Perthen, Germany) in 54 samples. In addition, the other samples were coated with gold and examined in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results of this study were statistically analyzed with the paired t-test (Student), the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Dunn (5%) test. The sodium bicarbonate spray led to significantly rougher surfaces than the pumice paste. The use of prophylaxis paste showed no statistically significant difference when compared with the other methods. Based on SEM analysis, the sodium bicarbonate spray presented an irregular surface with granular material and erosions. Based on this study, it can be concluded that there was an increased enamel stuface roughness when teeth were treated with sodium bicarbonate spray when compared with teeth treated with pumice paste.


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FUNDAMENTO: O tabagismo altera a função autonômica. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos agudos do tabagismo sobre a modulação autonômica e a recuperação dos índices de variabilidade de frequência cardíaca (VFC) pós-fumo, por meio do plot de Poincaré e índices lineares. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 25 fumantes jovens, os quais tiveram a frequência cardíaca analisada, batimento a batimento, na posição sentada, após 8 horas de abstinência, por 30 minutos em repouso, 20 minutos durante o fumo e 30 minutos pós-fumo. Análise de variância para medidas repetidas, seguido do teste de Tukey, ou teste de Friedman seguido do teste de Dunn foram aplicados dependendo da normalidade dos dados, com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Durante o fumo, houve redução dos índices SD1 (23,4 ± 9,2 vs 13,8 ± 4,8), razão SD1/SD2 (0,31 ± 0,08 vs 0,2 ± 0,04), RMSSD (32,7 ± 13 vs 19,1 ± 6,8), SDNN (47,6 ± 14,8 vs 35,5 ± 8,4), HFnu (32,5 ± 11,6 vs 19 ± 8,1) e do intervalo RR (816,8 ± 89 vs 696,5 ± 76,3) em relação ao repouso, enquanto que aumentos do índice LFnu (67,5 ± 11,6 vs 81 ± 8,1) e da razão LF/HF (2,6 ± 1,7 vs 5,4 ± 3,1) foram observados. A análise visual do plot mostrou menor dispersão dos intervalos RR durante o fumo. Com exceção da razão SD1/SD2, os demais índices apresentaram recuperação dos valores, 30 minutos após o tabagismo. CONCLUSÃO: O tabagismo produziu agudamente modificações no controle autonômico, caracterizadas por ativação simpática e retirada vagal, com recuperação 30 minutos após o fumo.


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Eight Panthera onca (Po), 13 Felis concolor (Fc), 7 Felis yagouaroundi (Fy), 7 Felis tigrina (Ft) and 5 Felis pardalis (Fp) specimens from São Paulo State zoos were used. All animals were restrained with darts containing 10 mg/kg ketamine and 1 mg/kg xylazine. Venous blood samples were collected as soon as possible (within 15-20 min) and serum was frozen until the time for cortisol quantification. Cortisol was determined using a solid phase radioimmunoassay with an intra-assay coefficient of 8.51%. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by Dunn's multiple comparisons test, and the one-sample t-test, with the level of significance set at P<0.05. Data are reported as means ± SEM. Cortisol levels differed among the captive felines: Po = 166 ± 33a, Fc = 670 ± 118b, Fy = 480 ± 83b, Ft = 237 ± 42ab, Fp = 97 ± 12a nmol/l (values followed by different superscript letters were significantly different (P<0.001)). Since most of the veterinary procedures on these species involve chemical restraint, these results show the necessity of preventive measures in order to minimize the effect of restraint stress on more susceptible species


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Aim To evaluate the effect of biomechanical preparation with different irrigating solutions and calcium hydroxide dressing in dog root canals containing bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharides; LPS).Methodology One hundred and forty premolar roots from seven dogs were filled with Escherichia coli LPS for 10 days (three roots were lost during histological processing). The following irrigating solutions were used for biomechanical preparation: 1% (group I, n = 20), 2.5% (group II, n = 19) and 5% sodium hypochlorite (group III, n = 19), 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (group IV, n = 20) and physiological saline solution (group V, n = 19). In group VI (n = 20), the LPS solution was maintained in the root canal during the entire experiment and in group VII (n = 20), after biomechanical preparation with saline solution, the root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen; control). After 60 days, the animals were sacrificed and the following parameters of periapical disease were evaluated: (a) inflammatory infiltrate, (b) periodontal ligament thickness, (c) cementum resorption and (d) bone resorption. Scores were given and data were analysed statistically with the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P < 0.05).Results Histopathological evaluation showed that groups I-VI had more inflammatory infiltrate, greater periodontal ligament thickening and greater cementum and bone resorption (P < 0.05) compared to group VII, which received the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing.Conclusions Biomechanical preparation with the irrigating solutions did not inactivate the effects of the endotoxin but the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing did appear to inactivate the effects induced by the endotoxin in vivo.


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Statement of problem. During tooth preparation, both high-speed handpieces and lasers generate heat, which, if not controlled, can cause pulpal necrosis.Purpose. The aim of this study was to compare temperature increases produced by a high-speed dental handpiece with those produced by a relatively new instrument, the Er:YAG (erbium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser.Material and methods. Thirty bovine mandibular incisors were reduced to an enamel/dentin thickness of 2.5 mm. Class V preparations were completed to a depth of 2.0 mm, measured with a caliper or by a mark oil the burs. A thermocouple was placed inside the pulp chamber to determine temperature increases (degreesC). Analysis was performed on the following groups (n = 10): Group 1, high-speed handpiece without water cooling, Group 11, high-speed handpiece with water cooling (30 mL/min), and Group III, the noncontact Er:YAG laser (2.94 mum at 350 mJ/10 Hz) with water cooling (4.5 mL/min). The temperature increases were recorded by a computer linked to the thermocouples. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The Dunn multiple comparison test was used as post hoc test (alpha = .05).Results. The average temperature rises were: 11.64degreesC (+/-4.35) for Group 1, 0.96degreesC (+/-0.71) for Group 11, and 2.69degreesC (+/-1.12) for Group III. There were no statistical differences between Groups 11 and III, both 11 and III differed from Group I significantly (P = .000 and P = .002, respectively).Conclusion. The preparations made with the high-speed and the laser instrument generated similar heat increases under water cooling. Water cooling was essential to avoid destructive temperature increases when using both the high-speed handpiece and laser.


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Objectives. Taking into consideration that DNA damage and cellular death play important roles during carcinogenesis, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate in vitro genotoxic or cytotoxic effects of chloroform and eucalyptol by single cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test, respectively.Study design. Chloroform and eucalyptol were exposed to Chinese hamster ovary cells in culture directly for 3 hours at 37 degrees C at final concentrations ranging from 1.25 to 10 mu L/mL. The negative control group was treated with vehicle control (phosphate-buffered solution), and the positive control group was treated with methyl metasulfonate (MMS, at 1 mu g/mL concentration). All data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test followed by the Dunn test.Results. The results showed that both gutta-percha solvents were cytotoxic at concentrations of 2.5, 5, and 10 mu L/mL (P < .05). on the other hand, both solvents did not induce DNA breakage at 1.25 mu L/mL concentration.Conclusions. These results suggest that both chloroform or eucalyptol are strong cytotoxicants, but they may not be a factor that increases the level of DNA lesions in mammalian cells.


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The therapeutic and pathogenetic effects of Dolichos pruriens were evaluated using experimental models in rats. In the therapeutic experiment Wistar rats were housed in a heated environment (25 +/- 3 degrees C) to induce itch, and treated with ascending potencies D. pruriens (6 cH, 9 cH, 12 cH and 30 cH), each for 10 days. The positive control group received vehicle (ethanol 30% in water). The negative control group received no treatment and were kept at a standard temperature.In the pathogenetic experiment, all animals were kept at a temperature of 20+/-3 degrees C and treated for 30 consecutive days with D. pruriens 6 or 30 cH, or ethanol vehicle, or no treatment. The experiments were performed blind.The statistical analysis used Bartlett's test, followed by ANOVA/Tuckey-Krammer or Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn. The results point to the existence of therapeutic effects, with inhibition of the itching, skin lesions and fur thinning produced by heat, more evident in later observations, with the 9 12, and 30 cH potencies (Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn; P = 0.001). No changes were observed in the other parameters, such as open field activity and laterality of the itching. In the pathogenetic experiment, no changes were observed in any parameters examined. We conclude that the proposed experimental model demonstrates the therapeutic effect of D. pruriens, but not its pathogenetic effects.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of endodontic irrigants on endotoxins in root canals.Study design. Ninety-eight single-root human teeth were used. Escherichia coli endotoxin was inoculated into 84 root canals. All root canals were enlarged and assigned to 7 groups (n = 14), according to solution used. Group 1 (G1): 2.5% NaOCl; G2: 5.25% NaOCl; G3: 2% chlorhexidine; G4: 0.14% calcium hydroxide; G5: polymyxin B; G6: positive control, saline solution; G7: negative control (no endotoxin). Two samplings of root canal were accomplished: immediate and after 7 days. Detoxification of endotoxin was evaluated by Limulus assay and antibody production in B-lymphocyte culture. Results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn and ANOVA/Tukey.Results. At the immediate and second samplings, groups G4, G5, and G7 presented the best results, significantly different from groups G1, G2, G3, and G6 (P = .05).Conclusions. Calcium hydroxide and polymyxin B detoxified endotoxin in root canals and altered properties of LPS to stimulate the antibody production by B-lymphocytes. Sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine did not detoxify endotoxin.


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Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical preparation of flattened root canals using the following systems: Endo-Eze AET stainless steel oscillatory instruments (Ultradent) and RaCe rotary NiTi instruments (FKG Dentaire). Materials and Methods: Twenty extracted human mandibular incisors were randomly assigned to two groups: Group I Instrumentation with oscillatory Endo-Eze AET files (oscillatory technique); Group 2 - Instrumentation with rotary NiTi RaCe files (rotary technique). The teeth were decoronated, had their apices and coronal openings sealed with sticky wax and were embedded in crystal-clear orthophtalic polyester resin. The roots were sectioned transversally with diamond discs at 10 mm (middle third) and 5 mm (apical third) from the apex and the segments were reassembled for instrumentation. The sections were photographed before and after root canal instrumentation and evaluated with respect to whether the original root canal shape was modified by instrumentation. To evaluate the differences in the root canal shape before and after biomechanical preparation, scores were given regarding the instruments touch on the intracanal walls. Results: In middle third of the root canals instrumented with the rotary system, there was a change in the original canal anatomy (p < 0.05), with formation of a protuberance in the mesiodistal direction. This protuberance did not occur when the oscillatory instrumentation was used. The oscillatory system had better results in the middle and apical thirds as evaluated by Dunn's multiple-comparison test (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Under the tested conditions, Endo-Eze oscillatory system yielded the instrumentation of all flattened oot canal walls, maintaining the canal original shape throughout the biomechanical preparation, and was more effective than RaCe rotary system.


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Objectives: Iron ions (Fe2+) have been shown to be cariostatic in many studies particularly by their ability to reduce bacterial metabolism. Nevertheless, the role of iron ions on dissolution of enamel is unexplored. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the protective effect of increasing concentrations (0-120 mmol/L) of Fe2+ on the dissolution of enamel.Design: Enamel powder was subjected to acetic acid made with increasing concentrations with respect to FeSO4 center dot 7H(2)O. In order to determine the amount of enamel dissolved, the phosphate released in the medium was analysed spectrophotometrically using the Fiske-Subarrow method. Data were tested using Kruskall-Wall and Dunn's tests (p < 0.05). The degree of protection was found to approach maximum at about 15 mmol/L Fe2+. Higher concentrations of Fe2+ did not have an extra effect on inhibition of dissolution of enamel powder. In the next step, the protective effect of 15 mmol/L Fe2+ against mineral dissolution of the bovine enamel was evaluated using a simple abiotic model system. Enamel blocks were exposed to a sequence of seven plastic vials, each containing 1 mL of 10 mmol/L acetic acid. The acid in vial 4 was made 15 mmol/L with respect to FeSO4 center dot 7H(2)O. The mineral dissolved during each challenge was thus determined by phosphate released as described above. Data were tested using two-way ANOVA (p < 0.05). Results: Lower demineralisation (around 45%) was found in vial 4 (with Fe) that continued stable until vial 7.Conclusions: Thus, our data suggest that Fe2+, can be effective on inhibition of dissolution of enamel and that this effect may be durable. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.