892 resultados para Dublic Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
This report is submitted as required per Code of Iowa section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service." The Midwest Regional Rail Initiative (MWRRI) is a nine-state effort to develop an implementation plan for a 3,000-mile, high-speed rail system hubbed in Chicago. Studies done since 1996 have concluded that such a regional system, including a line from Chicago to Omaha through Davenport, Iowa City and Des Moines, is viable. Most of the system would be upgraded to allow 110 mile-per-hour service. Some low volume lines, including the Iowa portions, would be upgraded for 79 mile-per-hour service. The nine-state coalition released an updated 2004 executive report for the system. As reported, the updated cost estimate for the Chicago to Omaha corridor, which includes a branch to Quincy, Ill., is $638 million for infrastructure and $167 million for rolling stock. These costs are higher than first estimated in 1998 and are given in 2002 dollars, (not adjusted for the cost of inflation). Operating subsidies would be required during an extended start-up phase. The allocation of these subsidy costs among the various states has not been determined, and is still a subject for analysis and negotiation. Little progress on implementation is expected unless a federal funding package is passed for passenger rail initiatives. Continued congressional discussion on policy directions relative to Amtrak clouds the issue of passenger rail funding. However, Congress is expected to address passenger rail issues and funding in 2007. Participation of the Iowa Department of Transportation in the MWRRI is authorized under Iowa Code section 327J.3.
A population register is an inventory of residents within a country, with their characteristics (date of birth, sex, marital status, etc.) and other socio-economic data, such as occupation or education. However, data on population are also stored in numerous other public registers such as tax, land, building and housing, military, foreigners, vehicles, etc. Altogether they contain vast amounts of personal and sensitive information. Access to public information is granted by law in many countries, but this transparency is generally subject to tensions with data protection laws. This paper proposes a framework to analyze data access (or protection) requirements, as well as a model of metadata for data exchange.
Report on the Strategic Sourcing Initiative implemented by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS)
We have mapped the genes coding for two major structural polypeptides of the vaccinia virus core by hybrid selection and transcriptional mapping. First, RNA was selected by hybridization to restriction fragments of the vaccinia virus genome, translated in vitro and the products were immunoprecipitated with antibodies against the two polypeptides. This approach allowed us to map the genes to the left hand end of the largest Hind III restriction fragment of 50 kilobase pairs. Second, transcriptional mapping of this region of the genome revealed the presence of the two expected RNAs. Both RNAs are transcribed from the leftward reading strand and the 5'-ends of the genes are separated by about 7.5 kilobase pairs of DNA. Thus, two genes encoding structural polypeptides with a similar location in the vaccinia virus particle are clustered at approximately 105 kilobase pairs from the left hand end of the 180 kilobase pair vaccinia virus genome.
This report is submitted as required per Iowa Code section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."
Audit report on Wave 2 of the Phase II Strategic Sourcing Initiative implemented by the Department of Administrative Services
Astrocytes are the brain nonnerve cells that are competent for gliosecretion, i.e., for expression and regulated exocytosis of clear and dense-core vesicles (DCVs). We investigated whether expression of astrocyte DCVs is governed by RE-1-silencing transcription factor (REST)/neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF), the transcription repressor that orchestrates nerve cell differentiation. Rat astrocyte cultures exhibited high levels of REST and expressed neither DCVs nor their markers (granins, peptides, and membrane proteins). Transfection of a dominant-negative construct of REST induced the appearance of DCVs filled with secretogranin 2 and neuropeptide Y (NPY) and distinct from other organelles. Total internal reflection fluorescence analysis revealed NPY-monomeric red fluorescent protein-labeled DCVs to undergo Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis, which was largely prevented by botulinum toxin B. In the I-II layers of the human temporal brain cortex, all neurons and microglia exhibited the expected inappreciable and high levels of REST, respectively. In contrast, astrocyte REST was variable, going from inappreciable to high, and accompanied by a variable expression of DCVs. In conclusion, astrocyte DCV expression and gliosecretion are governed by REST. The variable in situ REST levels may contribute to the well-known structural/functional heterogeneity of astrocytes.
This report is submitted as required per Code of Iowa section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the merits of vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in HIV-positive individuals with isolated antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc). METHODS: HIV-positive patients with isolated anti-HBc and CD4 counts >200 cells/mm(3) received HBV vaccination. An antibody titre to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs titres) ≥10 IU/L one month post-vaccination was termed an anamnestic response; a titre <10 IU/L was termed a primary response. Patients with primary responses received a 3-dose vaccine course. Anti-HBs titres in all responders were measured 12 and 24 months post-vaccination. RESULTS: 37 patients were studied: 19 (51%) were co-infected with hepatitis C; median CD4 count was 443 cells/mm(3). 8/37 patients (22%) elicited an anamnestic response. 29/37 patients (78%) elicited a primary response. After a 3-dose vaccine course, 15/25 primary responders (60%) achieved anti-HBs titres ≥10 IU/L. HIV acquisition through injecting drug use was the only independent predictor of an anamnestic response (OR 22.9, CI 1.71-306.74, P=0.018). Median anti-HBs titres for anamnestic and primary responders were 51 IU/L (13-127) and 157 IU/L (25-650) respectively. Of all responders, 12/23 (52%) retained anti-HBs titres ≥10 IU/L at 24 months. Anti-HBs duration was not significantly different between anamnestic and primary responders. CONCLUSIONS: 23/37 HIV-positive patients (62%) with isolated anti-HBc achieved anti-HBs titres ≥10 IU/L after 1-3 vaccine doses. However, duration of this immune response was short-lived (
Aquest projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils que facilita l'aprenentatge de coreà per a estudiants castellanoparlants.
A team representing Iowa Workforce Development, the Office of Energy Independence, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Safety, the Iowa Utilities Board, the Department of Economic Development and Iowa Community Colleges reviewed many reports on green jobs published by states, associations and private research companies with the purpose of determining whether the number of “green collar” jobs in Iowa’s economy can be quantified. The team found that there was no standard on definition, identifying jobs or occupations, or level of inclusion for counting green collar jobs. All reports were tailored to their own audiences, without regard to the ability to measure their results against findings made by other states or organizations. Green collar jobs can be found in construction, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, agriculture and many other sectors of the economy. While some of the green collar jobs are in new occupations and industries, most are existing jobs that demand new green collar skills.
This report fulfills the requirements of the following Code of Iowa sections: Section 327J.3(1): “The director may expend moneys from the fund to pay the costs associated with the initiation, operation, and maintenance of rail passenger service. The director shall report by February 1 of each year to the legislative services agency concerning the status of the fund including anticipated expenditures for the following fiscal year.” Section 327J.3(5): "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."