967 resultados para Dry chamber


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Negli ultimi anni, parallelamente allo sviluppo di calcolatori elettronici sempre più performanti, la fluidodinamica computazionale è diventata uno strumento di notevole utilità nell’analisi dei flussi e nello sviluppo di dispositivi medici. Quando impiegate nello studio di flussi di fluidi fisiologici, come il sangue, il vantaggio principale delle analisi CFD è che permettono di caratterizzare il comportamento fluidodinamico senza dover eseguire test in-vivo/in-vitro, consentendo quindi notevoli vantaggi in termini di tempo, denaro e rischio derivante da applicazioni mediche. Inoltre, simulazioni CFD offrono una precisa e dettagliata descrizione di ogni parametro di interesse permettendo, già in fase di progettazione, di prevedere quali modifiche al layout garantiranno maggiori vantaggi in termini di funzionalità. Il presente lavoro di tesi si è posto l’obiettivo di valutare, tramite simulazioni CFD, le performances fluidodinamiche del comparto sangue “camera venosa” di un dispositivo medico monouso Bellco impiegato nella realizzazione di trattamenti di emodialisi. Dopo una panoramica del contesto, è presentata una breve descrizione della disfunzione renale e dei trattamenti sostitutivi. Notevole impegno è stato in seguito rivolto allo studio della letteratura scientifica in modo da definire un modello reologico per il fluido non-Newtoniano preso in considerazione e determinarne i parametri caratteristici. Il terzo capitolo presenta lo stato dell’arte delle apparecchiature Bellco, rivolgendosi con particolare attenzione al componente “cassette” del dispositivo monouso. L’analisi fluidodinamica del compartimento “camera venosa” della cassette, che sarà presa in considerazione nei capitoli quinto e sesto, si inserisce nell’ambito della riprogettazione del dispositivo attualmente in commercio: il quarto capitolo si incentra sul suo nuovo design, ponendo specifico interesse sul layout della camera venosa di nuova generazione. Per lo studio dei flussi che si sviluppano internamente ad essa ci si è avvalsi del modulo CFD del software COMSOL multiphysics® (versione 5.0); la definizione del modello implementato e della tipologia di studio effettuato sono presi in considerazione nel quinto capitolo. Le problematiche di maggior impatto nella realizzazione di un trattamento di emodialisi sono l’emolisi e la coagulazione del sangue. Nell'evenienza che si verifichino massivamente occorre infatti interrompere il trattamento con notevoli disagi per il paziente, per questo devono essere evitate. Nel sesto capitolo i risultati ottenuti sono stati esaminati rivolgendo particolare attenzione alla verifica dell’assenza di fenomeni che possano portare alle problematiche suddette.


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As tissues and organs are formed, they acquire a specific shape that plays an integral role in their ability to function properly. A relatively simple system that has been used to examine how tissues and organs are shaped is the formation of an elongated Drosophila egg. While it has been known for some time that Drosophila egg elongation requires interactions between a polarized intracellular basal actin network and a polarized extracellular network of basal lamina proteins, how these interactions contribute to egg elongation remained unclear. Recent studies using live imaging have revealed two novel processes, global tissue rotation and oscillating basal actomyosin contractions, which have provided significant insight into how the two polarized protein networks cooperate to produce an elongated egg. This review summarizes the proteins involved in Drosophila egg elongation and how this recent work has contributed to our current understanding of how egg elongation is achieved.


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As tissues and organs are formed they acquire a specific shape that plays an integral role in their ability to function properly. A relatively simple system that has been used to examine how tissues and organs are shaped is the formation of an elongated Drosophila egg. While it has been known for some time that Drosophila egg elongation requires interactions between a polarized intracellular basal actin network and a polarized extracellular network of basal lamina proteins, how these interactions contribute to egg elongation remained unclear. Recent studies using live imaging have revealed two novel processes, global tissue rotation and oscillating basal actomyosin contractions, which have provided significant insight into how the two polarized protein networks cooperate to produce an elongated egg. This review summarizes the proteins involved in Drosophila egg elongation and how this recent work has contributed to our current understanding of how egg elongation is achieved.


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The potential for changes in hydraulic conductivity, k, of two model soil-bentonite (SB) backfills subjected to wet-dry cycling was investigated. The backfills were prepared with the same base soil (clean, fine sand) but different bentonite contents (2.7 and 5.6 dry wt %). Saturation (S), volume change, and k of consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress = 24 kPa) were evaluated over three to seven cycles in which the matric suction, Ym, in the drying stage ranged from 50 to 700 kPa. Both backfills exhibited susceptibility to degradation in k caused by wet-dry cycling. Mean values of k for specimens dried at Ym = 50 kPa (S = 30-60 % after drying) remained low after two cycles, but increased by 5- to 300-fold after three or more cycles. Specimens dried at Ym ≥ 150 kPa (S < 30 % after drying) were less resilient and exhibited 500- to 10 000-fold increases in k after three or more cycles. The greater increases in k for these specimens correlated with greater vertical shrinkage upon drying. The findings suggest that increases in hydraulic conductivity due to wet-dry cycling may be a concern for SB vertical barriers located within the zone of a fluctuating groundwater table.


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Rationale Mannitol dry powder (MDP) challenge is an indirect bronchial provocation test, which is well studied in adults but not established for children. Objective We compared feasibility, validity, and clinical significance of MDP challenge with exercise testing in children in a clinical setting. Methods Children aged 6–16 years, referred to two respiratory outpatient clinics for possible asthma diagnosis, underwent standardized exercise testing followed within a week by an MDP challenge (Aridol™, Pharmaxis, Australia). Agreement between the two challenge tests using Cohen's kappa and receiving operating characteristic (ROC) curves was compared. Results One hundred eleven children performed both challenge tests. Twelve children were excluded due to exhaustion or insufficient cooperation (11 at the exercise test, 1 at the MDP challenge), leaving 99 children (mean ± SD age 11.5 ± 2.7 years) for analysis. MDP tests were well accepted, with minor side effects and a shorter duration than exercise tests. The MDP challenge was positive in 29 children (29%), the exercise test in 21 (21%). Both tests were concordant in 83 children (84%), with moderate agreement (κ = 0.58, 95% CI 0.39–0.76). Positive and negative predictive values of the MDP challenge for exercise-induced bronchoconstriction were 68% and 89%. The overall ability of MDP challenge to separate children with or without positive exercise tests was good (area under the ROC curve 0.83). Conclusions MDP challenge test is feasible in children and is a suitable alternative for bronchial challenge testing in childhood. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 2011; 46:842–848. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Performing experiments with transactinide elements demands highly sensitive detection methods due to the extremely low production rates (one-atom-at-a-time conditions). Preseparation with a physical recoil separator is a powerful method to significantly reduce the background in experiments with sufficiently long-lived isotopes (t1/2≥0.5 s). In the last years, the new gas-filled TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus (TASCA) was installed and successfully commissioned at GSI. Here, we report on the design and performance of a Recoil Transfer Chamber (RTC) for TASCA—an interface to connect various chemistry and counting setups with the separator. Nuclear reaction products recoiling out of the target are separated according to their magnetic rigidity within TASCA, and the wanted products are guided to the focal plane of TASCA. In the focal plane, they pass a thin Mylar window that separates the ∼1 mbar atmosphere in TASCA from the RTC kept at ∼1 bar. The ions are stopped in the RTC and transported by a continuous gas flow from the RTC to the ancillary setup. In this paper, we report on measurements of the transportation yields under various conditions and on the first chemistry experiments at TASCA—an electrochemistry experiment with osmium and an ion exchange experiment with the transactinide element rutherfordium.


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Gene expression of adipose factors, which may be part of the mechanisms that underlie insulin sensitivity, were studied in dairy cows around parturition. Subcutaneous fat biopsies and blood samples were taken from 27 dairy cows in week 8 antepartum (a.p.), on day 1 postpartum (p.p.) and in week 5 p.p. In the adipose tissue samples, mRNA was quantified by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), insulin-independent glucose transporter (GLUT1), insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GLUT4), insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1), insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2), regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (p85) and catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase. Blood plasma was assayed for concentrations of glucose, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and insulin. Plasma parameters followed a pattern typically observed in dairy cows. Gene expression changes were observed, but there were no changes in TNFalpha concentrations, which may indicate its local involvement in catabolic adaptation of adipose tissue. Changes in GLUT4 and GLUT1 mRNA abundance may reflect their involvement in reduced insulin sensitivity and in sparing glucose for milk synthesis in early lactation. Unchanged gene expression of IRS1, IRS2 and p85 over time may imply a lack of their involvement in terms of insulin sensitivity dynamics. Alternatively, it may indicate that post-transcriptional modifications of these factors came into play and may have concealed an involvement.


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Mast fruiting is a distinctive reproductive trait in trees. This rain forest study, at a nutrient-poor site with a seasonal climate in tropical Africa, provides new insights into the causes of this mode of phenological patterning. •  At Korup, Cameroon, 150 trees of the large, ectomycorrhizal caesalp, Microberlinia bisulcata, were recorded almost monthly for leafing, flowering and fruiting during 1995–2000. The series was extended to 1988–2004 with less detailed data. Individual transitions in phenology were analysed. •  Masting occurred when the dry season before fruiting was drier, and the one before that was wetter, than average. Intervals between events were usually 2 or 3 yr. Masting was associated with early leaf exchange, followed by mass flowering, and was highly synchronous in the population. Trees at higher elevation showed more fruiting. Output declined between 1995 and 2000. •  Mast fruiting in M. bisulcata appears to be driven by climate variation and is regulated by internal tree processes. The resource-limitation hypothesis was supported. An ‘alternative bearing’ system seems to underlie masting. That ectomycorrhizal habit facilitates masting in trees is strongly implied.